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Brushing of attribute clouds for the visualization of multivariate data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The visualization and exploration of multivariate data is still a challenging task. Methods either try to visualize all variables simultaneously at each position using glyph-based approaches or use linked views for the interaction between attribute space and physical domain such as brushing of scatterplots. Most visualizations of the attribute space are either difficult to understand or suffer from visual clutter. We propose a transformation of the high-dimensional data in attribute space to 2D that results in a point cloud, called attribute cloud, such that points with similar multivariate attributes are located close to each other. The transformation is based on ideas from multivariate density estimation and manifold learning. The resulting attribute cloud is an easy to understand visualization of multivariate data in two dimensions. We explain several techniques to incorporate additional information into the attribute cloud, that help the user get a better understanding of multivariate data. Using different examples from fluid dynamics and climate simulation, we show how brushing can be used to explore the attribute cloud and find interesting structures in physical space.  相似文献   

The analysis and exploration of multidimensional and multivariate data is still one of the most challenging areas in the field of visualization. In this paper, we describe an approach to visual analysis of an especially challenging set of problems that exhibit a complex internal data structure. We describe the interactive visual exploration and analysis of data that includes several (usually large) families of function graphs fi(x, t). We describe analysis procedures and practical aspects of the interactive visual analysis specific to this type of data (with emphasis on the function graph characteristic of the data). We adopted the well-proven approach of multiple, linked views with advanced interactive brushing to assess the data. Standard views such as histograms, scatterplots, and parallel coordinates are used to jointly visualize data. We support iterative visual analysis by providing means to create complex, composite brushes that span multiple views and that are constructed using different combination schemes. We demonstrate that engineering applications represent a challenging but very applicable area for visual analytics. As a case study, we describe the optimization of a fuel injection system in diesel engines of passenger cars  相似文献   

Going beyond established desktop interfaces, researchers have begun re‐thinking visualization approaches to make use of alternative display environments and more natural interaction modalities. In this paper, we investigate how spatially‐aware mobile displays and a large display wall can be coupled to support graph visualization and interaction. For that purpose, we distribute typical visualization views of classic node‐link and matrix representations between displays. The focus of our work lies in novel interaction techniques that enable users to work with personal mobile devices in combination with the wall. We devised and implemented a comprehensive interaction repertoire that supports basic and advanced graph exploration and manipulation tasks, including selection, details‐on‐demand, focus transitions, interactive lenses, and data editing. A qualitative study has been conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of our techniques. Feedback showed that combining mobile devices and a wall‐sized display is useful for diverse graph‐related tasks. We also gained valuable insights regarding the distribution of visualization views and interactive tools among the combined displays.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach to the interactive visual analysis of time‐dependent scientific data – both from measurements as well as from computational simulation – by visualizing a scalar function over time for each of tenthousands or even millions of sample points. In order to cope with overdrawing and cluttering, we introduce a new four‐level method of focus+context visualization. Based on a setting of coordinated, multiple views (with linking and brushing), we integrate three different kinds of focus and also the context in every single view. Per data item we use three values (from the unit interval each) to represent to which degree the data item is part of the respective focus level. We present a color compositing scheme which is capable of expressing all three values in a meaningful way, taking semantics and their relations amongst each other (in the context of our multiple linked view setup) into account. Furthermore, we present additional image‐based postprocessing methods to enhance the visualization of large sets of function graphs, including a texture‐based technique based on line integral convolution (LIC). We also propose advanced brushing techniques which are specific to the time‐dependent nature of the data (in order to brush patterns over time more efficiently). We demonstrate the usefulness of the new approach in the context of medical perfusion data.  相似文献   

Parallel programming is orders of magnitudes more complex than writing sequential programs. This is particularly true for programming distributed memory multiprocessor architectures based on message passing programming models. Apart from understanding the sequential parts of the parallel program, new degrees of freedom lead to additional problems. Understanding the synchronization and communication behavior of parallel programs is the most critical issue in programming distributed memory multiprocessors. The paper describes methods and tools for visualization and animation of the dynamic execution of parallel programs. Based on an evaluation and classification of existing visualization environments, the visualization and animation tool VISTOP (VISualization TOol for Parallel Systems) is presented as part of the integrated tool environment TOPSY S (TOols for Parallel SYStems) for programming distributed memory multiprocessors. VISTOP supports the interactive on-line visualization of message passing programs based on various views; in particular, a process graph based concurrency view for detecting synchronization and communication bugs.  相似文献   

