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本文举例说明了弹性纤维机织及针织物在预处理及整理加工中的特征。描述了常规的工艺步骤,以及含弹性纤维织物所需工艺用到的拉幅机及其特殊组合。进一步讨论了管状或平幅针织物的有利及不利之处。证实了针织物的平幅整理形式比管状整理形式更为有效,生产的产品质量更高.  相似文献   

陈颖 《印染》2005,31(19):49-49
棉针织物中添加3 %~10 %的弹力纤维,能提高其拉伸性和弹性,使制成的服装在服用和多次洗涤后仍具有良好的保型性.然而,这类织物的整理工艺很复杂.由于未经定形的弹力针织坯布很易起皱,因此,常常要在拉幅机上进行预定形.定形时,硅油和针织用矿物油挥发,成为废气释放到环境中.在制订坯布的定形工艺参数时存在一定困难.使用拉幅机预缩难以达到要求的单位面积克重所需的紧密度.如果针织物在定形后还需进行拉伸,通常要缝合成筒状.尽管圆筒状织物也可进行热定形,但由于对设备的适应性差而很少采用.此外,也同样存在着废气和烟等问题.  相似文献   

本篇论文讨论了与现在有很大关联的两个方面:提高弹性纤维整理资源使用的效率;总览发展新趋势。最后的结论几科不会使人吃惊:这两个方面彼此紧密联系,相辅相成。“适应性”和“灵活性”可作为弹性的同义词,描述了性能方面的一个特点,也就是撇开纺织方面的具体涵义,在一定程度上,“适应性”和“灵活性”也是我们社会未来所设立的目标。文章开始也许显得有点抽象,但它却代表了本文的基调,作为实际行动的指导根源也可以证明是有帮助的。  相似文献   

使用弹性长丝纤维Dorlastan可以达到要求的弹性拉伸性能,同时由于该纤维完美的回缩和回复性能,提高了针织物穿着舒适性、功能性和合体性。相当数量的圆筒形针织物在管状机上进行整理,管状整理替代了平幅整理。管状热定形技术提供了一种有前景的方法,可以调整整理织物最终幅宽、拉伸性和每平方米织物重量。  相似文献   

创新的针织物整理加工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新的针织物整理加工技术改变了传统的先烘干、后进行拉幅整理的工艺流程,对脱水后的织物,在布湿的条件下,即在湿织物具有较大可塑性的条件下,先对织物进行超喂拉幅整理,对织物的规格如纬向尺寸、单位克重及缩水率进行控制,随后再进行超喂松式烘干,使织物的规格按照成品要求稳定下来.这就需要应用一种新型的整理设备,具有超喂拉幅功能和松式烘干功能.最后应用拉幅预缩机进行超喂拉幅和预缩作进一步整理,达到稳定的成品规格,使织物的缩水率降至最低,同时获得良好的手感.此项创新的整理加工技术将常规棉织物的两道热加工过程(烘干及拉幅加工)变为一道热加工过程(仅为松式烘干),可节省能源,利于环保.  相似文献   

针织物功能整理实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王延虎  张雪莲 《印染》2005,31(6):25-26
采用功能整理剂与柔软剂生产功能性产品,以提高产品附加值和档次。该文列举了仿麻整理、吸湿速干整理、防过敏整理、远红外 保湿整理、消臭整理和耐久柔软 抗菌整理的具体工艺处方和工艺路线,并测试了整理后织物的耐洗涤等性能。  相似文献   

对涤棉针织物进行形态稳定加工,通过分析树脂整理剂、催化剂、柔软剂、摩擦牢度提升剂及焙烘条件等对整理效果的影响,得优化的工艺条件:形态稳定树脂NK RESIN G-10EZ 8%,树脂催化剂NK ASSISTGC-3EZ 2.4%,柔软剂NICCA SILICONE AQ-20Z 2%,摩擦牢度提升剂BEST-MCI 3%,轧余率80%,定形条件150℃×2 min。涤棉针织物整理后,尺寸稳定性可控制在1%以内,改善了吸水性和色牢度。  相似文献   

The main purpose of modelling the yarn structure is to find relations that are more reliable giving the behaviour of the yarn starting from its components. In this paper, the identification of the mechanical behaviour of the elastic core spun yarns by a rheological modelling on the basis of pre-existent phenomenological models is presented. In this model, the elastic core spun yarn is considered as a viscoelastic material. The model is verified experimentally with two types of elastic core spun yarns 50/78 and 59/156 and a range of draft of five values for two types of yarn and two values of elastane count in dtex (78 and 156). Comparative analysis of the theoretical and experimental tensile curves indicates a high level of correlation between both data-sets. The effect of the elastane draw ratios on the parameters of this model is established in the second part of this paper. Our test results revealed that the elastane draft is one of the important factors influencing the elasticity and the viscosity of elastic core spun yarns.  相似文献   

