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聚变装置工程模型极其复杂,使得中子学分析的建模十分繁琐和耗时。开源蒙特卡罗程序OpenMC通过集成DAGMC(Direct Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo),可以直接基于CAD模型进行粒子输运模拟计算,该特性可显著提高复杂工程模型的建模与分析效率。以中国聚变工程试验堆(China Fusion Engineerging Test Reactor,CFETR)为对象,开展OpenMC在聚变中子学分析中的应用研究。基于CFETR一维柱壳模型验证OpenMC与MCNP计数结果的一致性。根据等离子体空间分布特点,基于源扩展接口自定义源类和源函数准确描述复杂聚变中子源。利用DAG-OpenMC的CAD几何功能成功建立了CFETR的三维模型,并计算获得了中子壁负载分布、氚增殖率和核热沉积等物理量。结果表明:DAG-OpenMC与MCNP的计算结果具有极好的一致性。在建立复杂的聚变堆工程模型时,基于CAD几何功能极大地提高了建模效率。DAG-OpenMC在聚变中子学应用中关键问题的验证表明了其处理复杂工程结构条件下聚变中子学问题的可行性。  相似文献   

聚变中子源驱动次临界系统具有系统结构复杂、中子能谱跨度大等特点。借鉴传统反应堆2步法的基本思想,开发适用于次临界系统设计计算的中子学分析软件——NAPTH。NAPTH的组件计算由DRAGON4程序完成,堆芯计算使用MCNP程序的多群功能完成。验证结果表明,NAPTH对IAEA ADS基准题的计算结果和其他国家的计算结果符合很好;对于压力管式聚变裂变混合堆,程序具有较高的计算精度和计算效率,适合压力管式混合堆的设计计算。  相似文献   

聚变裂变混合发电堆水冷包层中子学设计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主要针对聚变裂变混合发电堆FDS-EM水冷包层的能量倍增因子M和氚增殖率TBR等中子学参数进行优化计算。FDS-EM包层主要设计目标是在氚自持的基础上获得约1 GW的电功率,并且尽可能长时间连续运行不换料。通过初步设计分析给出一个使用核废料(压水堆卸出的废料钚、锕系加上贫铀)作为裂变燃料,能够实现氚自持、能量倍增因子约为90等设计目标,且连续运行至少10年不换料的中子学方案。  相似文献   

聚变实验增殖堆He冷包层中子学设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一维计算的基础上,优化分析聚变实验增殖堆He气冷却包层设计参数对堆中子学性能的影响,给出了年产生100kg钚、氚自持、安全性好的包层初步设计方案,并用MonteCarlo输运程序MCNP3B对此方案进行了三维中子学计算校核。  相似文献   

离子回旋波加热是EAST装置最重要的辅助加热方法,在实验中获得了明显的加热效果。射频功率源与天线负载之间阻抗匹配才能保证最大的加热功率输出。在射频加热实验中,等离子体参数的改变将会引起天线负载阻抗的快速变化,为应对这一情况研制出了快速阻抗匹配系统。本文采用解析法和计算机仿真相结合的分析方式,研制了该阻抗匹配系统的铁氧体匹配支节,并对其性能进行了测试。测试结果表明,快速阻抗匹配系统的时间响应速度明显优于传统匹配方式的,可作为实时匹配的候选者。  相似文献   

本文主要对聚变-裂变混合堆增殖乏燃料在压水堆组件中使用的可能性进行了初步研究。根据聚变 裂变混合堆增殖乏燃料的特点,给出了的聚变-裂变混合堆增殖乏燃料压水堆组件设计方案,分析组件的燃料温度系数、慢化剂温度系数等参数。结果表明:聚变 裂变混合堆乏燃料组件的特性与全铀组件的特性相似。在相同的易裂变同位素质量百分比情况下,本文给出的组件设计方案的功率不均匀系数更小。研究结果可为未来实现聚变 裂变混合堆和压水堆联合循环系统提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为满足中国聚变工程实验堆(CFETR)包层的应用要求,本文提出氦冷陶瓷增殖(HCCB)包层方案。为验证HCCB包层设计方案的合理性与可行性,采用三维蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序MCNP,计算和分析了HCCB包层方案的氚增殖比、中子壁负载、中子通量密度、核热、辐照损伤等中子学特性。结果表明,HCCB包层方案满足氚自持要求,中子通量密度和核热分布合理,屏蔽性能良好,基本满足设计要求。  相似文献   

