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Emulsification of Oxidized Polyethylene Waxes with Ionic-Nonionic Emulsifier Systems The author reports on the emulsification of oxidized polyethylene waxes with varying acid values and molecular weight distributions. The emulsifier system comprised of predominantly a nonionic ethoxylated surfactant based on alkyl phenol in combination with a small amount of alkali hydroxide to which the water for emulsification was added. Emulsion properties, such as viscosity, pH-value, particle size (light transmission), and glaze of the dry films on plane surface, were used to formulate the optimum emulsifier systems. Thus, the optimum ratio of the components and the degree of ethoxylation of the nonionic surfactant were determined. Similarly, the method of emulsifying was optimized and the differences among the various existing polyethylene waxes were determined.  相似文献   

Blends of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and chlorinated poly(ethylene) (CPE) form a high impact polymer multiphase system. Characterization of this system by electron microscope becomes possible by a new pretreatment procedure of the polymer blend. The investigation of the morphology by this method shows the initial separation of secondary PVC particles (50–200 μm) into primary PVC particles (0,1–1 μm) by the soft CPE-phase. Due to the stability of the primary PVC-particles an interpenetrating network of the two phases is formed dependent on temperature and shear conditions of the melt Above a specific temperature PVC primary particles melt and the interpenetrating network is transformed into a system of fine dispersed CPE-particles in a PVC matrix Similar results are obtained in the system PVC/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) and PVC/poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butadiene-co-styrene).  相似文献   

Novel Emulsifiable Polyethylene Waxes In comparison to naturally occuring waxes and their derivatives, the group of synthetically prepared emulsifiable polyethylene waxes known so far exhibit a relatively small proportion of polar centers in their molecular structure. Using a new process of preparation, products having a high content of hydrophilic groups are obtained. The properties and emulsifying techniques are described. This report also includes the development of a new group of purely non-ionic emulsifiable very hard polymer waxes.  相似文献   

Quick Determination of Monomeric Unoxidized Fatty Acids Refining and distillation fatty acids as well as raw or partly refined oils can contain beside monomeric fatty acids di and polymeric as well as oxidized fatty acids, too. Determination of the content of monomeric, unoxidized fatty acids is important for the use in feed. As quick method a gas chromatographic procedure is presented. Collaborative studies demonstrate a satisfactory repeatability of the results. The comparability is impaired by apparatus and operating parameters. The relative constance of deviation permits a compensation by comparative analysis and determination of correction factors.  相似文献   

Effects of Oxidized Fatty Acids on Agricultural Working Animals in Case of Insufficient Supply with Vitamin E and Selenium Diseases of agricultural working animals due to insufficient supply with vitamin E and selenium have been common knowledge for long. Especially in case of feeding with oxidized fats, rich in polyenic acid significant defects can occur. It could be detected in special tests with trouts (Salmo gairdnerii R.) that a low degree of oxidation (about POV 50) of the feed fat in case of sufficient supply with vitamin E and selenium is without any influence on growth and feed exploitation. Higher oxidized fats (about POV 250 and more) cause less increase in weight and above all defects on organs, which can be detected among others by certain parameters (haematocrit value, haemoglobine content, GOT, GPT, LDH, CK, Bilirubin). These effects can be avoided by higher doses of tocopherol. It exists, however, a dependency between the uptaken amount of fat and the period of additional feeding. A mixture of natural D-tocopherols in rations with high oxidized polyenic acids (POV 900–1700) was able to decrease or to avoid the noxious effect and losses of animals if the additional amount was increased. It turned out that there was an equivalency to D, L-α-tocopherol, even if there were great differences in the tocopherol equivalences.  相似文献   

Mixtures of 1,4-polybutadiene and polyethylene were crosslinked by dicumylperoxide. Then products were degradated by olefin metathesis with 2-octene using a WCl6/C2H5AlCl2 catalyst. The remaining solid polyethylene was determined.  相似文献   

Polyethylene samples of various densities and melt flow indices resulting from different polymerization processes have been investigated with respect to long chain branching (LKV). For that purpose several polymer fractions have been characterized by measurement of weight average molecular weights Mw and intrinsic viscosities [η], the latter ranging from 0,2 to 3,2 with high pressure samples and from 0,2 to 10 with low pressure material. The intrinsic viscosity difference of branched (high pressure) polyethylene compared to linear (low pressure) polyethylene is used as a measure of LKV. With high pressure polyethylene LKV increases with decreasing density. This dependence is strongest within the medium molecular weight range. Samples with varying LKV but constant density can be obtained by appropriate change of polymerization conditions. No LKV has been observed with low pressure polyethylene. This means a marked difference compared to high pressure material of equal density. Branching with low pressure polymers can therefore be ascribed to the short chain type only, which in particular results from copolymerization. Several mathematical approaches have been checked whether or not they can yield suitable information about n, the number of long chain branches per molecule. The best fit with our experimental data is obtained using the expression [η]v/[η]1 = g1,3 (n = f(g)) and assuming, that the average concentration of long chain branch points does not depend on molecular weight for fractions of the same sample (n/M = const.). If LKV ist taken into consideration, logarithmic normal molecular weight distributions are obtained for many high pressure polyethylenes (similar to low pressure material). Data are reported in support of the view, that performance characteristics are dependent on LKV. There is some evidence, that melt flow properties of polyethylene are improved with increasing LKV.  相似文献   

The dependence of insertion-type addition of ethylene oxide/propylene oxide mixture to monophenyl monoethylene glycol on monomer ratios was investigated. An attempt to determine the reactivity parameters by MAYO and LEWIS method was discarded on account of differing dimensions shown by the rate constants of separate reactions. A rate law to describe the consumption of ethylene oxide has been presented. The dependence of relative reaction rates on the-mole ratios shows preference for addition of ethylene oxide; however, rise in reaction temperature exercises no appreciable effect on the preferred addition.  相似文献   

