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本文通过以高岭土、工业氢氧化铝为原料,添加适量AlF3和V2O5,在高温下原位合成了莫来石晶须,采用扫描电镜(SEM)研究了合成的莫来石晶须的微观形貌,探讨了莫来石晶须的生长机理,并讨论了影响莫来石晶须生长的相关因素.在综合考虑影响莫来石晶须生长的相关因素后,制备出晶须多、长径比大、分布均匀的莫来石晶须样品.  相似文献   

胡其国  刘莹  邵晴  李济 《硅酸盐通报》2021,40(5):1679-1684
为了提高粉煤灰的高附加值利用,分别以氢氧化铝和粉煤灰漂珠作为海胆状莫来石前驱体的铝源和硅源,氢氧化铝和粉煤灰为莫来石晶须前驱体增强剂的铝源和硅源,AlF3和V2 O5为晶须促进剂和烧结助剂,采用固相法原位制备了莫来石陶瓷材料.主要研究了增强剂与海胆状莫来石前驱体的配比(质量比分别为3:7、4:6、5:5、6:4、7:3...  相似文献   

原位合成纳米氧化铝烧结助剂制备轻质氧化铝陶瓷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用氧化铝空心球和α-Al2O3细粉为原料,以硫酸铝和硫酸铝铵水溶液及PVA水溶液为结合剂,并以硫酸铝和硫酸铝铵受热分解而原位合成的纳米γ-Al2O3作为烧结助剂制备轻质高强氧化铝陶瓷。研究结果;引入的氧化铝空心球助烧剂能促进轻质高强氧化铝陶瓷的烧结,烧结温度为1700℃,对应密谋为1.21-1.60g/cm^3,常温抗压强度为22-42MPa。荷重软化温度超过1700℃(0.1MPa),是高温窑炉理想的轻质高强内衬结构材料。  相似文献   

外加莫来石晶须增强80氧化铝瓷工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对莫来石晶须增强80氧化铝陶瓷的工艺制备和对力学性能改善进行了实验和分析,通过固相烧结法制备出一定长径比的晶须,研究了球磨工艺对晶须分散性能的影响,通过改变成型压力和烧结温度的单因素实验发现,随着成型压力和烧成温度的提高试样的烧结性能和力学性能均能提高,但当温度超过1450℃以后,烧成温度的提高会损害试样的力学性能。  相似文献   

SiC晶须增强陶瓷基复合材料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用不同的Al_2O_3粉料,采用SiC晶须补强以及加入第三相SiC粒子弥散增韧的方式,研究了SiC晶须Al_2O_3基复合材料的力学性能,得到强度σ_f=780MPa,K_(Ic)=7.6MPa·m~(1/2)的结果。通过不同的分敌途径,对晶须分散效果进行了实验观察和探讨;并讨论了晶须的分散均匀性对力学性能的影响。同时,就晶须团聚体在增韧过程中所起的作用提出了一种新的、可能的增韧机制,合理地解释了实验结果。最后,就三元复合系统中晶须补强和弥散增韧两种途径的迭加效果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为实现煤矸石资源化利用,以高岭土粉、煤矸石粉、滑石粉、氢氧化铝粉为主要原料,制备了莫来石晶须原位增强堇青石-莫来石多孔陶瓷。研究了煤矸石掺量(质量分数分别为0、9%、17%、26%、33%)和AlF3添加量(质量分数分别为0、1.5%、2.0%、2.5%、3.0%)对多孔陶瓷物相组成、显微结构和性能的影响。结果表明:1)当煤矸石掺量(w)≤17%、AlF3添加量(w)≤2.5%时,试样主要矿物组成为堇青石和莫来石。2)增加煤矸石掺量可明显提高试样的体积密度和耐压强度,但对保持显气孔率不利;增加AlF3添加量导致试样体积密度和耐压强度减小,但可提高显气孔率。3)随着煤矸石掺量和AlF3添加量的增加,莫来石晶须直径增加,长径比增加,呈四方柱状或针状。4)当煤矸石掺量(w)为17%,AlF3添加量(w)为2.5%时,经1 350℃保温2 h,可获得体积密度1.86 g·cm-3,显气孔率31.0%,耐压强度27.8 MPa的多孔陶瓷;其针状莫来石晶须形成互锁结构...  相似文献   

