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根据飞行员实际飞行训练需要,研制了导调控制分系统、战场环境分系统、外弹道解算分系统、计算机生成兵力分系统、指挥分系统以及音频分系统,并通过基于HLA的网络将上述分系统和经过联网改造的飞行模拟器分系统进行联网整合,构建了飞行模拟器联网训练系统,在本地实现了多机联合训练功能.  相似文献   

飞行校验中航空导航信号的模拟实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于GPIB总线与VC++6.0软件平台组建飞行校验中无线电航空导航信号模拟系统的方法,并以ILS、VOR为例介绍了飞行校验的各种飞行程序以及在该飞行程序下导航信号的仿真模型.系统通过PC机控制IFR2030信号发生器动态调节各种导航信号的参量,从而为飞行校验等导航认证系统的开发、维护以及测试校准提供了连续的仿真信号源.  相似文献   

分析将旋翼无人机应用于飞行校验的可行性,以解决当前飞行校验存在的任务策划时间长、校验要求条件严格、组织协调难度大、任务实施不定因素多且校验成本高等问题.主要从机体结构、空间定位、飞行控制等方面设计实现了一种远程控制旋翼无人机校验系统.并以机场仪表着陆系统中的下滑信标台(GS)、精密进近航道指示器(PAPI)为例进行了设...  相似文献   

描述了间歇混沌检测原理,结合差分原理构成双Duffing振子差分系统对弱信号频率进行检测,提出了该方法对复频信号的检测具有全新的意义,给出了方法的具体步骤和流程图,在对复频信号进行检测的同时对单频信号也进行了仿真。结果显示,与传统的Duffing振子阵列方法进行比较,该方法不仅减少了阵列数,且在不影响检测精度的前提下提高了频率检测带宽,大大减少了计算量。  相似文献   

为提升无人机自主任务执行能力,对飞行特性、任务执行能力进行预演仿真,以减少实际试验投入、降低研制风险、缩短研发周期。针对某型无人机的飞行特性,开发了一套交互式无人机航路规划及视景仿真系统,解决了复杂飞行环境建模、三维空间大范围航路规划及大场景、真实环境三维场景建立等关键问题,实现对无人机的三维航路规划、视景仿真等功能,该系统是无人机模拟仿真系统的重要组成部分。仿真结果表明:该系统航路规划模块能适应不同环境的需求,规划速度快、规划结果准确,三维视景中直观显示无人机三维飞行特性,三维场景震撼真实,操作交互方便,可满足无人机任务飞行的航路规划及模拟验证等需求。  相似文献   

网络犯罪分子对一款针对Windows系统的著名恶意软件进行了编码修改,并将其改造成一款新型的信息窃取型恶意软件——XLoader.XLoader变种不仅能够攻击Windows系统,还可以针对MacOS系统执行信息窃取任务. XLoader目前在一个暗网地下论坛中以僵尸网络加载服务( MaaS)的形式提供给网络犯罪分子使用.由于该恶意软件不仅便宜,还很简单,傻瓜模式的操作使其在竞争恶意软件中脱颖而出.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于C8051F120+TMS320F28335的LFMCW雷达信号处理系统设计方案.该方案以C8051F120为信号采集核心,生成调制电压信号,驱动雷达传感器产生差频信号,并对差频信号进行信号调理与采集.以TMS320F28335为信号处理核心,嵌入基于相频匹配的频率估计算法对差频信号进行处理,得到测量距离.在线实验结果表明,系统各功能模块工作正常,相频匹配算法测量精度较高.  相似文献   

为了解决某型无人机故障检测的难题,提出了一种基于Windows CE的便携式无人机综合检测系统的设计方案;采用实时嵌入式操作系统Windows CE、嵌入式单板机以及触摸屏构建系统通用控制平台,结合某型无人机各分系统的工作原理和信号特性,开发功能相对独立的各分系统专用检测模块,并以Embedded VC 4.0为工具采用多线程技术开发相应的测试应用软件;应用结果表明,该系统具有集成度高、功能可扩展及可靠性强等特点,可对某型无人机各分系统的功能、技术参数和性能水平进行全面检测与评估.  相似文献   

由于升级软件、重新安装软件而导致这款软件之前进行的一些任务丢失是使用电脑过程中经常遇到的问题,例如邮件软件的邮件列表、播放器的播放列表、下载软件的下载列表等。如果这些任务列表比较重要,应该养成列表备份的习惯,在重新安装或是升级丢失列表时直接重新加载即可。不过,对于下载软件来说,重新加载下载列表时,需要对之前下载的数据进行校验,完成正确的校验后才可以继续下载。  相似文献   

