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为探究不同来源淀粉基气凝胶的微观结构及物理性能,采用扫描电子显微镜、全自动比表面及孔径分析仪、X射线衍射仪和质构仪等,对大米、豌豆、马铃薯和玉米淀粉气凝胶的微观形貌和功能特性进行表征。结果表明,4种淀粉气凝胶均具有较低的密度与较高的孔隙度,通过扫描电子显微镜观察大米淀粉气凝胶为片状排列结构,豌豆和马铃薯淀粉气凝胶为多孔结构,孔径分布不均匀,且部分区域孔壁过厚,而玉米淀粉气凝胶呈现良好的三维空间网络结构。4种淀粉气凝胶平均孔径相差不大,主要分布于5~13 nm附近,比表面积存在差异,其中豌豆淀粉气凝胶最小(0.330 m2/g),玉米淀粉气凝胶最大(0.562 m2/g)。X射线衍射结果显示,4种淀粉糊化回生后结晶度均有所降低,玉米淀粉结晶度降低最大,由30.71%降至8.13%。经溶解性和力学性能比较分析,玉米相较于豌豆、马铃薯淀粉气凝胶的溶解度和吸水率最高,承受的应力最大,杨氏模量为6.233 MPa,具有较强的抵抗形变能力,为性能优良的淀粉基气凝胶材料。  相似文献   

淀粉基气凝胶是一种密度低、比表面积大、孔隙率高的三维多孔网络新型轻质材料。淀粉基气凝胶的制备过程简单、清洁,是将淀粉糊化和回生制备水凝胶后脱水干燥而得。本文探讨影响气凝胶性能的主要因素,如淀粉来源、淀粉浓度、糊化温度、回生条件和干燥方式。阐述淀粉基气凝胶的改性方法,如交联处理、复合改性、表面涂层等,以及改性后淀粉基气凝胶的应用。目前有关淀粉基气凝胶的应用研究主要围绕食品营养和生物医药方面,其在隔热材料、环境污染处理等领域存在应用潜力。本文对构建高品质的淀粉基气凝胶,拓展其应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为研究干燥方法对淀粉基碳气凝胶的结构及吸附能力的影响,以木薯淀粉为碳源,采用常压干燥和冷冻干燥制备气凝胶,再将其高温碳化制备相应的碳气凝胶。利用红外光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和全自动物理/化学吸附仪对所制备的淀粉基气凝胶和碳气凝胶进行表征,并考察了淀粉基碳气凝胶对阳离子染料的吸附能力。研究结果表明,2种干燥方法制备的淀粉基气凝胶化学结构与晶体结构基本相同,但采用冷冻干燥制备的淀粉基气凝胶(SA-FD)成孔数量更多,所对应的淀粉基碳气凝胶(SCA-FD)具有更大的比较面积(887.4 m2/g)、孔容积(0.444 cm3/g)和更强的阳离子染料吸附能力,与常压干燥法相比更具优势。  相似文献   

纳米淀粉具有粒径小、比表面积大,纳米小尺寸效应、纳米增强等特点,采用六节筒体的双螺杆挤压机制备玉米纳米淀粉,并对其进行表征。研究结果表明:当挤压机2~6区的腔体温度分别固定为80,100,110,115,120℃,甘油用量为20%,乙二醛用量为2.0%,螺杆转速为160r/min时,所制得纳米淀粉的D50粒径最小,为225.8nm;纳米淀粉结构完整、表面光滑,乙二醛与淀粉羟基反应生成了缩醛类化合物,红外谱图出现新的吸收峰;其热重分析曲线与原淀粉相似,热稳定性无明显变化;纳米淀粉的X射线衍射(XRD)峰型减弱,结晶区破坏明显;纳米淀粉糊液属假塑性流体,具有剪切稀化性质,随着纳米淀粉粒径的减小,糊液透光率逐渐增大。玉米纳米淀粉的独特纳米特性有望在食品加工、保鲜和食品包装等领域广泛应用。  相似文献   