Determination of Polyethylene in Fats Numerous procedures, based on the same principle have been suggested for the determination of polyethylene in crude animal fats for technical uses. Investigation of these procedures led to the development of a gravimetric method of determination, which is based on the latest suggestion of the British Standards Institution. This method enables, apart from determination, the identification of the synthetic polymer by infrared spectrometry. Out of known amounts of added polyethylene, 90 or 295 mg/kg of pure beef tallow, 96–97% were recovered. The incidental errors were at the most 10 mg/kg at the lower level of contamination and 6 mg/kg at the higher level. The values are mainly influenced by the limitation in attainable weight constancy of the filtering device.  相似文献   

The Isomerisation of Linoleic Acid Methyl Ester with Rhodium Complexes The isolated double bonds of the linoleic acid methyl ester were conjugated with rhodium complexes plus SnCl2 · 2H2O as catalysts. The dependence of the reaction on phosphorous and nitrogen ligands was studied. The most active catalyst resulted with tri-p-tolyl-phosphin as ligand; it isomerises the linoleic acid ester in a good yield at temperatures as low as 25°C.  相似文献   

The melting behaviour of drawn crystalline polymers is strongly influenced by the shrinkage which takes place simultaneously. This is shown by measurements with a differential colorimeter for 1200% drawn linear polyethylene. A higher melting point, a broader melting range and a slightly higher heat of fusion are observed, if the shrinkage is prevented during the melting experiment. Additionally, the observed melting point is falsified by superheating, if heating rates ≥ 0,5°C/min are used. This has been shown by annealing and irradiation experiments. The elimination of these two effects — shrinkage and superheating — which have been neglected in all earlier investigations, results in a melting peak temperature of 134,8°C and an upper limit of the melting range 137,2°C. Further, attention is drawn to the morphological changes and the related increase of the long period, which take place during heating the drawn material even if the shrinkage is prevented. The effect of these changes of structure upon the melting behaviour is not yet known.  相似文献   

The method under discussion allows the determination of aminoendgroups in acid dyed polyamide 6 and polyamide 6.6 fibres. The dyestuff is removed from the solution of the dyed fibre by treatment with an ionexchanger. The free aminogroups can be determined afterwards by potentiometric titration. Under the conditions of the resin-treatment a hydrolysis of the amidebond, a cleavage of chainregulators and an adsorption of the polymer can be excluded. Spinning preparations interfere with the determination. Their influence can be diminished by extraction with polar solvents. Dyed samples show a greater content of aminoendgroups, this can be explained by hydrolysis of the polyamide during dyeing, catalyzed by the dyestuff.  相似文献   

The thermooxidative resistance of poly(ethylene terephthalate), synthesized in the presence of different stabilizers as well as combinations of stabilizers as well as combinations of stabilizers, is studied with the help of the dynamic and isothermal DTA-method. The stabilization coefficients (by the dynamic DTA) and the characteristic induction periods (by the isothermal DTA) are determined. A good correlation is established between the data obtained by both methods.  相似文献   

Performance of Winter Rape Seed Varieties with Double Quality After realization of the first quality characteristic — exemption of erucic acid — of rape seed in 1974, rape seed cultivators work at the second quality characteristic, the exemption of glucosinolates. The attempts resulted 1981 in the introduction of the first winter rape seed variety with double quality LIBRADOR in the German list of varieties. Already one year later — 1982 – the variety LIGLANDOR followed, and 1983 the varieties LINDORA, LIROPA and ELENA were taken up in the list. The difference in the performance between the 0-varieties and the 00-varieties decreases with every new variety introduction. The difficulty of testing the performance, caused by animal feed, led to the fact that the spread of the results between the 00-varieties is essentially higher than between the 0-varieties.  相似文献   

Quality Control of Emulsions with the Conductance Spectrum A method for characterising and identifying of emulsions is described. By means of a special method conductance spectra can be plotted. The quality of the products concerning the dispersed phase, can be defined and tested in the field of quality control. The specifity of the method is shown by the examples of some O/W- und W/O-emulsions.  相似文献   

Polymer blends of polyamide 6 and polyethylene are obtained by application of high shearing forces to the two component polymer melt. No formation of block and of graft copolymers occurs. The polymer blend consists of two separate and mutually incompatible phases of both components, determining its bulk properties. To improve the compatibility of both polymers, experiments were performed to graft polyamide 6 onto polyethylene. It could be shown that polyethylene modified with maleic anhydride was especially suited for this purpose. Polyamide 6 chains could be grafted onto this modified polyethylene by anionic polymerization. The mechanical properties of a mixture of the graft copolymer with polyamide 6 are significantly better than those of a mere polyamide-6-polyethylene blend. This improvement is attributed to a greater homogenity of the two phase mixture if the graft copolymer is added.  相似文献   

The behaviour of some stabilizing additives to poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PETP) is studied in the model oxidation reaction of isopropylbenzene. On the basis of the course of accumulation curves for cumene hydroperoxide conclusions were drawn for the way of formation and consumption of hydroperoxides in the presence of different types of stabilizers and combinations of stabilizers under investigation.  相似文献   

By direct pyrolysis of commercial polyethyleneterephthalate in the mass spectrometer a content of about 1% of the cyclic trimer ethyleneterephthalate is indicated at temperatures below thermal degradation of the polymer. The comparison with EI- and FD-mass spectra of the authentic cyclic trimer allows its identification without previous isolation.  相似文献   

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