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溪洛渡拱坝坝基渗流-应力耦合分析研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
把裂隙岩体概化为等效连续介质 ,基于表征单元体的概念建立了统一的渗流 弹塑性应力全耦合控制方程。对拱坝坝区耦合分析表明 ,与非耦合计算相比 ,渗流场差别非常明显 ,结构面的抗滑能力有所降低 ,对坝体的安全产生不利影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents the complete experimental study on the Geo-Mechanical Model of Jinping high arch dam to observe the deformation and study the stability of the dam abutment and foundations of the Jinping first stage hydropower project. The model considers various factors influencing the stability of dam abutment and foundation during the test, which includes overloading and strength-decreasing of weak structural planes in the rock mass of the dam foundation. A temperature-analogue material is employed to simulate the decreasing strength of the weak structural planes. The temperature-analogue material and model testing technique are developed for the first time. Secondly, the comprehensive method that considers both overloading and strength-decreasing is applied to the model successfully. Deformation characteristics, failure patterns and mechanisms of the dam abutment and foundation are achieved. The safety evaluation based on the experimental model indicates that the whole stability safety factor of the dam abutment and foundation is 4.7–5.0.  相似文献   

孙明权  刘大海 《山西建筑》2009,35(2):354-356
结合实际工程,对天花板拱坝的坝肩开挖及地基处理措施进行了研究,根据实际地质情况提出了坝基开挖、固结灌浆、接触灌浆、帷幕灌浆、基础排水、断层破碎带处理和岸坡锚固支护等措施,以使坝基满足稳定、应力、变形、抗渗和耐久性等各方面的要求。  相似文献   

 混凝土高拱坝坝踵是蓄水初期阶段拱坝安全的重点关注部位。通过构建国内首套高拱坝坝踵微震监测系统,实现对蓄水初期阶段大岗山拱坝坝踵区微破裂的实时监测,探究坝踵蓄水初期变形机制及其与微震活动性的关系。采用人工敲击试验确定坝踵等效P波波速为4 300 m/s,系统定位误差小于8 m。对系统获取的事件波形进行噪声滤除,并在自动定位基础上进行人工二次校核,提高定位精度,验证了微震监测技术应用于大体积混凝土工程的可行性。分析认为:蓄水初期阶段,大岗山高拱坝坝踵区微震活动性与库水位密切相关,微震事件聚集区实现从坝踵向坝趾的转移,坝踵压缩变形减小,而坝趾区变形量增加。此外,通过拱坝坝踵区微震变形演化过程,揭示了导流洞下闸蓄水前940 m高程基础廊道拱顶裂缝产生的根本诱因。研究成果可为混凝土高拱坝微震监测和真实工作性态研究提供参考。  相似文献   

浅谈张峰水库大坝基础帷幕灌浆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对各个工程坝基地质条件各不相同的情况,张峰水库大坝基础帷幕灌浆施工在满足规范和设计的前提下,根据工程实际采取了有效的施工方法,确定了合理的施工参数,达到了良好的防渗效果.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of a methodology which can be used to assess arch dam foundation stability,using the discrete element method (DEM) and the code 3DEC.A global three-dimensional model...  相似文献   

With better understanding of the quality and physico-mechanical properties of rocks of dam foundation,and the physico-mechanical properties and structure design of arch dam in association with the foundation excavation of Xiluodu arch dam,the excavation optimization design was proposed for the foundation surface on the basis of feasibility study.Common analysis and numerical analysis results demonstrated the feasibility of using the weakly weathered rocks III1and III2as the foundation surface of super-high arch dam.In view of changes in the geological conditions at the dam foundation along the riverbed direction,the design of extending foundation surface excavation area and using consolidating grouting and optimizing structure of dam bottom was introduced,allowing for harmonization of the arch dam and foundation.Three-dimensional(3D)geomechanics model test and fi nite element analysis results indicated that the dam body and foundation have good overload stability and high bearing capacity.The monitoring data showed that the behaviors of dam and foundation correspond with the designed patterns in the construction period and the initial operation period.  相似文献   

