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M Ozata G Ozisik S Caglayan Z Yesilova N Bing?l M Saglam M Turan Z Beyhan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,30(5):266-271
Since little is known about the effects of gonadotropin and testosterone treatment on leptin levels in male hypogonadism, we determined fasting plasma leptin levels before and 3 months after treatment in 21 patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), 16 patients with Klinefelter's syndrome and 20 male controls. Patients with IHH were treated with hCG/human menopausal gonadotropin, whereas patients with Klinefelter's syndrome received T treatment. Plasma leptin levels were measured by an RIA with a sensitivity of 0.5 microg/L. Mean leptin levels in patients with IHH before treatment (9.23+/-4.09 microg/L) were not significantly different from those in patients with Klinefelter's syndrome (7.29+/-5.05 microg/L; z=-1.41; P=0.15). Leptin levels in both IHH and Klinefelter's syndrome groups were, however, significantly higher than in the normal men (3.91+/-1.67 microg/L) (P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively). Mean leptin levels did not change significantly 3 months after the initiation of gonadotropin (11.6+/-6.44 microg/L) or T (8.32+/-5.17 microg/L) treatment in either IHH or Klinefelter's syndrome. Our study demonstrated that mean plasma leptin levels are not influenced by short-term gonadotropin or T treatment in male hypogonadism. 相似文献
CS Cooper PJ Perry AE Sparks JH MacIndoe WR Yates RD Williams 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,159(2):441-443
PURPOSE: We investigate and define the effects of exogenous testosterone on the normal prostate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 31 healthy volunteers 21 to 39 years old were randomized to receive either 100, 250 or 500 mg. testosterone via intramuscular injection once a week for 15 weeks. Baseline measurements of serum testosterone, free testosterone and prostate specific antigen (PSA) were taken at week 1. Semen samples were also collected for PSA content and prostate volumes were determined by transrectal ultrasound before testosterone injection. Blood was then drawn every other week before each testosterone injection for the 15 weeks, every other week thereafter until week 28 and again at week 40. After the first 15 weeks semen samples were again collected, and prostate volumes were determined by repeat transrectal ultrasound. RESULTS: Free and total serum testosterone levels increased significantly in the 250 and 500 mg. dose groups. No significant change occurred in the prostate volume or serum PSA levels at any dose of exogenous testosterone. Total semen PSA levels decreased following administration of testosterone but did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Despite significant elevations in serum total and free testosterone, healthy young men do not demonstrate increased serum or semen PSA levels, or increased prostate volume in response to exogenous testosterone injections. 相似文献
DK Ornstein DS Smith PA Humphrey WJ Catalona 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,159(4):1234-1237
PURPOSE: We determine the influence of age, prostate volume, total serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level and histological evidence of acute inflammation in biopsy specimens on the percent free serum PSA level in men without clinically detectable prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 70 men with total PSA levels of 2.6 to 9.9 ng./ml. who had undergone at least 3 sets of prostate biopsies that were negative for cancer as part of our PSA based prostate cancer screening program. Total and free PSA levels were measured using Hybritech immunoassays. Prostate volume and the presence of acute inflammation were determined from the most recent transrectal ultrasonography and prostate needle biopsy. RESULTS: Percent free PSA levels correlated significantly with age (r = 0.48, p = 0.0001) and prostate volume (r = 0.44, p = 0.0002) but not with total PSA (r = 0.04, p = 0.7). The mean percent free PSA did not differ for those with or without acute inflammation. Multivariate regression models demonstrated that age and prostate volume were significant predictors of percent free PSA. CONCLUSIONS: Among men without detectable prostate cancer and a total PSA level between 2.6 and 9.9 ng./ml. percent free serum PSA was higher in older men and in men with a larger prostate gland but was not influenced by total PSA level or the presence of acute inflammation in the prostatic biopsy specimen. 相似文献
322 men who had not prostatic diseases were selected at random for defining the characteristics of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) in order to use PSA more appropriately in detecting clinically significant prostate cancer. The serum PSA concentration is correlated with patient age (r = 0.301; P < 0.0001), PSA is increased with age. The recommended upper limits (mean +2 standard deviations) for serum PSA for men aged 20-49 years was 2.71 ng/ml; for 50-59 years, 5.01ng/ml; for 60-69 years, 6.05 ng/ml; and for greater than or equal to 70 years, 7.92 ng/ml. Our findings led to proposals for using age-specific PSA reference range instead of a single reference range for men of all age groups. These age-specific reference ranges have the potential to increase the specificity of using PSA for detecting prostate cancer. