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Thermal conductivities of γ-alumina and alumina supported nickel catalysts prepared by impregnation and coprecipitation have been measured by a transient method. Results obtained were compared with predictive models and it was found that a simple modification' of a one parameter model gave good agreement with the results for the support and impregnated catalysts but did not give satisfactory predictions for the coprecipitated catalyst. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(4):6479-6486
Thermal protection has always been an important issue in the energy, environment and aerospace fields. Porous ceramics produced by the particle-stabilized foaming method have become a competitive material for thermal protection because of their low density and low thermal conductivity. However, the study of porous ceramics for composite systems using particle-stabilized foaming method was relatively rare. Here, silica-alumina composite porous ceramics were prepared by particle-stabilized foaming method, which was achieved by tailoring the surface charges of silica and alumina through adjustment of the pH. Porous ceramics exhibited porosity as high as 97.49% and thermal conductivity (25 °C) as low as 0.063 W m?1 K?1. The compressive strength of porous ceramics sintered at 1500 °C with a solid content of 30 wt% could reach 0.765 MPa. Based on the light weight and excellent thermal insulation properties, the composite porous ceramic could be used as a potential thermal insulation material in the spacecraft industry. 相似文献
A new unsteady-state method for measuring the high temperature effective thermal conductivity of porous spheres is described. The method is based on moving a spherical body from an enclosure at a low temperature into one at a higher temperature and measuring the surface temperature with a recording radiation pyrometer. The thermal conductivity is evaluated using the known relations between the dimensionless surface temperature and time. The apparatus requirements are discussed in detail. The thermal conductivities of calcined dolomite/silicon metal mixtures, of the type used in the production of magnesium, were measured at 750 to 1150°C with compaction pressures of 67 to 185 MPa both before and after reaction. 相似文献
Theory is developed for sublimation from a porous solid of high thermal conductivity.The porous solid, which contains the material to be sublimed, is initially at a temperature T0 and is submerged in a gas stream at temperature T∞. The theory includes realistic expressions for the vapour pressure and the heat and mass transfer coefficients and assumes that the transfer occurs in a quasi-steady state.Numerical integration of the system of equations yields simultaneously the temperature of the solid and the fraction sublimed as a function of time. The predictions show good agreement with experimental results for the sublimation of D-camphor from a porous bronze bar.The experimental study includes the independent measurement of the coefficients for external heat transfer, the binary diffusion coefficient of D-camphor in air and of the tortuosity factor of the plate, thus not having any adjustable parameters. The error in the prediction of the time for sublimation is better than 10 per cent.A new unsteady method is proposed and employed for the determination of effective diffusivities (or tortuosity factors) taking into account open and closed pores. 相似文献
P. B. Lal Chaurasia D. R. Chaudhary R. C. Bhandari 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1974,24(8):437-445
A nomogram for the prediction of the effective thermal conductivity of two phase porous media is presented which is constructed according to the Chaudhary and Bhandari equation based upon the geometric mean of maximum and minimum thermal conductivities. A chart estimating the effective thermal conductivity values between probable limits and a nomogram determining porosity values are also included. 相似文献
B. Nait-Ali C. Danglade D.S. Smith K. Haberko 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2013,33(13-14):2565-2571
This study focuses on the role of the water content on the effective thermal conductivity of porous ceramics placed in different conditions of relative humidity. Fully stabilized zirconia samples with variation in the capacity to take up water were prepared by varying the temperature of the thermal treatment. The pore volume fraction of the dried samples decreases from 56% down to 30%. Thermal conductivity measurements were made on samples placed in a chamber where the relative humidity was fixed between 3% and 99%. For all samples, the experimental values of the effective thermal conductivity increase significantly with the water content. Experimental results agree closely to analytical predictions based on the upper limit of the Hashin and Shtrikman expressions for calculating the thermal conductivity of the pores (constituted by air and water) and Landauer's effective medium expression for calculating the effective thermal conductivity of the material. 相似文献
本文利用HotDisk热常数分析仪对不同含湿率时含湿沙的热导率进行测量研究,并对孔隙尺度水分形态、分布及演化过程进行了观察实验研究。研究发现,低含湿率(<25%)情况下,介质的有效热导率难以准确测得。低含湿时孔隙内水分主要以孤立液桥形式存在,测试过程中,贴近探头附近的水分由于受探头加热发生蒸发扩散而逐渐减少,导致探头周围试样构成持续发生变化,因而测量得到的热导率准确性较差。含湿率较高时,孔隙内水分相互联通,测试时水分蒸发扩散速度相对较慢,且存在毛细回流现象,探头周围试样构成维持恒定,因此可以准确获得热导率。 相似文献