白彦飞 《山西建筑》2003,29(18):264-265
通过对坝址区地基地层结构、颗粒构成、渗透性等地质条件的分析研究,提出了坝基卵石混合土应采取的工程处理措施,为工程建设和效益发挥起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

卢广宁  赵瑞斌 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):354-355
通过对东大龙口水库坝基帷幕灌浆成果的统计分析,对帷幕灌浆的质量进行了客观评价,指出灌浆设计各项参数均达到设计要求的防渗标准,使帷幕灌浆达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

递阶对角神经网络(HDNN)采用动态BP学习算法,可以逼近任意非线性函数且具有收敛速度快、预报精度高的特点,因此本文将其引入到大坝安全监测领域,以水压、温度和时效为输入量,坝体位移为输出量,在此基础上运用马尔科夫链(MC)模型对预测数据进行残差计算和状态划分,确定马尔科夫链状态概率矩阵,通过马尔科夫链状态概率矩阵对HDNN模型进行反馈修正,从而提高精度。基于此建立了HDNN-MC模型并应用于某特高拱坝的变形预测。结果表明,HDNN-MC综合模型相对于单一模型,预测精度得到显著提高,能更高效准确地预测大坝变形。  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that concrete is macroscopic homogeneous, the cracking evolution process and damage mode of high arch dams are studied in consideration of the heterogeneity of concrete in mesoscale. The bilinear damage evolution model and the damage evolution model expressed in power function with descending section are adopted to combine with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion to investigate the crack development and fracture mode of high arch dams under the action of an earthquake. The analysis result of a high arch dam in China under design shows that cracks that take place in concrete are caused by excessive tensile stress. The cracks initiate at the middle of the dam top and distribute at the upper half of the dam while the rest of the parts remain intact. This conclusion agrees with the model test result.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that concrete is macroscopic homogeneous, the cracking evolution process and damage mode of high arch dams are studied in consideration of the heterogeneity of concrete in mesoscale. The bilinear damage evolution model and the damage evolution model expressed in power function with descending section are adopted to combine with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut-off to investigate the crack development and fracture mode of high arch dams under the action of an earthquake. The analysis result of a high arch dam in China under design shows that cracks that take place in concrete are caused by excessive tensile stress. The cracks initiate at the middle of the dam top and distribute at the upper half of the dam while the rest of the parts remain intact. This conclusion agrees with the model test result. __________ Translated from Shuili Xuebao, 2008, 39(7): 848–853 [译自: 水利学报]  相似文献   

研究了青藏高原东缘某大坝基础遭受渗流场与化学场破坏的过程。通过氯离子示踪、温度电导示踪以及人工示踪方法,确定混凝土防渗墙中存在缺陷,库水通过非全封闭式防渗墙绕坝基渗漏,渗水通过坝后区的反滤层排泄;酸溶解试验和X射线荧光分析证明,坝后区地表的白色颗粒物主要是CaCO_3;结合化学反应过程,确认析出物来自于防渗墙中的水泥,渗漏水中的CO_2与水泥中的Ca(OH)_2发生反应生成可溶性Ca(HCO_3)_2,然后被渗漏水带到地表,并在常温下分解形成CaCO_3。通过地表水中CO_2含量的测试分析发现,参与水岩反应的CO_2具有除大气降水之外的其他来源。结合地质构造推断来自深部碳库中的CO_2通过断裂带进入到了地下水与库水中,并参与了水岩反应,对大坝的侵蚀速度大幅度增加。研究表明深部CO_2进入地下水并参与渗流过程,对大坝及水工建筑物的化学侵蚀作用将大幅度增强。  相似文献   

无限地基辐射阻尼对溪洛渡拱坝地震响应的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
用有限元、边界元和无限边界元(FE-BE-IBE)在时域内的耦合模型分析了溪洛渡拱坝的动力响应,在分析中考虑了无限地基辐射阻尼,结果表明辐射阻尼对拱坝的动力响应有显著的影响。又研究了辐射阻尼的不同影响因素,如水位、地基弹性模量和不同地震输入等。  相似文献   

