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The advances in wireless communication, microelectronics, digital electronics, and highly integrated electronics and the increasing need for more efficient controlled electric systems make the development of monitoring and supervisory control tools the object of study of many researchers. This paper proposes a digital system for energy usage evaluation, condition monitoring, diagnosis, and supervisory control for electric systems applying wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with dynamic power management (DPM). The system is based on two hardware topologies responsible for signal acquisition, processing, and transmission: intelligent sensor modules (ISMs) and remote data acquisition units (RDAUs). The gateway function of the wired network is carried out by remote servers (RSs) based on the Soekris architecture, which is responsible for receiving the data collected and transmitting it to the supervisory controller (SC). To extend the WSN lifetime, sensor nodes implement a DPM protocol. The basic characteristics of the presented system are the following: 1) easy implementation; 2) low-cost implementation; 3) easy implementation of redundant routines (security); 4) portability/versatility; and 5) extended network lifetime.   相似文献   

《IEEE sensors journal》2008,8(12):2036-2043
The amazing integration densities achieved by current submicron technologies pay the price of increasing static power dissipation with the corresponding rise in heat density. Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) techniques provide thermal-efficient solutions to balance or equally distribute possible on-chip hot spots. Accurate sensing of on-chip temperature is required by optimally allocating smart temperature sensors in the silicon. In this paper, we introduce an ultra low-power (1.05–65.5 nW at 5 samples/s) tiny (10250 $mu {rm m}^{2}$) CMOS smart temperature sensor based on the thermal dependency of the leakage current. The proposed sensor outperforms all previous works, as far as area and power consumption are concerned (more than 85% reduction in both cases), while still meeting the accuracy constraints imposed by target application domains. Furthermore, a specific interface based on the use of a logarithmic counter has been implemented to digitalize the temperature sensing. These facts, in conjunction with the full compatibility of the sensor with standard CMOS processes, allow the easy integration of many of these tiny sensors in any VLSI layout, making them specially suitable for modern DTM implementations.   相似文献   

光纤应用于结构自修复的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
介绍了在智能结构中采用空心光纤感器网络成自诊断,自修复的系统,在结构中埋入形状记忆合金丝网络,对地强结构强度,改善自修复的质量均起到了良好的作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, a proof of concept for a snapshot CMOS image sensor with extended dynamic range is presented. A prototype of 32 times 32 pixels has been fabricated using the 1-poly 4-metal CMOS 0.35 mum process available through MOSIS and was successfully tested. The measurements from the test chip showed that the fabricated imager allows wide dynamic range (WDR) operation in a snapshot readout mode. This DR extension has become possible due to a unique in-pixel architecture allowing automatic adaptation of each pixel in the array to its illumination level. To reduce the pixel power dissipation various low-power design techniques have been utilized in the pixel design. A single pixel occupies 18 * 18(mum)2 and dissipates 23 nW with 8 bit DR expansion at room light level, and 29 nW at high illumination level, equivalent to clear sky at video rate. The power dissipation of the whole sensor (including the supporting circuitry) is 450 muW at video rate. Sensor design is described, design considerations are shown and measurements from the test chip are presented.  相似文献   

到目前为止,几乎所有的传感器网络节点的定位研究都是基于静态的传感器网络,但是在节点动态移动的情况下,静态传感器网络中的节点定位策略不能在动态传感器网络中很好的应用,本文基于上述考虑,提出了一种在动态异构传感器网络中可行的节点定位方法并用仿真试验验证了其性能。  相似文献   

The design and development of a new fiber-optic sensor for measuring the velocity of a continuous material (also called a web) in material processing systems is described. The development of the proposed sensor is based on the dual beam laser Doppler velocimetry technique and the unique properties of different types of optical fibers. The developed sensor is capable of measuring the true web transport velocity as opposed to the existing methods which infer web transport velocity based on the roller angular speed. Since the sensor design utilizes fibers, signal processing can be performed away from the measurement area, and as a result the sensor can be used in harsh environments within the web processing line. The proposed sensor has been constructed and experiments have been conducted on an experimental web platform. The performance of the sensor is evaluated for a range of web velocities and different web materials. Sensor design, its construction, and a representative sample of the results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

陈燕 《计量与测试技术》2009,36(10):34-34,37
智能化水表是在机械水表的基础上,将机械信息转换为电子信号,从而完成智能水表数据的远程传输或远程测抄,并辅以配套的计算机数据处理系统,对数据进行汇总整理,对水表进行系统管理。  相似文献   

This letter presents a new wireless sensor system for smart diaper application, which consists of an interrogator circuit, an antenna, and a passive LC resonating sensor tag. The wireless link between the interrogator circuit and the sensor tag is established through the inductive coupling. The wetting of the diaper shifts the resonating frequency of the sensor tag, changing the inductive link, and thus trigger an ldquoonrdquo or ldquooffrdquo condition reflected at the interrogator circuit. With suitable sensor tags, smart diapers can be achieved in a straightforward and low cost approach.  相似文献   

基于门户的Web集成对异构应用系统进行透明整合以降低应用集成所带来的时间与成本上的高消耗.文章在提出基于门户的Web集成体系的基础上介绍了针对Web服务的集成组件的设计与实现,提高了基于门户Web集成体系面向Web服务进行集成的效率.该研究对于整合Web应用系统,提高整合效率与可靠性有着重要意义.  相似文献   

