The primary and secondary current distributions in bipolar electrochemical reactors with recessed electrodes are compared.
When the electrolyte of the different reactors of the stack is connected, and thus a leakage current is possible, the secondary
current distribution is more pronounced than the primary one for the cases of industrial importance. In the absence of a leakage
current the usual behavior of a monopolar system is observed. 相似文献
A simplified mathematical model to calculate the current distributions in bipolar electrochemical reactors is proposed. The
current distributions are deduced from a combination of the voltage balance in the reactor with a voltage balance including
the electrolyte inlet and outlet. Thus, equations to predict the effect of geometric and operational variables on the current
distributions at the electrodes are reported. The parameters acting upon the current distributions were lumped into two dimensionless
variables and their effects on the current distributions are discussed. The primary current distributions are obtained as
a limiting case. Comparisons between calculated and experimental primary current distributions are reported. 相似文献
Macroscopic and microscopic measurements of mass transfer rate have been made in a pump cell operating at up 6000 rpm. The dependence of the average Sherwood number is given by where G = h/ro is the gap ratio, Re is the channel Reynolds number and Rø is the rotational Reynolds number. The mass transfer rate is so high, and the diffusion layer thickness consequently so small (~2 × 10?2mm), that the rotor behaves essentially as a free disc even when the gap is less than 0.1 mm. Local measurements using microelectrodes confirm this behaviour, and show that the current density increases monotonically towards exit (in contrast to the behaviour of a non-rotational, capillary gap cell).Agreement between measured and theoretically derived pressure distributions is fair, and both show that pressures below atmospheric are easily attained at entry. Under almost all operating conditions there is then a net rise in pressure across the disc so the cell may be used as its own pump; an estimate of pumping power is derived. 相似文献
A new technique has been developed using a magnetic loop array to measure current distribution in electrochemical cells. The main advantage of this approach is the combination of high spatial and time resolution and stack integration with an easily handled measurement carried out independently of the cell operation. A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) of technically relevant dimensions (about 600 cm2 electrode area) with 5 × 8 current sensors has been constructed and operated, thus confirming the feasibility of the measurement technique. 相似文献
A new method for calculating and correcting molecular weight distributions of polymer samples from GPC chromatograms is presented. The integral equation which relates the true molecular weight distribution of polymer sample to the chromatogram is reformulated into an equivalent variational problem of quadratic functional. The method of steepest descent in the function space is then applied to the minimization problem to obtain the true molecular weight distribution. This method is efficient and reduces some of the oscillation problems encountered in the previous methods. Examples are given. 相似文献
The primary and secondary current distributions near the leading edges of the cathode and anode of a wedge-type aluminum-air cell design were analyzed. Numerical calculations were accomplished by using a finite difference method and introducing an overlapping two-grid system technique. The calculations indicate that the current distributions on the cathode and anode at distances from the edges greater than 2 times the cell gap are uniform. In the edge region, the wedge angle between 0 and 10° has a negligible effect on the current distribution. High current densities at the cathode edge, which are detrimental to cathode life, are reduced by kinetic effects and by oversizing the cathode itself. The latter also favors cell performance but adds to the cell costs. An effectiveness factor is introduced which demonstrates the effectiveness of cathode oversize and the sensitivity to kinetics as represented by the Wagner number. The calculations indicate that only marginal performance gains can be expected when the cathode extends beyond the anode a distance greater than that of 1.5 times the amode-cathode gap.Nomenclature A1, A2, A3
anode curves 1, 2, 3
slope ofi vs curve at mean value of mean (A cm–2V–1)
- C1, C2, C3
cathode curves 1, 2, 3
distance between electrodes (cm)
local current density on electrode (A cm–2)
dimensionless local current value defined by Equation 9
dimensionless effectiveness factor defined by Equation 10
constant potential of electrode (V)
dimensionless Wagner number defined by Equation 7
dimensionless cathode oversize defined asx/D
position parallel to anode with origin at the anode apex (cm)
