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An important recent advance in the functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes is the development of the one-step PCR-mediated technique for deletion and modification of chromosomal genes. This method allows very rapid gene manipulations without requiring plasmid clones of the gene of interest. We describe here a new set of plasmids that serve as templates for the PCR synthesis of fragments that allow a variety of gene modifications. Using as selectable marker the S. cerevisiae TRP1 gene or modules containing the heterologous Schizosaccharomyces pombe his5+ or Escherichia coli kanr gene, these plasmids allow gene deletion, gene overexpression (using the regulatable GAL1 promoter), C- or N-terminal protein tagging [with GFP(S65T), GST, or the 3HA or 13Myc epitope], and partial N- or C-terminal deletions (with or without concomitant protein tagging). Because of the modular nature of the plasmids, they allow efficient and economical use of a small number of PCR primers for a wide variety of gene manipulations. Thus, these plasmids should further facilitate the rapid analysis of gene function in S. cerevisiae. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe a straightforward PCR-based approach to the deletion, tagging, and overexpression of genes in their normal chromosomal locations in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using this approach and the S. pombe ura4+ gene as a marker, nine genes were deleted with efficiencies of homologous integration ranging from 6 to 63%. We also constructed a series of plasmids containing the kanMX6 module, which allows selection of G418-resistant cells and thus provides a new heterologous marker for use in S. pombe. The modular nature of these constructs allows a small number of PCR primers to be used for a wide variety of gene manipulations, including deletion, overexpression (using the regulatable nmt1 promoter), C- or N-terminal protein tagging (with HA, Myc, GST, or GFP), and partial C- or N-terminal deletions with or without tagging. Nine genes were manipulated using these kanMX6 constructs as templates for PCR. The PCR primers included 60 to 80 bp of flanking sequences homologous to target sequences in the genome. Transformants were screened for homologous integration by PCR. In most cases, the efficiency of homologous integration was ≥50%, and the lowest efficiency encountered was 17%. The methodology and constructs described here should greatly facilitate analysis of gene function in S. pombe. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The one-step PCR-mediated technique used for modification of chromosomal loci is a powerful tool for functional analysis in yeast. Both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe are amenable to this technique. However, the scarce availability of selectable markers for Sz. pombe hampers the easy use of this technique in this species. Here, we describe the construction of new vectors deriving from the pFA6a family, which are suitable for tagging in both yeasts owing to the presence of a nourseothricin-resistance cassette. These plasmids allow various gene manipulations at chromosomal loci, viz. N- and C-terminal tagging with 3HA (haemagglutinin) or 13Myc epitopes, GST (glutathione S-transferase), 4TAP (tandem affinity purification) and several GFP (green fluorescent protein) isoforms. For N-terminal modifications, the use of different promoters allows constitutive (PADH1) or regulatable (PGAL1) promoters for S. cerevisiae and derivatives of Pnmt1 for Sz. pombe expression.  相似文献   

We have recently developed the HB tag as a useful tool for tandem-affinity purification under native as well as fully denaturing conditions. The HB tag and its derivatives consist of a hexahistidine tag and a bacterially-derived in vivo biotinylation signal peptide, which support sequential purification by Ni2+ -chelate chromatography and binding to immobilized streptavidin. To facilitate tagging of budding yeast proteins with HB tags, we have created a series of plasmids with various selectable markers. These plasmids allow single-step PCR-based tagging and expression under control of the endogenous promoters or the inducible GAL1 promoter. HB tagging of several budding yeast ORFs demonstrated efficient biotinylation of the HB tag in vivo by endogenous yeast biotin ligases. No adverse effects of the HB tag on protein function were observed. The HB tagging plasmids presented here are related to previously reported epitope-tagging plasmids, allowing PCR-based tagging with the same locus-specific primer sets that are used for other widely used epitope-tagging strategies. The Sequences for the described plasmids were submitted to GenBank under Accession Numbers DQ407918-pFA6a-HBH-kanMX6 DQ407927-pFA6a-RGS18H-kanMX6 DQ407919-pFA6a-HBH-hphMX4 DQ407928-pFA6a-RGS18H-hphMX4 DQ407920-pFA6a-HBH-TRP1 DQ407929-pFA6a-RGS18H-TRP1 DQ407921-pFA6a-HTB-kanMX6 DQ407930-pFA6a-kanMX6-PGAL1-HBH DQ407922-pFA6a-HTB-hphMX4 DQ407931-pFA6a-TRP1-PGAL1-HBH DQ407923-pFA6a-HTB-TRP1 DQ407924-pFA6a-BIO-kanMX6 DQ407925-pFA6a-BIO-hphMX4 DQ407926-pFA6a-BIO-TRP1.  相似文献   

