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GB/T 10561—2005《钢中非金属夹杂物含量的测定——标准评级图显微检验法》2005-05-12发布,2005-10-01实施。它代替了GB/T 10501—1989《钢中非金属夹杂物的显微评定方法》。该标准等同采用(IDT)国际标准ISO4967:1998(E)《钢中非金属夹杂物含量的测定——标准评级图显微检验法》。根据夹杂物的形态和分布,标准图谱分为A、B、C、D和DS五大类。这五大类夹杂物代表最常观察到的夹杂物的类型和形态,过去曾使用过的塑性夹杂物和脆性夹杂物的名称应予以取消。  相似文献   

叙述了在材料检验工作中,如何建立测定钢中夹杂物的三种基本方法。“K法”级别的测定;含量的测定,尺寸分布的测定,并通过实例说明在钢材生产,研究中的意义。  相似文献   

Q420钢中非金属夹杂物的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别在模铸生产的Q420钢锭的冒口和本体顶部、中部、底部取样,以分析钢锭中非金属夹杂物的成分和分布。结果表明,钢锭中夹杂物指数在2.09~4.98个/mm2之间波动,本体中部的显微夹杂物含量小于其他位置。钢锭中的大型夹杂物总量介于5.7~22.5 mg/10 kg之间,其成分主要是SiO2和Al2O3,并含有少量的Na2O和K2O,主要来源于浇注用保护渣,钢锭本体底部的大型夹杂物远高于钢锭其他位置。  相似文献   

本文介绍利用电解非金属夹杂物粉末制备成供图象分析仪分析试样的方法,以定量测定钢中非金属夹杂物的形状、大小等参数。将金相试片、夹杂物的电解粉末试样与图象分析仪测定方法有机结合,测定了两种电渣重熔高碳铬轴承钢中非金属夹杂物的数量、形状和大小等参数,探讨了在图象分析仪上利用金相试片与本人所述方法制备的试样对测定结果准确性的影响。  相似文献   

IF钢中的夹杂物   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
叶仲超  汪晓川 《金属学报》1999,35(10):1057-1061
对无间隙原子钢(IF钢)中的夹杂物进行了研究。研究结果表明:IF钢中的夹杂物主要是Al2O3-TiN型复合夹杂物;夹杂物呈颗粒状在钢中弥散分布,其尺寸大部分在1~5μm;位于夹杂物中心的Al2O3起着TiN异质形核核心的作用;夹杂物对钢性能的均匀性有较大影响。  相似文献   

基于对跟踪生产过程实测数据的对比分析,对影响钢中非金属夹杂物等级的关键因素进行了研究,从而确定了合理的精炼控制时间、Mn/S和钢液中Al含量。  相似文献   

电磁过滤原理是根据非金属夹杂物与熔体导电性的差异,在电磁场作用下非金属夹杂物与熔体的运动规律不同,使非金属夹杂物与熔体分离,经流体力学分析、采用柱塞流及轨线模型研究电磁过滤水平流动钢液中非金属夹杂物的运动速度和去除效率,结果表明,非金属夹杂物的去除效率随着熔体流速(u)和过滤器的高度(2h)的降低而增加;随着电磁力(f)、电磁力作用区长度(x)和非金属夹杂物的粒径(dp)的增加而增加,经分析表明,采用电磁过滤法可有效去除粒径小于10um的非金属夹杂物,该模型可用来设计过滤器的结构和确定电磁过滤工艺参数,为电磁去除钢液中的非金属夹杂物技术的工业应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

旋转铸锭法减少钢及高温合金中非金属夹杂物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要叙述了用旋转铸锭工艺减少高温合金中非金属夹杂物技术的发展,以及该工艺的两项关键技术即浇注系统设计及旋转制度的确定。  相似文献   

