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Rapamycin is an immunosuppressant that effectively controls various immune responses; however, its action in the signal transduction of lymphocytes has remained largely unknown. We show here that a phosphoprotein encoded by mouse alpha4 (malpha4) gene transmitting a signal through B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) is associated with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac). The middle region of alph4, consisting of 109 amino acids (94-202), associates directly with PP2Ac, irrespective of any other accessory molecule. Rapamycin treatment disrupts the association of PP2Ac/alpha4 in parallel with the inhibitory effect of lymphoid cell proliferation. The effect of rapamycin was inhibited with an excess amount of FK506 that potentially completes the binding to FKBP. Rapamycin treatment also suppresses the phosphatase activity of cells measured by in vitro phosphatase assay. Introduction of the malpha4 cDNA into Jurkat cells or the increased association of PP2Ac/alpha4 by the culture with low serum concentration confers cells with rapamycin resistance. Moreover, glutathione S-transferase (GST)-alpha4 augments the PP2A activity upon myelin basic protein (MBP) and histone in the in vitro assay. These results suggest that alpha4 acts as a positive regulator of PP2A and as a new target of rapamycin in the activation of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The yeast RAS1 and RAS2 genes appear to be involved in control of cell growth in response to nutrients. Here we show that this growth control also involves a signal mediated by the heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit homolog encoded by GPA2. A GPA2 null allele conferred a severe growth defect on cells containing a null allele of RAS2, although either mutation alone had little effect on growth rate. A constitutive allele of GPA2 could stimulate growth of a strain lacking both RAS genes. Constitutive GPA2 conferred heat shock sensitivity on both wild-type cells and cells lacking RAS function, but had no effect in a strain containing a null allele of SCH9, which encodes a kinase related to protein kinase A. The GPR1 gene was isolated and was found to encode a protein with the characteristics of a G protein-coupled receptor. Double Deltagpr1 Deltaras2 mutants displayed a severe growth defect that was suppressed by expression of the constitutive allele of GPA2, confirming that GPR1 acts upstream of GPA2. Gpr1p is expressed on the cell surface and requires sequences in the membrane-proximal region of its third cytoplasmic loop for function, as expected for a G protein-coupled receptor. GPR1 RNA was induced when cells were starved for nitrogen and amino acids. These results are consistent with a model in which the GPR1/GPA2 pathway activates the Sch9p kinase to generate a response that acts in parallel with that generated by the Ras/cAMP pathway, resulting in the integration of nutrient signals.  相似文献   

In both cell culture based model systems and in the failing human heart, beta-adrenergic receptors ( beta-AR) undergo agonist-mediated down-regulation. This decrease correlates closely with down-regulation of its mRNA, an effect regulated in part by changes in mRNA stability. Regulation of mRNA stability has been associated with mRNA-binding proteins that recognize A + U-rich elements within the 3'-untranslated regions of many mRNAs encoding proto-oncogene and cytokine mRNAs. We demonstrate here that the mRNA-binding protein, AUF1, is present in both human heart and in hamster DDT1-MF2 smooth muscle cells and that its abundance is regulated by beta-AR agonist stimulation. In human heart, AUF1 mRNA and protein was significantly increased in individuals with myocardial failure, a condition associated with increases in the beta-adrenergic receptor agonist norepinephrine. In the same hearts, there was a significant decrease (approximately 50%) in the abundance of beta1-AR mRNA and protein. In DDT1-MF2 cells, where agonist-mediated destabilization of beta2-AR mRNA was first described, exposure to beta-AR agonist resulted in a significant increase in AUF1 mRNA and protein (approximately 100%). Conversely, agonist exposure significantly decreased (approximately 40%) beta2-adrenergic receptor mRNA abundance. Last, we demonstrate that AUF1 can be immunoprecipitated from polysome-derived proteins following UV cross-linking to the 3'-untranslated region of the human beta1-AR mRNA and that purified, recombinant p37AUF1 protein also binds to beta1-AR 3'-untranslated region mRNA.  相似文献   