侯玉梅  傅勘  高秋烨  崔研  徐日  梁萧 《包装工程》2020,41(6):94-103
目的目前,我国已经正式迈入老龄化社会,老龄化问题也在很大程度上制约着我国的经济发展,因此,结合我国传统养老观念,推行居家养老模式来解决老龄化问题势在必行。方法为解决居家养老服务中医疗养老资源短缺的问题,以居家长者的需求为导向,医养结合的模式为基础,结合新兴的物联网技术和信息处理技术,构建医养结合型智慧居家养老服务平台。结论设计出了医养结合型居家养老服务平台的合作模式与服务模式,构建了医养结合型居家养老服务平台的层次结构、参与角色、服务流程、后台数据库及智能化功能。医养结合型智慧居家养老服务平台能够合理分配有限的医疗养老资源,将资源的使用效率发挥至最大化,使医疗养老资源与居家长者之间达到供需平衡,为居家长者提供高质量的居家养老服务。  相似文献   

本文介绍一个基于以太总线的智能传感器设计实例.系统采用Rabit 2000处理器和以太网络控制芯片构成网络可连接的处理器(NCAP).通过RS485接口和前端智能传感器接口模块(STIM)连接,形成一个浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式的传感器系统.文章分析了IEEE1451标准对智能传感器的定义和要求,讨论如何在现场级搭建基于Internet/Intranet的传感器系统.通过将现场传感器直接与网络通信线缆连接,使得现场传感器与普通计算机一样成为网络中的独立节点.  相似文献   

基于神经网络响应面法的随机结构动力可靠度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在对神经网络响应面法的原理和算法进行研究的基础上,建立了基于神经网络响应面法的随机结构动力可靠度分析方法。首先,基于首次超越破坏准则,参照静力可靠度的功能函数模式,建立了随机结构的动力可靠度功能函数;然后引入响应面法,以三层BP神经网络作为拟合函数,推导了功能函数的拟合表达式;最后结合一次二阶矩方法求解可靠指标。算例分析表明了本文方法有较好的计算精度和计算效率,在复杂结构的动力可靠度分析中有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

目的在复杂社会化网络中,灵活运用社会生活产生的大数据,构建设计、技术与管理相结合的智慧居家养老服务系统,解决碎片化的养老服务与多样化的养老需求之间匹配度低的问题。方法将服务设计思维引入养老领域,在调研的基础上归纳居家养老服务生态。借助利益相关者价值网络和服务流程图这两种服务设计可视化工具,剖析科技介入的居家养老服务中存在的服务触点及其关联。结论重新组织智慧居家养老服务的关键触点,提出智慧居家养老服务系统架构,形成养老服务资源、养老生活动态信息和养老服务三者联动的持续性发展链路,有利于合理把握老龄人口需求,提升用户体验,为智慧居家养老体系的创新提供设计学视角的参考。  相似文献   

Performance anomaly detection is the process of identifying occurrences that do not conform to expected behavior or correlate with other incidents or events in time series data. Anomaly detection has been applied to areas such as fraud detection, intrusion detection systems, and network systems. In this paper, we propose an anomaly detection framework that uses dynamic features of quality of service that are collected in a simulated setup. Three variants of recurrent neural networks-SimpleRNN, long short term memory, and gated recurrent unit are evaluated. The results reveal that the proposed method effectively detects anomalies in web services with high accuracy. The performance of the proposed anomaly detection framework is superior to that of existing approaches using maximum accuracy and detection rate metrics.  相似文献   

Wireless Industrial Monitoring and Control Using a Smart Sensor Platform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wireless smart sensor platform (based on patent pending technologies, Ramamurthy ) targeted for instrumentation and predictive maintenance systems is presented. The generic smart sensor platform with "plug-and-play" capability supports hardware interface, payload and communications needs of multiple inertial and position sensors, and actuators, using a RF link (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or RFID) for communications, in a point-to-point topology. The design also provides means to update operating and monitoring parameters as well as sensor/RF link specific firmware modules "over-the-air." Sample implementations for industrial applications and system performance are discussed  相似文献   

This paper presents analytical and experimental studies of a new microelectromechanical system (MEMS) smart flow sensor for the measurement of gas flow. The flow sensor has an array of curved-up cantilever beams that are surface-micromachined with two layers of deposition under two sets of different process parameters. The differential residual stress between the two layers of the polysilicon deposition causes the beams to curve upward from the substrate surface when the sacrificial layer is released. Each beam of the array of beams of different lengths vibrates successively as the flow rate increases, enabling more accurate sensing and identification of range of flow rates based on the vibration characteristics, thus making this a smart sensor design. Design and fabrication of these sensors are discussed. Experiments were conducted on this MEMS flow sensors to characterize the deflection of the curved cantilever beams with respect to flow rates. In addition, backflow tests were also conducted separately. Results of the analytical study are presented to investigate the cause of vibration of beams when subjected to flow. Finite-element analyses of vibration of the sensors comply with the experimental observation. Based on the analysis of fundamental natural frequencies, possible arrangement for the distribution of lengths of the beams is proposed to enhance its functionality as a sensor. Future work and plan of the on-board capacitive metrology and other practical issues are discussed  相似文献   

针对TDMA/TDD公众蜂窝移动通信系统的特征,运用了一种智能天线的解决方案,研究并提出一种动态时隙指派的算法。目的是让无线资源指派根据空时最佳特性进行量化评估并优选,然后把最优载波和时隙分配给需要的移动终端。系统级仿真表明,本算法和传统时隙分配算法相比,移动通信网络的综合性能指标得到的显著的改善。  相似文献   

针对业务复杂多变,用户目标逐步明确的特点,提出一种面向用户需求的动态服务工作流构建和实例化方法.首先构造服务流程模式,将业务知识和工作流相结合,作为服务工作流的知识描述,实现对业务领域知识和与之适应的服务流程的抽象和规范;基于服务流程模式,利用多层次匹配构造多粒度抽象服务组织模型,实现服务工作流的业务逻辑定制;然后,利用QoS分析进行具体服务选择,实现服务实例定制,最后通过一个应急处理示例来说明此方法的应用.  相似文献   

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