针对淮钢80t转炉-90tLF- 100tRH-CC工艺生产的GCr15轴承钢,采用金相、SEM和EDS等方法,研究了精炼过程中夹杂物的尺寸、成分和形貌等的变化情况.经分析计算,得出了各工序夹杂物的成分图,并分析了夹杂物在冶炼过程中的变化规律.结果表明,在LF炉精炼后,微观夹杂物由23.34个/mm2下降到14.02个/mm2;经RH循环脱气处理后,夹杂物有所减少,成材中,夹杂物数量略有减少;随着冶炼过程的进行,大颗粒夹杂在钢包中随着钢流的运动得到了有效去除,细微夹杂物所占比例逐步升高;钢中存在的夹杂物主要有氧化物、硫化物以及CaO(CaS)-Al2O3-MgO类复合夹杂物.  相似文献   

Cracks and ruptures always occur during wire drawing process of 42% nickel-iron expansive alloy. In order to study the reasons of these phenomena, a method of metallographic observation in combination with sample electrolysis was used to characterize the non-metallic inclusions in the alloy wire. The results indicate that the inclusions in the alloy are oxidation products during the process of melting. There are single or complex phase inclusions composed of elements such as Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, and O2. Among them, the macro-inclusions are TiO2 compound inclusions formed by the adhesion of Al and Si oxides on them. These inclusions are fragile ones with a low strain rate, as well as a rather high hardness, so that they are the main reason that leads to the surface cracks and ruptures in the alloy wires. The analysis has educed that the key point to enhance the product quality is to promote the cleanliness of the melt, control the types and quantity of non-metal inclusions in the alloy.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2001,49(12):2115-2122
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the role of non-metallic inclusions in controlling the microstructure of steels. The potency of various inclusions and precipitates such as SiO2, MnO·SiO2, MnS, Al2O3, Ti2O3 and VN for the nucleation of intragranular ferrite has been examined in the present study. Among them, single SiO2, MnO·SiO2, Al2O3, TiN and MnS particles seem to be inert to the nucleation of intragranular ferrite under the present experimental condition. Ti2O3 particles in a Mn-containing steel are very effective for the nucleation of intragranular ferrite, being (Ti,Mn)2O3 particles by absorbing Mn atoms from a steel matrix. On the other hand, Ti2O3 particles in a Mn-free steel are not effective. MnS and Al2O3 particles in high nitrogen steels containing vanadium also appear to be potent for the nucleation of intragranular ferrite. The decrease in transformation temperature causes a change in the morphology of intragranular ferrite from idiomorphic ferrite to acicular ferrite.  相似文献   

IF钢铸坯表层大尺寸夹杂物分布对冷轧钢板表面质量有较大影响。采用ASPEX自动检测法与逐层刨削法研究了IF钢铸坯表层20 mm内中100 μm以上夹杂物的三维分布。铸坯表层20 mm内夹杂物共分成3类,气泡、氧化铝+气泡、块状氧化铝,数量比例分别为72%、26%和2%。结合水模型研究了结晶器内大尺寸夹杂物被凝固坯壳捕获行为,结果表明,在现有浇铸工况下结晶器内大尺寸夹杂物主要集中在上回流涡心处与浸入式水口下部等结晶器“死区”位置。消除结晶器内死区有助于减少铸坯表层大尺寸夹杂物,提高轧板表面质量。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of non-metallic inclusions (NMIs) on the initiation of pitting corrosion in type 409L stainless steels refined by the argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) and vacuum oxygen decarburization (VOD) processes. The dominant NMIs in the AOD and VOD samples were (Ti, Ca)-oxides and Ti-nitrides, respectively. In-situ electrochemical noise (EN) and micro-electrochemical analyses were conducted to investigate quantitatively the inherent effects of the NMIs on the pitting corrosion of the alloys. Pitting corrosion was initiated mostly around the (Ti, Ca)-oxides in the AOD samples, while little such corrosion occurred around the Ti-nitrides in the VOD samples. In addition, the pitting resistance of the AOD samples increased with increasing Ti content and decreasing Ca content in the (Ti, Ca)-oxides.  相似文献   

研究了高温加热对高硫车轮钢中MnS+Al2O3复合夹杂物结构与形态的影响。通过采用扫描电子显微(SEM)技术对高硫车轮钢中夹杂物的类型及尺寸进行了分析统计。结果表明:加热温度为1 300 ℃时,MnS回溶对MnS+Al2O3复合相的包裹效果没有产生显著地破坏作用。而当加热温度升至1 350 ℃后,由于大量的硫化物回溶,使不少氧化物夹杂物直接暴露于钢基体,破坏高硫钢中MnS+Al2O3复合相的包裹效果。在含硫车轮钢的热加工过程中,应该尽量降低处理温度(低于1 300 ℃)来降低MnS回溶对全包裹Al2O3复合夹杂物的破坏作用。  相似文献   