Seismic performance and safety of a jointed arch dam, as an arch-shaped mass concrete structure, are investigated through the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis. In this way, 12 proper ground motions are selected, each of them is scaled to 12 successively increasing intensity levels and applied to the dam. Three and seven contraction joints are inserted within the dam body, and stage construction is taken into account. Several main assumptions including dam–reservoir–foundation dynamic interaction, absorbing boundary conditions at the far-ends of the reservoir and foundation, and material and joint nonlinearities are considered. The failure modes of the dam are determined according to the distribution of damaged zones through the dam body. The results of the static analysis under dam self-weight and hydrostatic load show that the inclusion of the contraction joints and the stage construction do not considerably alter the tensile principal stresses; however, they increase the compressive stresses. In seismic analysis, increasing the number of the contraction joints generally reduces the joints opening and sliding displacements. The contraction joints can significantly decrease the damage imposed to the dam body. Finally, it is concluded that inserting the contraction joints can increase the seismic safety of the arch dam.  相似文献   

Characterizing the permeability variation in fractured rocks is important in various subsurface applications,but how the permeability evolves in the foundation rocks of high dams during operation remains poorly understood.This permeability change is commonly evidenced by a continuous decrease in the amount of discharge(especially for dams on sediment-laden rivers),and can be attributed to fracture clogging and/or hydromechanical coupling.In this study,the permeability evolution of fractured rocks at a high arch dam foundation during operationwas evaluated by inverse modeling based on the field timeseries data of both pore pressure and discharge.A procedure combining orthogonal design,transient flow modeling,artificial neural network,and genetic algorithm was adopted to efficiently estimate the hydraulic conductivity values in each annual cycle after initial reservoir filling.The inverse results show that the permeability of the dam foundation rocks follows an exponential decay annually during operation(i.e.K/K0=0.97e-0.59t+0.03),with good agreement between field observations and numerical simulations.The significance of the obtained permeability decay function was manifested by an assessment of the long-term seepage control performance and groundwater flow behaviors at the dam site.The proposed formula is also of merit for characterizing the permeability change in riverbed rocks induced by sediment transport and deposition.  相似文献   

在中国水资源最为丰富的西部地区,河床覆盖层厚达数十米甚至百米,一大批土石坝正在和将在这些大江大河上建设。坝体心墙与坝基防渗墙多采用廊道这种结构型式进行连接,廊道受力条件复杂,是工程成败的关键,但是有些已建工程却出现了廊道漏水的现象,廊道开裂和结构缝破坏成为亟待解决的问题。为了对廊道受力情况和开裂规律有一个清楚的认识,分析总结了几个工程廊道的监测资料,同时基于混凝土非线性本构理论,建立有限元模型对廊道进行了数值模拟。对监测结果和数值计算结果进行对比分析之后,探讨了廊道中的结构缝问题和廊道整体的受力规律,指明了廊道中需要重点关注的易开裂部位,为廊道合理配筋提供了指导,同时为类似工程的决策提供参考。  相似文献   

段平志 《山西建筑》2011,37(4):62-63
根据某水库坝基的地质条件,通过对比决定采用单管高压旋喷帷幕方案对坝基进行防渗处理,详细介绍了高压旋喷桩设计及施工方法,并给出了施工质量保证措施,取得了良好的施工效果。  相似文献   

高拱坝坝肩岩体变形稳定性的三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗选红 《山西建筑》2009,35(34):97-98
以金沙江上游拟建某水电站高拱坝坝肩为研究对象,应用有限差分程序FLAC-3D对坝肩岩体在天然和荷载后的应力、变形和破坏的发展特征模拟分析,重点分析了坝肩岩体在正常工程荷载下的变形稳定性及坝肩超载特性,得到了坝肩岩体的变形破坏特征及超载安全系数。  相似文献   

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