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Determining the ratio of free to total prostate specific antigen (f-PSA to t-PSA, calculated as the percentage of f-PSA [f-PSA%]) in serum allow for a clearer distinction between patients with prostate carcinoma (PCa) and patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) than determining the level of t-PSA alone. To find influencing factors on f-PSA%, the authors investigated prostate volume, TNM classification, and tumor stage. METHODS: The authors measured f-PSA and t-PSA in 36 men with untreated PCa (tumor classification: T1, 2, 3pNO, MO), 44 patients with BPH, and 54 healthy controls. Prostate volume was determined by transrectal ultrasound. RESULTS: The median values of t-PSA and f-PSA% were 7.8 micrograms/L and 10.5% in PCa patients, 4.3 micrograms/L and 20.8% in patients with BPH, and 1.4 micrograms/L and 23.6% in the control group. Patients with PCa had a significantly lower proportion of f-PSA than BPH patients and healthy men. There was no correlation of f-PSA% to TNM stage or tumor grade. In PCa patients a significant positive correlation (correlation coefficient [r] = 0.51, P < 0.001) was found between f-PSA% and prostate volume, whereas there was no significant correlation in BPH patients (r = -0.27, P > 0.05). There was a significant difference in f-PSA% between PCa and BPH patients with prostate volumes smaller than 40 cm3 (9.0% vs. 21.6%, P < 0.01) but not between patients in these 2 groups with prostate volumes exceeding 40 cm3 (15.1% vs. 18.2%, P = 0.11). CONCLUSIONS: Determining the ratio of f-PSA to t-PSA to discriminate between PCa and BPH patients yields significant results only in men with a prostate volume of less than 40 cm3. 相似文献
M Ozata M Bulur N Bingol Z Beyhan A Corakci E Bolu MA Gundogan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,81(5):1877-1881
It has previously been shown that increased nocturnal melatonin (MT) secretion exists in male patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. However, little is known about the effects of gonadotropin and testosterone (T) treatment on early morning plasma MT levels in male hypogonadism. Also, the impact of gonadal steroids on plasma MT levels is an open question. We, therefore, determined early morning plasma MT levels at the same hour before and 3 months after treatment in 21 patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), 10 patients with primary hypogonadism, and 11 male controls. Plasma FSH, LH, PRL, T, and estradiol levels were also determined before and 3 months after treatment. Patients with IHH were treated with hCG/human menopausal gonadotropin, whereas patients with primary hypogonadism received T treatment. Short term treatments did not achieve normal T levels, although significant increases in T were observed in both groups. Plasma MT levels were measured by a RIA with a sensitivity of 10.7 pmol/L. Mean plasma MT levels before treatment were significantly higher in IHH (41.8 +/- 24.4 pmol/L) compared with those in the controls (21.7 +/- 10.8 pmol/L; P < 0.05). However, a slight, but not significant, increase in MT (34.2 +/- 21.1 pmol/L) was found in primary hypogonadism. Mean MT levels did not change significantly 3 months after the initiation of gonadotropin (41.7 +/- 22.8 pmol/L) or T (28.4 +/- 12.6 pmol/L) treatment in either IHH or primary hypogonadism, although a tendency for MT to decrease was observed in both groups. No correlation was found between MT and circulating FSH, LH, PRL, and gonadal steroids either before or after therapy. We conclude that male patients with IHH have increased early morning MT levels, although the pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that mean plasma MT levels are not influenced by short term gonadotropin or T treatment in male hypogonadism, although a longer time effect of gonadotropins or T treatment may not be excluded. The lack of correlation between plasma MT and circulating gonadal steroids before and after treatment suggests that there is no classic feedback regulation between the pineal gland and the testes. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Parenteral testosterone supplementation is a common treatment for erectile dysfunction in hypogonadal men. Despite its frequent use, the effect of testosterone on prostate specific antigen (PSA) in these patients has not been documented previously. In this study we determined the effect of parenteral testosterone replacement on PSA and PSA velocity in a group of men being treated for erectile dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 48 patients (mean age 65.9) was performed and 2 study groups were identified. Group 1 consisted of 27 patients with a serum PSA level before and after initiating testosterone replacement therapy, and group 2 consisted of 27 men with a minimum of 3 PSA measurements (intervals of 6 months or greater) while on testosterone replacement. Each man had erectile dysfunction, a normal digital rectal examination and a low or low-normal total serum testosterone level before initiating therapy. Testosterone replacement was discontinued if no subjective improvement in erectile function was obtained, or if prostate adenocarcinoma was suggested by digital rectal examination or PSA. RESULTS: The mean increase in PSA after initiating testosterone replacement was 0.29 ng./ml. representing a mean change of 37% from baseline (mean interval 12.8 months). The mean PSA velocity was 0.05 ng./ml. per year. Pretreatment testosterone level, age and testosterone dose did not independently alter the PSA during testosterone replacement. Eleven men required prostate biopsies during treatment. Biopsies were indicated for abnormal digital rectal examination in 10 men and an elevated PSA in 1. All biopsies were benign. CONCLUSIONS: Parenteral testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men with normal pretreatment digital rectal examination and serum PSA levels does not alter PSA or PSA velocity beyond established nontreatment norms. Thus, any significant increase in PSA or PSA velocity should not be attributed to testosterone replacement therapy and should be evaluated. 相似文献
