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下一代手机需要更多更灵活的功能,需要新的开发平台,O sg i可以通过网络更新、安装软件,是优秀的开发平台,新一代电话本提供多个号码、Em ail以及住址、铃声、图片等多种记录,并且与短信、通话、多媒体等功能有着良好的协作特性,本设计中将其分为PhonebookBund le、PhonebookU Ibund le、PhonebookN onU Ibund le三个部分实现。为新一代智能手机提供了出色的通讯录服务。  相似文献   

网络教学平台为教师和学生在网上进行交互式、开放式的教学活动提供了支持,充分发挥学生的自主学习能力,弥补传统教学课时不足的弊端。本文首先介绍了网络教学平台开发的目的和原则,然后给出VB教学平台的各功能模块设计,最后简单说明基于B/S模式教学平台的实现方法。  相似文献   

网络技术在带给人们大量信息的同时,也极大地增加了人们从海量数据中发现有用知识的难度,而解决这一问题的努力促进了数据挖掘技术的出现和快速发展。云计算是能够提供动态资源池、虚拟化和高可用性的计算平台,云计算开发平台可被用来开发高性能应用程序。研究云计算环境下并行分布式数据挖掘平台的3个层次,依下而上为分布式计算层,知识发现平台层以及用户应用层。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的普及和发展,不仅提高了人们的生活水平,并且在工作上发挥的作用也是巨大的,多媒体博客系统作为网络技术中的一个部分,它为广大用户提供了一个交流的平台,也可以作为一个宣传的平台等,但跟随社会的进步,对于博客系统的要求在逐渐提高,这给博客系统的开发提供了发展机遇。目前对于博客系统的开发,运用SQL、JSP、JavaBean等相互结合进行开发无疑是一种良好的开发手段。  相似文献   

基于分布式组件动态集成的网络GIS设计模式及其实现*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:提出了一种基于分布式组件动态集成方法的网络GIS开发模型。该模型允许用户定制扩展功能组件,提供扩展组件与原有系统实时、动态、无缝集成机制,并可在一个平台上提供实现C/S及B/S两种网络GIS工作模式,并提供单机模式的后台数据管理系统,满足了中小型应用系统对网络GIS平台功能小而全的需求。阐述了该开发模型的概念设计、架构设计及关键技术,并开发实现了一个原型系统FreeXGIS,验证了该模型的可行性。  相似文献   

计算机和网络技术的发展,改变了以往传统的会议形式,出现了基于网络的网络会议,极大地提高了工作效率,促进了人们的交流。本系统采用B/S结构开发模式,采用JMF,Java Applet,Socket,HTML,JSP等技术,在Eclipse平台下分析与设计了一个网络会议系统。  相似文献   

联通公司互联网与电子商务部在其165拨号上网业务、VPN/VPDN业务、主机托管业务等之后,新近又推出了面对中小ISP服务商的虚拟ISP网络解决方案。所谓的虚拟ISP只需建立自己的业务管理平台,如用户管理、认证、计费系统,而联通为用户提供所有网络和相关业务支持资源,包括:165接入号码、接入服务器、国际/国内宽带及传输线路,还有与用户的帐务结算业务。虚拟ISP拥有自己独立的品牌,自行开发客户、并  相似文献   

根据部队安全工作特点,系统采用B/S和C/S相结合的开发模式,通过网络实现分布在不同地域的各单位安全信息收集、管理及共享,为部队安全工作提供了一个很好的管理平台。  相似文献   

本文结合高等职业教育的特点,在深入研究了翻转课堂教学模式后,设计符合在实际教学过程中便于翻转课堂教学模式开展的网络辅助教学平台。该平台主要包括管理员、学生、教师三类用户角色,包含教学资源管理、在线学习、交流讨论、在线测试、系统维护等模块。采用基于三层框架的B/S 开发架构进行平台的开发,便于后期功能的扩展和系统的维护。该平台能够为实施翻转课堂教学提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

下一代网络(NGN)采用parlay API(Application Programming Interface)技术可以提供丰富多彩的业务。先分析NGN中利用Parlay API提供新业务的网络结构,提出了基于paday API的号码翻译业务完整处理流程,并重点叙述了账号注册、呼叫以及用户鉴权三种具有代表性的流程,最后针对业务中对终端用户鉴权上paday协议的不完善,扩展了部分API.使用paday API的号码翻译流程,可以快速开发出如“个人通用号码”等具体增值业务。  相似文献   