在硫酸钠熔盐中合成莫来石晶须   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Al2(SO4)3·18H2O和SiO2作为反应原料,在Na2SO4熔盐中合成了莫来石晶须,利用XRD、FESEM和SEM等手段研究了合成产物的组成和形貌,并研究了合成温度(700℃、800℃、900℃、950℃、1000℃、1100℃和1200℃)、熔盐用量(反应料与Na2SO4的质量比分别为2:1、1:1、1:2和1:4)、保温时间(2h、3h和4h)等工艺因素对合成反应的影响。结果表明:用熔盐法合成的莫来石不含其他晶相,纯度高,晶须直径在50~150nm,长度为3~8μm。研究还发现:Na2SO4熔盐的合适用量为反应料与Na2SO4的质量比是1:1,此时,混合料在900℃开始生成莫来石,950℃石英相基本消失,1000℃保温3h合成反应基本完成,超过1100℃时,合成的莫来石开始分解。因此,熔盐法合成莫来石的合理温度为1000℃保温3h。  相似文献   

为了防止石墨的氧化,在不添加任何粘结剂的情况下,通过激光烧结金属铝和二氧化硅粉,在石墨基片上原位制备出莫来石抗氧化涂层。对莫来石和SiO_2涂层的相组成、显微组织、Vickers硬度和抗氧化性能进行了研究。结果表明:涂层中主要生成了莫来石及少量氧化铝和二氧化硅;在石墨表面形成致密且无裂纹的莫来石涂层;柱状莫来石晶体镶嵌在氧化硅玻璃相中,增强了涂层与基体之间的粘附性;莫来石涂层的Vickers硬度达到910 HV0.5。该涂层材料在长时间高温下显示出优异的抗氧化性能。激光烧结合成莫来石的主要反应机理为铝和二氧化硅的液相反应。  相似文献   

SiC晶须及原位增强Si3N4基复合材料的断裂过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了SiC晶须增强和β-sialon细长晶粒原位增强Si3N4基复合材料的断裂过程。2种材料的试验结果都显示出明显的二级增韧行为:一级增韧过程,断裂阻抗KR随微小的裂纹扩展而急剧增大,大裂纹扩展到大约0.25mm时达到饱和;二级增韧过程,KR缓慢增长,一直持续到裂纹扩展达到1mm(原位增强)和1.8mm(晶须增强),观察和分析表明:二级增韧行为的发生,本质上起因于裂纹尖端后方桥接晶须和细长晶粒与  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了国内外陶瓷纤维或晶须增强陶瓷基复合材料研究现状。详细论述了这种材料今后的发展方向及有待解决的关键问题,并对陶瓷纤维或晶须与陶瓷基体物理及化学相容性以及制备工艺等方面,说明了对复合材料性能的影响。  相似文献   