利用溶胶-凝胶-冷冻干燥技术制备了淀粉气凝胶材料,测试并分析了淀粉种类及直链/支链比例对气凝胶材料形貌、密度、收缩率、孔隙结构以及隔热性能的影响。优选出木薯淀粉为最适宜制备隔热气凝胶材料的原料,其所制备的气凝胶具备大孔、介孔及部分片层结构,密度低至0.094 g/cm3,孔隙率高达88.63%,导热系数低至0.043 W/(m·K),具有优良的保温隔热性能。通过一步法制备柠檬酸交联改性木薯淀粉气凝胶,以甲基三甲氧基和十六烷基三甲氧基硅烷包覆疏水纳米SiO2制备疏水溶液,然后制备加入交联剂和自制硅烷疏水溶液的改性木薯淀粉气凝胶。扫描电镜测试结果表明,制备的改性气凝胶材料具有更加坚实的网络结构和致密的孔隙。导热系数测试结果表明,改性木薯淀粉气凝胶导热系数低至0.048 W/(m·K)。接触角测试结果表明,水滴滴入立即测量接触角达139.5°,5 min后测量接触角仍有129.5°,且表面和内部均有疏水效果。改性气凝胶具有优良的保温隔热以及疏水性能,其在食品保温材料领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着工业化快速发展对能源需求的急剧增加,海上输油管线的泄露溢油和工业有机废水处理故障风险提高,溢油和工业有机废水泄露给海洋水体生态系统带来了巨大危害。为了应对这一海洋生态风险,开发绿色环保、低成本、高效的原油和有机污染物清除方法和材料意义重大。采用吸附材料处理有机污染物被认为是有效的方法之一。纤维素基气凝胶具有轻质、多孔、可生物降解和环境友好等特点,对其进行超疏水改性并应用于吸附处理原油和有机污染物泄露事故,具有较好的应用前景。本文综述了纤维素基气凝胶的制备及其疏水改性方法与试剂,并对纤维素基超疏水气凝胶材料的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

气凝胶具有密度低、孔隙率高和比表面积大等优点,可广泛应用于隔热、保温、水修复、空气净化和药物运输等领域。气凝胶通常以粉末或块体存在,关于气凝胶纤维状的研究还比较少,这主要是因为气凝胶纤维制备复杂,且机械性能差。因此,开发制备简单、力学性能优异的气凝胶纤维具有重要意义。文章对近些年国内外制备气凝胶纤维的工作进行了总结,阐述了气凝胶纤维四种主流制备方法的制备过程,还探讨了气凝胶纤维的相关应用,最后提出了相应的展望。  相似文献   

以甘薯淀粉为原料,采用高压均质法制备甘薯纳米淀粉。研究高压均质过程中均质压力、均质次数、淀粉乳的浓度对甘薯纳米淀粉得率的影响,并进行正交实验优化。采用扫描电镜、粒度分析仪、红外光谱仪、X-射线衍射仪、热失重分析仪以及Zeta电位仪对纳米淀粉颗粒的形貌和微观结构进行表征,结果表明:在均质压力80 MPa、均质次数25次、淀粉浓度3.2 g/100 m L的条件下制备的甘薯纳米淀粉的得率达到46.12%,所得甘薯纳米淀粉呈椭圆形,平均粒径为214.3 nm,与原淀粉相比基本化学结构未发生改变,但结晶度、热分解初始温度降低;悬浮液的Zeta电位绝对值增大,在介质中的稳定性增强。   相似文献   

以三偏磷酸钠为交联剂,水分散法制备了马铃薯交联淀粉,应用红外光谱、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和偏光显微镜等分析测试方法,观察和研究了不同取代度马铃薯交联淀粉的颗粒形貌及其结晶结构。结果表明,产物取代度随交联反应时间的延长而增大;交联反应主要发生在淀粉分子的无定形区,在结晶区也有一定程度的反应;随着取代度的增大,淀粉中受侵蚀的颗粒增多,颗粒表面的小凹痕数量明显增加,部分颗粒表面变粗糙,颗粒内部出现凹陷甚至爆裂;交联淀粉的偏光十字清晰易见;1 017.08cm-1的吸收峰强度加强,证实在淀粉中引入了磷酸根基团。  相似文献   