Using chromosomal DNA from Kluyveromyces lactis as template and oligodeoxynucleotides designed from conserved regions of various G protein alpha subunits we were able to amplify by the polymerase chain reaction two products of approximately 0.5 kb (P-1) and 0.8 kb (P-2). Sequencing showed that these two fragments share high homology with genes coding for the G alpha subunits from different sources. Using the P-1 fragment as a probe we screened a genomic library from K. lactis and we cloned a gene (KlGPA2) whose deduced amino acid sequence showed, depending on the exact alignment, 62% similarity and 38% identity with Gpa1p and 76% similarity and 63% identity with Gpa2p, the G protein alpha subunits from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. KlGPA2 is a single-copy gene and its disruption rendered viable cells with significantly reduced cAMP level, indicating that this G alpha subunit may be involved in regulating the adenylyl cyclase activity, rather than participating in the mating pheromone response pathway. KlGpa2p shares some structural similarities with members of the mammalian G alpha s family (stimulatory of adenylyl cyclase) including the absence in its N-terminus of a myristoyl-modification sequence.  相似文献   

The recent cloning of a family of high affinity melatonin receptors has provided us with a unique opportunity to define the signal transduction pathways used by these receptors. We have studied signaling through the human Mel1a receptor subtype by stable expression of receptor complementary DNA in NIH 3T3 cells. Our data indicate that the human Mel1a receptor is coupled to inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein. Although melatonin alone is without effect on phosphoinositide hydrolysis, it potentiates the effects of PGF2 alpha stimulation on phospholipase C activation. Melatonin potentiates arachidonate release stimulated by PGF2 alpha and by ionomycin. The effects of melatonin on arachidonate release are sensitive to inhibition of protein kinase C. They are independent of the effects of melatonin on cAMP and do not appear to involve activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. The effects of melatonin on both phosphoinositide hydrolysis and arachidonate release are sensitive to pertussis toxin treatment. Thus, we show that the melatonin signal is transduced by parallel pathways involving inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and potentiation of phospholipase activation.  相似文献   

Sst2 is the prototype for the newly recognized RGS (for regulators of G-protein signaling) family. Cells lacking the pheromone-inducible SST2 gene product fail to resume growth after exposure to pheromone. Conversely, overproduction of Sst2 markedly enhanced the rate of recovery from pheromone-induced arrest in the long-term halo bioassay and detectably dampened signaling in a short-term assay of pheromone response (phosphorylation of Ste4, Gbeta subunit). When the GPA1 gene product (Galpha subunit) is absent, the pheromone response pathway is constitutively active and, consequently, growth ceases. Despite sustained induction of Sst2 (observed with specific anti-Sst2 antibodies), gpa1delta mutants remain growth arrested, indicating that the action of Sst2 requires the presence of Gpa1. The N-terminal domain (residues 3 to 307) of Sst2 (698 residues) has sequence similarity to the catalytic regions of bovine GTPase-activating protein and human neurofibromatosis tumor suppressor protein; segments in the C-terminal domain of Sst2 (between residues 417 and 685) are homologous to other RGS proteins. Both the N- and C-terminal domains were required for Sst2 function in vivo. Consistent with a role for Sst2 in binding to and affecting the activity of Gpa1, the majority of Sst2 was membrane associated and colocalized with Gpa1 at the plasma membrane, as judged by sucrose density gradient fractionation. Moreover, from cell extracts, Sst2 could be isolated in a complex with Gpa1 (expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion); this association withstood the detergent and salt conditions required for extraction of these proteins from cell membranes. Also, SST2+ cells expressing a GTPase-defective GPA1 mutant displayed an increased sensitivity to pheromone, whereas sst2 cells did not. These results demonstrate that Sst2 and Gpa1 interact physically and suggest that Sst2 is a direct negative regulator of Gpa1.  相似文献   