飞行模拟器的分系统建模不同于真实机载系统建模,它以地面件为载体,仅对座舱可见设备做实物仿真,目标是能够覆盖地面及空中的飞行科目和训练任务。因此,对于大气数据系统必须从原理上进行建模,才可满足与飞行模拟器其他分系统的数据交互,逼真地呈现故障、特情等现象。通过阐述飞行模拟器系统框架,了解大气数据仿真系统软件驻留及硬件驱动原理。以系统输入和输出的交联关系整理出软件运行流程,最后通过系统建模及设计实例和仿真输出证明该仿真方法的实用性。该方法已通用于多型号的不同等级模拟器中,功能可覆盖模拟飞行训练全任务要求。  相似文献   

无人机(UAV)将成为未来电力巡检的主要工具,目前其飞行路径主要根据GPS进行设计。GPS定位精度低,部分区域GPS信号弱,是阻碍无人机电力巡检广泛应用的主要瓶颈。针对复杂环境下的输电线路态势感知,提出一种基于单目视觉的无人机自主巡检系统,实现脱离GPS的自主导航。该系统采用基于深度学习的目标识别检测算法,利用单目视觉的投影变换对尺度已知的待检测目标进行三维定位,然后通过基于大疆SDK开发的飞控程序调整无人机的飞行姿态并自主导航,实现无人机实时巡检。实验结果表明,距离目标物10?m时,该系统在世界坐标系[X、][Y、][Z]三个方向的定位误差分别为0.31 m、0.06 m、0.24 m,处理速度0.76 frame/s,准确性和可行性得到了验证。  相似文献   

The drone‐based inspection process on power transmission lines needs to be automated due to the large scale of power facilities and the limited line of sight available to drone pilots. Through the task environment analysis, however, it was found that the steel tower structure and energized AC power conductors may cause GPS signal distortion and magnetic interference with a drone's geomagnetic sensor, respectively. These factors could seriously affect the drone's autopilot flight, at worst leading to a crash. To enable drone inspections to be performed in a safe and efficient manner, this paper presents the entire process of operating an autopilot inspection drone on the basis of GPS and GIS information in a hazardous ultrahigh voltage environment, and its application results in the field. This process includes how to measure GPS co‐ordinates of steel towers and how to generate an autopilot flight path. More specifically, the paper examines the potential problems that may occur when drones are applied to areas located in mountains and rivers where humans cannot inspect power lines due to a lack of accessibility, and proposes effective solutions to these practical issues.  相似文献   

This study focuses on localization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) since permanent navigation has vital significance to support position information and to avoid getting lost. Actually, there exist effective aeronautical navigation systems in use. Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) are two representatives of the most common systems utilized in traditional aerial vehicles. However, an alternative supporter system for UAVs should be mentioned since INS and GPS have serious deficiencies for UAVs such as accumulated errors and satellite signal loss, respectively. Such handicaps are coped with integrating these systems or exploiting other localization systems. Terrain Referenced Navigation (TRN) could be a good alternative as a supporter mechanism for these main systems. This study aims to localize a UAV accurately by using only the elevation data of the territory in order to simulate a TRN system. Application of the methodology on a real UAV is also considered for the future. Thus assumptions and limitations are designed regarding the constraints of real systems. In order to represent terrain data, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with original 30 meter-resolution (Eroglu and Yilmaz 2013) and also synthetically generated 10 meter-resolution maps are utilized. The proposed method is based on searching the measured elevation values of the flight within the DEM and makes use of simulation techniques to test the accuracy and the performance. The whole system uses sequences of elevation values with a predefined length (i.e. profile). Mainly, all possible profiles are generated and stored before the flight. We identify, classify and sort profiles to perform search operations in a small subset of the terrain. During the flight, a measured flight profile is searched by the Binary search method (Eroglu 2013) within a small neighborhood of corresponding profile set.  相似文献   

Hypoglycaemia is a medical term for a body state with a low level of blood glucose. It is a common and serious side effect of insulin therapy in patients with diabetes. In this paper, we propose a system model to measure physiological parameters continuously to provide hypoglycaemia detection for Type 1 diabetes mellitus (TIDM) patients. The resulting model is a fuzzy inference system (FIS). The heart rate (HR), corrected QT interval of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal (QTc), change of HR, and change of QTc are used as the input of the FIS to detect the hypoglycaemic episodes. An intelligent optimiser is designed to optimise the FIS parameters that govern the membership functions and the fuzzy rules. The intelligent optimiser has an implementation framework that incorporates two wavelet mutated differential evolution optimisers to enhance the training performance. A multi-objective optimisation approach is used to perform the training of the FIS in order to meet the medical standards on sensitivity and specificity. Experiments with real data of 16 children (569 data points) with TIDM are studied in this paper. The data are randomly separated into a training set with 5 patients (l99 data points), a validation set with 5 patients (177 data points) and a testing set with 5 patients (193 data points). Experiment results show that the proposed FIS tuned by the proposed intelligent optimiser can offer good performance of classification.  相似文献   