position perpendicular to electrode surface (cm)
conductivity of electrolyte (ohm cm–1)
surface overpotential (V)
potential in solution phase (V)
- 0
potential in solution adjacent to electrode surface (V) 相似文献
The secondary current distribution in an electrochemical stack with one bipolar electrode was experimentally determined and compared with the theoretical prediction according to the Laplace equation. A close agreement between both results is reported. The parameters acting upon the current distribution were lumped into a dimensionless variable, called the bipolar Wagner number, and its effect on the current distribution and predictive suitability of the theoretical treatment is discussed. 相似文献
Molar volumes of substantially amorphous polymers may be calculated by using additive constants derived from constitutive atomic and structural parachor contributions. For 34 polymers, ranging in density from 0.83 to 2.03 g/cm3, the greatest error in the calculated molar volume compared with the measured value was 13.9%, while for 30 of the polymers the error was less than ±7%, with a mean error of ±3.9%. 相似文献
An improved linearization method is proposed for determining the monomer reactivity ratios of free-radical copolymerizations by fitting the data of cumulative copolymer compositions and overall weight fractional conversions, or cumulative copolymer compositions and residual monomer compositions of the reaction mixture. The reactivity ratios of monomers for four different copolymerization reactions are determined. The results are very close to those of literature reports and account well for the experimental results. 相似文献
A three-step numerical procedure for studying droplet deformation in mixed, dispersing-type, flow fields is described. Finite element and numerical particle tracking techniques are used to obtain the history of shear and elongation rates along a particle trajectory in the flow field, and from this history, boundary integral techniques are used to determine the deformation a drop would experience along this path. This approach is then used to investigate the effect of a small change in geometry on the breakup behavior of drops in the annular gap flow between two eccentric cylinders. This flow geometry serves as an idealization of a rotor-stator dispersing device used for highly viscous fluid systems. It is found that an increase in eccentricity produces an increase in dispersing capability. Experiments in an eccentric cylinder geometry were performed to verify the simulation procedure. Under the experimental conditions considered, it is found that the simulations perform well, correctly predicting whether or not drop breakup occurs and the qualitative drop evolution behavior. The simulation procedure outlined in this paper can serve as an effective tool to determine drop breakup in dispersing geometries and hence to optimize dispersing procedures. 相似文献
The computation of primary current distribution using the boundary element method has been analysed. A numerical example has been included. Values obtained numerically have been compared with those obtained experimentally. A fairly good accuracy has been observed. Some computational problems occurring when using the boundary element method for electrochemical problems have been discussed. 相似文献
This article describes three different techniques for the determination of the current density distribution in operating fuel cells and compares their relative benefits with respect to ease of implementation and information gain. Real-time current density distribution data under steady state as well as transient conditions are presented and it is shown that they can contribute to an improved understanding of water management and reactant distribution over the active fuel cell area. The importance of these factors for the optimisation of fuel cell performance is discussed. 相似文献
提出了一种计算含盐混合溶剂气液相平衡的新模型,即把活度系数表示为盐的质量摩尔浓度ms和溶剂组成摩尔分数xi的函数,其中盐质量摩尔浓度项表示为盐质量摩尔浓度的二次函数,溶剂组成项由UNIQUAC模型计算。以文献中水-醇-盐和醇-醇-盐的11个体系为例,将新模型用于其气液平衡的计算,关联得到了各体系的模型参数。结果表明:将活度系数表示为ms和xi的函数是合适的;每种溶剂组分气相分压的计算值与实验值吻合良好,最大误差为0.928 k Pa。因此,新模型是一种可广泛用于含盐有机溶液体系气液相平衡计算的方法。 相似文献
The current and potential distributions of zinc electrodes in secondary zinc-silver oxide cells during cycling were studied using a sectioned electrode technique. The shape change occurring in zinc electrodes resulting from cell cycling was examined. The zinc electrodes used for this study were of a conventional type of design and were fabricated by a slurry paste method. The positive electrodes used were sectioned silver oxide electrodes, each of which comprised nine sections of sintered silver plates. The results indicate that, by adding a layer of non-woven fabric treated with Fe2O3 to the edge sections of the electrode separator system, the uniformity of the current and potential distributions on the zinc electrodes during cell cycling can be improved, and the zinc electrode shape change resulting from cell cycling can be effectively suppressed. 相似文献