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The article describes a reconstruction pipeline that generates piecewise-planar models of man-made environments using two calibrated views. The 3D space is sampled by a set of virtual cut planes that intersect the baseline of the stereo rig and implicitly define possible pixel correspondences across views. The likelihood of these correspondences being true matches is measured using signal symmetry analysis [1], which enables to obtain profile contours of the 3D scene that become lines whenever the virtual cut planes intersect planar surfaces. The detection and estimation of these lines cuts is formulated as a global optimization problem over the symmetry matching cost, and pairs of reconstructed lines are used to generate plane hypotheses that serve as input to PEARL clustering [2]. The PEARL algorithm alternates between a discrete optimization step, which merges planar surface hypotheses and discards detections with poor support, and a continuous optimization step, which refines the plane poses taking into account surface slant. The pipeline outputs an accurate semi-dense Piecewise-Planar Reconstruction of the 3D scene. In addition, the input images can be segmented into piecewise-planar regions using a standard labeling formulation for assigning pixels to plane detections. Extensive experiments with both indoor and outdoor stereo pairs show significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods with respect to accuracy and robustness.  相似文献   

Three dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries from two views   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Geometric representation and measurements of localized lumen stenosis of coronary arteries are important considerations in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. This discrete narrowing of the arteries typically impairs blood flow in regions of the heart, and can be present along the entire length of the artery. Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of coronary arterial tree allows clinician to visualize vascular geometry. Three-dimensional representation of tree topology facilitates calculation of hemodynamic measurements to study myocardial infarction and stenosis. The 3-D arterial tree, computed from two views, can provide more information about the tree geometry than individual views. In this paper, a 3-step algorithm for 3-D reconstruction of arterial tree using two standard views is presented. The first step is a multi-resolution segmentation of the coronary vessels followed by medial-axis detection along the entire arterial tree for both views. In the second step, arterial trees from the two views are registered using medial-axis representation at the coarsest resolution level to obtain an initial 3-D reconstruction. This initial reconstruction at the coarsest level is then modified using 3-D geometrical a priori information. In the third step, the modified reconstruction is projected on the next higher-resolution segmented medial-axis representation and an updated reconstruction is obtained at the higher resolution. The process is iterated until the final 3-D reconstruction is obtained at the finest resolution level. Linear programming based constrained optimization method is used for registering two views at the coarse resolution. This is followed by a Tree-Search method for registering detailed branches at higher resolutions. The automated 3-D reconstruction method was evaluated on computer-simulated as well as human angiogram data. Results show that the automated 3-D reconstruction method provided good registration of computer-simulated data. On human angiogram data, the computed 3-D reconstruction matched well with manual registration.  相似文献   

Image-based modelling allows the reconstruction of highly realistic digital models from real-world objects. This paper presents a model-based approach to recover animated models of people from multiple view video images. Two contributions are made, a multiple resolution model-based framework is introduced that combines multiple visual cues in reconstruction. Second, a novel mesh parameterisation is presented to preserve the vertex parameterisation in the model for animation. A prior humanoid surface model is first decomposed into multiple levels of detail and represented as a hierarchical deformable model for image fitting. A novel mesh parameterisation is presented that allows propagation of deformation in the model hierarchy and regularisation of surface deformation to preserve vertex parameterisation and animation structure. The hierarchical model is then used to fuse multiple shape cues from silhouette, stereo and sparse feature data in a coarse-to-fine strategy to recover a model that reproduces the appearance in the images. The framework is compared to physics-based deformable surface fitting at a single resolution, demonstrating an improved reconstruction accuracy against ground-truth data with a reduced model distortion. Results demonstrate realistic modelling of real people with accurate shape and appearance while preserving model structure for use in animation.  相似文献   

Clinical interventional hemodynamic studies quantify the ventricular function from two-dimensional (2-D) X-ray projection images without having enough information of the actual three-dimensional (3-D) shape of this cardiac cavity. This paper reports a left ventricle 3-D reconstruction method from two orthogonal angiographic projections. This investigation is motivated by the lack of information about the actual 3-D shape of the cardiac cavity. The proposed algorithm works in 3-D space and considers the oblique projection geometry associated with the biplane image acquisition equipment. The reconstruction process starts by performing an approximate reconstruction based on the Cylindrical Closure Operation and the Dempster-Shafer theory. This approximate reconstruction is appropriately deformed in order to match the given projections. The deformation procedure is carried out by an iterative process that, by means of the Dempster-Shafer and the fuzzy integral theory, combines the information provided by the projection error and the connectivity between voxels. The performance of the proposed reconstruction method is evaluated by considering first the reconstruction of two 3-D binary databases from two orthogonal synthetized projections, obtaining errors as low as 6.48%. The method is then tested on real data, where two orthogonal preprocessed angiographic images are used for reconstruction. The performance of the technique, in this case, is assessed by means of the projection error, whose average for both views is 7.5%. The reconstruction method is also tested by performing the 3-D reconstruction of a ventriculographic sequence throughout an entire cardiac cycle.  相似文献   

