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范子林 《黑龙江电力》2006,28(6):439-441,446
对电容耦合传递过电压的性质和产生进行了分析,对系统发生各种类型故障时,主变压器在不同运行方式下,产生电容耦合传递过电压的数值进行了计算.针对此类过电压的产生原因,提出了防范措施.  相似文献   

Feed-forward (FF) artificial neural networks (ANN) and radial basis function (RBF) ANN methods were addressed for evaluating the lightning performance of high voltage transmission lines. Several structures, learning algorithms and transfer functions were tested in order to produce a model with the best generalizing ability. Actual input and output data, collected from operating Hellenic high voltage transmission lines, as well as simulated output data were used in the training, validation and testing process. The aims of the paper are to describe in detail and compare the proposed FF and RBF ANN models, to state their advantages and disadvantages and to present results obtained by their application on operating Hellenic transmission lines of 150 kV and 400 kV. The ANN results are also compared with results obtained using conventional methods and real records of outage rate showing a quite satisfactory agreement. The proposed ANN methods can be used by electric power utilities as useful tools for the design of electric power systems, alternative to the conventional analytical methods.  相似文献   

针对高压直流输电系统换相失败易引发送端电网暂态过电压的问题,提出了一种基于虚拟电阻控制的送端电网暂态过电压抑制方法。分析了高压直流系统发生换相失败期间整流站交流侧的无功动态特性及其引发送端电网暂态过压的机理。根据影响暂态过电压水平的关键直流控制变量分析并结合换相裕度边界条件,设计了基于虚拟电阻的送端暂态过压控制器。控制器可根据送端电网暂态过压水平动态调整整流站触发角,实现送端电网的暂态过电压抑制目标。仿真算例表明,所提控制方法通过虚拟电阻环节与常规定电流控制协调配合,能有效抑制换相失败期间送端电网暂态过电压水平。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results of lightning surges incoming into a customer due to lightning to an antenna of the customer, a pole and a ground nearby the customer, and briefly discusses lightning current distribution in the customer, a distribution line and a telephone line. Based on experimental results, modeling of each component is explained, and EMTP simulations are carried out. The ground voltage rise is represented by a mutual resistance between grounding electrodes. EMTP simulation results have been observed to agree qualitatively with the measured results, and it becomes possible to investigate lightning surges and current distribution in a customer by an EMTP simulation.  相似文献   

目前雷击仍然是危及输电线路安全可靠运行的主要原因,而现有评估输电线路绕击跳闸率的模型还不能与线路实际运行经验一致,该文在分析500kV同杆双回输电线路绕击耐雷性能时,以三峡电站的出线为例,充分考虑了风速的影响,对击距模型进行了改进,同时还较详细分析了地面倾角、杆塔高度等对绕击跳闸率的影响。通过编程仿真计算结果表明,随着风速的增加,输电线路保护角和绕击跳闸率都将增加,建议今后在评估输电线路绕击耐雷性能时,对风速影响因素应加以考虑。  相似文献   

针对220 kV及以上输电线路的绕击问题,开发了输电线路白控防绕击避雷针(XBL-Ⅱ).输电线路自控防绕击避雷针作为针体串联自控放电装置,采用针杆对称结构,针尖带有场畸变外套,自带平衡锤,能够自动恢复平衡.通过对其引雷能力,大电流冲击耐受、微风振动和低频大振幅等电气和机械特性进行试验研究证明,可增强避雷针的引雷能力,有效防止线路绕击.  相似文献   

This paper presents new features recently added to a general-purpose surge simulation code based on the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. The added features include various-shape conductor models, lumped-parameter circuit-element models, a lightning-channel model, and an integrated analysis environment (IAE). For precisely modelling the shapes of various conductors, the following conductor models have been added: inclined thin wire; disc; square plate; cylinder; cone; and quadrangular pyramid. The lumped-parameter circuit-element models allow the user to represent the lumped impedance of an apparatus placed inside the analysis space. The lightning-channel model realizes a return-stroke development at a speed slower than the light speed. The IAE includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which allows the user to enter geometrical data in a visual way. It also provides a waveform plotting program for viewing voltage, current, electric-field, and magnetic-field waveforms and a movie program for displaying the animation of a transient electric/magnetic field intensity distribution. For an illustrative example, the lightning overvoltage calculation of a transmission tower is presented.  相似文献   

