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The switching performance of an IGBT module depends upon the drive circuit characteristics and external DC loop inductance. This paper discusses the influence of these parameters on switching losses, diode recovery, switching voltage transients, short circuit operation, and dv/dt induced current. The paper is a tutorial and identifies trends. It is intended as an aid to the circuit designer, to help him apply the IGBT module to best advantage  相似文献   

栅极电阻对IGBT的动态特性有很大的影响。对栅极驱动电阻的选择进行了探讨,分析了栅极电阻选择不当可能引起的几种问题,并给出了选择办法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于功率MOSFET的谐振栅极驱动电路。该电路通过循环储存在栅极电容中的能量来实现减少驱动功率损耗的目的 ,从而保证了此驱动电路可以在较高的频率下工作。通过实验 ,证明了这种电路的正确性和实用性  相似文献   

一种简单的IGBT驱动和过流保护电路   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
讨论了IGBT驱动电路对其静态和动态特性的影响以及对驱动电路与过流保护电路的要求。利用IGBT的通态饱和压降与集电极电流呈近似线性关系的特性,设计了一个具有完善的过流保护功能的IGBT驱动电路。经分析和实验表明,该电路具有简单、实用、可靠性高等优点。  相似文献   

谐振门极驱动电路能够减小高频下MOSFET的驱动损耗。首先介绍了传统电压源驱动及其存在的诸多问题,引出谐振驱动技术。综述了目前现有的谐振门极驱动电路的拓扑结构,并分为电流源型、谐振型和耦合电感型三大类。对于电流源型和谐振型,分别介绍较早提出的拓扑结构及其优缺点,并与后期发展的各种拓扑作对比分析。耦合电感型是在电流源型或谐振型中加入耦合电感来传递能量,这也增加了拓扑的复杂度。考虑谐振门极驱动电路的复杂程度,将拓扑元器件集成到一个芯片中以达到优化。  相似文献   

介绍了半桥逆变电路的工作方式,探讨了IGBT静态特性及动态开关过程,对正常工作和过流故障时的原理进行了分析,给出了IGBT驱动和保护的详细电路.三菱公司CT60AM设计的实际电路已在某研究所大功率并联多余度逆变电源上可靠运行.应用表明该驱动及保护电路结构简单,抗干扰能力强,证明了该方案的合理性、可靠性.  相似文献   

详细介绍了栅极功率驱动电路寄生效应的产生机理及其影响 ,提出了有效的应对措施  相似文献   

对大功率IGBT(InsulatedGateBipolarTransistor,绝缘栅双极型晶体管)的开关特性、驱动波形、驱动功率、布线等方面进行了分析和讨论,介绍了一种用于大功率IGBT的驱动电路。  相似文献   

This paper describes a gate drive circuit which is capable of driving an ultrahigh‐speed switching device and of suppressing high‐frequency noise caused by its high dV/dt ratio of 104 V/μs order. SiC (silicon carbide)‐based power semiconductor devices are very promising as next‐generation ultrahigh‐speed switching devices. However, one of their application problems is how to drive them with less high‐frequency noise without sacrificing their ultrahigh‐speed operation capability. The paper proposes a new gate drive circuit specialized for such devices, which charges and discharges the input capacitance of the device by using an impulse voltage generated by inductors. This ultrahigh‐speed switching operation causes a high‐frequency common‐mode noise current in the gate drive circuit, which penetrates an isolated power‐supply transformer due to the parasitic capacitance between the primary and the secondary windings. In order to overcome this secondary problem, a toroidal multicore transformer is also proposed in the paper in order to reduce the parasitic capacitance drastically. By applying the former technique, the turn‐on time and turn‐off time of the power device were shortened by 50% and by 20%, compared with a conventional push‐pull gate drive circuit, respectively. In addition, the latter technique allows reduction of the peak common‐mode noise current to 25%, compared with the use of a conventional standard utility power‐supply transformer. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(4): 52–60, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21124  相似文献   

Reliability of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Power cycling capability is one of the most important reliability items in the application of power semiconductor modules. This paper describes the failure mechanism of power cycling by analysis of the structure of lead-based solder and joint failure due to solder fatigue. By the application of some additional elements, it has been found that a newly developed tin-silver-based solder shows both excellent mechanical properties and wettability. Further, we have established, both by experiment and computer calculation, that the dependence of the failure mechanism on /spl Delta/Tj is completely different between the new tin-silver-based solder and conventional lead-based solder. According to these evaluations, it has become clear that the power cycling lifetime of the new tin-silver-based solder depends on the solder joint at higher than around 110 K, while it depends on the aluminum wire bonds at lower than around 50 K. As a result, higher power cycling capability can be successfully achieved by using this newly developed solder instead of conventional lead-based solder.  相似文献   

