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We present an algorithm for maintaining the biconnected components of a graph during a sequence of edge insertions and deletions. It requires linear storage and preprocessing time. The amortized running time for insertions and for deletions isO(m 2/3 ), wherem is the number of edges in the graph. Any query of the form ‘Are the verticesu andv biconnected?’ can be answered in timeO(1). This is the first sublinear algorithm for this problem. We can also output all articulation points separating any two vertices efficiently. If the input is a plane graph, the amortized running time for insertions and deletions drops toO(√n logn) and the query time isO(log2 n), wheren is the number of vertices in the graph. The best previously known solution takes timeO(n 2/3 ) per update or query.  相似文献   

Output-Sensitive Reporting of Disjoint Paths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A k -path query on a graph consists of computing k vertex-disjoint paths between two given vertices of the graph, whenever they exist. In this paper we study the problem of performing k -path queries, with , in a graph G with n vertices. We denote with the total length of the reported paths. For , we present an optimal data structure for G that uses O(n) space and executes k -path queries in output-sensitive time. For triconnected planar graphs, our results make use of a new combinatorial structure that plays the same role as bipolar (st ) orientations for biconnected planar graphs. This combinatorial structure also yields an alternative construction of convex grid drawings of triconnected planar graphs. Received August 24, 1996; revised April 8, 1997.  相似文献   

Meijie Ma 《Information Sciences》2010,180(17):3373-3379
A k-container of a graph G is a set of k internally disjoint paths between u and v. A k-container of G is a k∗-container if it contains all vertices of G. A graph G is k∗-connected if there exists a k∗-container between any two distinct vertices, and a bipartite graph G is k∗-laceable if there exists a k∗-container between any two vertices u and v from different partite sets of G for a given k. A k-connected graph (respectively, bipartite graph) G is f-edge fault-tolerant spanning connected (respectively, laceable) if G − F is w∗-connected for any w with 1 ? w ? k − f and for any set F of f faulty edges in G. This paper shows that the folded hypercube FQn is f-edge fault-tolerant spanning laceable if n(?3) is odd and f ? n − 1, and f-edge fault-tolerant spanning connected if n (?2) is even and f ? n − 2.  相似文献   

Let G be an undirected plane graph with nonnegative edge length, and letk terminal pairs lie on two specified face boundaries. This paper presents an algorithm for findingk noncrossing paths inG, each connecting a terminal pair, and whose total length is minimum. Noncrossing paths may share common vertices or edges but do not cross each other in the plane. The algorithm runs in timeO(n logn) wheren is the number of vertices inG andk is an arbitrary integer.  相似文献   

Two vertices of an undirected graph are called k -edge-connected if there exist k edge-disjoint paths between them (equivalently, they cannot be disconnected by the removal of less than k edges from the graph). Equivalence classes of this relation are called classes of k -edge-connectivity or k -edge-connected components. This paper describes graph structures relevant to classes of 4 -edge-connectivity and traces their transformations as new edges are inserted into the graph. Data structures and an algorithm to maintain these classes incrementally are given. Starting with the empty graph, any sequence of q Same-4-Class? queries and n Insert-Vertex and m Insert-Edge updates can be performed in O(q + m + n log n) total time. Each individual query requires O(1) time in the worst-case. In addition, an algorithm for maintaining the classes of k -edge-connectivity (k arbitrary) in a (k-1) -edge-connected graph is presented. Its complexity is O(q + m + n) , with O(M +k 2 n log (n/k)) preprocessing, where M is the number of edges initially in the graph and n is the number of its vertices. Received July 5, 1995; revised October 21, 1996.  相似文献   

Drawing planar graphs using the canonical ordering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G. Kant 《Algorithmica》1996,16(1):4-32
We introduce a new method to optimize the required area, minimum angle, and number of bends of planar graph drawings on a grid. The main tool is a new type of ordering on the vertices and faces of triconnected planar graphs. Using this method linear-time-and-space algorithms can be designed for many graph-drawing problems. Our main results are as follows:
  • Every triconnected planar graphG admits a planar convex grid drawing with straight lines on a (2n?4)×(n?2) grid, wheren is the number of vertices.
  • Every triconnected planar graph with maximum degree 4 admits a planar orthogonal grid drawing on ann×n grid with at most [3n/2]+4 bends, and ifn>6, then every edge has at most two bends.
  • Every planar graph with maximum degree 3 admits a planar orthogonal grid drawing with at most [n/2]+1 bends on an [n/2]×[n/2] grid.
  • Every triconnected planar graphG admits a planar polyline grid drawing on a (2n?6)×(3n?9) grid with minimum angle larger than 2/d radians and at most 5n?15 bends, withd the maximum degree.
  • These results give in some cases considerable improvements over previous results, and give new bounds in other cases. Several other results, e.g., concerning visibility representations, are included.  相似文献   

