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An intelligent dental robot (IDR) is reported for the purpose of artificial denture verification and test. Methods: The IDR is composed of power system, intelligent control and driving system, sensor system and supporting system. Five Maxon motors are adopted to provide the driving force for the IDR. Novel motor linear actuators are developed to mimic the movement of human’s masticatory muscles. Forward and inverse kinematics of the IDR are analyzed. Seven high-precision pressure sensors are utilized to detect the force on individual artificial tooth. Results: Motion and force experiments are conducted on the IDR. The maximum biting force provided by the IDR is 490?N. Hysteresis rate of the biting force loading and unloading is less than 3%. The largest displacement for the mandible movement test is found to be 60, 9 and 22?mm in the vertical, protrusive and lateral directions, respectively. Conclusion: IDR can complete simulated human masticatory movement and provide sufficient biting force. Significance: The IDR provides clinical guidance for the design and performance test of artificial denture.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, there have been a large number of attempts to automate welding in the shipbuilding process. However, there are still many non-automated welding operations in the double-hulled blocks, even though it presents an extremely hazardous environment for the workers. And, the hazards come about mainly because of the dimensional constraints of the access-hole. Thus, much effort has been recently directed toward the research on compact design of the fully-autonomous robot working inside of the double-hulled structures. This paper describes the design, integration, simulations, and field testing trials of a new type of welding robotic system, the RRXC, which is composed of a 6-axis modularized controller, a 3P3R serial manipulator, and an auxiliary transportation device. The entire cross section of the RRXC is small enough to be placed inside the double-hulled structures via a conventional access hole of 500×700 mm2, from the outside shipyard floor. The weight of the manufactured RRXC is 60 kg, with a 6-axis manipulator and modularized controller, and the weight of an auxiliary transportation device is 8 kg, with a 2.5 m steel wire of 6Φ. Throughout the field tests in the enclosed structures of shipbuilding, the developed RRXC has successfully demonstrated welding functions without the use of any additional finishing by manual welders, and has shown good mobility using an auxiliary transportation device in double-hulled structures.  相似文献   

为提升自动控制效果,加快翻译速率,设计基于智能语音的翻译机器人自动化控制系统。采集外界智能语音信号,利用A/D转换器得到数字信号,启动语音唤醒模块激活翻译机器人,听写模式识别复杂语音信号,命令模式识别简单语音信号,得到语言文本识别结果,通过深度学习关键词检测方法提取关键词作为翻译机器人的自动化控制指令,通过单片机识别自动化控制指令。实验结果表明,该系统可有效采集外界智能语音信号,提取智能语音信号的关键词,完成翻译机器人自动化控制。  相似文献   

We present a method for designing free gaits for a structurally symmetrical quadruped robot capable of performing statically stable, omnidirectional walking on irregular terrain. The robot's virtual model is constructed and a control algorithm is proposed by applying virtual components at some strategic locations. The deliberative-based controller can generate flexible sequences of leg transferences while maintaining walking speed, and choose optimum foothold for moving leg based on integration data of exteroceptive terrain profile. Simulation results are presented to show the gait's efficiency and system's stability in adapting to an uncertain terrain.  相似文献   

介绍了如何在PC平台上借助一些通用的软件来实现一个临床场感遥控系统的设计,比较详细地介绍了设计思路和实现的过程,对构建虚拟现实系统和遥控系统具有一定的鉴意义,对BCB环境下的OpenGL编程和通讯及多线程编程具有一的价值。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统在机器人视觉中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,基于机器视觉的智能机器人在工业等各个领域中得到了广泛的应用。本文针对应用中遇到的一些问题,提出了将机器视觉与嵌入式系统相结合的思想。开发了一种通用的嵌入式系统平台,进行操作系统的移植和图像匹配等算法的研究,并将其应用于移动机器人的视觉导航,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

为了减小地下管道作业人员伤亡,降低城市地下管道维护的成本,研制开发了一种面向地下管道的四向行走智能机器人系统,详细描述了机器人的硬件设计和控制软件设计.机器人控制系统采用ARM-CORTEX芯片作为主控芯片,由于地下管道的特殊性采用有线通信方式,上位机控制软件简洁易操作.测试结果表明:机器人工作性能良好,能够适应不同管径的地下管道,同时具有防水防尘等特性,研究具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