聚变驱动次临界堆双冷嬗变包层中子学设计与分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
对聚变驱动次临界堆的多功能双冷核废料嬗变包层进行了中子学设计和分析,设计目标是:①氚和钚燃料自持;②较少的初装料得到较高的废料嬗变率。使用的程序是自主开发的多功能中子输运/燃耗/优化程序VisuaIBUs1.0,相应的数据库是175群中子/42群光子的多群数据库HENDL1.0/MG。  相似文献   

聚变裂变混合堆在增殖核燃料、嬗变长寿命核废料及固有安全性等方面具有较大优势,同时,它比纯聚变堆在工程及技术方面要求低,因此较聚变堆更易实现。本工作基于目前国际聚变实验堆(ITER)所能达到的技术水平,提出一种直接利用乏燃料进行发电的聚变裂变混合堆包层概念,利用在不同位置放置不同乏燃料体积分数的方法对燃料增殖区实现了功率展平。计算结果表明:功率展平后的包层功率不均匀系数更小,且包层中燃料区的能量输出要比不展平情况下的能量输出高约21.7%。燃料富集度到运行末期最大可达5.23%。从中子学角度初步论证了该包层的可行性。  相似文献   

The neutronic calculations and activation behavior of the proposed helium cooled ceramic breeder(HCCB) blanket were predicted for the Chinese Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor(CFETR) design model using the MCNP multi-particle transport code and its associated data library. The tritium self-sufficiency behavior of the HCCB blanket was assessed, addressing several important breeding-related arrangements inside the blankets. Two candidate first wall armor materials were considered to obtain a proper tritium breeding ratio(TBR). Presentations of other neutronic characteristics, including neutron flux, neutron-induced damages in terms of the accumulated dpa and helium production were also conducted. Activation, decay heat levels and contact dose rates of the components were calculated to estimate the neutron-induced radioactivity and personnel safety. The results indicate that neutron radiation is efficiently attenuated and slowed down by components placed between the plasma and toroidal field coil.The dominant nuclides and corresponding isotopes in the structural steel were discussed. A radioactivity comparison between pure beryllium and beryllium with specific impurities was also performed. After a millennium cooling time, the decay heat of all the concerned components and materials is less than 1?×?10-4 k W, and most associated in-vessel components qualify for recycling by remote handling. The results demonstrate that acceptable hands-on recycling and operation still require a further long waiting period to allow the activated products to decay.  相似文献   

The new JET ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) ITER-like antenna (ILA), which was assembled during 2006, was commissioned on the JET RF testbed prior to installation on the JET torus. The 4 resonant double loops (RDL) of the ILA were tested at high power at 42 MHz up to 42 kV for 5 s in 10 min intervals. Low power matching studies using a saltwater load placed in front of the ILA have allowed testing and optimizing proposed matching algorithms on single RDLs, paired RDLs and finally on the full array. The upper limit of the frequency range of the ILA appears to be limited to 47–49 MHz due to the effect on the electrical lengths of the connection between the capacitors and the conjugate T point. Capacitor position scans have allowed obtaining the necessary data to confirm the RF model of the RDL which is necessary for the scattering matrix arc detection. The latter is deemed necessary in order to detect arcs at the low impedance conjugate T of the circuit. The antenna was installed onto JET during August 2007 and commissioning on plasma started May 2008. At present the commissioning of the ILA on JET is ongoing in a series of dedicated experimental campaigns.  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the requirements of heating plasma on EAST project, 3 MW ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) heating system will be available at the second stage. Based on this requirement, the second ICRF antenna, has been designed for EAST. The antenna which is planned to operate with a frequency ranging from 30 MHz to 110 MHz, comprises four poloidal current straps. The antenna has many cooling channels inside the current straps, faraday shield and baffle to remove the dissipated RF loss power and incoming plasma heat loads. The antenna is supported via a cantilever support box to the external support structure. Its assembly is plugged in the port and fixed on the support box. External slideway and bellows allow the antenna to be able to move in the radial direction. The key components of the second ICRF antenna has been designed together with structural and thermal analysis presented.  相似文献   

Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating is one of the most important auxiliary heating systems in most plasma confinement experiments. Because of this, the need for very accurate design of ion cyclotron (IC) launchers has dramatically grown in recent years. Furthermore, a reliable simulation tool is a crucial request in the successful design of these antennas, since full testing is impossible outside experiments. One of the most advanced and validated simulation codes is TOPICA, which offers the possibility to handle the geometrical level of detail of a real antenna in front of an accurately described plasma scenario. Adopting this essential tool made possible to reach a refined design of ion cyclotron radio frequency antenna for the FAST (Fusion Advanced Studies Torus) experiment [1]. Starting from a streamlined antenna model and then following well-defined refinement procedures, an optimized launcher design in terms of power delivered to plasma has been finally achieved. The computer-assisted geometry refinements allowed an increase in the performances of the antenna and notably in power handling: the extent of the gained improvements were not experienced in the past, essentially due to the absence of predictive tools capable of analyzing the detailed effects of antenna geometry in plasma facing conditions. Thus, with the help of TOPICA code, it has been possible to comply with the FAST experiment requirements in terms of vacuum chamber constraints and power delivered to plasma. Once an antenna geometry was optimized with a reference plasma profile, the analysis of the performances of the launcher has been extended with respect to two plasma scenarios. Exploiting all TOPICA features, it has been possible to predict the behavior of the launcher in real operating conditions, for instance varying the position of the separatrix surface. In order to fulfil the analysis of the FAST IC antenna, the study of the RF potentials, which depend on the parallel electric field computation, has been carried out with an exceptional level of detail. Finally, in order to provide a more general overview of the antenna performances, two IC launchers have been simulated to determine their mutual influence, achieving an optimum degree of knowledge about the relevant features of the ion cyclotron heating system inside the FAST tokamak.  相似文献   

中子学分析对聚变堆尤其是其氚增殖包层的设计和安全运行具有重要意义,基于蒙特卡罗方法的模拟是聚变中子学分析的常用手段。以中国聚变工程试验堆(China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor,CFETR)为研究对象,研究蒙特卡罗程序GEANT4在聚变中子学分析中的应用,开展截面库基准测试计算,验证G4NDL截面库在聚变中子学分析中的适用性。采用编程方式和借助McCAD转换方式在GEANT4中分别建立CFETR一维柱壳模型和三维模型,并设置中子源和计数方式,实现了GEANT4中CFETR中子学分析模型的建立。在GEANT4中自主开发了新的物理过程,设置反射面边界,计算获得了中子壁负载。结果表明:GEANT4与MCNP计算结果差异小于1%,验证了反射面设置的有效性和GEANT4在聚变中子学工程分析中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

One of the primary challenges of auxiliary heating of tokamaks in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is the reduction of impurities associated with ICRF operation. On Alcator C-Mod, a new magnetic field-aligned antenna was optimized for magnetic flux coupling, power handling, and minimized integrated parallel electric field (E). Initial simulations performed using both slab and cylindrical geometry suggested nearly complete cancellation of E in front of the antenna structure for certain toroidal phasings. Using toroidal models, the cancellation of E is more modest, suggesting 3-D geometrical effects are important. Using finite element method simulations with a 3-D toroidal cold plasma model, multiple antenna phases were analyzed: [0, π, 0, π], [0, 0, π, π], [0, π, π, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, π/6, 0, π/6], and [0, π/2, π, 3π/2]. In each case, the field-aligned antenna had reduced integrated E relative to the existing non-aligned antenna geometry, with the greatest reduction for monopole [0, 0, 0, 0] phasing.  相似文献   

On the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak(EAST), a pair of voltage and current probes(V/I probes) is installed on the ion cyclotron radio frequency transmission lines to measure the antenna input impedance, and supplement the conventional measurement technique based on voltage probe arrays. The coupling coefficients of V/I probes are sensitive to their sizes and installing locations, thus they should be determined properly to match the measurement range of data acquisition card. The V/I probes are tested in a testing platform at low power with various artificial loads. The testing results show that the deviation of coupling resistance is small for loads RL??2.5 Ω, while the resistance deviations appear large for loads RL??1.5 Ω, which implies that the power loss cannot be neglected at high VSWR. As the factors that give rise to the deviation of coupling resistance calculation, the phase measurement error is the more significant factor leads to deleterious results rather than the amplitude measurement error. To exclude the possible ingredients that may lead to phase measurement error, the phase detector can be calibrated in steady L-mode scenario and then use the calibrated data for calculation under H-mode cases in EAST experiments.  相似文献   