The calcitonin receptor expressed by the porcine LLC-PK1 renal tubule cells is a seven-transmembrane domain, G protein-coupled receptor activating adenylyl-cyclase and phospholipase C. Salmon calcitonin stimulated dose- and time-dependent release of the phospholipase D-dependent phosphatidylcholine product [3H] choline with an EC50 = 2.5 +/-0.3 x 10(-8) M, similar to that determined for phosphoinositide metabolism (EC50 = 4.5 +/-1.0 x 10(-8)M). The hormone failed to induce release of [3H]phosphocholine and [3H]glycerophosphocholine, ruling out activation of phosphatydilcholine-specific phospholipase C and phospholipase A. Calcitonin stimulated phosphatidic acid, a product of phospholipase D-dependent phosphatydilcholine hydrolysis. Activation of phospholipase D was confirmed by release of [3H]phosphatydilethanol, a specific and stable product in the presence of a primary alcohol. Activation of calcitonin receptor induced diacylglycerol formation, with a rapid peak followed by a prolonged increase, due to activation of phospholipase C and of phospholipase D. Consequently, the protein kinase-C alpha, but not the delta isoenzyme, was cytosol-to-membrane translocated by approximately 50% after 20 min exposure to calcitonin, whereas protein kinase-C zeta, which was approximately 40% membrane-linked in unstimulated cells, translocated by approximately 19%. The human calcitonin receptor expressed by BIN-67 ovary tumor cells, although displaying higher affinity for calcitonin, failed to activate phospholipase D and protein kinase-C in response to the hormone. This receptor lacks the G protein binding consensus site due to the presence of a 48-bp cassette encoding for a 16-amino acid insert in the predicted first intracellular loop. This modification is likely to prevent the calcitonin receptor from associating to phospholipase-coupled signaling.  相似文献   

Nuclear protein import requires a nuclear localization signal (NLS) receptor and at least three other cytoplasmic factors. The alpha subunit of the NLS receptor, Rag cohort 1 (Rch1), enters the nucleus, probably in a complex with the beta subunit of the receptor, as well as other import factors and the import substrate. To learn more about which factors and/or events end the import reaction and how the import factors return to the cytoplasm, we have studied nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Rch1 in vivo. Recombinant Rch1 microinjected into Vero or tsBN2 cells was found primarily in the cytoplasm. Rch1 injected into the nucleus was rapidly exported in a temperature-dependent manner. In contrast, a mutant of Rch1 lacking the first 243 residues accumulated in the nuclei of Vero cells after cytoplasmic injection. After nuclear injection, the truncated Rch1 was retained in the nucleus, but either Rch1 residues 207-217 or a heterologous nuclear export signal, but not a mutant form of residues 207-217, restored nuclear export. Loss of the nuclear transport factor RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation) at the nonpermissive temperature in the thermosensitive mutant cell line tsBN2 caused nuclear accumulation of wild-type Rch1 injected into the cytoplasm. However, free Rch1 injected into nuclei of tsBN2 cells at the nonpermissive temperature was exported. These results suggested that RCC1 acts at an earlier step in Rch1 recycling, possibly the disassembly of an import complex that contains Rch1 and the import substrate. Consistent with this possibility, incubation of purified RanGTP and RCC1 with NLS receptor and import substrate prevented assembly of receptor/substrate complexes or stimulated their disassembly.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder, characterized by hyperplasia and neoplasia in several endocrine organs. The MEN 1 gene, which is most probably a tumor suppressor gene, has been localized to a 900-kb region on chromosome 11q13. The human phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C beta 3 (PLC beta 3) gene, which is located within this region, was considered to be a good candidate for the MEN 1 gene. In this study, the structure and expression of the PLC beta 3 gene in MEN 1 patients were investigated in more detail, to determine its potential role in MEN 1 tumorigenesis. Southern blot analysis, using blood and tumor DNA from affected persons from seven different MEN 1 families, did not reveal structural abnormalities in the PLC beta 3 gene. To detect possible point mutations, or other small structural aberrations, direct sequencing of PLC beta 3 cDNAs from two affected persons from two different MEN 1 families was performed, but no MEN 1-specific abnormalities were revealed. Several common nucleotide sequence polymorphisms were detected in these cDNAs, proving that both alleles of the PLC beta 3 gene were expressed and analyzed. In conclusion, these results exclude the PLC beta 3 gene as a candidate gene for MEN 1.  相似文献   

