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Reena Goyal Govind Gupta A. K. Srivastava V. P. S. Awana 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2016,29(11):2705-2710
We report superconductivity in as-synthesized Nb2PdSe5, which is similar to a recently discovered Nb2PdS5 compound having very high upper critical field, clearly above the Pauli paramagnetic limit Zhang et al. (Sci. Rep. 3:1446, 2013). A bulk polycrystalline Nb2PdSe5 sample is synthesized by a solid-state reaction route in a phase-pure structure. The structural characterization has been done by X-ray diffraction, followed by Rietveld refinements, which revealed that the Nb2PdSe5 sample is crystallized in a monoclinic structure within the space group C2/m. Structural analysis revealed the formation of sharing of one-dimensional PdSe2 chains. Electrical and magnetic measurements confirmed the superconductivity in Nb2PdSe5 compound at 5.5 K. Detailed magneto-resistance results exhibited the value of upper critical field to be around 8.2 T. The estimated H c2(0) is within the Pauli paramagnetic limit, which is unlike the Nb2PdS5. 相似文献
V. M. Chumarev V. P. Mar’evich A. V. Larionov A. Ya. Dubrovskii 《Inorganic Materials》2011,47(3):267-272
Reactions of vanadium, niobium, and tantalum pentoxides with aluminum nitride have been studied using X-ray diffraction. At temperatures from 1000 to 1600°C, we have identified various V, Nb, and Ta nitrides. The composition of the niobium and tantalum nitrides depends on the reaction temperature. The tendency toward nitride formation becomes stronger in the order V2O5 < Ta2O5 < Nb2O5. 相似文献
Superconductivity in PdTe2 heavy transition metal-based compounds is a rapidly developing field in condensed matter physics community. Here, we report superconductivity in a nominal ternary telluride Ta2Pd0.97Te6 compound, which is synthesized in sealed evacuated quartz ampoule. The resultant compound is crystallized in layered monoclinic Ta4Pd3Te16 phase with space group C2/m, having lattice parameters a = 21.304(6)Å, b = 3.7365(7)Å and c = 17.7330Å with β = 120.65(1)°. Both transport and magnetic measurements demonstrated bulk superconductivity at 4.4 K in studied polycrystalline sample. The metallic normal state conductivity can be well ascribed to Fermi liquid behaviour. The superconducting upper critical field of the compound is determined to be 5.5 T based on magnetoresistivity measurements. 相似文献
Layered α-form ZrNX (X: Cl and Br) compounds with high quality were prepared by chemical vapor transport. The intercalation of alkali metal A (A: Li, Na, K, Rb) was carried out to realize electron doping into the orthogonal [Zr2N2] layers. The Rietveld refinement analysis reveals that the [Zr2N2] crystalline layers in the intercalation compounds shift mutually in the ab plane when compared with the hosts. Magnetic measurements show that the intercalation compounds A x ZrNX are changed into superconductors with transition temperature T c of up to 12 K. Upon the cointercalation of solvent molecules such as THF, T c decreases to as low as 6.1 K with increasing the interlayer spacing d up to 14 Å, which is similar to the d dependence of T c recently found in electron-doped α-form TiNX series. We also succeeded in synthesizing another new polymorph of α-Zr2N2S by the topochemical reaction between α-form ZrNX and Na2S. α-Zr2N2S (space group: Immm, a = 4.1375(1) Å, b = 3.5422(1) Å, and c = 11.5204(3) Å) has the same α-[Zr2N2] layers, whereas the interlayer spacing between two adjacent [Zr2N2] layers is effectively decreased by 1/3 when compared with the parent compounds of ZrNX. 相似文献
A quantum-mechanical calculation of the relative stability, structural parameters, and vibrational frequencies of V2O3 molecule isomers for different spin states was carried out using the BPW91/6-311+G(d, p) method. It was shown that the isomer with the C
structure (nonplanar VOVO rectangle with an O atom attached to it) in the X
A″ electronic state possesses the maximum stability. The energy of the C
symmetry structure was higher than the lowest energy by just 23 cm−1. It definitely indicated the impossibility of usage of the harmonic model in order to calculate the thermodynamic functions