网络图可视化可以有效展示网络节点之间的连接关系,广泛应用于诸多领域,如社交网络、知识图谱、生物基因网络等.随着网络数据规模的不断增加,如何简化表达大规模网络图结构已成为图可视化领域中的研究热点.经典的网络图简化可视化方法主要包括图采样、边绑定和图聚类等技术,在减少大量点线交叉造成的视觉紊乱的基础上,提高用户对大规模网络结构的探索和认知效率.然而,上述方法主要侧重于网络图中的拓扑结构,却较少考虑和利用多元图节点的多维属性特征,难以有效提取和表达语义信息,从而无法帮助用户理解大规模多元网络的拓扑结构与多维属性之间的内在关联,为大规模多元图的认知和理解带来困难.因此,本文提出一种语义增强的大规模多元图简化可视分析方法,首先在基于模块度的图聚类算法基础上提取出网络图的层次结构;其次通过多维属性信息熵的计算和比较分析,对网络层次结构进行自适应划分,筛选出具有最优属性聚集特征的社团;进而设计交互便捷的多个关联视图来展示社团之间的拓扑结构、层次关系和属性分布,从不同角度帮助用户分析多维属性在社团形成和网络演化中的作用.大量实验结果表明,本文方法能够有效简化大规模多元图的视觉表达,可以快速分析不同应用领域大规模多元图的关联结构与语义构成,具有较强的实用性.  相似文献   

Eick  S.G. 《Computer》1998,31(10):63-69
To facilitate Y2K conversions, Bell Laboratories has developed a Y2K visualization tool. The input to the tool is the output of commercially available Cobol parsing tools that identify lines potentially affected by Y2K. While these tools are extremely useful, their output is daunting. Presenting this output visually increases assessment productivity by as much as 80 percent. Visualization also improves conversion quality by suggesting more-informed and efficient repair strategies. This visualization tool is based on the idea that no one view is sufficient to answer important questions concerning Y2K. It therefore provides a suite of tightly coupled, linked views. Each view is engineered for a particular task, is interactive, and is used for both display and analysis. Linking between views causes interactive operations to propagate instantly in each view. The authors report that the results to date have been promising. In one case, the time required for assessment and conversion strategy development dropped from three weeks to three days  相似文献   

Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) are commonly used in information visualization to provide insight into multi-variate data. These plots help to spot correlations between variables. PCPs have been successfully applied to unstructured datasets up to a few millions of points. In this paper, we present techniques to enhance the usability of PCPs for the exploration of large, multi-timepoint volumetric data sets, containing tens of millions of points per timestep. The main difficulties that arise when applying PCPs to large numbers of data points are visual clutter and slow performance, making interactive exploration infeasible. Moreover, the spatial context of the volumetric data is usually lost. We describe techniques for preprocessing using data quantization and compression, and for fast GPU-based rendering of PCPs using joint density distributions for each pair of consecutive variables, resulting in a smooth, continuous visualization. Also, fast brushing techniques are proposed for interactive data selection in multiple linked views, including a 3D spatial volume view. These techniques have been successfully applied to three large data sets: Hurricane Isabel (Vis'04 contest), the ionization front instability data set (Vis'08 design contest), and data from a large-eddy simulation of cumulus clouds. With these data, we show how PCPs can be extended to successfully visualize and interactively explore multi-timepoint volumetric datasets with an order of magnitude more data points.  相似文献   

Several previous systems allow users to interactively explore a large input graph through cuts of a superimposed hierarchy. This hierarchy is often created using clustering algorithms or topological features present in the graph. However, many graphs have domain-specific attributes associated with the nodes and edges which could be used to create many possible hierarchies providing unique views of the input graph. GrouseFlocks is a system for the exploration of this graph hierarchy space. By allowing users to see several different possible hierarchies on the same graph, it allows users to investigate hierarchy space instead of a single, fixed hierarchy. GrouseFlocks provides a simple set of operations so that users can create and modify their graph hierarchies based on selections. These selections can be made manually or based on patterns in the attribute data provided with the graph. It provides feedback to the user within seconds, allowing interactive exploration of this space.  相似文献   

Understanding fluid flow data, especially vortices, is still a challenging task. Sophisticated visualization tools help to gain insight. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the interactive comparison of scalar fields using isosurfaces, and its application to fluid flow datasets. Features in two scalar fields are defined by largest contour segmentation after topological simplification. These features are matched using a volumetric similarity measure based on spatial overlap of individual features. The relationships defined by this similarity measure are ranked and presented in a thumbnail gallery of feature pairs and a graph representation showing all relationships between individual contours. Additionally, linked views of the contour trees are provided to ease navigation. The main render view shows the selected features overlapping each other. Thus, by displaying individual features and their relationships in a structured fashion, we enable exploratory visualization of correlations between similar structures in two scalar fields. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying it to a number of complex fluid flow datasets, where the emphasis is put on the comparison of vortex related scalar quantities.  相似文献   