Porous anorthite/mullite whisker ceramics with both high strength and low thermal conductivity have been successfully prepared by combining seed-assisted in situ synthesis and foam-freeze casting techniques. The addition of mullite seed was conducive to a reduction in the sintering shrinkage, pore size, and anorthite grain size. This increased the high aspect ratio of mullite whiskers, which enhanced the strength and diminished the thermal conductivity. Mullite whiskers overlapped to form a stable three-dimensional network structure similar to the bird's nest, which was also beneficial to heighten the mechanical properties of the prepared porous ceramics. Through this method, the prepared materials had a high apparent porosity of 87.7–90.2%, a low bulk density of 0.29–0.36 g/cm3, a high compressive strength of 0.65–3.31 MPa, and low thermal conductivity of 0.067–0.112 W/m·K. The results indicated that the method described here can fabricate porous ceramics with excellent properties for further thermal insulating applications.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(10):14224-14230
A SiC whisker-bonded mullite foamed ceramic was prepared by using white clay, industrial alumina and silicon powder as raw materials without solid carbon sources. The XRD, SEM, EDS, and Factsage® software were used to investigate the effect of sintering temperature on the phase composition, microstructure, compressive strength, and Young's modulus of foamed ceramics. Additionally, the synthesis reaction of in-situ SiC whiskers and the effect of their formation on the properties of ceramics were studied. The results showed that the in-situ SiC whiskers with dendrite shapes were formed after firing above 1300 °C at the expense of Si/SiO vapors as well as CO vapor, though there were no solid carbon sources in raw materials, which provided a new idea for the synthesis of SiC whiskers. The formation of SiC whiskers was helpful for improving the compressive strength and Young's modulus of mullite foamed ceramics remarkably. Furthermore, the reinforcement mechanism has been investigated systematically.  相似文献   

Ceramics with mullite whiskers were prepared from coal fly ash and Al2O3 raw materials, with AlF3 used as an additive. The phase structures and microstructures of the ceramics were identified via X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The results show that pickling of coal fly ash is an effective method for enhancing the flexural strength of ceramics. Sintering temperature and AlF3 addition were also key factors influencing the creation of ideal ceramics. The ceramic made from pickled coal fly ash, 6?wt% AlF3, and sintered at 1200?°C, exhibited the highest flexural strength of 59.1?MPa, and had a bulk density of 1.32?g/cm3 and porosity of 26.8%. The results show that ceramic materials made under these conditions are ideal candidates for manufacturing ceramic proppants for the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(1):847-854
Mullite fiber-based porous ceramics have been widely used in the field of heat insulation. To further broaden their applications in other fields, such as filtration and sound absorption, mullite whiskers and alumina platelets were introduced as the secondary structural materials in mullite fiber-based porous ceramics by a sol-gel combining heat-treating method, and new fiber-based porous ceramics with a unique multilevel pore structure were developed. By adjusting the molar ratios of aluminium tri-sec-butoxide to aluminium fluoride and calcination temperature, these fiber-based porous ceramics not only presented the characteristics of lightweight (maximum density of 0.38 g/cm3) and good heat insulation (minimum thermal conductivity of 0.11 W/mK) comparable to traditional fiber-based porous ceramics, but also showed a superior specific surface area (up to 11.5 g/m2) and excellent sound absorption performance (average sound absorption coefficient as high as 0.728). Owing to these outstanding characteristics, the corresponding porous ceramics are expected to be promising multifunctional materials in diverse fields, especially thermal insulation and sound absorption.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(13):18909-18917
Mullite whiskers (3Al2O3·2SiO2) reinforced porcelain slabs with high bending strength and fracture toughness were successfully prepared by calcining a kaolin-potash feldspar-albite mixture with aluminum silicate fibers (ASF, Al2O3·SiO2). Effects of ASF content on the properties of porcelain slabs were investigated. Bending strength and fracture toughness of the samples reach the peak values, 39% and 19% higher than that of the blank samples when the amount of ASF is 5 wt%. The elongated and needle-like mullite whiskers are obtained in the substrates with ASF fiber addition, differing from the rod-shaped mullite whiskers in the blank ones. During the sintering process, ASF provides growth environment and ingredient for elongated mullite whiskers. The in-situ generated elongated mullite whiskers link the porcelain slabs substrate as a bridge and consume more energy before the fracture occurred. Therefore, mullite whiskers induced by ASF can offer reliable opportunity for preparation of porcelain slabs with good mechanical properties.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(4):4754-4762
Four different alumina content of mullite ceramics were fabricated by powders synthesized using the sol-gel method. The synthesis process of powders, microstructure evolution, mechanical and optical properties of the mullite ceramics were studied. The XRD results showed that the precursors transformed into aluminosilicate spinel phase at 1000 °C and mullite phase at 1200 °C. Equiaxial grains were easy to form in the alumina-rich mullite ceramics while elongated grains were easy to form in the alumina-poor mullite ceramics. With the increase of alumina content, the grain size of the samples firstly increased and then decreased, the number of elongated grains decreased while equiaxed grains increased. The flexural strength, compression strength, fracture toughness, and Vickers hardness all decreased firstly and then increased. While the infrared transmittance increased firstly and then decreased. The transmittance at 4 μm (thickness of 0.75 mm) of the ceramics containing 66mol% Al2O3 reached the highest (72%) when sintered at 1780 °C because of the equiaxial grains.  相似文献   