The use of PCR-based techniques for directed gene alterations has become a standard tool in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In our efforts to increase the speed of functional analysis of Candida albicans genes, we constructed a modular system of plasmid vectors and successfully applied PCR-amplified functional analysis (FA)-cassettes in the transformation of C. albicans. These cassettes facilitate: (a) gene disruptions; (b) tagging of 3'-ends of genes with green fluorescent protein (GFP); and (c) replacements of endogenous promoters to achieve regulated expression. The modules consists of a core of three selectable marker genes, CaURA3, CaHIS1 and CaARG4. Modules for C-terminal GFP-tagging were generated by adding GFP-sequences flanked at the 5'-end by a (Gly-Ala)3-linker and at the 3'-end by the S. cerevisiae URA3-terminator to these selection markers. Promoter exchange modules consist of the respective marker genes followed by the regulatable CaMAL2 or CaMET3 promoters at their 3'-ends. In order to ensure a reliably high rate of homologous gene targeting, the flanking homology regions required a size of 100 bp of gene-specific sequences, which were provided with the oligonucleotide primers. The use of shorter flanking homology regions produced unsatisfactory results with C. albicans strain BWP17. With these new modules only a minimal set of primers is required to achieve the functional analysis of C. albicans genes and, therefore, provides a basic tool to increase the number of functionally characterized C. albicans genes of this human pathogen in the near future.  相似文献   

Epitope tagging is a powerful method for the rapid analysis of protein function. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae epitope tags are introduced easily into chromosomal loci by homologous recombination using a simple PCR-based strategy. Although quite a number of tools exist for C-terminal tagging as well as N-terminal tagging of proteins expressed by heterologous promoters, there are only very limited possibilities to tag proteins at the N-terminus and retain the endogenous expression level. Furthermore, no PCR-templates for internal tagging have been reported. Here we describe new modules that are suitable for both the repeated N-terminal and internal tagging of proteins, leaving their endogenous promoters intact. The tags include 6xHA, 9xMyc, yEGFP, TEV-GST-6xHIS, ProtA, TEV-ProtA and TEV-ProtA-7xHIS in conjunction with different heterologous selection markers.  相似文献   

PCR‐mediated gene modification is a powerful approach to the functional analysis of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One application of this method is epitope‐tagging of a gene to analyse the corresponding protein by immunological methods. However, the number of epitope tags available in a convenient format is still low, and interference with protein function by the epitope, particularly if it is large, is not uncommon. To address these limitations and broaden the utility of the method, we constructed a set of convenient template plasmids designed for PCR‐based C‐terminal tagging with 10 different, relatively short peptide sequences that are recognized by commercially available monoclonal antibodies. The encoded tags are FLAG, 3 × FLAG, T7, His‐tag, Strep‐tag II, S‐tag, Myc, HSV, VSV‐G and V5. The same pair of primers can be used to construct tagged alleles of a gene of interest with any of the 10 tags. In addition, a six‐glycine linker sequence is inserted upstream of these tags to minimize the influence of the tag on the target protein and maximize its accessibility for antibody binding. Three marker genes, HIS3MX6, kanMX6 and hphMX4, are available for each epitope. We demonstrate the utility of the new tags for both immunoblotting and one‐step affinity purification of the regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome. The set of plasmids has been deposited in the non‐profit plasmid repository Addgene ( http://www.addgene.org ). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one-step PCR-mediated modification of chromosomal genes allows fast and efficient tagging of yeast proteins with various epitopes at the C- or N-terminus. For many purposes, C-terminal tagging is advantageous in that the expression pattern of epitope tag is comparable to that of the authentic protein and the possibility for the tag to affect normal folding of polypeptide chain during translation is minimized. As experiments are getting complicated, it is often necessary to construct several fusion proteins tagged with various kinds of epitopes. Here, we describe development of a series of plasmids that allow efficient and economical switching of C-terminally tagged epitopes, using just one set of universal oligonucleotide primers. Containing a variety of epitopes (GFP, TAP, GST, Myc, HA and FLAG tag) and Kluyveromyces lactis URA3 gene as a selectable marker, the plasmids can be used to replace any MX6 module-based C-terminal epitope tag with one of the six epitopes. Furthermore, the plasmids also allow additional C-terminal epitope tagging of proteins in yeast cells that already carry MX6 module-based gene deletion or C-terminal epitope tag.  相似文献   

