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自动化回归测试在Java项目中的实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
回归测试是软件测试中一种重要的测试。软件开发过程中出现的各种变化可能会给软件的质量带来副作用。回归测试就是用来监控软件的变化,及时反馈由变化带来的结果。回归测试的自动化可以提高较大规模软件测试的质量和效率。文中首先介绍了软件自动化测试和回归测试的概念,然后以一个用Java语言开发的项目CADS(CrossArchitectureDevelopmentSuite)为例,详细阐述了如何在Java项目中实现回归测试的自动化,最后总结了自动化回归测试的优点及其适用范围。  相似文献   

软件回归测试中的自动测试生成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件回归测试一般使用现有的测试用例集进行测试,如何有效利用这些用例成为回归测试的关键。研究自动对现有测试用例集的扩展,包括自动改变测试用例的执行顺序、自动进行测试用例数目的增减等,提出基于现有测试用例随机生成新的测试用例集的方法。实验证明,该方法生成的测试文件能在原有环境下成功执行,能实现自动测试范围的扩大或缩小,以及测试时间的增加或减少,为软件回归测试提供了有用的自动化工具。  相似文献   

通过利用覆盖数据技术和回归测试集选择技术,提出一种用于回归测试数据验算的筛选方法,该方法通过深度优先遍历程序的相关记录来筛选测试用例,能有效地提高回归测试的准确性,减少回归测试的测试时间和省略无需测试的测试用例,以达到降低回归测试的成本的目的.对顺序、循环和分支3类程序设计了相关的实验,比较了该算法在这3类程序上的使用效果.  相似文献   

As part of the process to test a new release of an application, the performance testing team need to confirm that the existing functionalities do not perform worse than those in the previous release, a problem known as performance regression anomaly. Most existing approaches to analyse performance regression testing data vary according to the applied workload, which usually leads to the need for an extra performance testing run. To ease such lengthy tasks, we propose a new workload‐independent, automated technique to detect anomalies in performance regression testing data using the concept known as transaction profile (TP). The TP is inferred from the performance regression testing data along with the queueing network model of the testing system. Based on a case study conducted against two web applications, one open source and one industrial, we have been able to automatically generate the ‘TP run report’ and verify that it can be used to uncover performance regression anomalies caused by software updates. In particular, the report helped us to isolate the real anomaly issues from those caused by workload changes with an average F1 measure of 85% for the open source application and 90% for the industrial application. Such results support our proposal to use the TP as a more efficient technique in identifying performance regression anomalies than the state of the art industry and research techniques. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the importance of models continuously grows in software development, common development approaches are less able to integrate the automatic management of model integrity into the development process. These critically important constraints may ensure the coherence of models in the evolution process to prevent manipulations that could violate defined constraints on a model. This paper proposes an integrity framework in the context of model-driven architecture to achieve sufficient structural code coverage at a higher program representation level than machine code. Our framework offers to propagate the modifications from a platform-independent specification to the corresponding test template model while keeping the consistency and integrity constraints after system evolution. To examine the efficiency of the proposed framework, a quantitative analysis plan is evaluated based on two experimental case studies. In addition, we propose coverage criteria for integrity regression testing (IRT), derived from logic coverage criteria that apply different conceptual levels of testing for the formulation of integrity requirements. The defined criteria for IRT reduce the inherent complexity and cost of verifying complex design changes in regression testing while keeping the fault detection capability with respect to the changes. The framework aims to keep pace with IRT in a formal way. The framework can solve a number of restricted outlooks in model integrity and some limiting factors of incremental maintenance and retesting. The framework satisfies several valuable quality attributes in software testing, such as safety percentage, precision, abstract fault detection performance measurable coverage level, and generality.  相似文献   

回归测试是软件演化过程中频繁进行的且开销巨大的一项任务,测试用例集的优化程度直接影响着测试的成本和效率。针对回归测试过程的特点,提出一种对测试用例集优化的新方法,即通过对测试用例集进行必要的消除冗余和调整排序,完成了对初始测试用例集的精简以及执行顺序的确定过程,使得有限的测试资源得到科学合理的分配。实验结果表明,相对于以往的测试用例集优化方法,新方法的效率和资源分配的合理性均有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

