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孙泠 《互联网周刊》2008,(14):61-61
存储软件早巳是高度集中的世界,EMC、Symantec(www.symantec.com.cn)、IBM(www.ibm.corn.on)、惠普(www.hp.com.cn)和CA(www.ca.com.cn)五大存储软件厂商占据了这个市场74%的份额,并通过并购等途径进一步扩大自己的领地。  相似文献   

三菱电机.专业影像系统领域领导厂商.能够提供最全面、最专业的系统解决方案.拥有业界领先的六大产品线.显示墙是三菱电机最核心、最具实力的产品.多年来.三菱电机始终保持专业控制室解决方案领域的领先地位.是电信网管、银行、交通监控.公安、政府应急指挥.能源、公共事业、生产企业过程控制等领域的最佳选择。还可实现10年超长寿命设计.满足高可靠性要求、舒适性环保要求、可维护性要求。  相似文献   

选择适当的教学模式.提高教学实效.是中学思想政治课教学改革的重大课题.渐进式教学模式,它通过了解、理解、见解、练习四个环节.充分尊重学生的主体地位.积极发挥教师的主导作用.对培养学生参与能力.调动学生学习兴趣.提高课堂教育教学效率.对实现思想政治课教学目标有着重要作用.  相似文献   

又到了岁末年初的盘点时刻,明年行业、企业的信息化形势如何?一度火热的电子政务建设明年又是何等景象?明年信息化建设的重点会是什么?热点技术,热点产品或热点应用又是什么?为此.本刊策划了“2004年信息化热点调查”专题报道,通过走访,电子邮件.电话等方式,采访了劳动和社会保障部,民政部、司法部、财政部、国土资源部.建设部等20家国务院部委及其直属局的信息部门主管,以及40家国家重点企业如中国石化、中国石油.中国海洋石油.一汽集团.长安汽车.中国长江航运集团.中唱总公司,中煤能源集团,国电华中公司.中国水利水电建设集团.华泰财产保险.协和医院等涉及石化.汽车.电力.能源.教育.医疗.保险.制造等行业重点企业的信息部门主管。  相似文献   

常熟市地处长三角前沿.以秀丽的山川景色、丰饶的物产资源享誉江南。苏嘉杭、沿江两条高速公路交叉过境.全市所有乡镇十分钟内均可进入高速公路.交通十分便捷。常熟市域总面积为1264平方公里.全市户籍总数33.92万户.人口105.48万.流动人口80万。全市人口城镇化程度为51.2%。现有10个镇.1个尚湖虞山度假区.国家级、省级经济开发区各1个.  相似文献   

0引言 M.O.S.S是一家位于爱米莉亚一罗马那的意大利公司,一直制造和销售丝网印刷机、胶版印刷机和热印机。这些机器主要用于装饰塑料物件和容器。以他们的专门知识和牢固的工程技巧.M.O.S.S制造适合各种形状和大小的机器.例如.硬管和软管、瓶子、罐子、杯子和桶.等等。  相似文献   

1、蠕虫下载器变种RVT(Worm.Win32.Auto.rvt);2、驱动下载者变种A(RootKit.Win32.Download.a);3、下载器蠕虫变种OB(Worm.Win32.DownLoader.ob);4、U盘蠕虫下载器变种FFK(Worm.Win32.Autorun.ffk);5、“灰鸽子”(Backdoor_GreyPigeon)及变种;  相似文献   

在联想(www.lenovo.com.cn)、戴尔(www.dell.com.cn)、惠普(www.hp.com.cn)等竞争对手的围追堵截之下,前景阴云密布的方正科技(www.founder.com.cn)试图做出新一轮的突围行动。  相似文献   

亚里士多德曾指出:美是和谐与比例的.秩序和对称是美的重要因素.而这两点都能在数学中找到。是啊.哪里有数学,哪里就有美.因此.教师在课堂教学中应注重并善于挖掘数学的美育资源.充分展示数学美.着力培养学生感受美、鉴赏美、表现美、创造美的能力.从而完善学生人格.发展学生个性.培养他们志在创新、志在超越的审美情趣.  相似文献   

本文介绍的LED通用电平显示器.利用10个发光二极管作为输入端电平变化的显示.输入端电平信号可以是通过各类传感器和变换电路而探测的各种物理量.如电压、电流、温度、湿度、亮度、响度、音频、距离、磁场强度、重量等等。用它做成的电平显示器.既醒目、直观,又方便、实用.并且能反映瞬间变化的信号.用途十分广泛。例如.在电路设计制作中,它既可以通过探头和处理电路实现温度控制和显示.用于烘箱、冰箱、垒调、热塑封机等设备上.  相似文献   

本文在阐述机器人触觉临场感再现技术的相关原理及实现技术的基础上,指出了目前电触觉再现技术中存在的问题,提出了实现电刺激电流在线调节的新构想。文章最后述及了国专家学者关于触觉概念的新观念,并认为在未来一段时间内,与此相关的课题将是触觉研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

本文以探月卫星设计分析和飞行控制为例,探讨了备份航天器在不改动自身设备的条件下,如何与主份航天器同时安全完成飞行试验的问题。由于主份航天器与备份航天器整器设备均为同时设计、同时投产,技术状态相同。两器星上在测控数管软硬件均完全一致,且在相同时段、相近地点在轨飞行的情况下,通过使用不同的遥控码速率、使用不同的频点、利用环境遮挡、使用门限电平发指令的实施方法,避免了两器之间遥控的互相影响,保证了航天器安全。  相似文献   