    For a positive integer k, a graph G is k-ordered hamiltonian if for every ordered sequence of k vertices there is a hamiltonian cycle that encounters the vertices of the sequence in the given order. In this paper, we show that if G is a ⌊3k/2⌋-connected graph of order n?100k, and d(u)+d(v)?n for any two vertices u and v with d(u,v)=2, then G is k-ordered hamiltonian. Our result implies the theorem of G. Chen et al. [Ars Combin. 70 (2004) 245-255] [1], which requires the degree sum condition for all pairs of non-adjacent vertices, not just those distance 2 apart.  相似文献   

    We study the problem of finding a minimum weight complete matching in the complete graph on a set V ofn points ink-dimensional space. The points are the vertices of the graph and the weight of an edge between any two points is the distance between the points under someL q,-metric. We give anO((2c q )1.5k ??1.5k (α(n, n))0.5 n 1.5(logn)2.5) algorithm for finding an almost minimum weight complete matching in such a graph, wherec q =6k 1/q for theL q -metric, α is the inverse Ackermann function, and ? ≤ 1. The weight of the complete matching obtained by our algorithm is guaranteed to be at most (1 + ?) times the weight of a minimum weight complete matching.  相似文献   

    Let λ(G) be the edge connectivity of G. The direct product of graphs G and H is the graph with vertex set V(G×H)=V(GV(H), where two vertices (u1,v1) and (u2,v2) are adjacent in G×H if u1u2E(G) and v1v2E(H). We prove that λ(G×Kn)=min{n(n−1)λ(G),(n−1)δ(G)} for every nontrivial graph G and n?3. We also prove that for almost every pair of graphs G and H with n vertices and edge probability p, G×H is k-connected, where k=O(2(n/logn)).  相似文献   

    C. Maas 《Computing》1983,31(4):347-354
    The interval numberi (G) of a graphG withn vertices is the lowest integerm such thatG is the intersection graph of some family of setsI 1, ...,I n with everyI i being the union of at mostm real intervals. In this article, an idea is presented for the algorithmic determination ofi (G), ifG is triangle-free. An example for the application of these considerations is given.  相似文献   

    Lempel, Even and Cederbaum proved the following result: Given any edge {st} in a biconnected graph G with n vertices, the vertices of G can be numbered from 1 to n so that vertex s receives number 1, vertex t receives number n, and any vertex except s and t is adjacent both to a lower-numbered and to a higher-numbered vertex (we call such a numbering an st-numbering for G). They used this result in an efficient algorithm for planarity-testing. Here we provide a linear-time algorithm for computing an st-numbering for any biconnected graph. This algorithm can be combined with some new results by Booth and Lueker to provide a linear-time implementation of the Lempel-Even-Cederbaum planarity-testing algorithm.  相似文献   

    Let G be a graph, and let each vertex v of G have a positive integer weight ω(v). A multicoloring of G is to assign each vertex v a set of ω(v) colors so that any pair of adjacent vertices receive disjoint sets of colors. This paper presents an algorithm to find a multicoloring of a given series-parallel graph G with the minimum number of colors in time O(n W), where n is the number of vertices and W is the maximum weight of vertices in G.  相似文献   

    J. Katajainen 《Computing》1988,40(2):147-161
    The following geometrical proximity concepts are discussed: relative closeness and geographic closeness. Consider a setV={v 1,v 2, ...,v n } of distinct points in atwo-dimensional space. The pointv j is said to be arelative neighbour ofv i ifd p (v i ,v j )≤max{d p (v j ,v k ),d p (v j ,v k )} for allv k V, whered p denotes the distance in theL p metric, 1≤p≤∞. After dividing the space around the pointv i into eight sectors (regions) of equal size, a closest point tov i in some region is called anoctant (region, orgeographic) neighbour ofv i. For anyL p metric, a relative neighbour ofv i is always an octant neighbour in some region atv i. This gives a direct method for computing all relative neighbours, i.e. for establishing therelative neighbourhood graph ofV. For every pointv i ofV, first search for the octant neighbours ofv i in each region, and then for each octant neighbourv j found check whether the pointv j is also a relative neighbour ofv i. In theL p metric, 1<p<∞, the total number of octant neighbours is shown to be θ(n) for any set ofn points; hence, even a straightforward implementation of the above method runs in θn 2) time. In theL 1 andL metrics the method can be refined to a θ(n logn+m) algorithm, wherem is the number of relative neighbours in the output,n-1≤mn(n-1). TheL 1 (L ) algorithm is optimal within a constant factor.  相似文献   