Production of porous and light-weight bricks with reduced thermal conductivity and acceptable compressive strength is accomplished. Paper processing residues were used as an additive to an earthenware brick to produce the pores. SEM-EDS, XRD, XRF and TG-DTA analysis of the paper waste and brick raw material were performed. Mixtures containing brick raw materials and the paper waste were prepared at different proportions (up to 30 wt%). The granulated powder mixtures were compressed in a hydraulic press, and the green bodies were dried before firing at 1100 °C. Dilatometric behaviours, drying and firing shrinkages were investigated as well as the loss on ignition, bulk density, apparent porosity, water absorption and thermal conductivity values of the fired samples. Their mechanical and microstructural properties were also investigated. The results obtained showed that the use of paper processing residues decreased the fired density of the bricks down to 1.28 g/cm3. Compressive strengths of the brick samples produced in this study were higher than that required by the standards. Thermal conductivity of the porous brick produced in this study (<0.4 W/m K) showed more than 50% reduction compared to local brick of the same composition (0.8 W/m K). Conversion of this product to a perforated brick may reduce its thermal conductivity to very low values. Successful preliminary tests were conducted on an industrial scale. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2006,26(13):2669-2676
The overall thermal conductivity of a porous material is strongly sensitive to the volume fraction and spatial distribution of the pores. For this second aspect analytical models predicting thermal conductivity as a function of pore volume fraction are obliged to make a simplifying assumption concerning the pore shape. In order to describe the effects of the microstructure on heat transfer in greater detail, we have developed a method involving 2D finite element calculations based on real micrographs of the porous solid. The approach was tested on micrographs of tin oxide samples with pore contents from 10% to 50%. Quantitative results obtained for pore contents up to 20% give very good agreement to Rayleigh's model. Higher pore contents lead to a number of difficulties but the qualitative results are used to support the choice of Landauer's effective medium expression as an appropriate general analytical model for the thermal conductivity of a porous ceramic material. 相似文献
多孔泡沫是一类低密度、高比表面积、具有独特性能的新型功能材料。实际多孔泡沫材料通常是非均质的,即其孔隙结构分布是随机的。为研究非均质多孔泡沫材料的导热性能,提出用孔隙均匀度作为表征孔隙结构分布随机性的参数,以多孔石墨泡沫为例,分析孔隙均匀度对多孔泡沫有效热导率的影响。数值计算结果表明:孔隙结构分布越不均匀,多孔泡沫材料的导热性能越差。根据计算结果提出了非均质石墨泡沫相对有效热导率的预测式,并与现有文献报道的结果进行了比较,发现当前结果呈现了孔隙结构随机性对材料有效热导率的影响,与ORNL实验结果更吻合。 相似文献
The thermal conductivity of porous materials is theoretically studied in connection with nanoporous materials used in recent semiconductor devices. The effects of porosity and pore size on the thermal conductivity are discussed. The thermal conductivity of insulating materials is determined by the heat capacity of phonons, the average phonon velocity and the phonon mean free path. We investigate the porosity dependence of these quantities, especially by taking into account phonon scatterings by pores, and present an expression for the thermal conductivity as a function of porosity. Our model consideration predicts that the thermal conductivity of nanoporous materials depends on the ratio of the pore size R p to the phonon mean free path for zero-porosity, l 0. The thermal conductivity for l 0/R p > 1 decreases steeply with increasing porosity because of effective phonon scatterings by pores. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity for l 0/R p < 0.1 decreases moderately with increasing porosity because phonon scatterings by pores are no longer effective. On the basis of the present theoretical consideration, we discuss the principal factor dominating the porosity dependence of thermal conductivity in nanoporous materials. We also discuss how one can design nanoporous materials with lower or higher thermal conductivity. 相似文献
The thermal conductivity of porous materials is theoretically studied in connection with nanoporous materials used in recent
semiconductor devices. The effects of porosity and pore size on the thermal conductivity are discussed. The thermal conductivity
of insulating materials is determined by the heat capacity of phonons, the average phonon velocity and the phonon mean free
path. We investigate the porosity dependence of these quantities, especially by taking into account phonon scatterings by
pores, and present an expression for the thermal conductivity as a function of porosity. Our model consideration predicts
that the thermal conductivity of nanoporous materials depends on the ratio of the pore size Rp to the phonon mean free path for zero-porosity, l0. The thermal conductivity for l0/Rp > 1 decreases steeply with increasing porosity because of effective phonon scatterings by pores. On the other hand, the thermal
conductivity for l0/Rp < 0.1 decreases moderately with increasing porosity because phonon scatterings by pores are no longer effective. On the basis
of the present theoretical consideration, we discuss the principal factor dominating the porosity dependence of thermal conductivity
in nanoporous materials. We also discuss how one can design nanoporous materials with lower or higher thermal conductivity. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2023,49(1):383-391