Yang Juntao  张婧 《国际纺织导报》2013,41(2):52-52,54,55
细旦莫代尔纤维可用于生产高档服饰面料,但其在染色过程中很容易产生毛羽、划痕、折痕等。介绍了使用环保型设备对该类材料的加工,讨论了染色过程,并建议采用一些参数以避免或尽量减少此类问题的产生。  相似文献   

A.Sch 《国际纺织导报》2009,37(6):36-36,38,42
聚酰胺/弹性纤维印花织物已大大丰富了泳装的类型,但客户不断变化的颜色和设计要求对所有的印染厂而言永远是一个挑战。描述了一种聚酰胺/弹性纤维印花织物高效水洗后加工工艺。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of elastane linear density and draft ratio on the physical and mechanical properties of core-spun yarns. Twenty yarn samples were prepared on industrial scale in a spinning mill with two different yarn linear densities, each with different two elastane deniers and five draft ratios. It was found that core-spun yarn’s tenacity, elongation and hairiness are affected not only by the overall yarn linear density but also by the elastane linear density and the draft ratio. However, the effect of elastane linear density and draft ratio was not found to be statistically significant on the yarn mass variations and total imperfections, which are only affected by the overall yarn liner density. A statistically significant interaction for yarn elongation at break was found between the yarn liner density and the elastane linear density concluding that elastane linear density used in the core must be compatible with the overall yarn liner density for attaining the best yarn elongation.  相似文献   

以紧身内衣为例定义了针织物的弹性纱线织疵.研究和评定了形成弹性织疵的影响因素.总结了生产工艺链中各个阶段的影响因素.  相似文献   

尼龙/氨纶经编针织面料具有众多优点:如尼龙带来的高强、耐磨,氨纶带来的高弹回复性;并且该面料吸湿快干、手感柔软;用该面料缝制的服装能提供一种无压舒适感,有助于勾勒完美的体形.然而,合成纤维,尤其是氨纶织造时采用大量硅油,这给尼龙/氨纶经编针织面料加工带来困难.常规方法中,经编针织面料由传统的间歇法预整理,用高浴比溢流染...  相似文献   


The use of single-core elastic spun cotton yarns is well established in textiles and denim industry but interest in the use of dual-core-spun yarns has started to grow only recently. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of polyester and elastane linear density on the physical and mechanical properties of dual-core-spun cotton yarns. Yarn samples were prepared on industrial-scale spinning machines using cotton as the sheath fibers and two different linear densities of polyester and three different linear densities of elastane filaments in the core. Statistical analysis of the results revealed that yarn tenacity, elongation, uniformity, and hairiness are significantly affected by the linear densities of both the polyester and elastane filaments in the core, with statistically significant interaction between them. Yarn imperfections (IPI), however, are affected mainly by the polyester denier, while the elastane linear density did not show statistically significant effect on the IPI. Regression equations for different yarn properties were also developed which showed fairly high values of coefficient of determination (R-sq).  相似文献   

在横机上采用无包覆弹力纱进行编织是一个非常复杂的生产过程,论述了生产技术要点,目前,一些公司已经成功地在横机上编织出了带有无包覆弹力纱的织物。这种新原料和新技术的采用,无疑将拓展横机产品的应用领域,产品具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

顾海 《印染》2011,37(22)
棉氨针织布染色时通过调整染色机的喷嘴开口度以及主泵速度,可减少坯布在染色过程中所受的张力,实现开幅染色.该工艺可减少常规染色工艺中的缝边和拆缝工序,布边无残留线头,减少了对后道设备的伤害,以及因缝边不对称引起的纬斜问题.  相似文献   

现在染色者已可应对最初提出的挑战,通过熟悉各种影响参数并控制它们利于织物的弹性、匀染性和牢度级数,以制定合适的优化策略。必须特别注意的是热定型工艺的温度。作为基本规则,建议采用下降的温度趋势,染前用高温热定型,而染后用低温热定型/干燥,这相比于反过程织物的性能将更好。应用一些适用于单个工艺技术且满足所需织物性能的特定化学助剂,可使聚酯超细纤维/弹性纤维混纺织物成功染色后的性能符合高质量标准。  相似文献   

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