    Let G be a graph with vertex set V(G). Let n, k, d be non-negative integers such that n+2k+d≤|V(G)|?2 and |V(G)|?n?d are even. A matching which saturates exactly |V(G)|?d vertices is called a defect-d matching of G. If when deleting any n vertices the remaining subgraph contains a matching of k edges and every k-matching can be extended to a defect-d matching, then G is said to be an (n, k, d)-graph. We present an algorithm to determine (0, 1, d)-graphs with d constraints. Moreover, we solve the problem of augmenting a bipartite graph G=(B, W) to be a (0, 1, d)-graph by adding fewest edges, where d=∥B|?|W∥. The latter problem is applicable to the job assignment problem, where the number of jobs does not equal the number of persons.  相似文献   

    In a graph G, a k-container Ck(u,v) is a set of k disjoint paths joining u and v. A k-container Ck(u,v) is k∗-container if every vertex of G is passed by some path in Ck(u,v). A graph G is k∗-connected if there exists a k∗-container between any two vertices. An m-regular graph G is super-connected if G is k∗-connected for any k with 1?k?m. In this paper, we prove that the recursive circulant graphs G(2m,4), proposed by Park and Chwa [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 244 (2000) 35-62], are super-connected if and only if m≠2.  相似文献   

    A vertex v of a connected graph G distinguishes a pair u, w of vertices of G if d(v, u)≠d(v, w), where d(·,·) denotes the length of a shortest path between two vertices in G. A k-partition Π={S 1, S 2, …, S k } of the vertex set of G is said to be a locatic partition if for every pair of distinct vertices v and w of G, there exists a vertex sS i for all 1≤ik that distinguishes v and w. The cardinality of a largest locatic partition is called the locatic number of G. In this paper, we study the locatic number of paths, cycles and characterize all the connected graphs of order n having locatic number n, n?1 and n?2. Some realizable results are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

    In this paper we conjecture that the edges of any non-trivial graph can be weighted with integers 1, 2, 3 in such a way that for every edge uv the product of weights of the edges adjacent to u is different than the product of weights of the edges adjacent to v. It is proven here for cycles, paths, complete graphs and 3-colourable graphs. It is also shown that the edges of every non-trivial graph can be weighted with integers 1, 2, 3, 4 in such a way that the adjacent vertices have different products of incident edge weights.In a total weighting of a simple graph G we assign the positive integers to edges and to vertices of G. We consider a colouring of G obtained by assigning to each vertex v the product of its weight and the weights of its adjacent edges. The paper conjectures that we can get the proper colouring in this way using the weights 1, 2 for every simple graph. We show that we can do it using the weights 1, 2, 4 on edges and 1, 2 on vertices.  相似文献   

    Yuichi Yoshida  Hiro Ito 《Algorithmica》2012,62(3-4):701-712
    We present an algorithm for testing the k-vertex-connectivity of graphs with the given maximum degree. The time complexity of the algorithm is independent of the number of vertices and edges of graphs. Fixed degree bound d, a graph G with n vertices and a maximum degree at most d is called ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity when at least $\frac{\epsilon dn}{2}$ edges must be added to or removed from G to obtain a k-vertex-connected graph with a maximum degree at most d. The algorithm always accepts every graph that is k-vertex-connected and rejects every graph that is ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity with a probability of at least 2/3. The algorithm runs in $O(d(\frac{c}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac {1}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for (k?1)-vertex-connected graphs, and in $O(d(\frac{ck}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac{k}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for general graphs. It is the first constant-time k-vertex-connectivity testing algorithm for general k≥4.  相似文献   

    Summary It is proved that any n-vertex, k-valent undirected simple graph, G, contains a spanning tree with at least leaves. As a result of this it is shown that any such graph contains an independent set, of size at least n/5k, with the property that deleting the vertices in this set and their incident edges does not disconnect G. This latter result is applied by giving an improved upper bound on the area required to embed arbitrary graphs into grid graphs.  相似文献   

    Let G(k, n) be the set of simple graphs (i.e. without multiple edges or loops) that have n vertices and the minimum degree of vertices is k. The Randi? index of a graph G is: , where δu is the degree of vertex u and the summation extends over all edges (uv) of G. Using linear programming, we find the extremal graphs or give good bounds for this index when the number nk of vertices of degree kis n?k+t, for 0tk and kn/2. We also prove that for nkn?k, (kn/2) the minimum value of the Randi? index is attained for the graph .  相似文献   

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