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Distribution and habitat selection of wintering birds in urban environments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Habitat selection of wintering land-birds was studied in 31 human settlements in Finland. A total of 26 wintering bird species representing 5155 individuals were observed. Between-year variation (CVB%) and short-term fluctuation within one winter (CVW%) in species richness (CVB=10% CVW=15%) were low, as were total numbers of birds (CVB=22% CVW=24%) and populations of the most common bird species (CVB=20–40% CVW=15–47%). The most abundant bird species (e.g., Passer domesticus, Parus major and Pica pica) occurred in most of the study sites. The total densities of omnivorous birds, sedentary birds and bird species that commonly use feeding tables were higher in a heavily urbanized areas than in moderately or less urbanized areas. According to the Canonical Correspondence Analysis, three corvid species populations, P. domesticus and Columba livia domestica were positively related to human population density. Corvus corone cornix and P. domesticus populations correlated positively with the proportion of the built-up areas in the study plots. The omnivorous diet of these species was a possible reason for their success in urban environments. Dendrocopus major, Parus montanus, Parus cristatus, Parus ater and Certhia familiaris were negatively related to the urbanization axis. These species live mainly in coniferous forest habitats and are probably unable to use deciduous-dominated urban parks in winter time. To attract these species, coniferous trees and shrubs should also be used in park management and planning in northern latitudes. Many species, like Pic. pica, Carduelis chloris and Parus caeruleus, were located at an intermediate place on an urban–forest gradient axis. We suppose that these species are the most probable candidates for colonizing or increasing their abundances in European towns and cities in near the future. All of these species use feeding tables, which help them to adapt to urban environments.  相似文献   

Fauna distribution data are often inadequate for the purposes of physical planning at a national scale, because of their lack of detail or incomplete spatial coverage. A method is presented in which an expert habitat suitability model is used for data disaggregation, the opposite of aggregation, and interpolation. Using this method, in this article the data on breeding birds available in the Landscape Ecological Mapping of the Netherlands (LKN) database have been downscaled from atlas blocks to kilometre cells and validated for 14 species with contrasting ecologies. The first step in this procedure is definition of the ecological profile of each species, comprising its habitat requirements and its sensitivity to disturbance. A limited number of conditioning habitat factors are used to describe the ecological profile. The ecological profile is based mainly on expert judgement. The second step involves deriving the habitat characteristics of each kilometre cell that are compatible with the habitat requirements. By comparing the ecological profile with the habitat characteristics of each grid cell, the habitat suitability of every kilometre cells is established. The third step comprises completion and modification of the distribution data. The main change involves an estimation of numbers, based on interpolation, for those atlas blocks for which only the presence of a species has been established. The final step is disaggregation of the counted and interpolated atlas block data over the 25 constituent kilometre cells on the basis of the suitability of each cell. For each step of the disaggregation method, tables and maps of the results are presented. The limitations of the model and of the dataset used are considered and some promising applications of the method discussed.  相似文献   

We studied drivers of habitat conversion in the Panama Canal region, where rich biodiversity in tropical rainforests currently coexists with two major growing cities and a plethora of economic opportunities. We examined existing administrative units (counties) with known biophysical (e.g., rainfall, topography) and socio-economic (e.g., population density, road density) characteristics. To identify associations between those characteristics and likelihood of habitat conversion to agriculture or urbanization, we used canonical correlation analysis. Two axes accounted for most of the variation among administrative units: one for urbanization and the other for agriculture. Rainfall and topography were negatively associated with urbanization, whereas population wealth was positively associated with land conversion to urban. Agriculture was most strongly associated with elevation variability and topographic complexity. To a lesser extent, agriculture was associated with rural population density, mean annual human population growth and poverty level. We hypothesize that most future habitat loss in the Panama Canal region will be from urbanization as Panama City expands and populations grow along the highway system. Decision-makers will need to emphasize preservation of forests on the edge of developments, where risk of loss is highest. These forested lands tend to become more expensive as urbanization approaches, putting them at greater risk of being converted. Nevertheless, they are still important for protection of the Canal watershed and the high levels of biodiversity in watershed forests. Land planners and decision-makers should consider the influence of socio-economic and biophysical factors when selecting forests to protect for conservation.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, coastal resource managers are encouraging the restoration of previously modified coastal habitats back into wetlands and managed ponds for their ecosystem value. Because many coastal wetlands are adjacent to urban centers and waters used for human recreation, it is important to understand how wildlife can affect water quality. We measured fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentrations, presence/absence of Salmonella, bird abundance, and physico-chemical parameters in two coastal, managed ponds and adjacent sloughs for 4 weeks during the summer and winter in 2006. We characterized the microbial water quality in these waters relative to state water-quality standards and examined the relationship between FIB, bird abundance, and physico-chemical parameters. A box model approach was utilized to determine the net source or sink of FIB in the ponds during the study periods. FIB concentrations often exceeded state standards, particularly in the summer, and microbial water quality in the sloughs was generally lower than in ponds during both seasons. Specifically, the inflow of water from the sloughs to the ponds during the summer, more so than waterfowl use, appeared to increase the FIB concentrations in the ponds. The box model results suggested that the ponds served as net wetland sources and sinks for FIB, and high bird abundances in the winter likely contributed to net winter source terms for two of the three FIB in both ponds. Eight serovars of the human pathogen Salmonella were isolated from slough and pond waters, although the source of the pathogen to these wetlands was not identified. Thus, it appeared that factors other than bird abundance were most important in modulating FIB concentrations in these ponds.  相似文献   

