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吊钩是汽车起重机的重要零部件之一,吊钩的磨损会给安全生产带来隐患,在磨损量超过标准规定的数值时,吊钩就要报废。吊钩在运行中的磨损是指汽车起重机为完成各种装卸任务,从车库到作业场地或在各作业场地之间的转移过程中的磨损。其中以额定起重量为5t、7t、8t... 相似文献
针对大多数的三维仿真预演都只是通过键入固定的吊装动作或者通过键盘鼠标模拟动作来实现整个吊装仿真过程,与实际操作存在极大的差异,且双主吊钩汽车起重机相对更加复杂的双钩起吊方式让这种安全隐患更为明显的问题,着眼于三维吊装仿真与实际吊装中的差异,通过计算得到起重机各种动作姿态,研究双钩起吊方式,完成软件架构,再通过串口协议关... 相似文献
对吊钩磨损量进行探讨研究,以多种吊钩截面计算为例,应用许用应力法对其进行应力分析和及其安全验证,为吊钩检验提供另一种新思路。 相似文献
对吊钩磨损量进行探讨研究,以多种吊钩截面计算为例,应用许用应力法对其进行应力分析和及其安全验证,为吊钩检验提供另一种新思路. 相似文献
1简介起重机械是一种应用非常广泛的物料搬运设备,在起重机上进行吊物的称重计量既经济又简便。通常在起重机上对物料称量的方法有两种:一是固定安装在起重机上部的电子称量设备;二是悬挂在起重机吊钩上的电子称量设备,称之为起重机吊钩秤,这种电子秤由于计量精度高... 相似文献
在上海耀华皮尔金顿玻璃有限公司的切割成品库内有几台吊钩与真空吸盘两用桥式起重机。它们是由上海市机电设计研究院设计、上海起重运输机械厂制造与安装的,自1987年交付使用以来已有三年多。使用表明它的性能良 相似文献
本文给出了吊钩危险断面轮廓曲线方程,并按“曲杆”原则对吊钩危险断面应力计算进行了数值解并由Auto CAD系统画出应力分布曲线。为计算常见曲线输廊吊钩的应力,给出了几何参数计算结果。 相似文献
1 事故经过 1997年8月10日下午2时许,大连市某一建筑工地的一台塔式起重机,在作业中准备往三楼吊运一捆钢筋,绑挂工人A捆绑完钢筋后指挥塔吊吊运。当工人A用手接扶吊钩时,即摔倒在地上,幸好地面无尖硬物件,未造成伤亡事故。这起触电事故发生之前,该塔吊吊钩就有“麻电”现象,工人须戴绝缘手套、穿绝缘胶鞋才能进行绑挂作业。这次因工人A忘记了戴绝缘手套才发生了上述事故。2 检查分析 该塔式起重机由三相四线制低压电源供电,零线上车后接在金属结构上,即该起重机采取接零保护。断开零线后,测得零线重复接地… 相似文献
采用桥梁挠度检测仪检测起重机部件上关键点的振动位移,通过对检测数据及曲线的分析,判断被检测部件是否存在故障。得出用桥梁挠度检测仪能够检测起重机回转大轴承故障的结论。 相似文献
David Lee 《World Pumps》2001,2001(419):48-49
When it comes to efficiency and versatility, progressing cavity pumps (PCPs) have many advantages. They provide highly efficient, accurate metering of viscous fluids, while simultaneously being highly resistant to wear from abrasive fluids, and capable of transferring shear-sensitive products without damage. However, like many types of pump, dry running is a potentially dangerous problem. David Lee UK Field Sales Manager for Robbins and Myers discusses several different sensor-based systems which can deactivate the pump if it runs dry. 相似文献
为了提高叉车的工作效率,降低操作者的劳动强度,许多叉车上已经开始安装叉移装置和侧移装置。现在较通用的设计方法是用2支液压缸分别控制2支货叉的移动,再用1支液压缸控制叉架的移动,从而实现叉移和侧移功能。本文介绍1种用2支液压缸实现叉移功能和侧移功能的方法。 相似文献
J. Halling 《Wear》1975,34(3):239-249
An attempt is made to predict the wear behaviour, particularly of metals, when wear arises from asperity interactions alone. It incorporates the concept of fatigue failure and also of simple plastic deformation failure which is considered as fatigue failure in one cycle of loading. The analysis demonstrates that fatigue mechanisms of wear are not inconsistent with observed behaviour and indicates an approach to a better appreciation of the effects of such factors as material constants and surface topographical features. 相似文献
T.A. Stolarski 《Wear》1980,59(2):309-322
A system of mathematical analysis is proposed to describe a complex interdisciplinary theory involving some controversial subsidiary topics. The new model is based upon Archard's theory and Halling and Finkin's solution, and incorporates the concept of the fractional film defect and the theory of Johnson et al. concerning the division of the load between the lubricating film and the contacting asperities under circumstances where both contribute to supporting the load. Theoretical and experimental results are compared. 相似文献
A wear model based on the fatigue failure of asperities on ion-plated surfaces is presented. It is suitable for ion-plated hard substrates sliding against hard counterfaces where asperity penetrations do not occur. The constants specific to the analysis are evaluated. A wear equation which is dependent on the mechanical properties of the system, the surface topography and the operating conditions is obtained. The wear rates are expressed as functions of the normal load, the sliding speed, the track width, the standard deviation of the surface asperities, the mean radius of the asperities, the stiffness of the asperities and the static yield strength of the multilayered material. 相似文献
A wear test is described in which the edge of a hard wedge is loaded against the periphery of a rotating disc of softer specimen material. The applied normal load is kept approximately constant during a test. As the test progresses and the disc diameter is reduced by the wear taking place the wedge moves radially inward. By measuring this inward movement during a test it is shown how the wear can be continually monitored. Results are given and it is shown how these might be applied in practice, taking into account the influence of both surface roughness and lubrication. 相似文献