超/特高压输电线路雷电绕击防护性能研究   总被引:77,自引:4,他引:77  
输电线路跳闸的主要原因是雷击闪络,这与线路现有雷击跳闸模型与线路实际运行情况存在较大差异有关。文中以电磁场理论为基础,对高杆塔下击距系数进行研究,利用自编程序仿真,结果表明击距系数随着杆塔高度的增加而减小,雷电流幅值对击距系数没有影响,利用线性拟合方式得击距系数β与杆塔高度日的关系式为:β=1.18—H/108.69。引入击距系数,提出利用改进的电气几何模型对超特高压线路绕击耐雷性能进行分析,并以500kV鸭福线路为例进行计算和分析,结果表明根据文中仿真模型所推导的β公式计算该线路的跳闸率与实际线路运行情况比较吻合。同时,分析了杆塔高度、地面倾角、线路保护角、线路绝缘强度等对输电线路绕击耐雷性能的影响。  相似文献   

Overhead ground wires and surge arresters have been installed to protect high-voltage power distribution lines and apparatus from overvoltages induced by nearby lightning strokes. The effects of surge arresters for protection of high-voltage distribution lines against direct lightning strokes have already been investigated using the digital simulation program EMTP (Electromagnetic Transients Program). With regard to the protection of low-voltage distribution lines from overvoltages induced by lightning strokes, experimental analyses using a scale model line have been reported. This paper reports on the comparison between the experimental analyses and EMTP simulation of power distribution lines, including low-voltage lines, and the validity of EMTP simulation. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the overvoltages on low-voltage power distribution lines against direct lightning strokes to overhead ground wire using the digital simulation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel, easy to use, engineering method for determining the transient electromotive force (EMF) induced in low-voltage (LV) cables, connecting the wind turbine with a near-by transformer, in the event of direct lightning strike into the top of the wind turbine tower. Proposed method is based on the application of the travelling wave analysis onto the system consisted of wind turbine tower, earthing system of wind turbine, earthing system of near-by transformer station and LV cables connecting the wind turbine with associated transformer. Hence, this design gives rise to a complex, mutually connected, earthing system. Direct lightning strike to the wind turbine initiates a travelling wave process in the system consisted of lightning channel, wind turbine tower and earthing system of the wind turbine. Due to the transient nature of the observed phenomenon, current and voltage states at the earthing system as well as in the associated low-voltage cables are formed through the propagation and reflection of the accompanying travelling waves. Transient EMF induced in LV cables could endanger cable main insulation and insulation of the associated transformer LV winding. Developed theory is subsequently applied on the concrete wind turbine example.  相似文献   

Damages caused by lightning stroke in power system networks are severe for insulations and result in less reliable energy supply. Knowledge of protection schemes and better selection of these devices in power systems is a goal of designers to reduce the risk of flashover in any risky point. In this paper, a statistical procedure is presented to evaluate risk of failure in an overhead-line which is protected by arresters in most risky towers. Main aim of the work is to present the modeling aspects for considering random nature of stroke and its simulation procedure. The random nature of a lightning stroke composed of proper discrete-event simulation of a stroke via its peak current, front time and tail time and accurate mathematical representation of such lightning stroke in a transient analyzer. In addition, the maximum lightning current which causes shielding failure for a specified tower design and probabilistic specification of lightning for discrete-event simulation is taken into account. As a study case, random nature modeled lightning strokes are applied to a 230 kV overhead-line which is located in a hilly area and the risk of failure is calculated when arresters are located beside the stroke point.  相似文献   

针对220 kV/110 kV同塔6回并架线路进行了雷电绕击、反击跳闸率计算,并提出了具体的改进建议。  相似文献   

夏季地下排管电缆聚集运行温度异常,电缆温度过高会加速电缆绝缘材料的老化,热量累积到一定程度,还可能引起起火事故。为降低地下排管中电缆运行温度,提出了电缆群排管敷设形式的优化方法。基于有限元法计算地下排管中电缆群运行温度场,建立了电缆群敷设形式优化计算模型。以电缆群中最高温电缆的温度降到最低为目标函数,电缆群中总载流量不变为约束条件,对电缆群中温度较高的电缆进行分流优化计算。通过Comsol Multiphysics软件仿真计算的结果可见,与未优化之前相比,采用优化方法后排管中最高温电缆的导体芯温度降低了约11%,电缆群最大温差降低了3.6℃,增加了电缆群温度场分布的均匀度,优化效果显著。  相似文献   