甘薯交联淀粉的制备与结构表征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以三偏磷酸钠为交联剂,水分散法制备了甘薯交联淀粉,应用红外光谱、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和偏光显微镜等分析测试方法,观察和研究了不同取代度甘薯交联淀粉的颗粒形貌及其结晶结构。结果表明,产物取代度随交联反应时间的延长而增大;交联反应主要发生在淀粉分子的无定形区,在结晶区也有一定程度的反应;随着取代度的增大,淀粉颗粒表面发生了明显变化,同时出现了大小球体相分离的现象,说明了交联反应主要发生在甘薯淀粉颗粒的表面和大小球体间的联接处;交联淀粉的偏光十字清晰易见;1016.28cm-1的吸收峰强度加强,证实在淀粉中引入了磷酸根基团。  相似文献   

以木薯淀粉为原料,利用乳化-凝胶法结合冷冻干燥制备淀粉微球气凝胶,研究加热温度、时间、淀粉乳浓度及油乳比对淀粉微球气凝胶吸附性能的影响。利用响应面法优化工艺,制备淀粉微球气凝胶,以其对亚甲基蓝的吸附力作为评价指标。研究表明:淀粉微球气凝胶吸附性能受温度影响大,温度85℃、加热时间90 min、淀粉乳质量分数为15%,其吸附力为(0.928±0.008)mg/g,较原淀粉的吸附力增69.8%;粒度分布测量及扫描电镜分析结果显示:温度升高,淀粉颗粒膨胀,淀粉微球气凝胶的粒径逐渐增大,当温度升高至100℃时,气凝胶珊瑚状表面形成,表面变粗糙,粒径趋于稳定。  相似文献   

In this study, aerogels were prepared from kognac glucomannan (KG) or whey proteins loaded with bioactive sea buckthorn pomace extract. KG was diacetylated with Na2CO3 (0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 m ) resulting hydrogel formation that were further freeze-dried to obtain an aerogel structure. Whey protein aerogels were prepared by removing pore fluid from alcogels using supercritical CO2 drying. Produced aerogels evaluated for microstructure, porosity, specific surface area, absorption capacity, encapsulation efficiency and antioxidant capacity of the extract. It was found that higher concentration of alkali induced higher hardness, resilience and elastic modulus values. It was also obtained that pores in the konjac glucomannan aerogels were irregular in shape and a decrease in total pore volume (0.026 to 0.019 cc/g) and surface area (12.39 to 11.40 m2/g) after increasing the carbonate concentration was observed. These aerogels were found to have better encapsulation efficiency properties for sea buckthorn pomace extract (17 to 20%) in comparison to whey protein aerogels (0.05 to 0.36%). Overall, the KG aerogels show potential for applications in the food industry as a carrier of bioactive sea buckthorn pomace extract, while whey proteins must be used in combination with other biopolymers to enhance their bioactive compound loading capacity.  相似文献   

羧甲基淀粉浆料的干法制备与上浆性能研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用干法工艺制备了不同取代度的羧甲基淀粉 ,测试了其浆液、浆膜性能。结果表明 :干法制备的羧甲基淀粉的粘度显著低于原淀粉 ,与其他浆料的混溶性优于酸变性淀粉 ,对棉或涤棉的粘着力较酸变性淀粉有所提高。干法制备具有生产成本低 ,产品性能优良 ,对环境无污染等优点。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of apple slices stored in edible starch films enriched with white and green tea extracts. All results were compared to that obtained for apple slices stored in polyethylene films. The use of starch films, as carrier of antioxidants, prolonged the storage life and improved quality of fresh-cut apples at the end of storage; however, deteriorated their lightness and increased their browning. Apple slices coated in starch films enriched with tea extracts exhibited higher antioxidant properties than those without these additives, as well as those in polyethylene films.  相似文献   