There is a growing market demand for insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) with high efficiency but long short-circuit withstand time. The inherent device tradeoff, however, does not allow device designers to achieve both goals simultaneously. The proposed circuits, by limiting the fault current magnitude, extends the short-circuit withstand time of high efficiency (high-gain) IGBTs. Limiting of the fault current magnitude also results in reduced turn-off voltage transients; a desirable byproduct, especially for higher current modules. Moreover, the adverse Miller effect is counterbalanced to a great degree. If the fault current is of a short transient type, the circuit restores normal operation, a unique and desirable feature for noise-prone systems. The circuit does not require an external DC supply to operate. This feature, combined with the simplicity of the circuit, makes it feasible to insert the circuit in IGBT modules or connect it as an interface between the gate driver and module  相似文献   

This paper deals with an active gate drive (AGD) technology for high-power insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). It is based on an optimal combination of several requirements necessary for good switching performance under hard-switching conditions. The scheme specifically combines together the slow drive requirements for low noise and switching stress and the fast drive requirements for high-speed switching and low switching energy loss. The gate drive can also effectively dampen oscillations during low-current turn-on transient in the IGBT. This paper looks at the conflicting requirements of the conventional gate drive circuit design and demonstrates using experimental results that the proposed three-stage AGD technique can be an effective solution  相似文献   

An enhanced insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) model based on the Kraus model with new derivations based on an extra parameter accounting for p-i-n injection was developed to allow simulation of both trench and DMOS IGBT structures. Temperature dependence was also implemented in the model. The model was validated against steady-state and transient measurements done on an 800-A 1.7-kV Dynex IGBT module at 25/spl deg/C and 125/spl deg/C. The Spice model has also shown excellent agreement with mixed mode MEDICI simulations. The Spice model also takes into account for the first time the parasitic thyristor effect allowing the dc and dynamic temperature-dependent latchup modeling of power modules as well as their temperature-dependent safe operating area.  相似文献   

The partial discharge (PD) and insulation resistance is very important in view of the increasing operating voltages of insulated gate bipolar transistor modules. PD spectroscopy showed that the PDs from metallization edges and interfaces in silicone gel were the main sources of PD at high voltages. It also allows these types of PDs to be clearly distinguished. As the PDs from interfaces in silicone gel increase strongly at high voltages, it is especially important for the silicone gel to adhere well to the ceramic  相似文献   

针对氮化镓(GaN)器件,传统的驱动电路是电压源型驱动,在高频下充放电回路中的寄生电感会引起栅源电压振荡,超过GaN器件的栅源耐压值,损坏GaN器件。采用谐振驱动(RGD)电路是解决上述传统驱动存在的问题的有效途径之一,利用LC谐振,在GaN器件开通和关断时提供一条低阻抗箝位路径,减小栅源电压的振荡,提供一个稳定的栅源电压。详细分析了RGD电路的工作原理,同时设计制作了1 MHz的Boost变换器原理样机,并给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

孙强  周永明 《电工技术》2002,(12):30-32
分析了IGBT逆变器缓冲电路的工作原理,推导出缓冲电路各元件的参数计算公式,预见了缓冲电路在关断过程中的2次电压尖峰,并对其仿真验证。  相似文献   

在IGBT等效的有源模型基础上,分析电感负载下IGBT的开关换流过程及门极驱动参数对开关过程的影响。详细地介绍了IGBT驱动的设计原理和技术方法,包括:信号传输、隔离电源、驱动输出、保护等方面,总结了不同设计方法导致驱动器输出特性的差异、优缺点。采用TX-2DE300M17,2SC0435和2QD15A17K-C三款集成驱动器,设计外围驱动电路,对英飞凌FF300R17KE4进行双脉冲测试实验,比较研究了开通暂态波形,分析三款驱动器的技术差异和优缺点,最后介绍了IGBT门极驱动应用过程中应着重注意的细节。  相似文献   

由于线路中杂散电感以及IGBT反并联二极管浪涌电压的影响,IGBT在关断过程中会产生过电压尖峰。通过对IGBT关断过程的分析,提出了一种新的IGBT过电压抑制方法,并通过pspice仿真以及实验验证了新的过电压抑制方法的正确性和优势。  相似文献   

A method of improving the stability of multiple-motor drive system has been devised that employs the averages and differences of estimated parameters for field-oriented control. The parameters of each motor (stator current, rotor flux, and speed) are estimated using adaptive rotor flux observers to achieve sensorless control. The validity and effective of the proposed method have been demonstrated through simulations and experiments.  相似文献   

纳米工艺水平下,负偏置温度不稳定性(negative bias temperature instability,NBTI)成为影响集成电路可靠性的关键性因素。NBTI效应会导致晶体管阈值电压增加,老化加剧,最终导致电路时序违规。为了缓解电路的NBTI效应,引入考虑门的时延关键性的权值识别关键门,通过比较关键门的不同扇入门替换后的时延增量,得到引入额外时延相对较小的双输入的需要替换的门,最后进行门替换。对基于45 nm晶体管工艺的ISCAS85基准电路实验结果显示,在电路时序余量为5%时,应用本文改进的门替换方法电路时延改善率为41.23%,而面积增加率和门替换率分别为3.17%和8.99%,明显优于传统门替换方法。  相似文献   

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