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Agentsheets: a medium for creating domain-oriented visual languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Repenning  A. Sumner  T. 《Computer》1995,28(3):17-25
Customized visual representations enable end users to achieve their programming goals. Here, designers work with users to tailor visual programming languages to specific problem domains. We describe a design methodology and a tool for creating domain oriented, end user programming languages that effectively use visualization. We first describe a collaborative design methodology involving end users and designers. We then present Agentsheets, a tool for creating domain oriented visual programming languages, and illustrate how it supports collaborative design by examining experiences from a real language design project. Finally, we summarize the contributions of our approach and discuss its viability in industrial design projects  相似文献   

The application of robotics to a mobility aid for the elderly blind   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we describe a novel application of mobile robot technology to the construction of a mobility for the frail blind. The robot mobility aid discussed in this paper physically supports the person walking behind it and provides obstacle avoidance to ensure safer travel. As in all Assistive Technology projects, a clear understanding of the user's needs is vital and we summarise the main user requirements for our device. We then describe the mechanical design, the user interface, the software and hardware architectures of our robot. We describe the results of evaluations carried out by both mobility experts and users and finally we outline our plans for further development.  相似文献   

Visualization viewpoints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
User studies offer a scientifically sound method to measure a visualization's performance. Reasons abound for pursuing user studies, particularly when evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different visualization techniques. A good starting point in any study is the scientific or visual design question to be examined. This drives the process of experimental design. A poorly designed experiment will yield results of only limited value. Although a comprehensive discussion of experimental design is beyond the scope of the article, we offer suggestions and lessons learned. We also describe how we designed experiments to answer important questions from our own research.  相似文献   

Groupware and collaborative tools have been proposed to support cooperative work. However, they suffer from some rather severe limitations. Alternatively, multi-agent systems can be proposed to improve the situation. In the latter case, the user normally interacts with the system through a special agent called a personal assistant. In this paper, we describe the design of an ontology-based speech interface for personal assistants applied in the context of cooperative projects. We believe that this type of interface will improve the quality of assistance and increase collaboration between project members. We present the interface and its insertion into a multi-agent system designed for research and development projects. We describe the design of the interface, highlighting the role of ontologies for semantic interpretation. As a result of this conversational speech interface, we expect an increase in the quality of assistance and a reduction in the time needed to answer user’s requests.  相似文献   

Interrupting users engaged in tasks typically has negative effects on their task completion time, error rate, and affective state. Empirical research has shown that these negative effects can be mitigated by deferring interruptions until more opportune moments in a user’s task sequence. However, existing systems that reason about when to interrupt do not have access to models of user tasks that would allow for such finer-grained temporal reasoning. To enable this reasoning, we have developed an integrated framework for specifying and monitoring user tasks. For task specification, our framework provides a language that supports expressive specification of tasks using a concise notation. For task monitoring, our framework provides an event database and handler that manages events from any instrumented application and a task monitor that observes a user’s progress through specified tasks. We describe the design and implementation of our framework, showing how it can be used to specify and monitor practical, representative user tasks. We also report results from two user studies measuring the effectiveness of our existing implementation. The use of our framework will enable attention aware systems to consider a user’s position in a task when reasoning about when to interrupt.  相似文献   

The project summarized in this article aims at developing techniques to support access control in Real-Time Distributed Collaborative Editors (RCE). The ever-increasing role of RCE in academic, industry and society comforts the expansion of data sharing and raises growing concerns about controlling access to this data. Indeed, RCE allow for a human–computer–human interaction in a decentralized fashion. Thus, access control for RCE requires a careful design since they need dynamic access changes and low latency access to shared document while maintaining its consistency.In this article, we propose a flexible access control model where the shared document and its authorization policy are replicated in the local memory of each user. To deal with latency and dynamic access changes, we use an optimistic access control technique in such a way that enforcement of authorizations is retroactive. Our model is generic enough to be deployed on the top of the most of existing logging-based collaborative systems. Indeed, it does not entail overheads and it does not affect the convergence of the shared document. We show that naive coordination between updates of both copies can create security holes on the shared document, by permitting illegal modifications or rejecting legal modifications and present our solutions to avoid these problems. Finally, we present a prototype for managing authorizations in collaborative editing work in a decentralized fashion. Thus our model may be deployed easily on mobile devices over P2P networks.  相似文献   