A unique property of smooth muscle is its ability to maintain force with a very low expenditure of energy. This characteristic is highly expressed in molluscan smooth muscles, such as the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis, during a contractile state called 'catch'. Catch occurs following the initial activation of the muscle, and is characterized by prolonged force maintenance in the face of a low [Ca2+]i, high instantaneous stiffness, a very slow cross-bridge cycling rate, and low ATP usage. In the intact muscle, rapid relaxation (release of catch) is initiated by serotonin, and mediated by an increase in cAMP and activation of protein kinase A. We sought to determine which proteins undergo a change in phosphorylation on a time-course that corresponds to the release of catch in permeabilized ABRM. Only one protein consistently satisfied this criterion. This protein, having a molecular weight of approximately 600 kDa and a molar concentration about 30 times lower than the myosin heavy chain, showed an increase in phosphorylation during the release of catch. Under the mechanical conditions studied (rest, activation, catch, and release of catch), changes in phosphorylation of all other proteins, including myosin light chains, myosin heavy chain and paramyosin, are minimal compared with the cAMP-induced phosphorylation of the approximately 600 kDa protein. Under these conditions, somewhat less than one mole of phosphate is incorporated per mole of approximately 600 kDa protein. Inhibition of A kinase blocked both the cAMP-induced increase in phosphorylation of the protein and the release of catch. In addition, irreversible thiophosphorylation of the protein prevented the development of catch. In intact muscle, the degree of phosphorylation of the protein increases significantly when catch is released with serotonin. In muscles pre-treated with serotonin, a net dephosphorylation of the protein occurs when the muscle is subsequently put into catch. We conclude that the phosphorylation state of the approximately 600 kDa protein regulates catch.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor activation leads to the membrane recruitment and activation of G protein-coupled receptor kinases, which phosphorylate receptors and lead to their inactivation. We have identified a novel G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein, GIT1, that is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTP-binding proteins. Overexpression of GIT1 leads to reduced beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling and increased receptor phosphorylation, which result from reduced receptor internalization and resensitization. These cellular effects of GIT1 require its intact ARF GAP activity and do not reflect regulation of GRK kinase activity. These results suggest an essential role for ARF proteins in regulating beta2-adrenergic receptor endocytosis. Moreover, they provide a mechanism for integration of receptor activation and endocytosis through regulation of ARF protein activation by GRK-mediated recruitment of the GIT1 ARF GAP to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A model of vertical signal flow across a layered cortical structure is presented and analyzed. Neurons communicate through spikes, which evoke an excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic potential (spike response model). The layers incorporate two anatomical features-dendritic and axonal arborization patterns and distance-dependent time delays. The vertical signal flow through the network is discussed for various stimulus conditions using two different, but typical, axonal arborization patterns. We find stationary as well as oscillatory response, but the oscillatory response may be restricted to a single layer. Confronted with conflicting stimuli the network separates the patterns through phase-shifted oscillations. We also discuss two hypothetical animals, to be called "cat" and "mouse." These have different axonal arborizations, which give rise to a different oscillatory response (if any) of the various layers.  相似文献   

This is a follow-up report of a 14 1/2 year-old boy with Laron syndrome, who received twice daily therapy with IGF-I 120 micrograms/kg for 5 years that resulted in a linear growth of 40 cm. Concomitantly he became very obese which is attributed to IGF-I action via the insulin receptors.  相似文献   