本文研究分析了一种手机中常见文件-PhoneSuite格式文件的存储格式,探索了这种文件在Windows平台下进行编辑、存取的方法,提供了一种快速地大批量导入导出手机电话号码的途径,方便了用户使用EXCEL等软件对手机电话号码薄进行日常管理,电话号码薄原存储格式仅需windows支持即可。  相似文献   

IP电话开发过程中,对开发的IP电话系统的功能、性能和互通性等的测试是不可缺少的环节。在同一应用环境中的不同IP电话的语音质量、支持的有户规模和互通性等各方面可能是不同的。目前还没有一个标准的方法对各种IP电话系统作出评价。介绍了研制的一个IP电话测试环境ITE的实现细节和初步的应用情况。  相似文献   

The effects of mobile phone use on cycling behaviour were studied. In study 1, the prevalence of mobile phone use while cycling was assessed. In Groningen 2.2% of cyclists were observed talking on their phone and 0.6% were text messaging or entering a phone number. In study 2, accident-involved cyclists responded to a questionnaire. Only 0.5% stated that they were using their phone at the time of the accident. In study 3, participants used a phone while cycling. The content of the conversation was manipulated and participants also had to enter a text message. Data were compared with just cycling and cycling while listening to music. Telephoning coincided with reduced speed, reduced peripheral vision performance and increased risk and mental effort ratings. Text messaging had the largest negative impact on cycling performance. Higher mental workload and lower speed may account for the relatively low number of people calling involved in accidents.

Statement of Relevance: Although perhaps mainly restricted to flat countries with a large proportion of cyclists, mobile phone use while cycling has increased and may be a threat to traffic safety, similar to phone use while driving a car. In this study, the extent of the problem was assessed by observing the proportion of cyclists using mobile phones, sending questionnaires to accident-involved cyclists and an experimental study was conducted on the effects of mobile phone use while cycling.  相似文献   

In automatic speech recognition, the phone has probably been a dominating sub-word unit for more than one decade. Context Dependent phone or triphone modeling accounts for contextual variations between adjacent phones and state tying addresses modeling of triphones that are not seen during training. Recently, syllable is gaining momentum as a new sub-word unit. Syllable being a larger unit than a phone addresses the severe contextual variations between phones within it. Therefore, it is more stable than a phone and models pronunciation variability in a systematic way. Tamil language has challenging features like agglutination and morpho-phonology. In this paper, attempts have been made to provide solutions to these issues by using the syllable as a sub-word unit in an acoustic model. Initially, a small vocabulary context independent word models and a medium vocabulary context dependent phone models are developed. Subsequently, an algorithm based on prosodic syllable is proposed and two experiments have been conducted. First, syllable based context independent models have been trained and tested. Despite large number of syllables, this system has performed reasonably well compared to context independent word models in terms of word error rate and out of vocabulary words. Subsequently, in the second experiment, syllable information is integrated in conventional triphone modeling wherein cross-syllable triphones are replaced with monophones and the number of context dependent phone models is reduced by 22.76% in untied units. In spite of reduction in the number of models, the accuracy of the proposed system is comparable to that of the baseline triphone system.  相似文献   

为了快速、准确的实现一跳范围内手机用户群的文件共享,以达到手机用户之间进行协同工作的目的,在Android操作平台上设计、实施了本系统。在系统中提出了基于网络编码的可靠广播算法来保证文件传输的可靠性和快速性,并通过基于机会编码的全网同步算法来实现任一时刻手机群中各节点文件同步。通过真实实验验证了系统中文件共享的时延并不会随着手机群中节点数目的增加而增加,文件同步时网络中数据量大幅度下降,因此相比并发共享等其它方法,系统提供了一种快速、可靠的手机群文件共享和同步方法。  相似文献   