Considering the low-cost and environmental protection, the porous ceramics with high porosity using natural diatomite powder were successfully prepared by utilizing hot injection moulding and sacrificial fugitives. The impacts of different content of starch as a pore-forming agent on the phase composition, mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and micro-structure of porous ceramics were investigated. The results demonstrate that starch content can significantly affect the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of diatomite-based porous ceramics. When the starch content increased from 0 wt % to 50 wt %, the porosity increased from 61.2% to 80%, while the thermal conductivity decreases from 0.239 W/(m K) to 0.098 W/(m K). The low thermal conductivity of porous ceramics may be related to the macroporous–mesoporous composite structure. With the starch content increased, a greater chance of starch granule contact, higher internal pore sizes and a wider pore size distribution in the prepared samples, which resulting in lower mechanical strength, such as the three-point bending strength from 2.83 MPa to 0.46 MPa. 相似文献
Measurements have been made of the effective thermal conductivity of some samples of Athabasca oil sands using a steady state method over the temperature range 20°C – 120°C. The bitumen content of the samples was altered from its natural value by mixing with additional sand and the resulting values of the thermal conductivity were found to increase with increasing the oil content. Moreover, the effective thermal conductivity values were found to decrease with increasing temperature. 相似文献
The effect of copper and steel fibre inclusions on the thermal conductivity of mortar and concrete is investigated. The experimental technique is based on the conventional steady-state method using desiccated specimens. The results indicate that copper fibres significantly increase thermal conductivity while steel fibres have a lesser effect. Vibration of the fresh concrete, during specimen manufacture, produces some fibre alignment. As a result, it is found that theoretical methods based on the assumption of a random fibre distribution under-estimate the experimental values. 相似文献
Sintering of porous alumina obtained by biotemplate fibers for low thermal conductivity applications
Tiago Delbrücke Rogério A. Gouvêa Mário L. Moreira Cristiane W. Raubach José A. Varela Elson Longo Margarete R.F. Gonçalves Sergio Cava 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2013,33(6):1087-1092
In this research report, a sintering process of porous ceramic materials based on Al2O3 was employed using a method where a cation precursor solution is embedded in an organic fibrous cotton matrix. For porous green bodies, the precursor solution and cotton were annealed at temperatures in the range of 100–1600 °C using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis to obtain a porous body formation and disposal process containing organic fibers and precursor solution. In a structure consisting of open pores and interconnected nanometric grains, despite the low porosity of around 40% (calculated geometrically), nitrogen physisorption determined a specific surface area of 14 m2/g, which shows much sintering of porous bodies. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical methods revealed a predominant amount of α-Al2O3 in the sintered samples. Thermal properties of the sintered Al2O3 fibers were obtained by using the Laser Flash which resulted in the lower thermal conductivity obtained by α-Al2O3 and therefore improved its potential use as an insulating material. 相似文献
Highly porous nano-SiC is fabricated by partial sintering and decarburizing process using SiC nano-powders as starting materials and graphite flakes as pore forming agents. The prepared porous nano-SiC ceramics possess multiple pore structures, including well-distributed meso-pores in the skeleton and interconnected flakelike micro-pores. The samples prepared at 1800 °C have relatively low thermal conductivities of 5.61 ~ 0.25 W m?1 K?1 with porosities of 55.5–76.1%. While the samples sintered at 1500 °C with porosities between 54.0% to 76.3% show very low thermal conductivities of 0.74 ~ 0.14 W m?1 K?1, which is attributed to the integrated nano-scale phonon-scattering mechanisms and duplex pore structures. Porous nano-SiC ceramics also show good retention of elastic stiffness up to 1350 °C and low thermal conductivity at 1400 °C. Our results shed light on porous nano-SiC as a promising thermal insulator used in extreme thermal and chemical environments. 相似文献
E. Kamseu B. Nait-Ali M.C. Bignozzi C. Leonelli S. Rossignol D.S. Smith 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2012,32(8):1593-1603
Experimental results and theoretical models are used to assess the effective thermal conductivity of porous inorganic polymer cements, often indicated as geopolymers, with porosity between 30 and 70 vol.%. It is shown that the bulk chemical composition affects the microstructure (grains size, pores size, spatial arrangement of pores, homogeneity, micro cracks, bleeding channels) with consequently the heat flow behaviour through the porous matrix. In particular, introduction of controlled fine pores in a homogeneous matrix of inorganic polymer cements results in an increase of pore volume and improvement of the thermal insulation. The variation of the effective thermal conductivity with the total porosity was found to be consistent with analytical models described by Maxwell–Eucken and Landauer. 相似文献