In recent years a number of molecular tools have been reported for use in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans, including PCR-mediated approaches for gene disruption, conditional expression and epitope tagging. Traditionally these methods have utilized auxotrophic markers; however, the availability of auxotrophic markers can be limiting and in some instances their use may also impact on the interpretation of results. As a result, the use of positive selection markers has now become more commonplace. Here we report the development and validation of a set of cassettes for PCR-mediated gene tagging and overexpression studies utilizing the nourseothricin resistance (CaNAT1) positive selection marker. In particular we have produced cassettes containing yeast-enhanced GFP, YFP, CFP, RFP and a combined V5-6xHis epitope tag. The cassettes are engineered for use in PCR-mediated gene tagging strategies where insertion is targeted to the 3' end of the gene of interest. In addition, to facilitate protein functional analysis and genetic suppression studies through the use of overexpression, we have also constructed a promoter replacement cassette containing the ENO1 promoter which is known to be expressed at a high level. These cassettes expand on the range of molecular tools available for working with C. albicans and may also be used in other Candida species that display sensitivity to nourseothricin.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae is mainly subclinical and therefore can be diagnosed only in the laboratory. We developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method for specific and sensitive detection of S. agalactiae in raw milk. The specificity of the PCR reaction is based on unique S. agalactiae DNA sequences within the 16S subunit of the rRNA genes. Two pairs of sequences were used as positive controls; general streptococci primers, which anneal to conserved areas within the 16S rRNA subunit gene, and primers, which anneal to sequences within bovine mitochondrial DNA. The method of detection includes selective enrichment of S. agalactiae in the milk sample, followed by DNA extraction using a rapid and simple procedure developed for this purpose, and specific PCR reaction with appropriate controls. The method enables the detection of one bacterium in 1 ml of raw milk. The method developed can be easily incorporated as part of routine screening of bulk milk collection tanks for early detection of infected cows in a herd.  相似文献   

PCR techniques and pulse field electrophoresis karyotyping showed wide genetic diversity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from spontaneous fermentations in progress at a wine cellar in the Rías Baixas appelation controlé region (Spain). The karyotyping method showed greater discriminating power than PCR profiling, making it better suited for the detection of genetic diversity in wine strains, and for the monitoring of selected strains in controlled fermentations.  相似文献   

PCR-based techniques for directed gene alterations have become standard tools in Candida albicans. To help to increase the speed of functional analysis of Candida albicans genes, we previously constructed and updated a modular set of pFA-plasmid vectors for PCR-based gene targeting in C. albicans. Here we report the functional analyses of C. albicans ORFs whose homologues in S. cerevisiae are involved in endocytosis, to explore their potential involvement in polarized cell growth. Three C. albicans genes, ABP1, BZZ1 and EDE1, were found to be non-essential. Yeast and hyphal morphogenesis were not affected by the individual deletions and the mutant strains appeared wild-type-like under the different growth conditions tested. On the other hand, deletion of both alleles of the C. albicans PAN1 homologue was not feasible. Promoter shut-down experiments using a MET3p-PAN1/pan1 strain indicated severe growth defects and abolished endocytosis, indicating that PAN1 is an essential gene. Subcellular distribution of CaAbp1 and CaPan1 was analysed via GFP-tagged proteins. Both proteins were found to localize at the cortex and at hyphal tips in a patch-like manner, supporting their role in endocytosis. Localization patterns of Abp1 and Pan1, however, were distinct from that of the FM4-64 stained Spitzenk?rper.  相似文献   

A summary of previously defined phenotypes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae is presented. The purpose of this review is to provide a compendium of phenotypes that can be readily screened to identify pleiotropic phenotypes associated with primary or suppressor mutations. Many of these phenotypes provide a convenient alternative to the primary phenotype for following a gene, or as a marker for cloning a gene by genetic complementation. In many cases a particular phenotype or set of phenotypes can suggest a function for the product of the mutated gene. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过构建酿酒酵母沉默表达载体PURH-ADH2,使ADH2基因在PGK强启动子、CYC1终止子在特定区域内进行干扰和表达。采用Bam HI和Xmal I限制性内切酶对SADH2基因和PURH质粒进行双酶切,构建反义重组表达质粒PURH-SADH2,通过高效酵母转化法和电转法将重组质粒组件转化至酿酒酵母SY01细胞中,获得阳性克隆菌株JY01。酿酒酵母JY01突变菌株与出发菌株SY01和Y01发酵试验结果相比,JY01甘油脱氢酶酶活比出发菌株Y01与SY01分别下降了16.31%和13.5%;当酿酒酵母Y01、SY01和JY01菌株发酵36~60 h时,JY01菌株甘油含量相比Y01分别下降了16.34%、14.25%、14.89%;当酿酒酵母突变菌株发酵48 h时,Y01、SY01和JY01的乙醇浓度分别为6.243 g/100 m L、7.145 g/100 m L和7.288 g/100 m L,酿酒酵母JY01发酵液乙醇量比比原始菌株Y01乙醇含量提高了14.33%。结果表明通过反义干扰ADH2基因5’UTR序列,能有效干扰酵母工程菌株ADH2转录与表达,削弱甘油积累途径,促进乙醇代谢途径。  相似文献   

