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《Material Religion》2013,9(2):180-204

The International Friendship Bell is a traditional Japanese bonshō bell that was installed in Oak Ridge, TN, in 1996 to mark the city's fiftieth anniversary. I interpret the bell as a highly ambivalent site of cultural memory, drawing on memory studies theory to analyze its multiple meanings. Its backers represented the bell as an elegant tribute to Oak Ridge's post-World War II scientific legacy, while its detractors interpreted it as offering an unacceptable apology for Oak Ridge's role in constructing “Little Boy,” the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Describing the bell as a translocative technology of memory, I argue that the selection of a Japanese Buddhist bell served two important functions. First, despite having appropriated the bell from its original ritual context, its designers used it to sanctify Oak Ridge as sacred space. The bell was thus secularized, precisely as it sacralized civic space. Second, the bell's alien nature enabled it to serve as a screen on which Oak Ridgers could work out their ambivalence and anxieties about their civic identity. The bell thus provides a lens for understanding how religious ritual objects acquire new meanings when displaced from their intended contexts.  相似文献   

常青 《建筑师》2019,(4):19-23
根据2018年教育部对全国专业硕士学位必修课程的设置要求,在被认定的建筑学硕士学位专业必修课中,包含了"建筑历史与理论"课程。本文从因材施教的基本原则出发,针对适应建筑学硕士学位培养目标和学生未来主要职业生涯的特点和需求,在以往相类教学课程的基础上,以理论诸范式及其相互关系为主线,提出了"建筑历史与理论"课程教学大纲,对讲授内容和方法作了新的系统梳理和概括,列出了部分比较重要的教学参考书目,以为日后课程设置在全国各建筑院校的实施提供前期研究和讨论参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题的研究成果——《传统村镇保护价值评价标准》的编制思路和创新之处,主要包括:兼顾传统村镇不同的遗产存留状况和价值特点;大量试评,兼顾全国不同地区、不同时期传统村镇的价值特点;保持与《中国历史文化名镇(名村)评价指标体系》的兼容和对接;具备在全国范围内进行推广和使用的条件。本文认为,《传统村镇保护价值评价标准》填补了我国传统村镇,特别是未被命名为历史文化名镇名村的传统村镇的价值评价空白,在未来可作为行业标准广泛应用于我国传统村镇的保护价值评价,使保护工作走向“普适路线”,有助于各地历史文化名镇名村申报评选工作,推动各类别传统村镇的保护和利用。  相似文献   

黄晔  戚广平 《华中建筑》2013,(12):63-68
在历史建筑保护与更新的设计过程中,探讨以不同时代和观念为依托的新老建筑的关系,始终是首先应该解决的关键问题,文章通过南昌路57号原法国总会网球俱乐部附属建筑的改造方案设计,思考历史建筑形式存在的合法性,即除了显现的合理性之外,包括隐藏着的合理性及其形式,并以此为契机探讨保护和更新中的技术策略.  相似文献   

马晓  周学鹰 《华中建筑》2011,29(4):147-149
南京是我国著名古都,古城中遗留下丰富的历史文化遗产秦淮河是南京的母亲河,内秦淮河沿岸建筑遗产是南京历史文化的杰出代表.该文以南京内秦淮河城南段为例,探讨我国历史文化名城中古河道景观的保护与发展,针对性提出其复兴、改造的措施:全面、深入地调查遗产资源,真正认识传统文化价值及其传承的意义;保护沿河两岸的空间尺度;维护文化生...  相似文献   

清式烟琢墨石碾玉彩画等级排在金琢墨石碾玉之后,排在金线大点金之前。烟琢墨石碾玉彩画总的规则和部位名称与金线大点金相似。不同之处是烟琢墨石碾玉彩画的各路旋子瓣在拘黑、吃小晕的基础上又加了一层晕色。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(3):389-392

This study is an ethnographic and conceptual analysis of religious objects, their uses, and mediation of authority within the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Universal Church) in Brazil. Drawing on scholarship within media studies, religion and media, and material religion, I distinguish between artifacts used to cement implicit contracts between Universal Church followers and their church community, which I call contractual media, or swag, and those that followers bring to meetings to be blessed and then take home to mediate both good and evil forces in family, work, and social life—these I call portable media. While portable object media are seen by their owners as powerful tools, contractual media, on the other hand, create implicit power relations that keep followers tied to the institutional church in a reciprocal exchange predicated upon expected prosperity as evidence of faithful attendance, fidelity, and personal sacrifice. The physical exchange of material goods in religious spaces constitutes a perpetuation rather than a disruption of institutional religious authority. As infrastructure, contractual object media establish and maintain conditions for otherwise mundane materials to mediate power on a daily basis. Through attention toward portable and contract object media, as part of what I am calling material microstructure, we can further complicate religious authority as it is mediated through objects, not just in one-way flows but as dynamic exchanges and trade-offs between personal empowerment and institutional control.  相似文献   