Porous mullite matrix ceramics have excellent thermal and mechanical properties suitable for applications such as in thermal insulation. However, their applications are limited by processing defects from nonuniform sintering shrinkage and the trade-off between high porosity (preferred for low thermal conductivity) and high mechanical strength. Herein, we seek to minimize the sintering shrinkage by near-net-size preparation and improve the strength by in situ formed whisker network structure. Gelcasting forming technology and pressureless sintering were used to prepare porous mullite matrix ceramics using kyanite and α-Al2O3 powders as the starting materials and using MoO3 to promote the growth of mullite whiskers. The results showed that the sintering shrinkage could be compensated by the volume expansion from solid-state reaction during reaction sintering. The in situ formed three-dimensional (3D) whisker network further reduced sintering shrinkage and effectively improved the strength of the ceramics. An ultralow sintering shrinkage of .78% was achieved. The near-net-shape porous mullite matrix ceramics strengthened by 3D whisker network had a high porosity of 63.9%, a high compressive strength of 83.8 MPa and a high flexural strength of 53.5 MPa.  相似文献   

以煤矸石、碳酸钡和氧化铝为原料,按m(BaO)∶m(Al2O3)∶m(SiO2)=13∶57∶30的配比计算并称量原料,外加3%的白糊精,经球磨、混练、困料后,以10 MPa压力压制成36 mm×20 mm圆柱试样,分别在1500℃3 h、1 550℃3 h、1 550℃6 h、1 550℃9 h和1 600℃3 h条件下进行常压烧结,然后测定烧后试样的体积密度和显气孔率,并进行XRD和SEM分析。结果表明:由BaCO3、α-Al2O3和煤矸石粉料,采用固相反应烧结方法可以制备由单斜钡长石、六方钡长石、莫来石和刚玉4种物相组成的莫来石增强钡长石材料;在本试验条件下,提高煅烧温度和延长保温时间,有利于试样致密化程度的提高,莫来石晶相的发育及其交叉网络结构的形成,以及反应物分布的均匀。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(14):11197-11203
Silicon carbide reticulated porous ceramics (SiC RPCs) were fabricated by polymer replica technique. The effects of nitride whisker template on the growth of mullite, the strut structure and mechanical properties of SiC RPCs were investigated. Prepolyurethane (PU) open-cell sponge was first coated by SiC slurry consisting of SiC, reactive Al2O3, microsilica and Si powder, then it was nitridized at 1400 °C in a flowing N2 atmosphere to prepare SiC preforms. Subsequently, these preforms were treated by vacuum infiltration of alumina slurry and fired at 1450 °C in air. The results showed that Si2N2O whiskers grew on the surface and in the matrix of SiC preforms after nitridation. The diameter of struts in SiC RPCs increased after vacuum infiltration process because alumina slurry was easily adhered by the surface nitride whiskers. In addition, such whiskers inside the strut of SiC preforms acted as the template to promote the growth of column-liked mullite in SiC RPCs. The mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of SiC RPCs were greatly improved due to the special interfacial characteristics of multi-layered struts as well as better interlocked column-liked mullite in SiC skeleton.  相似文献   

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