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正保暖性强,柔软舒适的羽绒被越来越受到大家的青睐。如何辨别羽绒被质量的好差?好的羽绒被如何保养延长使用寿命?来听听专家如何支招。被芯种类有好有差要看仔细"知己知彼,百战不殆",中国家纺网为你支招,购买羽绒被之前,首先要了解羽绒被的基本情况。羽绒被填充物主要为羽绒,其羽绒是长在鸭、鹅腹部的那些成芦花状的绒毛、成片状的叫羽毛。羽绒被的  相似文献   

近几年我们技术监督部门对服装、羊毛衫、羊绒衫等纤维制品的纤维成份含量标识进行了大量的监督检查,无标识及乱标注现象大幅度下降,但对羽绒类产品的成份含量问题,如羽绒被产品无论从数量、花色品种等方面都有大幅增长,市场上相继出现了标有全棉、超羽绒、貂绒等各类高、中、低档羽绒被制品,价格从几十元到上百元不等。而这些价值不等的羽绒被是否名符其实、货真价实呢?为此我们对塔城市各大商场及个体摊位进行了羽绒被纤维含量专项打假抽查。 清查治理: 为了维护消费者合法权益,塔城地区纤检所根据上级指示,迅速进行了周密的安排布置,于1999年10月21日上午11时,对塔城市羽绒被经销点进行了重点检查,共检查标有全棉、羽绒、貂绒5个批次,  相似文献   

<正>当羽绒被越来越普及,和所有高价值的商品一样,假冒伪劣也层出不穷。大量低劣的"羽绒被"开始出现在市场。在消费者感受"羽绒被低价"的同时,也在破坏着消费者对"羽绒被真保暖"的体验感。羽绒被贵与便宜,很多消费者认知建立在不对称信息上。1.羽绒被应不应该贵?一条优质的鹅绒被冬被,绒的重量一般在1500g,一只成年鹅可用羽绒是50?60g,如果是优质绒朵,可能在20g左右。就是说一条优质的羽绒被大约需要75只鹅左右,低价可以买到好的羽绒被吗?  相似文献   

<正>羽绒被是寒冬最贴心的暖炉,寒冷的夜晚有它的存在可以让我们暖和许多,但是,使用时间久了就会渐渐变脏,需要清洗。很多人都不知道清洗方法,最后导致羽绒被失去了保暖效果。那么,羽绒被应该怎么洗呢?第一种:肥皂水浸泡清洗。(1)用清水完全浸透羽绒被,将其拧干;(2)羽绒被放在50℃肥皂水中浸泡10分钟;(3)放在板上拍平,用中性洗涤剂在脏处轻轻刷洗;  相似文献   

为进一步监督羽绒被市场质量情况,保护广大消费者的合法权益,开展此次羽绒被质量检测与评价.从市场上采集40批次羽绒被样品,检测及评定主要依据为QB/T 1193—2012《羽绒羽毛被》及强制标准GB 18401—2010《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》,本次对于羽绒被测评结果主要以绒子含量、蓬松度、透明度、防钻绒及透气性...  相似文献   

正日前,上海艾莱依家用纺织品有限公司对外透露,其将继续深耕羽绒被市场,重点生产打造高品质、高性价比的羽绒被。艾莱依家纺总经理潘建明表示:成立10年来,艾莱依一直定位于"羽绒被专家",并深挖羽绒被这一细分品类。在品牌2016年秋冬新品中,羽绒被几乎全部采用100支的高端全棉面料,同时还使用来自波兰、西班牙、匈牙利等世界知名羽绒产地的羽绒,真正做到高品质、高性价比。此外,为了遵循向"客户导向"靠拢  相似文献   

正上海市市场监督管理局在专家评审的基础上,委托上海市质量监督检验技术研究院对本市生产和销售的部分羽绒被产品进行抽样,并采用统一的标准方法对产品进行了检测。本次质量检测共采集39批次羽绒被产品,其中销售商店采样20批次,生产企业采样14批次,网络采样5批次。经专家论证,无论产  相似文献   

<正>近日,艾莱依家纺发布ERALxGood-INight羽绒被,从温度、湿度、清洁度、舒适度出发,为不同消费者提供专业睡眠床品和健康睡眠方案。该款羽绒被采用海斯摩尔、石墨烯等抑菌面料,并精选保暖性和透气性出色的上等羽绒,采用绗缝、立衬等精制工艺,  相似文献   

近几年我们技术监督部门对服装、羊毛衫、羊绒衫等纤维制品的纤维成份含量标识进行了大量的监督检查,无标识及乱标注现象大幅度下降,但对羽绒类产品的成份含量问题,如羽绒被产品无论从数量、花色品种等方面都有大幅增长,市场上相继出现了标有全棉、超羽绒、貂绒等各类高、中、低档羽绒被制品,价格从几十元到上百元不等。  相似文献   

正网购是近年来颇为流行的购物方式,因其方便、快捷而备受消费者青睐。那么,网购羽绒制品应该注意哪些问题呢?网购羽绒制品不合格率高。前不久,中国羽绒工业协会对网购的40件羽绒服和20条羽绒被进行抽检,检测结果显示:羽绒服合格率为55%,羽绒被合格率仅为5%。据介绍,这次抽检主要针对在网购平台上羽绒服(被)搜索结果靠前的产品,所有  相似文献   