The proliferation of affordable computing has transformed the capability of architecture to deal with complex forms and details. As Dennis R Shelden , Chief Technology Officer of Gehry Technologies, explains, this has resulted in the production of an abundance of digital information or data. The intersection of two curved surfaces, for instance, is now much more complex than the surfaces themselves. Complexity requires more information and thus more processing, making details like this ultimately more expensive to produce. The jury is still out on what the future might hold, as architecture undergoes a period of fundamental transition in which, for the time being at least, there remains an essential mismatch between the surfeit of digital information and the tight economic limits on physical production.  相似文献   

Robert Harbison describes how the upgrading and extension of the old East London Line, which connects the city east and south, enables new explorations and insights. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As states in the U.S. adopt new energy codes, it is important to understand the benefits for each state and its building owners. This paper estimates life-cycle energy savings, carbon emission reduction, and cost-effectiveness of conventional energy efficiency measures in new commercial buildings using an integrated design approach. Results are based on 8208 energy simulations for 12 prototypical buildings in 228 cities, with 3 building designs evaluated for each building-location combination. Results are represented by easy-to-understand mappings that allow for regional and state comparisons. The results show that the use of conventional energy efficiency technologies in an integrated design framework can decrease energy use by 15-20% on average in new commercial buildings, and over 35% for some building types and locations. These energy reductions can often be accomplished at negative incremental life-cycle costs and reduce a building's energy-related carbon footprint by 9-33%. However, generalizing these results on energy use, life-cycle costs, and carbon emissions misses exceptions in the results that show the importance of location-specific characteristics. Also, states do not appear to base energy code adoption decisions on either potential energy savings or life-cycle cost savings.  相似文献   

The proliferation of social media and software, such as building information modelling (BIM), has led to an unprecedented accumulation of data in the last few years, which can be tracked, tagged and scanned.With it, buildings and cities have been transformed into portals for information. Andrew Hudson-Smith , Director at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London (UCL), describes how the ability to use emerging urban analytic tool kits provides the possibility of a real-time view of the city and a crystal-ball-like glimpse into urban networks of the future.  相似文献   

Hugh Campbell expands upon the mutually collaborative spatial qualities evoked in the photographic works of Walter Niedermayr and the architecture of Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of Tokyo-based practice SANAA. Describing their relation as forming a ‘thickened presence’, he alludes to a particular atmosphere reliant on an ambiguity of scale, detail and discernible proximity that serves to liberate the architecture and the photographs from mere documentation whereby instead they figure as transparent recordings of spatial intentions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Paris-based scientific historian Amy Dahan-Dalmedico asks why a knowledge of numbers, algebra and abstract forms should be key to our understanding of the sensible world. As she reveals, mathematics, like the world itself, has shifted and fluctuated over time since its earliest origins in ancient Egypt. Evolving and morphing as a discipline, it has covered a diverse range of practices and theories. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The omnipresence of the iPod and mobile phone has ensured portable and wearable technologies' highly privileged position in contemporary society. They are at the top of the pile where conspicuous consumption is concerned - you only have to visit an Apple store on a Saturday afternoon to witness the degree to which this highly sought-after gadgetry has become subject to consumer frenzy and speculation. Here, Despina Papadopoulos reviews the particular social and cultural impact of wearable devices. She also welcomes in a new generation of interactive designers who are investigating the human and emotional potential of emergent technologies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

China's Open Door Policy and economic development set in motion in 1978 can be regarded as the triumph of pragmatism over theory - specifically Chairman Mao's brand of Marxist theory. Tao Zhu traces the progress of reform over the last 30 years, and its impact on Chinese architectural culture. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冷热电三联供(CCHP)系统是一种建立在能量梯级利用概念基础上,将供热(采暖和供热水)、制冷及发电过程有机结合在一起的总能系统。本文按照数据中心的用能特点,探讨了三联供系统在数据中心中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

Despite the seeming accumulation of natural and manmade disasters over the last decade, and increasing urban intensification across the world, there seems to be little or no actual progress in solving urban ecological problems. In exploring a way forward, Maria Kaika and Erik Swyngedouw highlight three potential approaches to urban socio-ecological research and how these might provide a conduit for re-politicising urban nature.  相似文献   

The computational design strategist Cynthia Ottchen , who was previously Head of Research and Innovation at OMA, offers insights into the future of building information modelling (BIM). Now in the Petabyte Age of the data deluge, she argues that in our adoption of BIM we have to surpass mere data collection and technical optimisation and open up new ways of thinking with the creative use of ‘soft data’. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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