PCR-based gene deletion and modification are now common techniques for rapid gene manipulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The techniques work best when the host strain lacks sequence homology to the PCR-amplified selectable markers. One of the most versatile sets of PCR deletion/modification vectors is the pFA system described by Longtine et al.(1998), which is based on both heterologous (kanMX6 and HIS3MX6) and homologous (TRP1) markers. Here we describe the trp1-DeltaFA designer deletion allele that removes precisely from the genome TRP1 sequences carried in the pFA vectors. The trp1-DeltaFA allele can be introduced easily into TRP1 and most trp1 starting strains, and its use increases the frequency of correct integrants when using the pFA system's TRP1-based constructs. Unlike trp1-Delta1, trp1-DeltaFA does not remove neighbouring GAL3 upstream activating sequences and therefore does not interfere with GAL gene induction.  相似文献   

Epitope tagging is the insertion of a short stretch of amino acids constituting an epitope into another protein. Tagged proteins can be identified by Western, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assays using pre-existing antibodies. We have designed vectors containing the URA3 gene flanked by direct repeats of epitope tags. We use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the tag-URA3-tag cassette such that the ends of the PCR fragments possess homology to the gene of interest. In vivo recombination is then used to direct integration of the fragment to the location of interest, and transformants are selected by their Ura+ phenotype. Finally, selection for Ura? cells on 5-fluoro-orotic acid plates yields cells where recombination between the repeated epitopes has ‘popped out’ the URA3 gene, leaving a single copy of the epitope at the desired location. PCR epitope tagging (PET) provides a rapid and direct technique for tagging that does not require any cloning steps. We have used PET to tag three Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins, Cln1, Sic1 and Est1.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母BAT基因编码支链氨基酸转氨酶,其中BAT1和BAT2基因分别编码线粒体和细胞质氨基酸转氨酶,位于细胞不同的位置导致二者的生理功能有所差异,BAT1基因在线粒体中倾向催化α-酮酸合成氨基酸,细胞质中的BAT2基因将氨基酸转化为α-酮酸,通过敲除BAT2以减少α-酮酸合成,过表达BAT1以增加α-酮酸消耗达到降低酿酒酵母高级醇的合成的目的。本研究以酿酒酵母AY15单倍体α5为出发菌株,结合融合PCR技术构建重组质粒p UC-BABPB1K,获得BA-PGK-BAT1-BB重组盒,并利用醋酸锂转化法和同源重组技术筛选出缺失BAT2基因同时过表达BAT1基因的突变株B-8,将其和亲本菌株α5、BAT2基因缺失菌株α5ΔBAT2进行酒精发酵实验,发酵结束后进行发酵性能和高级醇的测定。实验结果表明,与亲本菌株相比,异丁醇降低了25%,异戊醇降低了15%,活性戊醇降低了30%;与α5ΔBAT2菌株相比,异丁醇提高了0.5倍,异戊醇增加了0.1倍,活性戊醇增加了0.3倍。  相似文献   

We have developed a set of plasmids containing fluorescent protein cassettes for use in PCR-mediated gene tagging in Candida albicans. We engineered YFP and CFP variants of the GFP sequence optimized for C. albicans codon usage. The fluorescent protein sequences, linked to C. albicans auxotrophic marker sequences, were amplified by PCR and transformed directly into yeast. Gene-specific sequence was incorporated into the PCR primers, such that the tag-cassette integrates by homologous recombination at the 3'-end of the gene of interest. This technique was used to tag Cdc3 and Tub1 with GFP, YFP and CFP, which were readily visualized by fluorescence microscopy and localized as expected. In addition, Tub1-YFP and Cdc3-CFP were visualized in the same cells. Thus, this technique directs one-step construction of multiple fluorescent protein fusions, facilitating the study of protein co-expression and co-localization in C. albicans cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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