The ITER Vacuum Vessel has upper, equatorial and lower port structures. The bottom ports are dedicated to the divertor replacement (five ports) and to vacuum pumping by means of cryopumps (four ports). The latest cryopump port design is more complex as it has a pump with a direct view of the vessel (upper cryopump) and a second pump at the end of a branch port (lower cryopump).3D neutronic analyses have been performed in order to study the radiation conditions in and around the port system. In detail, nuclear heating on the cryopump has been calculated updating previous analysis performed in 2003 [L. Petrizzi, ITER CTA Detailed Neutronic Analyses, Final Report on contract EFDA/01-633 ENEA ref NE-VV-R-001 April 2003. Also included in Nuclear Analyis Report NAR ITER ref document G 73 DDD 2W 0.2 (v2.0) March 2006]. Calculations have been performed by means of MCNP 5 Monte Carlo code supplied with FENDL 2.1 library. In this work a new 40° model of ITER has been used in which full details of the cryopump system and remote handling ports have been included as well as the updated divertor components.The paper will present the neutronics results. They consist of nuclear heating on cryopump components; a map of dpa and helium production is provided as well.Gamma doses after shutdown have been calculated around the port flange to have an idea of the possible dose to which the eventual operator will be subject and to plan adequately manual operations.The cryopump is located at a distance of almost 5 m from the mouth of the divertor port and it is 3 m long. Calculations of such deep penetration problem are very challenging require special variance reduction techniques with Monte Carlo codes in order to use in an efficient way the computer resources. These will be described.  相似文献   

Since the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011, design concepts for nuclear reactors have been reconsidered with much greater emphasis placed upon passive systems for decay-heat removal. By considering this issue, the design parameter conditions for high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) with passive safety features of decay-heat removal were obtained by residual-heat transfer calculation using equations for fundamental heat transfer mechanisms in our previous works. In the present study, the appropriate size of reactor core for a 100 MWt reactor operating at 1123 K of the initial core temperature was found using the conditions. Consequently, neutronics and thermo-hydraulic analyses for the proposed reactor core were performed and the proper optimizations to control the excess reactivity and flatten the change in power peaking factor during operation were done successfully. By the systematic method to decide the core design which satisfies the condition for passive decay-heat removal, a long-life small HTGR concept whose excess reactivity was small during the operation was shown. The small excess reactivity is a significant advantage from the view point of safety in reactivity accident.  相似文献   

The water cooled ceramic breeder (WCCB) blanket employing pressurized water as a coolant is one of the breeding blanket candidates for the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR).Some updating of neutronics analyses was needed,because there were changes in the neutronics performance of the blanket as several significant modifications and improvements have been adopted for the WCCB blanket,including the optimization of radial build-up and customized structure for each blanket module.A 22.5 degree toroidal symmetrical torus sector 3D neutronics model containing the updated design of the WCCB blanket modules was developed for the neutronics analyses.The tritium breeding capability,nuclear heating power,radiation damage,and decay heat were calculated by the MCNP and FISPACT code.The results show that the packing factor and 6Li enrichment of the breeder should both be no less than 0.8 to ensure tritium self-sufficiency.The nuclear heating power of the blanket under 200 MW fusion power reaches 201.23 MW.The displacement per atom per full power year (FPY) of the plasma-facing component and first wall reach 0.90 and 2.60,respectively.The peak H production rate reaches 150.79 appm/FPY and the peak He production reaches 29.09 appm/FPY in blanket module # 3.The total decay heat of the blanket modules is 2.64 MW at 1 s after shutdown and the average decay heat density can reach 11.09 kW m-3 at that time.The decay heat density of the blanket modules slowly decreases to lower than 10 W m-3 in more than ten years.  相似文献   

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