This research investigates the use of modern electronic communication management systems, and how these systems affect the success of construction projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research starts with a literature survey, and a brief background on how the communication mechanism works; how using these systems influence relationships amongst the project stakeholders, and consequently the projects success. Two case studies are introduced, followed by an analysis of results and conclusions.The first case study, based on action research, employs interactive tools to collect the evidence, including interviews, surveys, document review, and feedback on progress. The study uses success criteria from construction projects in the UAE, previously identified by the authors. This case study has revealed an organisational transformation trend, from functional, towards matrix and project structures. These types of change are taking place after the implementation of project electronic communication management systems into the client organisation, and are enhancing chances of project success.The second case study takes into consideration the co-existence of the new modern project electronic communication systems with the other traditional communication media. It has been shown that such an arrangement works both for the strategic benefit of the projects, and the projects stakeholders.In the areas of improvements to schedule and project control, the current research results are in agreement with pertinent published literature and research findings. However, the benefits for quality control during the design and construction phases of the project, in addition to potential improvements in the health safety and environment (HSE), remain debatable.  相似文献   

The continuous evolution of smart devices has led to serious limitations in multimedia applications. The multimedia graphic design and animation and the increased use of rich and complex multimedia content on the web or other media have all created a need to diversify the accessibility of the content. Therefore several techniques are used today to design a universally accessible content. The main techniques that are still used to maintain accessibility is to create two parallel streams of design and development of the same content. Thus, the continuous evolution will certainly lead to create other streams. For this, the automatic reasoning on multimedia to allow a computer to modify the design according to different variables, devices capabilities, user status and context to provide personalized adapted content. In this paper, we propose an abstract document model called XMS short for XML Multimedia Specification; it describes the composition of an original multimedia document and can be extended to any document type. We present how we may use spatial information present in this document to adapt and modify the original document. We mainly focus on the spatial aspect of a web document, a combination of RCC8, qualitative distances, and directions are used to describe the layout of a set of objects. The level of granularity of the definition of the objects defines the level of details that will be processed by our PROLOG based inference system, simplified versions of algorithms from the inference system and how it works on the spatial dimension of the document are shown. In the end samples of how spatial relations manipulation algorithms work are illustrated.  相似文献   

Since the third wave in human–computer interaction (HCI), research on user experience (UX) has gained momentum within the HCI community. The focus has shifted from systematic usability requirements and measures towards guidance on designing for experiences. This is a big change, since design has traditionally not played a large role in HCI research. Yet, the literature addressing this shift in focus is very limited. We believe that the field of UX research can learn from a field where design and experiential aspects have always been important: design research. In this article, we discuss why design is needed in UX research and how research that includes design as a part of research can support and advance UX design practice. We do this by investigating types of design-inclusive UX research and by learning from real-life cases of UX-related design research. We report the results of an interview study with 41 researchers in three academic research units where design research meets UX research. Based on our interview findings, and building on existing literature, we describe the different roles design can play in research projects. We also report how design research results can inform designing for experience methodologically or by providing new knowledge on UX. The results are presented in a structured palette that can help UX researchers reflect and focus more on design in their research projects, thereby tackling experience design challenges in their own research.  相似文献   

The design of distributed systems to support collaboration among groups of scientists raises new networking challenges that grid middleware developers are addressing. This field of development work, ‘e-Science’, is increasingly recognising the critical need of understanding the ordinary day-to-day work of doing research to inform design. We have investigated one particular area of collaborative social scientific work – the analysis of video data. Based on interviews and observational studies, we discuss current practices of social scientific work with digital video in three areas: Preparation for collaboration; Control of data and application; and Annotation configurations and techniques. For each, we describe how these requirements feature in our design of a distributed video analysis system as part of the MiMeG project: our security policy and distribution; the design of the control system; and providing freeform annotation over data. Finally, we review our design in light of initial use of the software between project partners; and discuss how we might transform the spatial configuration of the system to support annotation behaviour.  相似文献   