Stereo correspondence by surface reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An algorithm that solves the computational stereo correspondence and the surface reconstruction is presented. The algorithm integrates the reconstruction process in the correspondence analysis by means of multipass attribute matching and disparity refinement. In the matching process, the requirement of attribute similarity is relaxed with the pass number while the requirement for agreement between the predicted and the measured disparity is tightened. Disparity discontinuities and occluded areas are detected by analyzing the partial derivatives of the reconstructed disparity surface. Results on synthetic and on real stereo image pairs are reported  相似文献   

The recently developed medical imaging technique of tomography can be used with amazing success to learn about the interior of a human body. Each tomograph, however, is limited to only one section of the specific human limb. A series of tomographs taken at irregular intervals and various angles would provide three-dimensional information of the interior of the limb. Currently available 3-D surface display algorithms have limitations, particularly when applied to clinically important image data requiring fast and flexible interactive analysis. In addition to the problem of computation time is the cost of specialized hardware. A new algorithm has been designed for use with three-dimensional medical images which attempts to overcome these limitations. A computer graphics system is described which reconstructs three-dimensional images from tomographic sectional data. This 3-D surface algorithm can be exploited in planning reconstructive bone surgery. An example which illustrates the versatility and speed of the new algorithm is presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to automatically calculate texture maps for a given three‐dimensional object out of a sequence of images. It is used in our image‐based modeling approach after the registration of the images and the geometric modeling is done. We show that the presented method uses the information from all images by implicitly applying a weighting function. Using this approach the consideration of modeled occlusions as well as the detection and removal of non‐modeled occlusions is accomplished. The final resolution of the texture maps can be adjusted on a pixel/cm basis. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of 3-D solids from 2-D projections is an important research topic in reverse engineering. The reconstruction can be grouped into two categories: single-view approach and multiple-view approach. Each approach can be classified as wireframe, BRep or CSG. However, not many CSG approaches have been reported in the literature. The methods are also restricted to uniform-thickness objects or require user interaction. The method proposed in this paper employs the CSG approach. A 3-D solid computer model is reconstructed from 2-D line drawings of six orthographic opaque views, viz. top, front, left, right, bottom and rear views. Firstly, the six views are grouped into three pairs. For each pair of views, segmented areas from one of the two views (called g-view) is incrementally extruded according to the information in the neighbouring view (called d-view). Extrusion primitive solids are generated during the incremental extrusion. All primitive solids are then unioned into an extrusion solid. Finally, all extrusion solids are intersected to give a unique 3-D solution object.  相似文献   

针对无序图像的三维重构问题,本文提出了一种图像选择算法,在三维重构算法运行之前,首先利用图像间的全局运动估计,去除冗余的图像,有效的减少了问题的规模,同时保持图像间的大部分连接关系,并能够较好地防止出现退化情况。为了验证本文的算法,针对一系列图像进行了测试,实验结果证明,作为三维重构的一个预处理过程,提高了三维重构算法的运行效率和算法的鲁棒性,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

Shape estimation using polarization and shading from two views   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a novel method for 3D surface reconstruction that uses polarization and shading information from two views. The method relies on polarization data acquired using a standard digital camera and a linear polarizer. Fresnel theory is used to process the raw images and to obtain initial estimates of surface normals, assuming that the reflection type is diffuse. Based on this idea, the paper presents two novel contributions to the problem of surface reconstruction. The first is a technique to enhance the surface normal estimates by incorporating shading information into the method. This is done using robust statistics to estimate how the measured pixel brightnesses depend on the surface orientation. This gives an estimate of the object material reflectance function, which is used to refine the estimates of the surface normals. The second contribution is to use the refined estimates to establish correspondence between two views of an object. To do this, a set of patches are extracted from each view and are aligned by minimizing an energy functional based on the surface normal estimates and local topographic properties. The optimum alignment parameters for different patch pairs are then used to establish stereo correspondence. This process results in an unambiguous field of surface normals, which can be integrated to recover the surface depth. Our technique is most suited to smooth, non-metallic surfaces. It complements existing stereo algorithms since it does not require salient surface features to obtain correspondences. An extensive set of experiments, yielding reconstructed objects and reflectance functions, are presented and compared to ground truth.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of 3D objects from 2D orthographic views is crucial for maintaining and further developing existing product designs. A B-rep oriented method for reconstructing curved objects from three orthographic views is presented by employing a hybrid wire-frame in place of an intermediate wire-frame. The Link-Relation Graph (LRG) is introduced as a multi-graph representation of orthographic views, and quadric surface features (QSFs) are defined by special basic patterns of LRG as well as aggregation rules. By hint-based pattern matching in the LRGs of three orthographic views in an order of priority, the corresponding QSFs are recognized, and the geometry and topology of quadric surfaces are recovered simultaneously. This method can handle objects with interacting quadric surfaces and avoids the combinatorial search for tracing all the quadric surfaces in an intermediate wire-frame by the existing methods. Several examples are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces from apparent contours. Since apparent contours are not fixed features (viewpoint independent), we cannot directly apply the recent results of the uncalibrated reconstruction from fixed features. We show that, nonetheless, curved surfaces can be reconstructed up to an affine ambiguity from their apparent contours viewed from uncalibrated cameras with unknown linear translations. Furthermore, we show that, even if the reconstruction is nonmetric (non-Euclidean), we can still extract useful information for many computer vision applications just from the apparent contours. We first show that if the camera motion is linear translation (but arbitrary direction and magnitude), the epipolar geometry can be recovered from the apparent contours without using any optimization process. The extracted epipolar geometry is next used for reconstructing curved surfaces from the deformations of the apparent contours viewed from uncalibrated cameras. The result is applied to distinguishing curved surfaces from fixed features in images. It is also shown that the time-to-contact to the curved surfaces can be computed from simple measurements of the apparent contours  相似文献   