基于定量金相检测的大颗粒夹杂物的尺寸,应用 ASTME2283中极值分析的标准化方法(最大似然估计法)对帘线钢冶炼过程所取试样中夹杂物尺寸分布进行了统计分析,并采用 SEM/XPS对大尺寸夹杂物进行了成分检测。分析结果表明:在逆程周期为 1000的检测条件下,通过极值分析方法可计算出试样中相对应 99.90%概率的最大夹杂物尺寸,客观描述了帘线钢中夹杂物尺寸分布特征;某一视场或不同视场内发现不同成分类型的大尺寸夹杂物: CaO-SiO2类和 SiO2-MnO类两类夹杂物具有不同的尺寸分布规律;软吹 40min时 SiO2-MnO类夹杂物出现大尺寸概率明显小于 CaO-SiO2类夹杂物,说明大尺寸夹杂物主要为 CaO-SiO2类夹杂物。  相似文献   

The control of phase transformation nucleation in steel by inclusions has attracted considerable attention for a few decades. The potency as a transformation catalyst appears to depend on the species of ~nclusions and so, they may not simply act as an inert heterogeneous nucleation site. The formation of a solute depletion zone in surrounding austenite and the provision of nucleation sites which can form low energy nucleuslinclusion interfaces are considered to be a principal mechanism. These are discussed on the basis of simple models and available experimental data to relate nucleation potency with thermodynamic and other material properties of inclusions.  相似文献   

The precipitation behavior of the MnS phase of MnO-SiO2 oxides in Si/Mn deoxidized steels was examined. MnS phase formation in the oxide phase was clearly identified, and the Mn content in both phases increased with isothermal holding at 1,200°C. With increased cooling rate, both the size of inclusions and the precipitation ratio of the MnS phase in the oxides decreased. More than 90% of MnO-SiO2 oxides contain MnS phases and MnS precipitation is accompanied by an Mn-depleted zone around the oxides. This zone was created not just around the MnS, but around the whole oxide inclusion. One can tentatively conclude that the majority of the MnS islands after isothermal holding are formed by the diffusion of Mn and S from the matrix into the inclusions.  相似文献   

杨鹤  王洋  崔衡 《连铸》2017,36(2):39-42
应用了大样电解、扫描电镜、能谱分析等方法,研究了转炉—RH—连铸工序生产IF钢的头坯、交接坯、尾坯中大型夹杂物的质量分数、粒径、来源,并与正常坯进行了对比。结果表明:非稳态浇铸条件下,头坯的大型夹杂物质量分数最高,平均质量分数是正常坯的3.15倍,其次是交接坯和尾坯,平均质量分数均高于正常坯。本次试验只有头坯和尾坯中发现大于300 μm的大型夹杂物,且在头坯中质量分数最高,质量分数为7.47×10-7。交接坯中大于80 μm粒径的夹杂物高于正常坯,而正常坯中则以小于80 μm的夹杂物为主。头坯中大型夹杂物主要来源于结晶器卷渣、耐火材料、中间包渣、引流砂;交接坯和尾坯中大型夹杂物主要来源于结晶器卷渣、中间包渣;正常坯中大型夹杂物的来源主要是水口结瘤以及结晶器卷渣。  相似文献   

利用复相TRIP钢中组织的电位差异将样品腐蚀、染色,从而鉴别、分析TRIP钢组织。结果表明,TRIP钢经Lepera试剂腐蚀染色后可鉴别、提取马氏体(M);TRIP钢经1%的硫代硫酸钠试剂腐蚀染色后可鉴别、提取贝氏体(B);TRIP钢经2%偏重亚硫酸钠试剂腐蚀染色后可鉴别、提取铁素体(F),从而实现了基于彩色金相基础上的定量分析。同时,利用Photoshop图片处理软件对金相图片进行处理,能够减小测量的误差,使定量分析结果更精确。  相似文献   

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