Most Music Information Retrieval (MIR) researchers will agree that understanding users’ needs and behaviors is critical for developing a good MIR system. The number of user studies in the MIR domain has been gradually increasing since the early 2000s, reflecting this growing appreciation of the need for empirical studies of users. However, despite the growing number of user studies and the wide recognition of their importance, it is unclear how great their impact has been in the field: on how systems are developed, how evaluation tasks are created, and how MIR system developers in particular understand critical concepts such as music similarity or music mood. In this paper, we present our analysis on the growth, publication and citation patterns, topics, and design of 198 user studies. This is followed by a discussion of a number of issues/challenges in conducting MIR user studies and distributing the research results. We conclude by making recommendations to increase the visibility and impact of user studies in the field.  相似文献   

Bringing ubiquitous computing applications to home environments is a great challenge. In our research we investigate how applications can be conceived, designed and implemented in such a way that they fit into people’s lives. We describe our experiments on how methods of user centred design and participatory design can be appropriated to elicit users’ requirements and design ideas for ubiquitous computing applications for the home. In particular we report on a study on information presentation using display appliances. In a participatory design process enhanced with technology probes, we individually discussed potential solutions for specific homes with 14 people. Each of the resulting solutions is tailored to suit a single person. For each of these individual solutions we specified prototypes that would accommodate the user’s needs but are generic in its applicability at the same time. Based on this we derived a first set of guidelines for the design of display appliances in the home environment.  相似文献   

This article discusses a key development in the use of grounded theory (GT) in information systems (IS) – the use of quantitative data in mixed studies to build on and elaborate theories. We examine the design of one of our research projects and describe how this mixed-design GT project helped elaborate emerging theories using slices of qualitative and quantitative data. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we show that the use of mixed data and techniques can be leveraged to help build credible theories in IS because it allows researchers to build theories of greater abstraction and scope: it helps sense-making in the drive from substantive to parsimonious formal theories; (ii) in line with classic GT, we propose a mixed typological design to help build a pathway to formal grounded theories in rupture with existing literature; and (iii) we highlight GT as a meta-theory of research design and revisit some of its main principles in a mixed-design perspective.  相似文献   

How can we be sure that safety risks are adequately dealt with in the design of complex, innovative projects? In The Netherlands, a number of recent innovative project initiatives have made this a relevant question. These initiatives include projects such as the construction of tunnels using new technologies, the construction of underground facilities that combine several functions, i.e. shopping, parking and transport, and the development of a transport corridor in which rail, road and waterway have been or will be combined. These projects combine several functions and have been, or will be, realised in densely built and populated areas. Although safety regulations for products and systems have been institutionalised through legislation and professional design practices, recent project proposals link systems and their environment in new and complex ways. The risks evolving from these links are unknown and the extent to which they are covered by existing safety approaches is uncertain. In this contribution, we examine how the attention paid to safety can be increased and maintained in the design process of infrastructural projects. First, we discuss the need to reorganise the safety focus in the design process. Then we describe the role of the design process in decision‐making for major projects with regard to utility building, town planning and the construction of infrastructures. Third, we elaborate how the focus on safety can be organised within this context, given developments in the field of interactive decision‐making and the design and management of interaction processes. We then outline a safety risk management method that can be used to achieve this and, finally, address the conditions that influence the use of this method.  相似文献   