Food coatings that remain after swallowing starch-based or CMC-based custard desserts were investigated for 19 subjects. Foods were orally processed for 5 s using a pre-defined protocol, after which the food was swallowed. The remaining food coating was assessed sensorially as well as instrumentally using turbidity of rinse water. The instrumental and sensory results indicated a gradual decline of food coatings over intervals up to 180–270 s. Decline rates of coatings of individual subjects related significantly to their decline rates in perceived fattiness.  相似文献   

修饰预糊化木薯淀粉性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
盛建国 《食品科学》2002,23(5):29-31
介绍了经化学修饰后再进行预糊化制备得到的修饰预糊化木薯淀粉的性能,并与国产预糊化木薯淀粉和泰国泰花牌预糊化木薯淀粉的性能进行了比较。结果表明:修饰预糊化木薯淀粉的性能达到且超过泰国泰花牌预糊化木薯淀粉的性能,远远优于国产预糊化木薯淀粉。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the water transfer properties of starch films using steady-state and transient methods and to evaluate the influence of air relative humidity on the film roughness using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Films were prepared with 3% starch and 0.3 g glycerol/g dry starch. Composite-films were prepared with the addition of 0.3 g cellulose/g dry starch. Water transfer through the films exhibited a dependence on the relative humidity RH. Using AFM, film roughness was observed to increase from a few nanometers to 45 nm over 1.5 h when the films were exposed to high RH. Results indicated that the equilibrium conditions at the film surface were not reliable boundary conditions and that the diffusion coefficients determined by both transient and steady-state methods may be different because they were determined at different conditions. Further studies of water permeability, assisted by AFM, could be performed for a better understanding of film barrier properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of microwave thawing and water bath thawing on white sauces prepared with two different native starches (potato and corn) and a modified waxy maize starch. The linear viscoelasticity, microstructure and thermographic characteristics of the thawed sauces were analysed and compared with those of freshly prepared sauces. Due to starch retrogradation, the quality characteristics of the native starch-based sauces were strongly affected by freezing and thawing, but these effects were smaller for microwave heating than for heating in a water bath. The water accumulated during freezing tended to diffuse more uniformly in the microwave-thawed sauces, providing a more homogeneous structure than that of the water bath-thawed sauces. It is hypothesized that the shorter heating time in microwave reduces the extent of starch retrogradation during thawing and that local high temperature zones in the microwave may be more effective in the melting of retrograded starch.  相似文献   

Starch-based films have promising application on food packaging, because of their environmental appeal, low cost, flexibility and transparency. Nevertheless, their mechanical and moisture barrier properties should be improved. The aim of this work was to enhance these properties by reinforcing the films with cellulose fibers. Besides, the influences of both the solubility coefficient of water in the films (β) and the diffusion coefficient of water vapor through the films (Dw) on the films' water vapor permeability (Kw) were investigated. Films were prepared by the so-called casting technique, from film-forming suspensions of cassava starch, cellulose fibers (1.2 mm long and 0.1 mm of diameter), glycerol and water. The influence of fibers addition on Kw was determined at three relative humidity gradient ranges, ΔRH (2–33%, 33–64% and 64–90%). Films reinforced with cellulose fibers showed higher tensile strength and lower deformation capacity, and presented lower Kw than films without fibers. Kw showed strong dependency of β and Dw, presenting values up to 2–3 times greater at ΔRH = 64–90% than at ΔRH = 33–64%, depending on the film formulation. Therefore, adding cellulose fibers to starch-based films is a viable alternative to improve their mechanical and water barrier properties. Besides, this work showed the importance of determining film's water vapor permeability simulating the real environmental conditions the film will be used.  相似文献   

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