Matching two perspective views   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A computational approach to image matching is described. It uses multiple attributes associated with each image point to yield a generally overdetermined system of constraints, taking into account possible structural discontinuities and occlusions. In the algorithm implemented, intensity, edgeness, and cornerness attributes are used in conjunction with the constraints arising from intraregional smoothness, field continuity and discontinuity, and occlusions to compute dense displacement fields and occlusion maps along the pixel grids. The intensity, edgeness, and cornerness are invariant under rigid motion in the image plane. In order to cope with large disparities, a multiresolution multigrid structure is employed. Coarser level edgeness and cornerness measures are obtained by blurring the finer level measures. The algorithm has been tested on real-world scenes with depth discontinuities and occlusions. A special case of two-view matching is stereo matching, where the motion between two images is known. The algorithm can be easily specialized to perform stereo matching using the epipolar constraint  相似文献   

This paper investigates the linear degeneracies of projective structure estimation from line features across three views. We show that the rank of the linear system of equations for recovering the trilinear tensor of three views reduces to 23 (instead of 26) when the scene is a linear line complex [LLC] (a set of lines in space intersecting at a common line). The LLC situation is only linearly degenerate, and one can obtain a unique solution when the admissibility constraints of the tensor are accounted for. The line configuration described by an LLC, rather than being some obscure case, is in fact quite typical. It includes, as a particular example, the case of a camera moving down a hallway in an office environment or down an urban street. Furthermore, an LLC situation may occur as an artifact such as in direct estimation from spatio-temporal derivatives of image brightness. Therefore, an investigation into degeneracies and their remedy is important also in practice  相似文献   

We show how the classical theory of projective conics provides new insights and results on the problem of 3D reconstruction from two images taken with uncalibrated cameras. The close relationship between Kruppa equations and Poncelet’s Porism is investigated, leading, in particular, to a closed-form geometrically meaningful parameterization of the set of Euclidean reconstructions compatible with two images taken with cameras with constant intrinsic parameters and known pixel shape. An experiment with real images, showing the applicability of the method, is included. This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of the Spanish Government under project TIN2004-07860 (Medusa) and by the Comunidad de Madrid under project S-0505/TIC-0223 (Pro-Multidis).  相似文献   

为了有效地表示地质应用领域的三维实体,针对矿山地质三维数据的特征,提出了基于钻孔信息的地质体分层模型重建策略。给定原始地质钻孔数据,利用自适应神经网络预测地质体横剖面内信息未知区域的品位属性,生成分层数据;结合离散网络模型自动创建相邻数据分层内控制点之间的拓扑关系,由此建立三维实体的表面模型;然后利用OpenGL造型系统对上述模型进行可视化渲染。最后为验证建模方法的有效性,开发了一套地质体三维建模实验系统,并结合实证数据进行了仿真分析。  相似文献   

对于双目相机焦距自标定,当前研究方法均假定相机主点位置已知,而相机主点在实际中却通常是未知的,提出一种主点和场景均未知的条件下相机焦距自标定的新方法,通过严格的数学分析表明相机的坐标系尺度对焦距标定具有重要影响,并在坐标系尺度影响的定量分析的基础上提出了一种选择合适的坐标系尺度算法。模拟和实际实验都验证了坐标系尺度的重要性,且该方法较传统方法可获得更好的标定精度。  相似文献   

Constructing a 3D individualized head model from two orthogonal views   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A new scheme for constructing a 3D individualized head model automatically from only a side view and the front view of the face is presented. The approach instantiates a generic 3D head model based on a set of the individual's facial features extracted by a local maximum-curvature tracking (LMCT) algorithm that we have developed. A distortion vector field that deforms the generic model to that of the individual is computed by correspondence matching and interpolation. The input of the two facial images are blended and texture-mapped onto the 3D head model. Arbitrary views of a person can be generated from two orthogonal images and can be implemented efficiently on a low-cost, PC-based platform.  相似文献   

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