Anthocyanogen and catechin contents (tanninogen values) were determined for ten two-row and thirteen six-row barleys and for their corresponding malts. Four barley-malts were then selected for brewing, one with high, one with low, and two with intermediate tanninogen contents. The brews were made using bottom-fermenting (lager) as well as top-fermenting (ale) yeasts, both at 50–55° F. and at 68° F. The quality of the beers, as expressed by standard analyses and flavour evaluation, is discussed in the light of the tanninogen contents of the barleys and the different brewing parameters (yeast type and fermentation temperature).  相似文献   

说明了日本新合纤(新聚酯)的发展阶段,介绍了国外(日本西欧和美国)新合纤的市场情况,指出了日本在新合纤领域目前处于世界最先进水平。概括了新合纤制造加工技术及1990~1992年间日本各合成纤维厂商推出的新合纤产品。最后指出了新合纤存在的某些缺点。  相似文献   

对姜的营养、保健功能及其在日常生活中的应用进行了介绍,更利于推动我国调味品业的进一步研究与开发。  相似文献   



Content of individual sugars, organic acids, total phenolics (TPH), some important phenolic compounds (kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, and ellagic acid) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the fruits of strawberry, raspberry and blackberry were studied. A comparison was made between cultivars and wild relatives of each species (Fragaria vesca L., Rubus idaeus L. and Rubus fruticosus L.). The main sugars found were fructose and glucose both in the fruits of wild species and the studied cultivars. Citric acid was determined to be the major organic acid in most of tested berries with the exception of blackberry cultivars, where malic acid was dominant. The content of individual phenolic compounds varied among the wild species, as well as among the studied cultivars. Ellagic acid content was higher in F. vesca, R. idaeus and R. fruticosus (122.5 µg/g FW, 12.71 µg/g FW and 61.7 µg/g FW, respectively) than that obtained in analyzed cultivars. Overall, TPH expressed higher values in the wild strawberry and blackberry species in comparison to the studied cultivars, and consequently, the highest levels of TAC were recorded in F. vesca (5.78 mg asc/g FW), followed by R. fruticosus (4.95 mg asc/g FW).


In recent years, both wild and cultivated berries have become very attractive for consumers because of potentially beneficial phytochemicals contained in these fruits. Fruit nutritional quality can be described by standard quality parameters (sugars and organic acids), and the analysis of antioxidant capacity influenced by specific related compounds. The importance of flavonoids and other phenolics have been suggested to play a preventive role in the development of cancer and heart disease. A significant positive correlation observed in this study between total phenolics and total antioxidant capacity indicate the need for the use of wild species in the breeding programs of small fruits, especially strawberry and blackberry, in order to increase their nutritive value and the health benefits.  相似文献   

Tencel机织物的染整加工及所用染化料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tencel纤维易于原纤化和很高的横向膨润性对染整加工设备选型、工序安排、染化料选用提出了很高的要求,关键的助剂是润滑剂、纤维素酶、柔软剂、树脂整理剂、防原纤化助剂,于是详细讨论了Tencel机织物的前处理、初级原纤化、酶处理、染色、二次原纤化和柔性、树脂整理及染化料的应用。  相似文献   

Reduced and oxidised glutathione, cysteine, cystine and traces (too small to quantify) of γ-glutamyl-cysteine and cysteinylglycine were detected, in about the same amounts, in extracts of the embryos of dormant and mature barleys. During micromalting the levels of the thiols and disulphides altered in various ways, but altered in the same ways in dormant and mature samples of grain until germination began. An early decline in the glutathione content of embryos was mirrored by a rise in the amount in degermed grains. Histochemical tests and analyses of isolated tissues showed that in the quiescent grains thiols were concentrated in the embryo (particularly the scutellum) and in the aleurone layer and isolated embryos released thiols into an incubation medium. We conclude that the endogenous thiols and disulphides are not obviously involved in the regulation of dormancy.  相似文献   

Textural attributes of Cheddar and Cheshire cheeses, falling within narrow compositional ranges, were assessed by sensory panels, and from force-compression curves generated by compression between two plates, and, for Cheddar cheese only, by penetrometry. Individual sensory measurements did not relate well to any instrumental one, and were better at discriminating between cheeses. Samples of each cheese variety were fractured in different ways and the fracture surfaces were examined in a scanning electron microscope. Fracture surfaces were formed by cutting directly through the matrix, tearing of the matrix along planes high in fat or cracking at grain boundaries. It is suggested that consideration of fracture mechanism may aid the selection and development of useful instrumental methods for texture assessment of cheese.  相似文献   

The influence of tomato fruit ripeness on area- and perimeter-dependent properties and dominant failure mechanisms of pericarp tissue were investigated. Tissue discs from mature-green and red-ripe fruit were punctured with a flat-ended cylindrical probe and compressed with a flat plate at a constant rate of deformation. Approximately linear force-deformation curves were obtained to tissue failure by both puncture and flat plate compression, interrupted by a region of pseudoplastic deformation at a relatively low initial bioyield force. Based on estimated area- and perimeter-dependent coefficients and firmness (force/deformation) values, initial bioyielding of tissue appeared to be associated with an abrupt increase in cell-to-cell compaction. Puncture of mature-green tissue led to premature failure induced by shearing or rupture of tissue at the probe perimeter. The contribution to puncture of perimeter-dependent or shear-associated forces and a putative "zone of influence" increased markedly with ripening, while the contribution of area-dependent or compression associated forces generally decreased. A concomitant decrease in failure force and firmness with ripening reflected a general loss of both tissue compression and shear strengths. These results suggested that the dominant mode of tissue failure changed with ripening, from cell relaxation and rupture to cell debonding. The data obtained in this study emphasize the need to exercise caution in the interpretation of force-deformation parameters derived from puncture tests alone.  相似文献   

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