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近年来,人们越来越关注采用非传统工艺以及使用国外的煤生产焦炭或半焦。这是因为,冶金焦价格猛涨,筛下焦(核桃焦和焦粉)价格也相应提高。同时,筛下焦的质量仍不能符合非高炉生产的要求。俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦对特种焦或半焦感兴趣是因为那里的非粘结煤和弱粘结煤资源丰富,用这些  相似文献   

新技术新设备在备煤设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中介绍了近年来在备煤设计中采用的新技术、新设备;详述了新设备的特点、使用情况及新技术在工艺设计中的应用情况。  相似文献   

粘结指数(G值)是烟煤分类的主要指标,对于确定烟煤种类,判断单种煤质量优劣,确定经济合理的配煤比,研究配合煤质量变化,预测和提高焦炭质量十分重要。  相似文献   

李华  杨柏森 《燃料与化工》1998,29(4):183-187
通过对鞍钢改善焦炭质量工作的回顾,探讨了炼焦备煤新工艺的途径,提出了一改善焦炭质量的建议。  相似文献   

宣钢针对生产及经营状况,确立了以强化炼焦配煤试验研究、合理优化配煤结构、提高焦炭质量为核心的优化模式,持续进行小焦炉优化配煤炼焦实验,有效指导焦化生产配煤和原料采购。  相似文献   

本文对利用粘结性指数区分强粘结煤类别的方法进行了探讨和论证,认为这种方法是可行的,它将使烟煤的分类更为简单、有效和实用。  相似文献   

顾建 《煤化工》2004,32(6):19-21,36
简要介绍了梅山公司目前炼焦煤供应、焦炭生产组织的概况,分析了制约煤焦生产的一些因素,并提出了相应的改进措施,同时对今后煤焦生产的发展提出了建议,应不断提高焦炭质量,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

为了提高煤粘结指数测定的准确度,本文考察了制样时间、制样粒度、焦化温度、焦化时间、灰分、样品制备后保留时间等因素影响。探讨了不同试验条件下同一煤样粘结指数测定结果的差异。试验结果表明,以上各因素在不同条件下对测定结果的准确性影响较大。  相似文献   

In a collaborative research project called “Consumer Oriented Solids Transport Technology” (COSTT), a uniaxial caking tester was developed to measure the caking propensity of bulk solids under controlled environmental conditions. To validate the results gained from this tester, a series of round robin tests were run, using an organic acid of known humidity dependence as test material. These tests showed that even seemingly minor deviations in the test procedure can cause significant deviations in the measured uniaxial strength. This paper gives an indication of the level of details required to run a reliable caking test and the obtainable reproducibility.  相似文献   

In a collaborative research project “Consumer Oriented Solid Transport Technology” (COSTT) funded by the European Union caking properties were measured. Several partners from industry and academia were involved in this project. The caking properties of the selected bulk solids coming from the industrial partners strongly depend on consolidation stress, consolidation time, temperature, and humidity. The consolidation of the samples to be tested was carried out in a climatic chamber, where the rapid attainment of equilibrium regarding temperature and humidity was an essential prerequisite. For testing, the principle of an uniaxial tester was chosen.  相似文献   

To investigate the formation and growth of solid bridges between urea particles, the changes in the contact region between two discrete particles are measured. The work is carried out using a Double‐Particle‐System (DPS). The DPS was stored in a climatic chamber. The effect of load, temperature, relative humidity, and storage time on the formation of a bridge between these particles was analyzed. The objective was to describe the geometrical changes in the contact region and to measure the strength of the resulting interparticle bridge.  相似文献   

主要介绍基氏流动度指标在韶钢的应用,通过小焦炉炼焦试验及实际生产应用的对比分析,指出炼焦煤基氏流动度指标能反映一般常规指标难以表征的煤质特点,但需结合图谱以及煤岩分析与焦炭显微结构分析才能全面指导炼焦配煤生产.  相似文献   

在室温下用二硫化碳-N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮(CS2-NMP)混合溶剂对煤样进行了抽提实验,考察了煤的可溶组分对抽提率和粘结性的影响,探讨了抽提率与粘结性之间的关系。结果表明,煤的抽提率对粘结性有较大的影响。  相似文献   

通过机理分析和实验考察,找到了影响HPEG聚醚结块的主要因素,并采取一定措施控制了结块产生。调整聚醚pH=7~8和向聚醚中加入阻聚剂对羟基苯甲醚(MEHQ),可有效防止大量结块聚醚的生成,使HPEG聚醚在高于50℃的条件下,存放时间延长至80 d,并且不影响其使用性能。  相似文献   

Spray‐dried materials are being used increasingly in industries such as food, detergent and pharmaceutical manufacture. Spray‐dried sodium carbonate is an important product that has a great propensity to cake; its moisture‐sorption properties are very different to the crystalline and amorphous species, with a great affinity for atmospheric moisture. This work demonstrates how the noncontact surface analysis of individual particles using atomic force microscopy can highlight the possible mechanisms of unwanted agglomeration. The nondestructive nature of this method allows cycling of localised humidity in situ and repeated scanning of the same particle area. The resulting topography and phase scans showed that humidity cycling caused changes in the distribution of material phases that were not solely dependent on topographical changes.  相似文献   

Two types of sodium carbonate powder produced by spray drying (SD) and dry neutralization (DN) were studied for their compaction properties using a uniaxial compression tester. A comparison was also made with Persil washing powder. Dry neutralized sodium carbonate showed greater resistance to compression and also produced a weaker compact when compressed to 100 kPa. Spray-dried sodium carbonate had an absence of fine particles but compacted easily. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that both types of powder were predominantly amorphous in nature. Moisture sorption measurements showed that both powders behaved in a similar way below 50% relative humidity (RH). However, dry neutralized sodium carbonate had a high moisture affinity above this RH. Particle structures were also examined using scanning electron microscopy, showing the heterogeneous interior of the spray-dried particles.  相似文献   

刘宏  姚维君 《辽宁化工》2007,36(7):466-468
复合肥结块是一个复杂的化学物理过程,影响因素很多。阐述了复混肥结块的四大机理,讨论了复合肥结块的影响因素及作用原理,介绍了复肥防结块的生产工艺并提出了防止复合肥结块采取措施。  相似文献   

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