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Evaluation of Real-Time Operation Rules in Reservoir Systems Operation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Reservoir operation rules are logical or mathematical equations that take into account system variables to calculate water release from a reservoir based on inflow and storage volume values. In fact, previous experiences of the system are used to balance reservoir system parameters in each operational period. Commonly, reservoir operation rules have been considered to be linear decision rules (LDRs) and constant coefficients developed by using various optimization procedures. This paper addresses the application of real-time operation rules on a reservoir system whose purpose is to supply total downstream demand. Those rules include standard operation policy (SOP), stochastic dynamic programming (SDP), LDR, and nonlinear decision rule (NLDR) with various orders of inflow and reservoir storage volume. Also, a multi-attribute decision method, elimination and choice expressing reality (ELECTRE)-I, with a combination of indices, objective functions, and reservoir performance criteria (reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability) are used to rank the aforementioned rules. The ranking method employs two combinations of indices: (1) performance criteria and (2) objective function and performance criteria by using the same weights for all criteria. Results show that the NLDR gives an appropriate rule for real-time operation. Moreover, NLDR validation is presented by testing predefined curves for dry, normal, and wet years.  相似文献   

One of typical problems in water resources system modeling is derivation of optimal operating policy for reservoir to ensure water is used more efficiently. This paper introduces optimization analysis to determine monthly reservoir operating policies for five scenarios of predetermined cropping patterns for Koga irrigation scheme, Ethiopia. The objective function of the model was set to minimize the sum of squared deviation (SSD) from the desired targeted supply. Reservoir operation under different water availability and thresholds of irrigation demands has been analyzed by running a chance constraint nonlinear programming model based on uncertain inflow data. The model was optimized using Microsoft Excel Solver. The lowest SSD and vulnerability, and the highest volumetric reliability were gained at irrigation deficit thresholds of 20 % under scenario I, 30 % under scenario II, III and V, and at 40 % under scenario IV when compensation release is permitted for downstream environment. These thresholds of deficits could be reduced by 10 % for all scenarios if compensation release is not permitted. In conclusion the reservoir water is not sufficient enough to meet 100 % irrigation demand for design command areas of 7,000 ha. The developed model could be used for real time reservoir operation decision making for similar reservoir irrigation systems. In this specific case study system, attempt should be made to evaluate the technical performance of the scheme and introduce a regulated deficit irrigation application.  相似文献   

Optimum reservoir operation is a challenging problem in water resources systems. In this paper, Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm is applied in a reservoir operation problem. IWD is a population based algorithm and is initially proposed for solving combinatorial problems. The algorithm mimics the dynamics of river system and the behavior of water drops in the rivers. For this purpose data from Dez reservoir, located in southwestern Iran, has been used to examine the performance of the model. Moreover, due to similarities between IWD and the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms, the results are compared with those of the ACO algorithm. Comparison of the results shows that while the IWD algorithm finds relatively better solutions, it is able to overcome the computational time consumption deficiencies inherited in the ACO methods. This is very important in large models with too many decision variables where run time becomes a limiting factor for optimization model applications.  相似文献   

为了提高全国洪水调度工作的管理水平,1999年1月1日国家开始实施《水库洪水调度考评规定》。1999年12月,于桥水库首先对当年的洪水调度进行自评,最后由天津市水利局水源处组成的专家组进行考评。考评结果表明,于桥水库洪水调度工作的基础和经常性工作基本达到了规范的要求,结合于桥水库1999年度洪水调度考评情况和以往年度的调度情况,分析了当前于桥水库在洪水调度中存在的问题,以及今后在实际调度中应注意的问题,并对今后优化于桥水库调度提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms (GA) have been widely applied to solve water resources system optimization. With the increase of the complexity and the larger problem scale of water resources system, GAs are most frequently faced with the problems of premature convergence, slow iterations to reach the global optimal solution and getting stuck at a local optimum. A novel chaos genetic algorithm (CGA) based on the chaos optimization algorithm (COA) and genetic algorithm (GA), which makes use of the ergodicity and internal randomness of chaos iterations, is presented to overcome premature local optimum and increase the convergence speed of genetic algorithm. CGA integrates powerful global searching capability of the GA with that of powerful local searching capability of the COA. Two measures are adopted in order to improve the performance of the GA. The first one is the adoption of chaos optimization of the initialization to improve species quality and to maintain the population diversity. The second is the utilization of annealing chaotic mutation operation to replace standard mutation operator in order to avoid the search being trapped in local optimum. The Rosenbrock function and Schaffer function, which are complex and global optimum functions and often used as benchmarks for contemporary optimization algorithms for GAs and Evolutionary computation, are first employed to examine the performance of the GA and CGA. The test results indicate that CGA can improve convergence speed and solution accuracy. Furthermore, the developed model is applied for the monthly operation of a hydropower reservoir with a series of monthly inflow of 38 years. The results show that the long term average annual energy based CGA is the best and its convergent speed not only is faster than dynamic programming largely, but also overpasses the standard GA. Thus, the proposed approach is feasible and effective in optimal operations of complex reservoir systems.  相似文献   