This paper surveys recently published literature on tactile sensing in robotic manipulation to understand effective strategies for using tactile sensing and the issues involved in tactile sensing. It consists of a brief review of existing tactile sensors for robotic grippers and hands, review of modalities available from tactile sensing, review of the applications of tactile sensing in robotic manipulations, and discussion of the issues of tactile sensing and an approach to make tactile sensors more useful. We emphasize vision-based tactile sensing because of its potential to be a good tactile sensor for robots.  相似文献   

Since sensory feedback is an important part of robot control and the acquisition, manipulation, and recognition of objects, incorporating a sense of touch into a robotic system can greatly enhance the performance of that system. This article describes the evaluation of a recently developed low-resolution tactile array sensor pad system for use in robotic applications. Computer algorithms are developed which acquire data from the sensor pad and display the data on a CRT screen. Vision algorithms are implemented in order to extract the necessary information from the tactile data which will aid in the acquisition, manipulation, and recognition of objects. An object's pose is estimated by calculating its center of gravity (position) and principal axis (orientation). Recognizing an object and distinguishing between different objects is accomplished by implementing algorithms which estimate an object's perimeter (shape) and area (size). This work demonstrates that a low-resolution tactile array sensor is capable of providing the information that is required for many robotic applications in which objects must be acquired, manipulated, and recognized. Such a system provides a low-cost alternative to more conventional vision-based systems.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(3):245-261
—This paper reviews the current state of the art and predicts the outlook in robotic tactile sensing for real-time control of dextrous manipulation. We begin with an overview of human touch sensing capabilities and draw lessons for robotic manipulation. Next, tactile sensor devices are described, including tactile array sensors, force-torque sensors, and dynamic tactile sensors. The information provided by these devices can be used in manipulation in many ways, such as finding contact locations and object shape, measuring contact forces, and determining contact conditions. Finally, recent progress in experimental use of tactile sensing in manipulation is discussed, and future directions for research in sensing and control are considered.  相似文献   

Tactile transmission systems deliver tactile information such as texture roughness to operators of robotic systems. Such systems are typically composed of tactile sensors that sense the physical characteristics of textures and tactile displays that present tactile stimuli to operators. One problem associated with tactile transmission systems is that when the system has a bottleneck, it is difficult to identify whether the tactile sensor, tactile display, or perceptual ability of the user is the cause because they have different performance criteria. To solve this problem, this study established an evaluation method that uses the discriminability index as an evaluation criterion. The method lets tactile sensors, displays, and human tactile perception be assessed in terms of the ability to transmit physical quantities; the same criterion is used for all three possible causes so that their abilities can be directly compared. The developed method was applied to a tactile-roughness transmission system (Okamoto et?al. 2009), and its tactile sensor was identified as the bottleneck of the system.  相似文献   

With the continued technology innovation in object sensing and human motion tracking, the traditional two‐dimensional video‐based tele‐conference systems are projected to evolve into the three‐dimensional immersive and augmented reality (AR) based on which one can communicate with the teleported remote other as if present, moving and interacting naturally in the same location. One technical hurdle to this vision is the need to resolve the environmental differences and the resulting teleported avatar motion anomaly between the remote and local sites. This paper presents a novel method to first establish a spatial and object‐level match between the remote and local sites and adapts the position and motion of the teleported avatar into the local AR space according to the matched information. This results in a natural looking and spatially correct rendering of the remote user in the local augmented space and a significantly improved tele‐conference experience and communication performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When humans learn a new motor skill from a teacher, they learn using multiple channels. They receive high level information aurally about the skill, visual information about how another performs the skill, and at times, tactile information from the teacher's physical guidance. This research proposes a novel approach where the student receives real-time tactile feedback, simultaneously over all joints, delivered through a wearable robotic system. This tactile feedback can supplement the visual or auditory feedback from the teacher. Our results using a 5-DOF robotic suit show a 27% improvement in accuracy while performing the target motion, and an accelerated learning rate of up to 23%. We report both of these results with high statistical significance (p les 0.01). This research is intended for use in a diverse set of applications including sports training, motor rehabilitation after neurological damage, dance, postural retraining for health, and many others. We call this system tactile interaction for kinesthetic learning (TIKL).  相似文献   

The capability of autonomously discovering relations between perceptual data and motor actions is crucial for the development of robust adaptive robotic systems intended to operate in an unknown environment. In the case of robotic tactile perception, a proper interaction between contact sensing and motor control is the basic step toward the execution of complex motor procedures such as grasping and manipulation.In this paper the autonomous development of cutaneo-motor coordination is investigated in the case of a robotic finger mounted on a robotic manipulator, for a particular class of micromovements. A neural network architecture linking changes in the sensed tactile pattern with the motor actions performed is described and experimental results are analyzed. Examples of application of the developed sensory-motor coordination in the generation of motor control procedures for the estimate of surface curvature are considered.  相似文献   

Tactile-based blind grasping addresses realistic robotic grasping in which the hand only has access to proprioceptive and tactile sensors. The robotic hand has no prior knowledge of the object/grasp properties, such as object weight, inertia, and shape. There exists no manipulation controller that rigorously guarantees object manipulation in such a setting. Here, a robust control law is proposed for object manipulation in tactile-based blind grasping. The analysis ensures semi-global asymptotic and exponential stability in the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances that are neglected in related work. Simulation and hardware results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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