of V2O3 (g). A model is proposed based on which the energy levels and vibrational sums of states for this type of motion were
calculated for the C
→ C
→ C
transition coordinate. These data, as well as results obtained from quantum-mechanical calculations, were used to calculate
the thermodynamic functions of V2O3 (g) in the temperature range of T = 100–6000 K. The calculations were performed with the five excited electronic states with energies from 1000 to 9000 cm−1 taken into account. A comparison with the data calculated in the “rigid rotator-harmonic oscillator” approximation was performed. 相似文献
Jianming Zhan Lin Li Tingting Wang Jialu Wang Yihong Chen Li Zhang Jingqin Shen Peigang Li Yuke Li 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2017,30(2):305-309
Through the measurement of resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and Hall effect, we discovered a novel BiSe2-based superconductor Ca0.5La0.5FBiSe2 with T c of 3.9 K. A strong diamagnetic signal below T c in susceptibility χ(T) is observed indicating the bulk superconductivity. The negative Hall coefficient throughout the whole temperature regime implies the dominant electron-type carriers in the sample. Different to most of BiS2-based compounds where superconductivity develops from a semiconducting-like normal state, its resistivity in the present compound exhibits a metallic behavior down to T c . Together with the enhanced T c , the metallic character of the normal state implies that the electronic structure of Ca0.5La0.5FBiSe2 may be different to those in the other BiS2-based compounds. 相似文献
Based on a two-band isotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory, we study the magnetic properties of the recently observed superconducting crystal TlNi2Se2. Our exact solution of upper critical field reproduces the experimental data in a broad temperature range. It directly underlies the multi-gap superconductivity in this crystal. We also show that the effective mass of the electron for one band is about 20m e while that of the other band is only 0.6m e. This semi-heavy-fermion feature can qualitatively explain the experimental value of the Kadowaki-Woods ratio in TlNi2Se2. 相似文献
M. Markova-Velichkova R. Iordanova A. Stoyanova Y. Dimitriev D. Klissurski 《Journal of Materials Science》2007,42(10):3383-3387
Melt quenching technique was applied to study tendency for phase formation and amorphization in the MoO3–ZrO2–V2O5 system. By X-ray diffraction were detected the main crystalline phases separated during the quenching: Zr(MoO4)2, V2MoO8, (Mo0.3V0.7)2O5, V0.95Mo0.97O5 but in a wide concentration range the dominant crystalline phase was monoclinic ZrO2. The average particle sizes of the obtained crystal phases were in the range 30–50 nm. A narrow glass formation area was
situated, near MoO3–V2O5 side. The glass-crystalline samples were obtained in the MoO3- and V2O5-rich compositions. The phase formation was proven by IR analysis also. IR data showed that the main structural units built
up the glass network are corner shared VO5 and MoO6 groups while in the corresponding crystal V2MoO8 phase MeO6 (Me = V, Mo) octahedra are corner and edge shared (band at 580 cm−1). 相似文献
The study of electrical conductivity of 30Li2O: (70 − x) B2O3: xV2O5 glass samples has been carried out. The results have been explained by dividing the temperature range into two regions. In
region I, conductivity shows Arrhenius behaviour for all the samples. The conductivity increases with addition of V2O5. The results have been explained in the light of Anderson and Stuart Model. In region II, an anomalous enhancement in the
conductivity is observed for all the samples up to certain temperature beyond which the conductivity decreases. The enhancement
in the conductivity in the annealed glass sample has been attributed to nanocrystallization. 相似文献