The optimal management of multi-objective river and reservoir systems is particularly challenging for event-driven real-time operation to ensure predictive planning and to determine the best possible operation strategy. The best flow forecast possible for the river basin as well as knowledge of the effects of control instructions on flow dynamics and on the achievement of operation objectives must therefore be used. This paper presents a decision support tool for the management of a multi-objective river and reservoir system in Germany. In this context model-based predictive control is an appropriate method for optimizing the value to be controlled over a short forecast period. The future system status is simulated with a forecast-based hydraulic process model. In this way the most effective solutions for the required reservoir release which will fulfil the pre-specified multi-purpose operation objectives can be identified. These results can be used for the efficient analysis of upcoming conflicts of objectives. In combination with the users’ practical experience a realizable control instruction may be derived.


Optimal Operation of Reservoir Systems using Simulated Annealing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A stochastic search technique, simulated annealing (SA), is used to optimize the operation of multiple reservoirs. Seminal application of annealing technique in general to multi-period, multiple-reservoir systems, along with problem representation and selection of different parameter values used in the annealing algorithm for specific cases is discussed. The search technique is improved with the help of heuristic rules, problem-specific information and concepts from the field of evolutionary algorithms. The technique is tested for application to a benchmark problem of four-reservoir system previously solved using a linear programming formulation and its ability to replicate the global optimum solution is examined. The technique is also applied to a system of four hydropower generating reservoirs in Manitoba, Canada, to derive optimal operating rules. A limited version of this problem is solved using a mixed integer nonlinear programming and results are compared with those obtained using SA. A better objective function value is obtained using simulated annealing than the value from a mixed integer non-linear programming model developed for the same problem. Results obtained from these applications suggest that simulated annealing can be used for obtaining near-optimal solutions for multi-period reservoir operation problems that are computationally intractable.  相似文献   

水库生态调度研究综述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
水库在为人类带来经济与社会效益的同时,也对河流生态系统产生了一定的胁迫。针对传统水库调度对生态环境重视不够的问题,提出开展水库生态调度是减少筑坝带来的不利影响,维护河流健康,促进人水和谐,维持水资源的可持续发展的有效措施。在系统地分析了国内外大量水库生态调度实践的基础上,对水库生态调度的内涵及其研究状况进行了较全面的叙述和总结,并结合国内外生态调度的理论与实践,分析研究了水库水量、泥沙、水质的生态调度方式,为进一步开展水库生态调度研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Optimizing the operation of reservoir involving ecological and environmental (eco-environmental) objectives is challenging due to the often competing social-economic objectives. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II is a popular method for solving multi-objective optimization problems. However, within a complex search space, the NSGA-II population (i.e., a group of candidate solutions) may be trapped in local optima as the population diversity is progressively reduced. This study proposes a computational strategy that operates several parallel populations to maintain the diversity of the candidate solutions. An improved version of the NSGA-II, called c-NSGA-II is implemented by incorporating multiple recombination operators. The parallel strategy is then coupled into the routine of the c-NSGA-II and applied to the operation of the Qingshitan reservoir (Southwest of China) which includes three eco-environmental and two social-economic objectives. Three metrics (convergence, diversity, and hyper volume index) are used for evaluating the optimization performances. The results show that the proposed parallel strategy significantly improves the solution quality in both convergence and diversity. Two characteristic schemes are identified for the operation of the Qingshitan reservoir for trade-off between the eco-environmental and social-economic objectives.  相似文献   