Regression testing is important activity during the software maintenance to deal with adverse effects of changes. Our approach is important for safety critical system as usually formal methods are preferred and highly recommended for the safety critical systems but they are also applied for the systems development of other than critical system. Our approach is based on Regression testing using VDM++ which takes two VDM++ specifications, one baseline and other delta (Changed) along with test suite for the baseline version. It compares both versions by using comparator module, identifies the change. By analyzing the change we classify the test cases from original test suite into obsolete, re-testable, and reusable test cases. Our scope is at unit level i.e. at class level. Our approach gets two versions of VDM++ specification and returns regression test suite for the delta version. Our approach distinguishes test cases which are still effective for the delta version of VDM++ specification and it differs from re-test all strategy as it can distinguish the test cases and identifies test cases which are useful for delta version. Test cases reusability and test case reduction is the main objective of our approach. Our approach presents how to perform regression testing using VDM++ specification during the maintenance of systems.  相似文献   

针对置信规则中规则数的"组合爆炸"问题,目前的解决方法主要是基于特征提取的规则约简方法,有效性依赖于专家知识.鉴于此,提出基于粗糙集理论的无需依赖规则库以外知识的客观方法,按照等价类划分思想逐条分析置信规则,进而消除冗余的候选值.最后,以装甲装备能力评估作为实例进行分析,分别从规则约简数、决策准确性方面与具有代表性的主观方法进行对比,结果表明,所提出方法是有效可行的,且优于现有规则约简主观方法.  相似文献   

在脱靶量处理中,准确选取弹道的拟合函数是计算脱靶参数的关键.本文首先利用假设检验的回归模型算法,合理选取模型并确定函数阶次,提高函数逼近程度,减小了经验选模的函数拟合误差.其次,通过运用双弹道的数据融合算法解算脱靶量参数,消除了传统算法在弹道参数衔接点的跳跃现象,并通过理论仿真和实测数据验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

在入侵检测系统和状态检测防火墙等应用中,规则冲突检测及冲突解析算法是影响安全性及服务质量的关键。首先对防火墙过滤规则之间的关系进行了建模和分类。然后在过滤规则关系分类的基础上提出了一种冲突检测算法。该算法能够自动检测、发现规则冲突和潜在的问题,并且能够对防火墙过滤规则进行无冲突的插入、删除和修改。实现该算法的工具软件能够显著简化防火墙策略的管理和消除防火墙的规则冲突。  相似文献   


The problem of knowledge acquisition has been recognized as the major bottleneck in the development of knowledge-based systems. An encouraging approach to alleviate this problem is inductive learning. Inductive learning systems accept, as input, a set of data that represent instances of the problem domain and produce, as output, the rules of the knowledge base. Each data item is described by a set of attribute values and is assigned to a unique decision class. A common characteristic of the existing inductive learning systems, is that they are empirical in nature and do not take into account the implications of the inductive rule generation process on the performance of the resulting set of rules. That performance is assessed when the rules are used to classify new unlabelled data. This paper demonstrates that the performance of a rule set is a function of the rule generation and rule interpretation processes. These two processes are interrelated and should not be considered separately. The interrelation of rule generation and rule interpretation is analysed and suggestions to improve the performance of existing inductive learning systems, are forwarded.  相似文献   

张桂刚 《计算机应用》2011,31(3):670-673
基于各种海量规则信息处理的需求,提出了海量规则网的维护与优化的基本方法。给出了海量规则网增量集成维护与删除维护的基本算法步骤,利用替代规则模块的方法进行规则网优化。最后用实例对规则网优化进行了具体说明。海量规则网维护与优化部分拓展了现有规则网处理模式,提出了新的处理方法。  相似文献   

重点将UML图和动态切片应用于回归测试中。针对现在应用于软件开发的UML图不能很好地满足软件测试的要求,引入了时序状态图和改进后的状态图,对两种图进行形式化定义,并且通过实例说明定义内容,其中时序状态图用于类间测试,改进后的状态图用于类内测试。对定义的图进行切片分析,形成测试步骤和测试算法。网上购物实例表明时序状态图和改进状态图可以提高回归测试效率。  相似文献   