MS Cookson MK Floyd TP Ball EK Miller MF Sarosdy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,154(3):1070-1073
PURPOSE: The management of patients with a normal digital rectal examination and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) level of 4.0 to 10.0 ng./ml. remains controversial. To improve the specificity of cancer detection in this group, PSA density has been recommended with biopsies based on a PSA density of 0.15 or more. To evaluate PSA density as a discriminator of prostate cancer we enrolled patients in a prospective study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective evaluation was done of 44 consecutive patients with a palpably normal digital rectal examination and a serum PSA level of 4.0 to 10.0 ng./ml. enrolled during a 13-month period. All patients underwent transrectal ultrasound with sextant biopsies regardless of calculated PSA density. RESULTS: Overall, 8 of 44 men (18%) had prostate cancer. There was no significant difference in the mean PSA density between the patients with positive and negative biopsies (mean 0.12 and 0.15, respectively, p = 0.258). Also, there was no significant association between PSA or PSA density and a positive biopsy in multivariate analysis (p = 0.863). Receiver operating characteristic curves for PSA and PSA density failed to demonstrate any superior benefit for PSA density in this patient population. A PSA density of 0.15 was an unreliable indicator of cancer (sensitivity 12.5%, specificity 61.1% and positive predictive value 6.7%). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, PSA density did not discriminate between patients with positive and negative biopsies, and in fact most cancers would not have been detected if a PSA density of 0.15 or more had been used as the sole indication for biopsy. Therefore, we recommend systematic biopsies in these patients independent of calculated PSA density. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Because some patients show a surprising variation in serial serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) values, we determined the intra-individual or physiological variation in serum PSA by collecting sera 2 to 3 week apart without any prostatic manipulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Because 4.0 to 10.0 ng./ml. PSA is the critical range for decision making, we asked all men with a PSA in this range to return 2 to 3 weeks later for a second measurement. Total serum PSA was determined by the Hybritech Tandem-R, automated Tosoh AIA-600 and Delfia section immunoassays. Free and complexed serum PSA was determined by the Delfia assays. Between assay variation (first blood specimen retested on a separate day with the second blood specimen) was compared to the physiological variation (first versus second blood specimens). RESULTS: Mean coefficient of variation (95% confidence limits) was 10.5% for between assay and 23.5% for physiological evaluations. The preferred analysis of ratio difference variation provided a factor of 0.138 (between assay) and 0.298 (physiological) for 95% confidence limits. Changes in free or complexed PSA were not the cause of physiological variation. CONCLUSIONS: The intra-individual physiological variation is 2 to 3 times the between assay variation for sera drawn 2 to 3 weeks apart with a PSA of 4 to 10 ng./ml. A serum PSA of 4.0 ng./ml. can increase to 5.2 ng./ml. (4.0 x 0.298) and still be within the physiological variability for 95% confidence limits. 相似文献
This brief review discusses the diagnostic ability of prostate specific antigen adjusted for the transition zone volume (PSATZ) for the detection of prostate cancer in patients with intermediate prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. PSATZ was defined as the quotient of the PSA value and the calculated transition zone volume. In comparison with standard parameters including PSA and prostate specific antigen density, PSATZ could be a useful indicator for the detection of prostate cancer in patients with PSA values between 4.1 and 10.0 ng/ml, especially in those with normal digital rectal examinations. Similar observations consistent with our results have been also reported by other investigators. PSATZ has some disadvantages including volumetry and expensive cost. Further study is necessary to discuss whether PSATZ is superior to other new modalities such as free-to-total PSA ratio with regard to diagnostic cost and efficacy. 相似文献
The current TNM staging system is helpful but still not enough to accurately determine prognosis of the patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the oral tongue. Histopathologic variables, however, may be more helpful for predicting nodal metastasis and locoregional recurrences. In this respect, histopathologic examinations were done retrospectively of tumor specimens from 60 patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the oral tongue. Besides T-stage and nodal involvement, histopathologic parameters of tumor thickness, perineural invasion, lymphovascular space invasion, the extent of lymphocyte infiltration and the invasion pattern statistically correlated with locoregional recurrences. For nodal metastasis, tumor thickness of 10 mm or more and the type of invasion pattern were statistically significant. These results revealed that the variables described should be used for managing oral tongue cancers. 相似文献