In this paper, by using the concept of Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR), a Leader-Follower game (LFG) based multi-objective optimization model is developed to determine the optimum 12-month operation policy of a reservoir in potential future dry periods. The minimization of CVaRs of storage loss and agricultural and environmental deficits along with maximization of planned allocation to agricultural sector are considered as leader’s objectives, while the followers try to maximize their share of water rights using Nash bargaining (NB) method. This framework is then used to model the operation policy of Dorudzan basin in Fars province, southwestern Iran. Water demand and daily climate data in the period of 2003 to 2015 for this basin, as well as future projections from fifteen IPCC-AR4 global circulation models (GCMs) for 2018–2030 under A2, B1 and A1B emission scenarios are considered to evaluate future dam operation policies. Future projections are downscaled using the LARS-WG model, which then feeds the HMETS watershed model to simulate the corresponding reservoir inflow time-series. Thereafter, three-hundred 12-month rainfall, evaporation and inflow time series with least inflow volume are used as input for the optimization model, which is solved using NSGA-II and GA algorithms. The results show while the model can determine the operation policy that keeps the associated risks in the acceptable range, it can satisfy the followers demands with respect to the available resources. The results also show that the agricultural sector of the study area can be hugely affected by potential future droughts.


The optimal hydropower operation of reservoir systems is known as a complex nonlinear nonconvex optimization problem. This paper presents the application of invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm, which is a novel evolutionary algorithm inspired from colonizing weeds, for optimal operation of hydropower reservoir systems. The IWO algorithm is used to optimally solve the hydropower operation problems for both cases of single reservoir and multi reservoir systems, over short, medium and long term operation periods, and the results are compared with the existing results obtained by the two most commonly used evolutionary algorithms, namely, particle swam optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA). The results show that the IWO is more efficient and effective than PSO and GA for both single reservoir and multi reservoir hydropower operation problems.  相似文献   

黄河下游生态需水与生态调度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统梳理了20世纪中期以来国内外河流生态需水与生态调度的概念、方法、应用效果等,并针对黄河下游的现状对这些研究的适用性和应用前景做了述评。通过分析指出,黄河下游的生态需水与生态调度研究已取得了一定进展,既界定了总体量值范围,也考虑了不同水平年对应不同保证率下的流量过程。提出黄河下游生态需水与生态调度仍存在水文过程与生态系统作用关系尚未厘清、生态流量与水库调度尺度存在差异、黄河下游水库综合利用任务较难协调、未来水沙变化等因素具有不确定性等问题。  相似文献   

In the present study the WEAP-NSGA-II coupling model was developed in order to apply the hedging policy in a two-reservoir system, including Gavoshan and Shohada dams, located in the west of Iran. For this purpose after adjusting the input files of WEAP model, it was calibrated and verified for a statistical period of 4 and 2 years respectively (2008 till 2013). Then periods of water shortage were simulated for the next 20 years by defining a reference scenario and applying the operation policy based on the current situation. Finally, the water released from reservoirs was optimized based on the hedging policy and was compared with the reference scenario in coupled models. To ensure the superiority of the proposed method, its results was compared with the results of two well-known multi-objective algorithms called PESA-II and SPEA-II. Results show that NSGA-II algorithm is able to generate a better Pareto front in terms of minimizing the objective functions in compare with PESA-II and SPEA-II algorithms. An improvement of about 20% in the demand site coverage reliability of the optimum scenario was obtained in comparison with the reference scenario for the months with a higher water shortage. In addition, considering the hedging policy, the demand site coverage in the critical months increased about 35% in compared with the reference scenario.  相似文献   