The control system of a mobile robot has a number of issues to deal with in real time, including motion control, mapping, localization, path planning, and sensor processing. Intelligent reasoning, task-oriented behaviors, human–robot interfaces, and communications add more tasks to be solved. This naturally leads to a complex hierarchical control system where various tasks have to be processed concurrently. Many low-level tasks can be handled by a robots onboard (host) computer. However, other tasks, such as speech recognition or vision processing, are too computationally intensive for one computer to process. In this case, it is better to consider a distributed design for the control system in networked environments. In order to achieve maximum use of the distributed environment, it is important to design and implement the distributed system and its communication mechanisms in an effective and flexible way. This article describes our approach to designing and implementing a distributed control system for an intelligent mobile robot. We present our implementation of such a distributed control system for a prototype mobile robot. We focus our discussion on the system architecture, distributed communication mechanisms, and distributed robot control.This work was presented, in part, at the 8th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 24–26, 2003  相似文献   

焊接机器人运动控制系统的控制功能直接决定了焊接工作质量,利用PLC技术优化设计焊接机器人主从协调运动控制系统。在系统硬件设计方面,装设位置、速度、旋转电弧等传感器设备,利用传感数据检测焊接机器人实时位姿。在考虑焊接机器人组成结构、工作原理以及动力驱动方式的情况下,构建焊接机器人的数学模型。结合当前位姿和控制目标之间的位置关系,规划焊接机器人主从协调运动轨迹,在约束条件的作用下,利用PLC控制器生成控制指令,作用在改装的焊接机器人驱动器上,实现系统的焊接机器人主从协调运动控制功能。通过系统测试实验得出结论:与传统控制系统相比,优化设计系统的速度控制误差、姿态角控制误差分别降低了0.075mm/s和0.38°,在优化系统控制下,主从焊接机器人的运动轨迹与规划轨迹之间无明显差异。  相似文献   

The US Vice President, Al Gore, in a speech on the information superhighway, suggested that it could be used to remotely control a nuclear reactor. We do not have enough confidence in computer software, hardware, or networks to attempt this experiment, but have instead built a Internet-accessible, remote-controlled model car that provides a race driver's view via a video camera mounted on the model car. The remote user can see live video from the car, and, using a mouse, control the speed and direction of the car. The challenge was to build a car that could be controlled by novice users in narrow corridors, and that would work not only with the full motion video that the car natively provides, but also with the limited size and frame rate video available over the Internet multicast backbone. We have built a car that has been driven from a site 50 miles away over a 56-kbps IP link using format video at as little as one frame per second and at as low as pixels resolution. We also built hardware to control the car, using a slightly modified voice grade channel videophone. Our experience leads us to believe that it is now possible to put together readily available hardware and software components to build a cheap and effective telepresence.  相似文献   

Telepresence robots will provide significant value to childhood education. They will offer children opportunities to join remote classrooms and to communicate with speakers of different languages in more enriched ways than are available by conventional video conferencing. However, the introduction of child-operated telepresence robots has yet to be tested. The design of the operation interface presents a particular challenge. In this study, we report the development of a tricycle-style operation interface based on requirements identified through classroom field observations. It was designed for intuitive use, even by young children, without the need of detailed instruction. The usability of the interface was tested in a field experiment involving 20 participants (4–8 years old). The participants were asked to perform six elementary tasks using a telepresence robot system controlled either by the tricycle-style interface or a standard video-game controller. The operational performance of the tricycle-style interface was found to be superior to that of the standard controller. The advantages and disadvantages of both interfaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Remote collaboration has become increasingly important and common in designers’ working routine. It is critical for geographically distributed designers to accurately perceive and comprehend other remote team members’ intentions and activities with a high level of awareness and presence as if they were working in the same room. More specifically, distributed cognition places emphasis on the social aspects of cognition and asserts that knowledge is distributed by placing memories, facts, or knowledge on objects, individuals, and tools in the environment they work. This paper proposes a new computer-mediated remote collaborative design system, TeleAR, to enhance the distributed cognition among remote designers by integrating Augmented Reality and telepresence technologies. This system can afford a high level externalization of shared resources, which includes gestures, design tools, design elements, and design materials. This paper further investigates how this system may affect designers’ communication and collaboration with focus on distributed cognition and mutual awareness. It also explores the critical communication-related issue addressed in the proposed system, including common ground and social capitals, perspective invariance, trust and spatial faithfulness.  相似文献   