We employed the constitutive BCK1-20 allele of the gene for the MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP-KKK) in the yeast Pkc signal transduction pathway to develop a genetic screen for mutants in genes encoding upstream components. Transposon mutagenesis yielded a mutant that was completely dependent on the active allele in the absence of osmotic stabilization. The transposon had integrated at the yeast SLG1 (HCS77) locus. This gene encodes a putative membrane protein. Haploid slg1 deletion strains are sensitive to caffeine, as expected for mutants in the Pkc pathway, as well as a variety of other drugs. The response to elevated temperatures and the dependence on osmotic stabilization depends on the genetic background. Thus, in the strain used for mutagenesis, disruption of SLG1 causes the cells to become non-viable in the absence of osmotic stabilization at both 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C. In a different genetic background this phenotype was not observed. Sensitivity of the haploid deletion mutants to caffeine can be partially suppressed by overexpression of genes for other components of the Pkc pathway, such as PKC1, SLT2, ROM2, and STE20. In addition, a SLG1-lacZ reporter construct shows higher expression in the presence of caffeine or magnesium chloride in a wild-type diploid background.  相似文献   

Pseudohyphal differentiation, a filamentous growth form of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is induced by nitrogen starvation. The mechanisms by which nitrogen limitation regulates this process are currently unknown. We have found that GPA2, one of the two heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit homologs in yeast, regulates pseudohyphal differentiation. Deltagpa2/Deltagpa2 mutant strains have a defect in pseudohyphal growth. In contrast, a constitutively active allele of GPA2 stimulates filamentation, even on nitrogen-rich media. Moreover, a dominant negative GPA2 allele inhibits filamentation of wild-type strains. Several findings, including epistasis analysis and reporter gene studies, indicate that GPA2 does not regulate the MAP kinase cascade known to regulate filamentous growth. Previous studies have implicated GPA2 in the control of intracellular cAMP levels; we find that expression of the dominant RAS2(Gly19Val) mutant or exogenous cAMP suppresses the Deltagpa2 pseudohyphal defect. cAMP also stimulates filamentation in strains lacking the cAMP phosphodiesterase PDE2, even in the absence of nitrogen starvation. Our findings suggest that GPA2 is an element of the nitrogen sensing machinery that regulates pseudohyphal differentiation by modulating cAMP levels.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which fertilization initiates S-phase in the zygote is examined by manipulating the activity of MAP kinase in mature starfish eggs. These unfertilized eggs, which are arrested at G1-phase after the completion of meiosis, have high MAP kinase activity but undetectable cdc2 kinase activity. Either fertilization or inhibition of protein synthesis causes a decrease in MAP kinase activity, which is followed by DNA synthesis. Inactivation of MAP kinase with its specific phosphatase, CL100, initiates DNA synthesis in the absence of fertilization, while constitutive activation of MAP kinase with MEK represses the initiation of DNA synthesis following fertilization. Thus, in unfertilized mature starfish eggs, a capacity for DNA replication is already acquired, but entry into S-phase is negatively regulated by MAP kinase activity that is supported by a continuously synthesized protein(s) but not by cdc2 kinase. Upon fertilization, downregulation of MAP kinase activity is necessary and sufficient for triggering the G1/S-phase transition.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was made from the mouse cochlea and screened with a G protein-cDNA like molecule obtained from cochlear tissue by polymerase chain reaction. The nucleotide sequence of a clone, named cochlear Gi2 alpha, had 99.2% identity to mouse macrophage Gi2 alpha. Using an antibody which is selective for Gi2 alpha, expression of the cochlear Gi2 alpha was localized in outer and inner hair cells of the organ of Corti. Possible functional roles of this G protein in hair cells are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel serine/threonine specific protein kinase was found to be associated with the type I IL-1 receptor in the murine T cell lines D10N and EL-4. This kinase was identified in immunoprecipitates from IL-1 stimulated T-cells by its ability to phosphorylate exogenous substrates in the presence of radiolabeled ATP. An endogenous protein, most likely a member of the IL-1 R1 complex, was also phosphorylated. The activation of the kinase is specific for IL-1, neither TNF nor phorbol esters were able to activate the IL-1 RI associated kinase activity. The IL-1 receptor antagonist had no intrinsic activity and inhibited the activation of the kinase. The activation of the kinase was rapid and detectable after 30 seconds of IL-1 stimulation. A minimal model of the IL-RI signal transduction complex is discussed, presenting this novel serine/threonine kinase as a constituent of the complex.  相似文献   

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