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本文就6kV电抗器在运行中存在的优缺点进行分析,找出降低电抗器能耗和改善供电环境质量的措施。并采用电抗器两端并联FSR高速开关,实现了节能降耗。  相似文献   

80t电炉供电系统配置对电极消耗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周宏卿 《江苏冶金》2003,31(2):24-26
超高功率交流电弧炉供电系统的不同配置,对提高炉内有功功率的输入,减低电极电流,减少电极消耗有着很重要的意义。  相似文献   

Streb.  E 《钢铁》1997,32(9):52-56
为降低电弧炉炼钢生产成本,炉子的设计着重于最大限度地减少能量和电极的消耗,讨论了电弧炉供电系统的主要设计准则。  相似文献   

大冶特钢采用一次称样、溶样、不分离基体、以塞曼校正方式分析铜合金中Sn、Fe、Pb、Sb,以垂直于磁场的偏振光束分析Zn。  相似文献   

余杨 《钢铁技术》2001,(6):33-38,4
介绍了一种新型的、炼钢车间用电炉或精炼炉石墨电极接长力矩板手的工作原理和结构特点,并通过受力分析及解相应力学方程,得出了有关最优设计参数,同时对力矩板手主要零部件的设计和强度校核作了阐述。  相似文献   

电弧炉炼钢过程中所产生的多种有害烟尘对有类的危害,已成为各国需要解决的环保课题。笔者通过多年来对几座百吨电炉除尘系统的设计和考察,论述了现代电弧炉炼钢过程中之烟气净化设备--燃烧室的作用和设计要求。  相似文献   

电弧炉生产时电流和电压的波动很大。这导致冶炼功率 下降,对电源网络的反作用和对强电系统机电负载的影响。在高功率炉耶的模拟和测量表明,可通过较高的短路阻抗来减少电气不稳定的影响,为补偿在一个较大的短路阻抗上增大的电压降,必须同时提高炉子电压,在一些高功率炉子上,它已超过了目前在德国适用的1000V的极限值。  相似文献   

曹珂菲 《有色冶炼》2013,(5):61-63,80
结合缅甸达贡山项目工程实际,介绍了72 000 kVA镍铁电炉炉体和配套电极装置的结构特点.  相似文献   

孙武 《宽厚板》2002,8(6):27-29
本文介绍了舞钢60MVA电炉变压器电抗器存在的问题,对故障原因进行了分析探讨,并结合生产实际提出了处理方法和建议。  相似文献   

从自饱和电抗器调压的原理分析着手,针对原电抗器控制绕组、位移绕组结构配置在设计及制造上的缺陷,阐述了电抗器控制、位移绕组由内外配置改为上下分层配置的理论及改造实践。  相似文献   

因反应器在 32 0~ 5 5 0℃ ,14~ 2 2MPa和加氢条件下使用 ,炼油厂热壁加氢反应器筒体焊缝材料3Cr 1Mo 0 .2 5V ,2 .2 5Cr 1Mo V ,9Cr 1Mo等钢均要求高的纯净度 :P≤ 0 .0 0 3% ,S≤ 0 .0 0 3% ,H≤ 2× 10 - 6 ,O≤ 30×10 - 6 ,N≤ 80× 10 - 6 ,回火脆化敏感系数J =(Si+Mn) (P +Sn)× 10 4 ≤ 10 0 % ,X =(10P +5Sb +4Sn +As)× 10 - 2 ≤15× 10 - 6 。讨论了超纯净度焊材用钢生产工艺和研发的可行性。  相似文献   

张强国 《宽厚板》2013,(5):41-44
对大型板坯步进梁式加热炉上排烟烟囱的设计进行了系统优化.通过采取各种措施降低烟道阻力损失,提高烟囱抽力和安全性,并对上排烟钢结构烟囱的工程应用提出了建议.  相似文献   

介绍了一种先进的新型线材拉拔机,分析了该设备的拉拔、退火、张紧装置和动盘收线四个主要步骤的工艺及设计特点.该新型设备具有拉拔范围大、拉拔精度高、断线率低、生产效率高等优点.该拉拔机生产铅线和铝线.  相似文献   

A custom designed pilot-scale photochemical remediation reactor is constructed for remediation of vapor-phase volatile organic halocarbons (VOHs), particularly chlorinated hydrocarbons such as PCE (tetrachloroethylene). Ultraviolet (UV) light, when emitted at an effective absorption frequency, cleaves a VOH’s carbon-chloride bond, transforming harmful contaminants to harmless products. The stainless steel reactor is of tubular-shape with an inner diameter of 32 cm and a length of 105 cm. The net volume of the reactor is approximately 73.7 L. Three stainless steel baffles are welded inside the reactor to create a well-mixed vapor phase and uniform UV contact time. Special low-pressure mercury amalgam UV lamps (Heraeus, Inc., Duluth, Ga.) are used as the photoenergy source. Two independent vapor-phase PCE destruction experiments are conducted using different influent contaminant concentrations. Both experiments show a PCE destruction efficiency of over 99%.  相似文献   

Success has always been the ultimate goal of every activity, and a construction project is no exception. Due to the ambiguous definition of project success and the different perceptions of participants toward this concept, it may be difficult to tell whether a project is successful as there is a lack of consensus. Time, cost, and quality have long been the success criteria used to evaluate the performance of a construction project. However, such a list has been criticized as not being comprehensive. Even studies of the project success of a particular construction method, such as the design/build procurement system, are lacking in most previous research considering construction projects in general. This paper sets out to establish criteria for project success for a design/build project in construction, first by identifying relevant measures of project success for a construction project in past studies, with particular emphasis on design/build projects, and then by establishing a comprehensive assessment framework for project success for design/build projects. The significant impacts on the construction field of study, in terms of educational value and practical use, are also presented. With little research in the project success of design/build projects, the writers suggest a research focus for the study.  相似文献   

邬自健  唐剀 《江西冶金》2014,34(5):35-37
针对串联限流电抗器在运行中存在耗能及影响系统稳定等问题,将电抗器与大容量高速开关组合成新的装置,该装置能在系统短路后7~15 ms内切断电流,同时还具有开断能力强、使用寿命长、动作可靠性高、动作分散度小、合闸无反弹等特点。  相似文献   

介绍了加氢反应器用大厚度12Cr2Mo1VR钢板的生产工艺和主要技术难点,通过两次正火+回火的热处理工艺,促进了晶粒细化和组织均匀性,成功研制开发出182 mm厚度12Cr2Mo1VR钢板。钢板的综合力学性能及晶粒度均满足技术要求。  相似文献   

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