机器视觉智能机器人无损检测系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对目前无损检测过程中的大量人工操作、检测效率低下和检测精度低的特点,提出了一种搭载于工业机器人的无损检测系统的设计方法,实现了系统的软硬件设计。设计的机器人系统具有4个自由度,可以实现三维空间的立体检测,并采用自适应模糊推理系统提高检测适应性。系统采用彩色图像分割算法和自适应区域生长图像分割算法都能有效提取出缺陷区域。应用结果表明系统稳定性好、检测精度高,大大提高了检测效率。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种参加首届全国大学生机器人电视大赛的履带式行走机器人仿人智能控制系统。首先通过对机器人跟踪直线数学模型的建立,得出该系统是一个多输入多输出非线性系统,且变量间相互耦合,用传统控制方法难以解决。根据仿人智能控制的基本思想,建立了单片机控制硬件平台,提出了机器人跟踪直线、转弯、准确定位和路线规划的仿人智能控制算法。在此基础上编制了控制软件,通过调试,整定了控制参数,经过试验和参赛的考验,证明该系统简单、实用、可靠。  相似文献   

提出一种基于思维脑电的无线智能机器人控制系统设计方案。该系统采用想象左右手运动时产生的脑电信号作为智能服务机器人运动的控制信号,实现对服务机器人的控制,改善瘫痪患者生活自理能力。采用基于小波包分解的方法提取特征向量,利用基于欧式距离的方法进行模式识别,进而产生机器人运动控制信号,并通过LabVIEW串口发给单片机,单片机对该信号进行红外编码后发给智能机器人,用以控制其运动方向。实验结果证明,该设计方案有利于提高脑-机接口的实用性。  相似文献   

为使智能机器人远程控制更加方便、快捷、人性化,设计并实现了一种智能机器人的语音远程控制系统方案。该方案利用微软语音开发包Microsoft Speech SDK,构建基于听写模式的大词汇量语音识别模块和语音合成模块,利用海量中文智能分词组件构建关键词检测模块,结合VFW(Video For Windows)技术与无线网络技术构建信息传输模块。实验表明,该系统语音识别准确率高,识别范围广,语音输入灵活。  相似文献   

基于嵌入式技术的智能机器人系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合当前机器人技术和嵌入式技术的融合发展方向,提出了一种基于ARM9和μC/OS-Ⅱ的智能机器人系统,给出了机械结构设计、硬件设计、软件设计等系统设计过程,研究分析了采用的巡线控制算法。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to propose a recurrent neural network-based predictive controller for robotic manipulators. A neural network controller for a six-joint Stanford robotic manipulator was designed using the generalized predictive control (GPC) and the Elman network. The GPC algorithm, which is a class of digital control method, requires long computational time. This is a disadvantage in real-time robot control; therefore, the Elman network controller was designed to reduce processing time by avoiding the highly mathematical and computational complexity of the GPC. The main reason for choosing the Elman network, amongst several neural network algorithms, was that the presence of feedback loops have a profound impact on the learning capability of the network. The designed neural network controller was able to recover quickly because of its significant generalization capability, which allowed it to adapt very rapidly to changes in inputs. The performance of the controller was also shown graphically using simulation software, including the dynamics and kinematics of the robot model.  相似文献   

为了适应10 kV配电线路带电作业的要求,研制了一台能够最大限度满足现场作业环境要求的高压带电作业机器人,包括主从操作机械臂、机器人专用升降系统、绝缘工具系统、绝缘防护系统四部分.在10 kV配电线路上进行了试验,机械臂操作灵活,绝缘防护方法设计合理.防护性能可靠,操作简单方便.  相似文献   

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