J Morote CX Raventós JA Lorente MA Lopez-Pacios G Encabo I de Torres J Andreu 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,158(2):502-504
PURPOSE: We analyzed the behavior of prostate specific antigen (PSA) density and percent free PSA to enhance the specificity of PSA in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer in men with normal digital rectal examination and PSA serum level between 4.1 and 10 ng./ml. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PSA serum level, PSA density and percent free PSA were analyzed in 74 men with normal digital rectal examination and PSA serum level between 4.1 and 10 ng./ml. All men underwent systematic prostate biopsy, and the diagnosis was benign prostate hyperplasia in 52 and prostate cancer in 22. Furthermore, we determined the decrease in unnecessary biopsies and the cancer detection rate using 0.10 versus 0.15 as cut points for PSA density, and 20 versus 25 as cut points for percent free PSA. RESULTS: In patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, respectively, the median PSA level was 6.7 and 7.0 ng./ml. (p > 0.05), median prostate volume was 50 and 37 cc (p < 0.04), median PSA density was 0.14 and 0.19 (p < 0.007) and median percent free PSA was 18.9 and 10.1 (p < 0.005). Using PSA density cut points of 0.15 and 0.10, the decrease in negative biopsies was 53.8 and 36.5% with a sensitivity of 86.4 and 90.9%, respectively. However, using percent free PSA cut points of 20 and 25, the decrease in negative biopsies was 36.5 and 26.9% with a sensitivity of 77.3 and 95.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Although both methods could minimize unnecessary biopsies in men with normal digital rectal examination and PSA serum level between 4.1 and 10 ng./ml., the percent free PSA was more cost-effective since transrectal ultrasound was not required. In this small series of symptomatic patients a percent free PSA cut point of 25 could detect at least 95% of prostate cancers and decrease 26.9% of negative biopsies. 相似文献
The value of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and prostate specific antigen (PSA) as serum markers in carcinoma of the prostate (CaP) was investigated in this study. A group of 75 patients entered this trial, 25 with CaP, 25 with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 25 with urologic disorders other than prostatic diseases. In the CaP group, PAP was above normal levels in 48% of the patients and PSA in 92%. In the BPH group these rates were 20% and 72%, respectively. No elevation was detected in the third group. In CaP patients with capsular invasion, PAP and PSA levels were above normal in 25 and 87.5%. In metastatic carcinoma, PAP was high in 75% and PSA in 100%. Our study reveals that neither of these markers is useful in the initial diagnosis of CaP. Though PSA seems to be more sensitive, it is not more specific than PAP. 相似文献
The ability of the juvenile female reproductive axis to respond to hormonal stimulation was investigated in a Perciform fish, the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) using various combinations of testosterone (T), GnRH agonist (GnRHa), and pimozide. A long-term treatment with T alone, or T in combination with GnRHa, increased pituitary gonadotropin II (GtH II) levels 2- and 3-fold, respectively, suggesting that T and GnRHa each stimulate GtH II accumulation. Release of the accumulated GtH II could be induced only by high doses of GnRHa in combination with T, indicating that GtH II synthesis and release require different levels of GnRH stimulation. The addition of the dopamine antagonist pimozide did not affect pituitary and plasma GtH II levels but, in response to an additional acute GnRHa challenge, inhibited the release of GtH II. Although ovarian development was slightly stimulated by a combined T and GnRHa treatment, vitellogenesis was generally not initiated. The present study demonstrated that the juvenile striped bass pituitary is responsive to hormonal stimulation, resulting in elevated levels of GtH II in the pituitary and plasma. However, increased plasma levels of GtH II did not result in precocious puberty, suggesting that additional factors are required for the initiation of ovarian development in this teleost. 相似文献
NR Netto Júnior ML De Lima Nda S Lavoura Júnior F Apuzzo RG De Lucena 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,51(10):1050-1053