Version control systems such as Git support parallel collaborative work and became very widespread in the open-source community. Whilst Git offers some very interesting features, resolving conflicts that arise during synchronisation of parallel changes is a time-consuming task. In this paper we present an analysis of concurrency and conflicts in official Git repository of four projects: Rails, IkiWiki, Samba and Linux Kernel. We analyse the collaboration process of these projects at specific periods revealing how change integration and conflict rates vary during project development life-cycle. We also analyse how often users decide to rollback to previous document version when the integration process generates conflicts. Finally, we discuss the mechanism adopted by Git to consider changes made on two continuous lines as conflicting.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge associated with research or new product development projects is identifying that innovative activity that will deliver success. In such projects, it is typically the case that innovative breakthroughs can be achieved by any of several possible alternative technologies, some of which may fail due to the technological risks involved. In some cases, the project payoff is obtained as soon as any single technology is completed successfully. We refer to such a project as alternative-technologies project and in this paper we consider the alternative-technologies project scheduling problem. We examine how to schedule alternative R&D activities in order to maximize the expected net present value, when each technology has a cost and a probability of failure. Although a branch-and-bound algorithm has been presented for this problem in the literature, we reformulate the problem and develop a new and improved branch-and-bound algorithm. We show using computational results that the new algorithm is much more efficient and outperforms the previous one.  相似文献   

Requirements engineering are one of the most crucial steps in software development process. Without a well-written requirements specification, developer's do not know what to build, user's do not know what to expect, and there is no way to validate that the created system actually meets the original needs of the user. Much of the emphasis in the recent attention for a software engineering discipline has centered on the formalization of software specifications and their flowdown to system design and verification. Undoubtedly, the incorporation of such sound, complete, and unambiguous traceability is vital to the success of any project. However, it has been our experience through years of work (on both sides) within the government and private sector military industrial establishment that many projects fail even before they reach the formal specification stage. That is because too often the developer does not truly understand or address the real requirements of the user and his environment.The purpose of this research and report is to investigate the key players and their roles along with the existing methods and obstacles in Requirements Elicitation. The article will concentrate on emphasizing key activities and methods for gathering this information, as well as offering new approaches and ideas for improving the transfer and record of this information. Our hope is that this article will become an informal policy reminder/guideline for engineers and project managers alike. The success of our products and systems are largely determined by our attention to the human dimensions of the requirements process. We hope this article will bring attention to this oft-neglected element in software development and encourage discussion about how to effectively address the issue.  相似文献   

Konrad Zuse's Z3, built in Berlin from 1938 to 1941 was destroyed during World War II. The reconstruction project started in 1994. A functional replica was built and unveiled at a conference commemorating the 60th anniversary of the public presentation of the original machine in 2001. The reconstruction project includes several Java simulations of components of the whole machine and a 3D functional simulation of the Z3 and its user console. This article is our account of our journey into history, about how we carried out the reconstruction, and why it is important that historians of computing, and computer scientists, pursue such projects.  相似文献   

Mobile phone users have to deal with limited battery lifetime through a reciprocal process we call human–battery interaction. We conducted three user studies in order to understand human–battery interaction and discover the problems in existing designs that prevent users from effectively dealing with the limited battery lifetime. The studies include a large-scale international survey, two long-term field trials including quantitative battery logging and qualitative inquiries, and structured interviews with twenty additional mobile phone users. We evaluated various aspects of human–battery interaction, including charging behavior, battery indicators, user interfaces for power-saving settings, user knowledge, and user reaction. We find that mobile phone users can be categorized into two types regarding human–battery interaction and often have inadequate knowledge regarding phone power characteristics. We provide qualitative and quantitative evidence that problems in state-of-the-art user interfaces have led to under-utilized power-saving settings, under-utilized battery energy, and dissatisfied users. Our findings provide insights into improving mobile phone design for users to effectively deal with the limited battery lifetime. Our work is the first to systematically address human–battery interaction on mobile phones and is complementary to the extensive research on energy-efficient design for a longer battery lifetime.  相似文献   

In this article the author provides perspective on user experience, usability and user-centered design. User experience is a broad collection of user-centric issues that cut through the full extent of a project. The author points out new developments in the user experience world that are opening up new opportunities for research and projects. The author also discusses how good user experience processes can be built into the kinds of system development projects that many of us are involved in.  相似文献   

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