随着新能源接入电力系统并通过直流送出,送端系统的暂态过电压问题逐渐突出。因此,为快速准确估计送端系统在直流闭锁、换相失败等预想扰动场景下各直流近区节点暂态过电压严重度,提出一种基于图卷积神经网络(graph convolutional network, GCN)的直流送端系统暂态过电压评估模型。该模型以电网发生直流故障前的潮流状态参数与网络拓扑作为输入特征,可以同时预估电网多个关键节点(如风电场汇集节点)的暂态过电压严重度。利用含跨区直流异步互联的两区域系统进行算例分析,验证该模型可以适应多种网架拓扑结构、不同新能源发电占比等差异化电网运行方式,具有较强的泛化能力。同时,所提模型揭示了对过电压严重度影响最大的关键因素,具有一定的可解释性,可为暂态过电压的预防控制提供有效指导。  相似文献   

220kV/110kV 同塔四回线路耐雷性能研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
计算了深圳鹏城-新田双回220kV输电线路中3段220/110kV同杆并架四回线路的雷电绕击跳闸率和雷电反击跳闸率,分析了减小避雷线保护角、采用不平衡绝缘和安装线路型避雷器等措施对雷电反击跳闸率的影响.提出了减小避雷线保护角至0°、降低杆塔冲击接地电阻至10Ω、在一回110kV线路上增强绝缘、在另一回110kV线路上安装绝缘子并联间隙以及在高土壤电阻率地区或雷电易击处的一回110kV线路上装设线路避雷器等降低雷电反击跳闸率的措施.  相似文献   

敏感设备电压暂降失效率区间最大混合熵评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑设备故障状态的过渡过程,将正常和完全故障以外的状态归结为不完全故障状态,对设备在电压暂降作用下发生失效的可能性进行了评估.首先通过区间数刻画敏感设备电压耐受能力,结合供电端暂降发生的随机性,确定电压暂降作用下设备可能发生的非正常状态概率区间.为更全面考虑实际存在的复杂不确定性,利用混合熵能综合考虑供电端电压暂降的随...  相似文献   

余伟  刘斌 《江西电力》2009,33(6):47-48
通过对一起因山火造成变电站两路电源进线相继跳闸从而引起220kV变电站全站失压事件进行了认真分析。从保护装置和故障录波报告的信息分析了保护动作逻辑;从事故引发的原因分析了电源点选取对电网安全运行的重要影响,并对科学规划设计,构建合理的电网结构,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

周本多 《安徽电力》2006,23(3):47-49
马鞍山发电厂12号发电机1起因电压互感器(以下称TV)初级熔断器熔断,导致发变组纵向零序电压匝间保护动作跳闸停机,从TV初级熔断器的结构和发变组LB-5型断线闭锁继电器的原理出发,对异常工况进行了较系统的原理分析,认为该熔断器运行年久,环境较恶劣,长期在重力和热积累的作用下,熔体出现老化,导致在工作电流下发生断裂,加上采用的保护装置原理上不完善,导致了事故的发生。并提出和实施了加强熔断器管理及在发变组保护中选用南自厂的微机型发变组保护等预防和改进措施。  相似文献   

康鹏  何金良  曾嵘 《电网技术》2006,30(1):55-59
为向青藏铁路格尔木—拉萨段供电系统的防雷工作布置提供参考依据,统计分析了国家气象局积累的1951~2001年间格拉段沿线主要变电站的雷电活动地面观测数据,总结出了高原各站点多年的雷电活动呈不断变化趋势,在时间上主要集中在5~9月份,在空间上格尔木最弱,当雄最强。最终得出了青藏铁路格拉段沿线地区的雷电活动具有高原特性,即雷电活动频繁但强度不大,并据此对格拉段沿线地区进行了雷区的划分,建议格尔木—纳赤台段划为少雷区,其他地段均划为中雷区。  相似文献   

提出基于模糊理论的敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度评估方法。凹陷期间设备从安全到故障存在一个过渡过程,将这一过渡过程作为模糊极限过程,用设备隶属于安全状态的隶属度进行描述。利用能量函数作为设备隶属于安全状态的隶属函数,并结合正态分布函数刻画系统扰动和设备耐受能力的随机分布规律。系统扰动和设备耐受能力的概率密度函数参数分别由IEEE30节点仿真数据及实际测试数据得到。仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

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