Worth-centred mobile phone design for older users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The twenty-first century society fights against an inherent tendency to over-classify and label people. In the case of the aged, despite all efforts, the perception of the helpless, feeble older person still prevails. The truth of the matter is that people over sixty often do not fit this profile. The aged are a heterogeneous group with varying different skills and abilities in many different areas. This paper challenges prevalent mobile phone design decisions that appear to have been made based on the erroneous pre-conception of the incapable elder. Designers currently produce “senior” mobile phones that are, at best, inadequate and, at worst, insulting to a sector of society that deserves respect and consideration. Age does indeed influence mobile phone usage, and people over sixty often have specific and special needs, quite apart from age-related limitations, that predict their use of mobile phones. Most mobile phones designed for older users simply reduce the number of features: the so-called simplification approach. Apart from reducing the effectiveness of the phone, this approach often incorporates the fatal design flaw of using numbers or letters, on speed-dial buttons, which requires the user to remember the button–person mappings. In fact, this design rationale reduces the value of the phone to the user. This paper argues that mobile phone design for older users should be worth-centred (Cockton G in Designing worth is worth designing. In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on human–computer interaction: changing roles. Oslo, Norway, pp 165–174, 2006) rather than simplification-driven. The worth-centred approach maximises worth to the user of the phone. This is achieved by maximising effectiveness while accommodating reduced capabilities. To maximise ease of use, and consequent accessibility, features may have to be reduced in an informed way. To facilitate this, a mapping process is proposed whereby user needs are linked to uses of the phone, and then to the features that facilitate these uses. Needs fall into a number of categories, and each category is characterised by a number of different uses, which form a usage space. Features can be linked to one or more usage spaces, and thus be used to support needs. The first step in the conducted research entailed the identification of the needs of the older mobile phone user. Then, it was determined whether these needs were indeed being met by the uses afforded in existing phones. Having concluded that most users’ needs were not being met, the next step was to capture data on the needs, limitations and expectations of people over the age of sixty. This was achieved by conducting a series of one-to-one interviews with a number of older mobile phone users and also supervising a participatory design experiment. Using the findings of the analysis, a usage space model is proposed, which serves to align feature inclusion with user needs. Based on this usage space model (the theoretical contribution), a prototype mobile phone design is presented as the practical contribution of the paper.  相似文献   

介绍了基于S3C44BOX的远程监控告警系统的软硬件设计,该系统能监控机房内设备运行的故障信息和温度,湿度,烟雾浓度等环境参数,并通过以太网实时传送给远程监控的PC机。当出现告警信号时,系统进行声光告警,并自动拨打预设的告警电话通知相关维护人员。同时,该系统在设计时充分考虑了功能的可扩展性,可以方便地进行系统软硬件的升级。  相似文献   

The set of functionalities provided by advanced mobile phones is significantly increasing. However, the small size of mobile phone user interfaces makes it difficult for the user to deal with this large number of functionalities, which could reflect negatively on user performance and the efficiency of mobile phone functionalities. In this paper, we designed and developed an adaptive task-based functionality called ATF on mobile phones, where the task we focused on was to predict the next contact that the user is most likely to call. Furthermore, we conducted comprehensive evaluation of our approach. We show that our approach can successfully predict contacts that a user will most likely call next. Our results uncover the frequency and pattern of regularity in making mobile phone calls and suggest promising avenues for future work for optimising tasks (beyond phone calls) performed with the mobile phone.  相似文献   

主要研究对象是以电话销售为主的外呼式呼叫中心.在这类呼叫中心中,最重要的一项数据就是电话号码,而电话号码的有效性直接影响了呼出效率.最理想的状态是坐席每打通电话,都可以被正常应答,并且用户交流.通过自动化的外拨工具对电话号码进行清洗,并最终提供给坐席一份高效性的号码清单.  相似文献   

Strayer DL  Drews FA 《Human factors》2004,46(4):640-649
Our research examined the effects of hands-free cell phone conversations on simulated driving. We found that driving performance of both younger and older adults was influenced by cell phone conversations. Compared with single-task (i.e., driving-only) conditions, when drivers used cell phones their reactions were 18% slower, their following distance was 12% greater, and they took 17% longer to recover the speed that was lost following braking. There was also a twofold increase in the number of rear-end collisions when drivers were conversing on a cell phone. These cell-phone-induced effects were equivalent for younger and older adults, suggesting that older adults do not suffer a significantly greater penalty for talking on a cell phone while driving than compared with their younger counterparts. Interestingly, the net effect of having younger drivers converse on a cell phone was to make their average reactions equivalent to those of older drivers who were not using a cell phone. Actual or potential applications of this research include providing guidance for recommendations and regulations concerning the use of mobile technology while driving.  相似文献   

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