We present an approach for the visualization and interactive analysis of dynamic graphs that contain a large number of time steps. A specific focus is put on the support of analyzing temporal aspects in the data. Central to our approach is a static, volumetric representation of the dynamic graph based on the concept of space-time cubes that we create by stacking the adjacency matrices of all time steps. The use of GPU-accelerated volume rendering techniques allows us to render this representation interactively. We identified four classes of analytics methods as being important for the analysis of large and complex graph data, which we discuss in detail: data views, aggregation and filtering, comparison, and evolution provenance. Implementations of the respective methods are presented in an integrated application, enabling interactive exploration and analysis of large graphs. We demonstrate the applicability, usefulness, and scalability of our approach by presenting two examples for analyzing dynamic graphs. Furthermore, we let visualization experts evaluate our analytics approach.


Describes MGV (Massive Graph Visualizer), an integrated visualization and exploration system for massive multidigraph navigation. It adheres to the visual information-seeking mantra: overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand. MGV's only assumption is that the vertex set of the underlying digraph corresponds to the set of leaves of a pre-determined tree T. MGV builds an out-of-core graph hierarchy and provides mechanisms to plug in arbitrary visual representations for each graph hierarchy slice. Navigation from one level to another of the hierarchy corresponds to the implementation of a drill-down interface. In order to provide the user with navigation control and interactive response, MGV incorporates a number of visualization techniques like interactive pixel-oriented 2D and 3D maps, statistical displays, color maps, multi-linked views and a zoomable label-based interface. This makes the association of geographic information and graph data very natural. To automate the creation of the vertex set hierarchy for MGV, we use the notion of graph sketches. They can be thought of as visual indices that guide the navigation of a multigraph too large to fit on the available display. MGV follows the client-server paradigm and it is implemented in C and Java-3D. We highlight the main algorithmic and visualization techniques behind the tools and, along the way, point out several possible application scenarios. Our techniques are being applied to multigraphs defined on vertex sets with sizes ranging from 100 million to 250 million vertices  相似文献   

随着人工智能技术的迅速发展和医学数据资源的大规模增长,面向医学领域的知识图谱受到越来越多的关注,知识图谱可视化旨在借助点和边等图形特征形象化地展示知识图谱中的实体、关系及相互之间的结构,便于非专业用户阅读和使用知识图谱.该文提出并实现了一种面向医学知识图谱的多视图、交互式可视化方法及系统,该系统包括医学实体分类的层级结...  相似文献   

Interactive visual analysis of perfusion data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perfusion data are dynamic medical image data which characterize the regional blood flow in human tissue. These data bear a great potential in medical diagnosis, since diseases can be better distinguished and detected at an earlier stage compared to static image data. The wide-spread use of perfusion data is hampered by the lack of efficient evaluation methods. For each voxel, a time-intensity curve characterizes the enhancement of a contrast agent. Parameters derived from these curves characterize the perfusion and have to be integrated for diagnosis. The diagnostic evaluation of this multi-field data is challenging and time-consuming due to its complexity. For the visual analysis of such datasets, feature-based approaches allow to reduce the amount of data and direct the user to suspicious areas. We present an interactive visual analysis approach for the evaluation of perfusion data. For this purpose, we integrate statistical methods and interactive feature specification. Correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are applied for dimensionreduction and to achieve a better understanding of the inter-parameter relations. Multiple, linked views facilitate the definition of features by brushing multiple dimensions. The specification result is linked to all views establishing a focus+context style of visualization in 3D. We discuss our approach with respect to clinical datasets from the three major application areas: ischemic stroke diagnosis, breast tumor diagnosis, as well as the diagnosis of the coronary heart disease (CHD). It turns out that the significance of perfusion parameters strongly depends on the individual patient, scanning parameters, and data pre-processing.  相似文献   