In this paper, the results of utilizing a deterministic dynamic programming model for operation of Lar Reservoir in Iran are discussed. This reservoir has experienced extensive seepage from the start of its operation. The optimization model consists of a three-step cycle, which began with the optimization of reservoir operation for a given set of streamflows. The optimal policies are then analyzed in a regression procedure to obtain a set of operating rules. After the first run, operating rules from the previous run were placed as a new constraint on the water releases with some pre-assigned tolerance and the cycle continues. The model also consisted of mathematical functions for modeling the seepage from Lar Reservoir as a function of storage head in the reservoir. The loss function in the model was also modified in order to incorporate parameters that reduce the seepage. Results of different scenarios showed the significant effect of optimal policies on reduction of seepage and increasing the reliability of water supply to Tehran Metropolitan Area. A pumping station was also proposed to utilize the inactive part of the reservoir, in access of over 100 MCM, in order to reduce the seepage. The effectiveness of different pumping capacities to reduce the seepage was also investigated.  相似文献   

我国水库数量多,淤损率高,严重影响水库的功能、安全和综合效益。从机械清淤和水力排沙清淤两个方面对水库清淤技术进行了综述,分析了不同清淤技术的适用条件、清淤特性及能耗特性,提出了需要开展环保疏浚、清淤物无害化处理与资源化利用、多种清淤方式有效联合等建议,以推动清淤技术科学发展,实现水库可持续利用。  相似文献   

International Initiatives for Water Policy Assessment: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent international agreement to implement principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a means to overcome the current world water crisis has brought about the need to measure countries’ progress towards a new way of managing water. Several governmental and nongovernmental international organizations have taken up this challenge using different methods. This paper analyzes the methodological approaches currently applied to comparative water policy assessment, points out advantages and drawbacks of the different types of initiatives, and looks at where this relatively young field of research is heading. The technical and topical constraints of existing numerical indicators, the lack of consolidated qualitative assessments and the difficulty to measure real water policy implementation are among the main challenges to be addressed in the near future in the context of water policy assessment.  相似文献   

三门峡水库非汛期运用水位研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
小浪底水库的投入运大大减轻了三门峡水库对于黄河下游防洪,防凌的负担,但远不能彻底解除。三门峡水库在不影响潼关河床高程、维持槽库容冲淤平衡及有利于黄河下游淤的前提下,应当配合小浪底水库充分发挥它们的综合利用效益,经研究,适当抬高每年3-5月库水位,利用桃汛期后洪水将库水位从315m抬至319m,则在净增加两库总发电量的同时,对潼关河床高程在丰水年比目前水平低的情况下仍无不利影响。若将库水位抬至321m,则对目前水平的潼关河高程基本上也无不利影响。  相似文献   

Reservoir Optimization in Water Resources: a Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews current optimization technique developed to solve reservoir operation problems in water resources. The application of conventional, especially evolutionary computation, combination of simulation-optimization and multi objectives optimization in reservoir operation will be discussed and investigated. Furthermore, new optimization algorithm from other applications will be presented by focusing on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) as alternative methods that can be explored by researchers in water resources field. Finally this paper looks into the challenges and issues of climate change in reservoir optimization.  相似文献   

弱约束管道系统水锤研究与进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
充液管道中瞬变流的研究有着悠久的历史,积累了极为丰富的文献和资料。人们对系统不稳定流的认识也随着科学技术的进步不断发展开拓,内容及航空航天,石油化工,机械传动,水利电力等20多个研究方向。  相似文献   

Reservoir operation cannot be carried out without due heed to surface water and groundwater resources, since neglecting either will have irreversible consequences. Optimal operation of the Zayandehrood Dam which supplies water into the Zayandehrood River basin in the central plateau of Iran is a case in point which warrants due consideration paid to both dam operation and the climate conditions in the region suffering from a history of successive droughts. The main objective of the present research is to develop operation rules for the Zayandehrood reservoir through a combined perspective of both surface and ground water resources using the fuzzy inference system, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. The objective is to determine the share of the Zayandehrood reservoir in meeting downstream water demands. For this purpose, the water shortage and the dramatic groundwater drawdown in the Zayandehrood River basin faced with in recent years have been studied in an attempt to develop operation models capable of controlling groundwater drawdown. The models indicate that not only can groundwater drawdown be controlled, but that it is also possible to establish a greater sustainability. Different operation models have been compared in terms of their operation criteria. Results show that the ANFIS model composed of optimal data enjoys a higher sustainability compared to others.  相似文献   

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