OBJECTIVE: To determine prostate specific antigen density (PSAD) in a risk population without evidence of prostatic cancer, and to assess the long-term usefulness of PSAD as a parameter for determining the need for a prostatic biopsy in patients with a normal digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). METHODS: The records of 582 patients referred to the clinic between February, 1992 and February, 1994 were studied retrospectively. All these patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) were evaluated based on the following parameters: digital rectal examination, serum PSA levels, prostate volume measured using transrectal ultrasound and PSAD. Prostatic biopsy was performed on 431 patients who had a serum PSA level greater than 4.0 ng/mL. A total of 299 patients (69.3%) had PSA levels between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL and represented the target population. The study had two parts, in the first one cancer was diagnosed just by one biopsy and in part II, the patients with negative biopsy in part I were followed for a two-year period and required 2 or 3 biopsies for diagnosis. Of the total of patients who had a negative prostate biopsy in part I of the study, 269 were followed for a period of two years with repeated prostate biopsies. RESULTS: Overall prostate cancer was detected in 22/299 (13.9%) patients, 6/105 (5.7%) with PSAD up to 0.15 and 16/194 (8.2%) with PSAD over 0.15 (p = 0.569). CONCLUSION: PSAD is a useful indicator in decreasing the number of negative biopsies in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, in a long-term follow-up the PSAD (cutoff level 0.15) was unable to predict which patients had a positive biopsy. According to our results, 5.6% of patients with prostate cancer will be missed using the PSAD criteria. 相似文献
Elevated plasma testosterone and gonadotropin levels in infertile males with hyperthyroidism 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
During the time period, 1 July 1969-30 June 1974, a total of 7056 patients were moved on the C-9A Nightingale on an "urgent" or "priority" basis. In support of the request for urgent airlift, an average of 21 C-9A aircraft were launched monthly. The domestic aeromedical evacuation missions were highly flexible and productive, yet inexpensive when compared with other means of moving patients. A means for determining precedence for the pickup and movement of patients is essential for an aeromedical evacuation system. When the patient is properly evaluated and the urgency for flight movement determined, unnecessary, costly, hazardous, or special flights are avoided. More than 50% of the "urgent" patients airlifted during this 5-year span originated in the central part of the United States. The Northeast and Far West were each responsible for less than 10% of the patients requiring urgent evacuation over the same period. More than 50% of the urgent patients moved were in the categories of newborn complications, burns, and neurological problems. During this period, no patient was moved on an urgent basis for a psychiatric problem--aeromedical evacuation simply becomes a very effective tool in ensuring complete health care for seriously ill patients. 相似文献
S Martínez-Sanchis A Salvador L Moya-Albiol E González-Bono VM Simón 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,23(3):275-293
Effects of testosterone propionate, an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS), on aggression in gonadally intact male mice were examined. Animals were given weekly injections of 3.75, 7.5, 15, and 30 mg/kg of drug or sesame oil for 10 weeks. During the last 3 weeks, behavioral tests were conducted and at the end of the experiment, body, liver and testes weight and hormonal data were collected. The treatment had minimal behavioral and endocrine effects. It resulted in shorter latencies of 'threat' only in the last agonistic encounter, increases in testosterone levels and decreases in testes weight in a non-linear dose-dependant way. The action of treatment was different on threat and attack, the latter being unaffected. The behavioral effects in the total sample were only found in aggressive animals selected on the basis of their latency of attack in the first encounter. 相似文献
RG Nixon MH Wener KM Smith RE Parson SA Strobel MK Brawer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,157(6):2183-2190
PURPOSE: We evaluated the daily biological variation of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) concentrations to determine the critical difference required between 2 consecutive PSA measurements that would indicate a significant elevation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 24 men, grouped according to clinical diagnosis and PSA, underwent phlebotomy for 10 consecutive weekdays. Duplicate serum samples were measured using 3 separate lots of Tandem-E and IMx PSA assays. The biological variation was calculated and the 2 PSA assay systems were compared. The critical difference was examined to determine the percent elevation necessary to indicate (with 95% confidence) that PSA had increased beyond what would be expected from biological and analytical variation. RESULTS: The biological variation, defined in terms of percent coefficient of variation, had a log-normal distribution with a geometric mean of 7.3% coefficient of variation and a 95th percentile value of 19.2% coefficient of variation using the Tandem-E PSA assay. Assuming an analytical variation of 5% coefficient of variation, the median critical difference was 20.5% and the 95th percentile critical difference was 45.8%. There was no significant difference between the 2 PSA assay systems in biological variation. However, PSA concentrations measured by the IMx assay were consistently lower compared to values measured by the Tandem-E assay. CONCLUSIONS: Characterizing the biological variation of serum PSA assists in evaluating the significance of changes in serial PSA measurements. The degree of biological variation differs among patients, such that an increase between 2 consecutive PSA levels that is less than 20 to 46% may be due to biological and analytical variation. These data influence interpretation of repeated measurements of serum PSA with time. 相似文献