We have developed a procedure for the synthesis of phase-pure α- and β-Cu2V2O7. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction demonstrate that the β-phase (monoclinic structure) exists at low temperatures (stability range 25–610°C), while α-Cu2V2O7 (orthorhombic structure) is stable in the range 610–704°C. The α-phase observed during cooling, in particular at room temperature, is in a metastable state. The melting of the high-temperature phase γ-Cu2V2O7, which forms between 704 and 716°C, has the highest rate in the range 770–785°S and is accompanied by peritectic decomposition and oxygen gas release. Subsequent cooling gives rise to four exothermic peaks, one of which (780.9°C) is attributable to the crystallization of the peritectic melt, one (620.1°C) is due to the γ → α → β phase transformations of Cu2V2O7, and the other two arise from the crystallization of multicomponent low-melting-point eutectics containing α- and β-Cu2V2O7, CuVO3, and other compounds. 相似文献
P. S. Sahoo A. Panigrahi S. K. Patri R. N. P. Choudhary 《Bulletin of Materials Science》2010,33(2):129-134
Polycrystalline sample of Ba3Sr2DyTi3V7O30 was prepared at 950°C using a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. X-ray structural analysis indicated the formation of a single-phase orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters: a = 12·2719 (39) Å, b = 8·9715(39) Å and c = 19·7812(39) Å. Microstructural study showed densely packed uniform distribution of grains over the surface of the sample. The a.c. impedance plots were used as tools to analyse the electrical response of the sample as a function of frequency at different temperatures (30–500°C). These plots revealed the presence of grain boundary effect, from 200·C onwards. Complex impedance analysis showed non-Debye type of dielectric relaxation. The Nyquist plots showed the negative temperature coefficient of resistance character of Ba3Sr2DyTi3V7O30. A hopping mechanism of electrical transport processes in the system is evident from the modulus analysis. The activation energy of the compound (calculated both from loss and modulus spectrum) is the same, and hence the relaxation process may be attributed to the same type of charge carrier. 相似文献
The thermoelectric power and d.c electrical conductivity of x V2O5⋅40CaO⋅(60−x)P2O5 (10 ≤ x ≤ 30) glasses were measured. The Seebeck coefficient (Q) varied from +88 μ V K−1 to −93 μV K−1 as a function of V2O5 mol%. Glasses with 10 and 15 mol% V2O5 exhibited p-type conduction and glasses with 25 and 30 mol% V2O5 exhibited n-type conduction. The majority charge carrier reversal occurred at x = 20 mol% V2O5. The variation of Q was interpreted in terms of the variation in vanadium ion ratio (V5 +/V4 +). d.c electrical conduction in x V2O5⋅40CaO⋅(60−x)P2O5 (10 ≤ x ≤ 30) glasses was studied in the temperature range of 150 to 480 K. All the glass compositions exhibited a cross over from
small polaron hopping (SPH) to variable range hopping (VRH) conduction mechanism. Mott parameter analysis of the low temperature
data gave values for the density of states at Fermi level N (EF) between 1.7 × 1026 and 3.9 × 1026 m−3 eV−1 at 230 K and hopping distance for VRH (RVRH) between 3.8 × 10−9m to 3.4 × 10−9 m. The disorder energy was found to vary between 0.02 and 0.03 eV. N (EF) and RVRH exhibit an interesting composition dependence. 相似文献
Shubhra Kakani M. L. Kalra S. L. Kakani 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2008,21(5):301-311
The emergence of pressure induced superconductivity (SC) under the background of ferromagnetic state in 5f-electron based itinerant ferromagnetic superconductor UGe2 is studied in the single band model by using a mean-field approximation. The solutions to the coupled equations of superconducting
gap (Δ) and magnetization (m) are obtained using Green’s function technique and equation of motion method. It is shown that there generally exists a coexistent
(Δ≠0, m≠0) solution to the coupled equations of the order parameters in the temperature range 0<T<min (T
FM), where T
C and T
FM are respectively the superconducting and ferromagnetic transition temperatures. The study of electronic specific heat (C/T), density of states, free energy, etc. are also presented. The specific heat capacity at low temperature shows linear temperature
dependence as opposed to the activated behavior. Density of states increases as opposed to the case of a standard ferromagnetic
metal. Free energy study reveals that the superconducting ferromagnetic state has lower energy than the normal ferromagnetic
state and, therefore, realized at low enough temperature. The agreement between theory and experimental results for UGe2 is quite satisfactory.