Dynamic graph visualization techniques can be based on animated or static diagrams showing the evolution over time. In this paper, we apply the concept of small multiples to visually illustrate the dynamics of a graph. Node-link, adjacency matrix, and adjacency list visualizations are used as basic visual metaphors for displaying individual graphs of the sequence. For node-link diagrams, we apply edge splatting to improve readability and reduce visual clutter caused by overlaps and link crossings. Additionally, to obtain a more scalable dynamic graph visualization in the time dimension, we integrate an interactive Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) feature to rapidly °ip between the sequences of displayed graphs, similar to the concept of flipping a book''s pages. Our visualization tool supports the focus-and-context design principle by providing an overview of a longer time sequence as small multiples in a grid while also showing a graph in focus as a large single representation in a zoomed in and more detailed view. The usefulness of the technique is illustrated in two case studies investigating a dynamic directed call graph and an evolving social network that consists of more than 1,000 undirected graphs.  相似文献   

In many scientific disciplines, the motion of finite‐sized objects in fluid flows plays an important role, such as in brownout engineering, sediment transport, oceanology or meteorology. These finite‐sized objects are called inertial particles and, in contrast to traditional tracer particles, their motion depends on their current position, their own particle velocity, the time and their size. Thus, the visualization of their motion becomes a high‐dimensional problem that entails computational and perceptual challenges. So far, no visualization explored and visualized the particle trajectories under variation of all seeding parameters. In this paper, we propose three coordinated views that visualize the different aspects of the high‐dimensional space in which the particles live. We visualize the evolution of particles over time, showing that particles travel different distances in the same time, depending on their size. The second view provides a clear illustration of the trajectories of different particle sizes and allows the user to easily identify differences due to particle size. Finally, we embed the trajectories in the space‐velocity domain and visualize their distance to an attracting manifold using ribbons. In all views, we support interactive linking and brushing, and provide abstraction through density volumes that are shown by direct volume rendering and isosurface slabs. Using our method, users gain deeper insights into the dynamics of inertial particles in 2D fluids, including size‐dependent separation, preferential clustering and attraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in multiple steady and unsteady 2D flows.  相似文献   

We present a general high‐performance technique for ray tracing generalized tube primitives. Our technique efficiently supports tube primitives with fixed and varying radii, general acyclic graph structures with bifurcations, and correct transparency with interior surface removal. Such tube primitives are widely used in scientific visualization to represent diffusion tensor imaging tractographies, neuron morphologies, and scalar or vector fields of 3D flow. We implement our approach within the OSPRay ray tracing framework, and evaluate it on a range of interactive visualization use cases of fixed‐ and varying‐radius streamlines, pathlines, complex neuron morphologies, and brain tractographies. Our proposed approach provides interactive, high‐quality rendering, with low memory overhead.  相似文献   

World lines     
In this paper we present World Lines as a novel interactive visualization that provides complete control over multiple heterogeneous simulation runs. In many application areas, decisions can only be made by exploring alternative scenarios. The goal of the suggested approach is to support users in this decision making process. In this setting, the data domain is extended to a set of alternative worlds where only one outcome will actually happen. World Lines integrate simulation, visualization and computational steering into a single unified system that is capable of dealing with the extended solution space. World Lines represent simulation runs as causally connected tracks that share a common time axis. This setup enables users to interfere and add new information quickly. A World Line is introduced as a visual combination of user events and their effects in order to present a possible future. To quickly find the most attractive outcome, we suggest World Lines as the governing component in a system of multiple linked views and a simulation component. World Lines employ linking and brushing to enable comparative visual analysis of multiple simulations in linked views. Analysis results can be mapped to various visual variables that World Lines provide in order to highlight the most compelling solutions. To demonstrate this technique we present a flooding scenario and show the usefulness of the integrated approach to support informed decision making.  相似文献   

Most of existing multi-view clustering methods assume that different feature views of data are fully observed. However, it is common that only portions of data features can be obtained in many practical applications. The presence of incomplete feature views hinders the performance of the conventional multi-view clustering methods to a large extent. Recently proposed incomplete multi-view clustering methods often focus on directly learning a common representation or a consensus affinity similarity graph from available feature views while ignore the valuable information hidden in the missing views. In this study, we present a novel incomplete multi-view clustering method via adaptive partial graph learning and fusion (APGLF), which can capture the local data structure of both within-view and cross-view. Specifically, we use the available data of each view to learn a corresponding view-specific partial graph, in which the within-view local structure can be well preserved. Then we design a cross-view graph fusion term to learn a consensus complete graph for different views, which can take advantage of the complementary information hidden in the view-specific partial graphs learned from incomplete views. In addition, a rank constraint is imposed on the graph Laplacian matrix of the fused graph to better recover the optimal cluster structure of original data. Therefore, APGLF integrates within-view partial graph learning, cross-view partial graph fusion and cluster structure recovering into a unified framework. Experiments on five incomplete multi-view data sets are conducted to validate the efficacy of APGLF when compared with eight state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

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