为满足深埋式油气管道巡检监察需求,以及解决常规人工巡检手段效率低、时效性差、安全性低等问题,通过结合无人机飞行平台、卷积神经网络算法及计算机系统集成技术,设计并开发了一套基于卷积神经网络的无人机油气管线巡检监察系统,为油气管线的巡检监察工作提供技术支撑.本文首先介绍了巡检监察系统的总体设计方案、及作业流程进行了介绍;其次对系统组成进行了详细介绍,整个系统由无人机飞行平台、神经网络目标检测系统、无人机巡检监察管理系统以及无人机巡检执法终端四大子系统组成,无人机飞行平台以油动固定翼无人机为飞行载体,搭载高清相机进行数据采集,神经网络目标检测系统对影像数据进行自动检测、识别、搜索沿线工程车辆和管线隐患的目标,无人机巡检监察管理系统实现数据信息的存储管理及分发推送,无人机巡检执法终端接收隐患目标推送信息并进行现场快速执法;最后,对该系统的应用情况及后续的发展方向进行了总结和展望.目前,该系统成功应用于河南、甘肃等省份的油气管线巡检监察作业中,结果表明系统满足油气管线巡检监察的业务需求.  相似文献   

基于GPS仿真器的无人机导航系统半物理仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了无人机导航半物理仿真系统中GPS仿真器的设计方法;根据GPS接收机输出信息的特点和WGS-84与各种坐标系的转换关系,将飞机模拟系统解算得到的无人机位置信息转换成与之对应的GPS信号传输到导航链路,用于无人机航迹控制;根据导航飞控系统功能的要求,构建了一个半物理仿真平台来验证此系统,试验结果证明了采用模拟GPS仿真器完全可以对导航软件的功能进行有效的验证,并达到了预期设计要求。  相似文献   

在高压输电线下进行GPS数据录入,不可避免受电磁场等因素的影响,一是导致伪距测量中的误差增大,使定位精度降低;二是干扰GPS信号,影响接收机的捕获和跟踪,造成GPS信号接收失败、精度降低、轨迹数据的丢包、人员巡检的监督功能失效.为此,通过GPS相位平滑伪距方法提高相对伪距观测值精度,通过设计轨迹坐标监测程序对GPS信息数据的存储情况进行定时检测,有效避免轨迹坐标数据的大量丢包,保证人员的巡检轨迹完整,对巡检人员工作起到良好的监督作用,保证高压输电线路智能巡检系统的正常运行.  相似文献   

Today, robots are expected to be used for the inspection of infrastructures such as bridges. One important task in bridge inspection is to acquire clear images of its various parts for further damage evaluation. However, this task has not yet been completely realized because of the complexity of bridge structures. For this situation, a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell (PRSS) that can easily maneuver while protecting itself is introduced. In this paper, we explain the development of the PRSS unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based on the design strategy. We then analyze its performance through simulated bridge inspection. Finally, we discuss the results of actual bridge experiments. The spherical shell has a size ( 0.95 m) and structure (fullerene) that is well‐suited for bridge inspection applications. It can also handle an impact equivalent to 2 m/s, which is more than the UAV's maximum flight speed. Test flight experiment also validated the characteristic of PRSS that shows a stable flight during disturbances. The image test also shows that the visual system can provide a full overhead view of the bridge. Likewise, it can detect a 0.1‐mm wide line that replicates the damage (e.g., a crack) from a position 0.5 m away and while the camera moves at 0.3 m/s. These characteristics have yielded a system that can acquire inspection images from critical parts of the bridge. An evaluation by third parties confirmed the effectiveness of the system. Further, the system satisfies the mandatory requirements of the Next Generation Robots for Social Infrastructure (NGRSI) program.  相似文献   

静爆试验中需要对各测控点上多个前级差分式梳状激光光幕探测器输出的多路模拟数据进行采集,针对前级设备通道数多,时间精度高且数据量大后期难处理的问题;设计了一种具有自治能力的混合数据采集系统,该系统能自动剔除无效数据,将破片过幕时所产生的弹形信号及该弹形信号对应的UTC时刻值组成的混合信号缓冲并传输至上位机。该系统采用FPGA+ARM的架构完成采集缓冲任务,根据上位机配置和阈值自动剔除无效数据,结合GPS驯服温补晶振的手段使本地时钟与UTC时钟保持us级同步,并对采集弹形模拟数据进行UTC时钟打标形成混合数据包,通过USB2.0总线高速模式传至上位机。经实际测试该设计满足静爆试验中对前级探测器输出信号的采集需求,数据量大大减少,UTC时标精度满足后续处理要求并且成本低廉,稳定性高。  相似文献   

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