Data are presented on phase changes in mixtures of vanadium pentoxide and phosphoric acid during autoclaving in organic solvents in the presence of organic reductants. 相似文献
Mohammed El Amine Monir H. Baltache R. Khenata G. Murtaza Asif Mahmood 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2016,29(5):1255-1266
The spin-polarized, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of TbNi5, TbNi3Ti2, and TbNi3V2 intermetallic compounds have been calculated by employing the full-potential linear augmented plane waves (FP-LAPW) within the density functional theory (DFT) and implemented in the WIEN2k package. In this approach, the generalized gradient approximation with Hubbard U-correction (GGA + U) was chosen as exchange-correlation potential. The electronic structure such as band structure and density of states have been investigated and compared among them. The frequency dependences of dielectric function, optical absorption, reflectivity, and optical conductivity are determined. The optical spectra are changed due to the substitution of nickel with titanium and vanadium. Total and local magnetic moments of Tb, Ni, Ti, and V are also estimated; it is shown that the total magnetic moment of the three alloys is vigorously contributed by the local magnetic moment of terbium. 相似文献
Two samples containing phases formed in the FeVO4-Co3V2O8 system were prepared by a conventional sintering method. The sample designated as H5 was one-phase with the howardevansite-type structure, while the sample designated as HL7 contained a mixture of H-type and lyonsite-type structures. The temperature dependence of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and static magnetic susceptibility χ was investigated in the temperature range from liquid helium to room temperature. Both the EPR spectra and the dc magnetic susceptibility showed anomalous behavior indicating that the magnetic competition process may be responsible. A comparison of the obtained results with previous studies on related compounds with the same structure, i.e. M3Fe4V6O24 (M = Mg(II), Zn(II), and Cu(II)) revealed that the observed anomaly shifted to lower temperatures on replacing the non-magnetic ions by magnetic Co(II) ions. The temperature dependence of the inverse susceptibility χ ?1 indicates the existence of antiferromagnetic interactions between Fe(III) and Co(II) spins in sample H5. The obtained values of the Curie-Weiss temperatures are lower than for the Mn3Fe4V6O24 compound and comparable to compounds from M3Fe4V6O24 systems with M diamagnetic cations. The introduction of cobalt cations intensifies the magnetic frustration what is reflected in the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures. 相似文献
V. Sandu S. Popa D. Di Gioacchino P. Tripodi 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2004,17(6):701-710
Magnetic properties of sintered Eu0.7Sm0.3Ba2Cu3O7?δ were investigated both in dc and ac magnetic fields. The dc response reflects the interplay between the rare earth ion paramagnetic and the superconducting charge carrier subsystems, respectively. The harmonic susceptibilities exhibit special features: the second harmonic is anomalously high and the third harmonic in zero dc-field has reversed temperature dependence with respect to the theoretical models. The magnetic relaxation at low fields is monotonous and occurs as a two-stage relaxation, each stage obeying logarithmical time dependence with different rates. At high fields, the relaxation is nonmonotonous with a peak at intermediate time suggesting a temporary re-entrance of irreversibility when the flux-line density increases in the center of the sample because of the redistribution of the vortices toward that region. 相似文献
Vanadium oxide (V2O5) mixed titanium oxide (TiO2) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2) thin films were fabricated on glass substrates (corning 2947) and on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates by sol gel spin coating process. Their optical, structural and electrochromic properties were investigated. The results were compared with pure TiO2 and ZrO2 thin films. Mixture of V2O5 with both types of film reduces the transmittance at the higher wavelengths. The refractive index of the V2O5 mixed TiO2 and ZrO2 films increases when compared with pure TiO2 and ZrO2 films. AFM images demonstrate no significant topographical changes for V2O5 mixed TiO2 whereas for V2O5 mixed ZrO2 films a topographical change is observed. V2O5 mixed TiO2 showed slight increase in their charge capacity. 相似文献
Chunyan Lai Zheng Chen Huihui Zhou Yunfeng Lu Hexing Li 《Journal of Materials Science》2015,50(8):3075-3082
Mn-doped Li3V2?x Mn x (PO4)3 nanocrystals with enhanced electrochemical properties for lithium-ion batteries were synthesized by aerosol process successfully. The nanocrystals synthesized from aerosol-assisted spray process have an average particle size smaller than 500 nm, with some initial particle size of about 100 nm. The Mn-doped Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode materials show higher capacity and coulombic efficiency than pure Li3V2(PO4)3 materials. Especially, the Mn-doped Li3V1.94Mn0.06(PO4)3 shows a capacity of 130 mAh/g in the voltage range of 3.0–4.4 V and a coulombic efficiency of 99.5 % at 1C. The results from XRD, SEM, HRTEM, and EIS suggested that lattice changes of Li3V2(PO4)3 due to Mn doping and the fine particles enabled by aerosol-assisted spray process can significantly reduce the charge-transfer resistance and improve the apparent Li+ diffusion coefficient of insertion/desertion in the electrodes, which were the critical reason of better electrochemical performance of Mn-doped Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode materials. 相似文献