Outline of contents: Many researchers who study urban settlement networks choose different statistical methods, among them G. K. Zipf's size-rank method. This paper presents proposed methods of geo-visualisation for studying changes in the rank of cities in an urban settlement network. The discussion uses the example of Polish urban settlements, using data for Polish cities from six population censuses (1950, 1960, 1970, 1978, 1988, and 2002). Analytical, statistical and spatial methods were used. The chart (rank clocks) proposed by M. Batty (2006), which shows the dynamics in changes in ranks 1 to 20. The values of the contrast exponent in the Zipf rule were used to interpret for the Polish urban settlement network between 1950 and 2002. Havlin's graph (1995) shows that the largest changes in the ranks of the urban settlement network in Poland occurred in the first post-war decade. In geographical sciences, the spatial analysis of a phenomenon or a process using a map is especially important. For this reason, it was decided that mapping methods be used to present the rank of cities and changes to city rank in Poland between decades as a thematic map. The value by which cities moved in the ranking can be represented as a diagram map in accordance with cartographic rules. The standard deviation method should be used to appropriately present the issue. Recognizing, that the difference in ranks less than | σ | (standard deviation) are typical and to some extent inevitable over half a century, we should look that deviations below | 3σ |, into other deviations from the standard deviation. Of particular interest are deviations above which are called pathological in statistics and cause asymmetries in the distribution. Each method revealed different aspects of the transformation of the settlement network. The answers to research questions can be found in the post-war history of Poland, its political circumstances (changes to its state borders in the east and west, socialist industrialisation, urbanisation and, in the last decade, suburbanisation).  相似文献   

在应急响应系统(ERS)中,规则及规则推理用于确定应急事件的响应级别。当系统的规则库增加规则时,会出现冗余的规则,冗余规则的存在导致响应级别的判断不准确,影响推理的效率和准确性。针对该问题,提出一种规则的冗余检测方法,使规则库中的规则始终保持无冗余状态;同时,给出了冗余规则的处理方法。最后给出该算法的一个应用实例,结果表明该算法能快速检测出冗余规则,有效降低规则数目。  相似文献   

因果关联规则是知识库中一类重要的知识类型,具有重要的应用价值。首先对因果关系的特殊性质进行了分析,然后基于语言场和广义归纳逻辑因果模型,从表示、挖掘、评价和应用几方面,对因果关联规则的研究进行了详细论述。并在此基础上提出了隐含因果关联规则的概念。通过语言场和推理机制的运用,使因果关联规则这一重要知识形式的挖掘和评价过程具有良好的逻辑性和扩张性。  相似文献   

基于决策树规则的分类算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在商业利益的驱动下,人们不断地深入研究决策树算法.为了提高分类的精度,提出了一种基于决策树规则的分类算法.通过C4.5决策树算法得出决策规则,计算决策规则的长度,准确率与覆盖率,对所得的决策规则依次按照规则长度与准确率的乘积大小、长度的大小、覆盖率的大小对规则集进行排序构造分类器,选择优选权最高的规则进行匹配分类.实验结果表明,与C4.5算法相比,该方法的分类精度有所提高.  相似文献   

The continuum regression technique provides an appealing regression framework connecting ordinary least squares, partial least squares and principal component regression in one family. It offers some insight on the underlying regression model for a given application. Moreover, it helps to provide deep understanding of various regression techniques. Despite the useful framework, however, the current development on continuum regression is only for linear regression. In many applications, nonlinear regression is necessary. The extension of continuum regression from linear models to nonlinear models using kernel learning is considered. The proposed kernel continuum regression technique is quite general and can handle very flexible regression model estimation. An efficient algorithm is developed for fast implementation. Numerical examples have demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的决策规则获取算法及实用的决策规则表示方法。产品智能设计系统中,在概念设计阶段需要决定产品的类型。一般的产品设计过程,是从分析用户给定的技术参数、设计要求开始。规则获取算法就是从设计参数中挖掘设计知识,从而确定哪种类型的产品最适合用户的要求。该算法不需要任何先验知识。为了将算法应用到实际系统中,必须解决规则表示问题。本文将关系数据库成功地应用于设计规则的表示,使设计出的专家系统推理方便,运行效率高。通过继电器智能设计实例,说明了本方法的应用。  相似文献   

R-calculus without the cut rule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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