We developed a habitat model for Great Tits, Parus major minor, in an urban area of Osaka, Japan. Although Great Tits play an important role in the urban food web, there are few in most of Osaka and downtown Tokyo, areas that have low vegetation cover. We derived a habitat model for Great Tits using a logistic regression model with GIS. A bird survey was conducted twice in 85 urban parks using the line census method in the breeding season, May–July 2000. A GIS base map was created from aerial photographs. The following variables were measured for each park from public records and GIS for predicting the habitat: park properties (age, distance to the nearest mountains, distance to the nearest forest of more than 10 ha), the number of other habitats occupied by the tits within 500 m and 1 km and area of tree cover (within it and surrounding parks). Number of nearby habitats and distance from the nearest mountains and forest of more than 10 ha are variables related to the regional populations of the tits. Area of tree cover was measured for five radii (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 m) from park centers, and a logistic regression model was calculated for each of these radii. Variables were selected by a stepwise method. The best fitting model of the five models was selected using Akaike’s Information Criteria. In the bird survey, the tit was recorded in 12 parks. The areas of parks occupied by the tit were 0.56–136.0 ha (mean: 26.0 ha±42.06 S.D., n=12). Variables selected in the best fitting model were area of tree cover in a radius of 250 m from park center and the number of other habitats within 1 km as positive factors. This model shows that area of tree cover within a certain range and number of nearby populations are the keys to the distribution of Great Tits. From this model obtained, 6.0 ha (31%), 4.0 ha (20%), 2.6 ha (13%) and 1.8 ha (9%) of tree area are needed to achieve probability of 0.5 in a radius of 250 m when numbers of other habitats within 1 km was 0–3, respectively. A realistic target figure is 10% of tree cover throughout urban areas to create an ecologically sustainable city.  相似文献   

21世纪中国城市化机制研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
宁登 《城市规划学刊》2000,(3):41-46,55
中国正处在一个转型与变革的时期,城市化作为这一时期最瞩目的一种发展力量,在新的时代背景下有着新的动力机制和研究范畴。本文就一系列重要的社会经济发展变化诸如转型时代、经济的结构性变化、全球化与区域化、交易革命与生产体制的变革、新的区域性城市空间(巨型城市与网络城市)对城市化机制的影响作前瞻性的探讨,并基于传统城市化机制研究之上提出新时期城市过动力机制应是内生/外生城市化复合的互动过程.  相似文献   

重庆是一个二元经济结构明显的直辖市,在研究其城市化发展模式时不能脱离历史阶段和现实条件。因此,文中以城市化发展理论为基础,充分借鉴城市化发达地区经验,结合重庆地区实际情况,提出了重庆城市化“大都市圈 点轴式城市带”的发展模式,即以主城都市圈为中心,以长江、319线(渝怀铁路)为发展轴,以沿线城市为节点,进行串珠式开发,逐步形成以重庆都市圈为中心,万州、涪陵、黔江等城市为区域中心的网络式城镇体系。  相似文献   

普通生态学原理在生物多样性规划和管理实践中有了发展,但仍需要进一步深入的研究。本研究建立了一个本地和总体的鸟类栖息地模型,用以支持作为全球生物多样性一个组分的城市地区的生物多样性。这个模型用于为相关研究推荐适合当地的栖息地类型。本研究在繁殖季节调查了三处相似的城市地点的鸟类种群和植被覆盖情况,运用地理信息系统分析数据的...  相似文献   

本文从国际比较和历史的角度试图解释小城镇之所以成为一种"中国特色"的原因,并希望从新中国城市发展政策方针转变的背后,探寻其历史背景和深层次原因。文章提出在我国城镇化道路上的大城市与小城镇发展关系之争,其本质上反映出一个带着庞大的人口基数的农业社会向工业社会迅速转型的现实需求,体现的是国家现代化发展中工业与农业之间艰难的平衡关系。鼓励小城镇发展的政策曾经具有试图化解粮食供应危机、缓解工农紧张关系、促进农业现代化发展的现实理性,并且仍旧对我国未来的发展具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

城市化与住房问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文运用大量的数据和资料并借鉴国外的经验,分析了城市化与住房的相互关系,最后得出以下结论:①住宅的发展规模和居住水平与城市化的程度密切相关;②当中国人均居住面积实现9平方米小康水平之后,住宅建设要从以追求数量、面积的导向转为以提高质量和改善住区的环境为主,以实现住宅的可持续发展;③受城市化和经济发展地域差异的影响,中国的住宅投资和消费水平也具有明显的东西差异与南北差异。  相似文献   

本文报告和阐述了对城乡统筹规划理论的科学建构。对与理论科学性相关及衍生的重要问题,包括科学知识与科学研究的本质、城市化与农村现代化的中国模式以及现状相关研究的误区、方法论根源与潜在危险,一并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我国的城镇化发展面临着不容回避 的人口老龄化挑战,老龄化人口流动问题已 成为关系我国城镇健康发展的重要内容。本 文聚焦老龄化人口流动与城镇化发展协调不 足的问题,紧扣当前老龄化人口流动的现实 需求,基于城镇化过程中人口流动健康路径 的分析和老龄化人口流动失序的判断,明确 了由其引发的城镇化发展困境。以问题为导 向,创新性地提出了以“理想养老居住地”营 建为核心,涵盖“生活空间、经济保障、情感 交流、养老服务、交通联系”五大方面的老龄 化人口流动与城镇化的协调机制。围绕理想 养老居住地“在哪建”和“如何建”两大核心 问题,最终尝试提出了“城乡结合部建设大 型老龄人口社区”的具体应对策略和实现途 径,以期为实现城镇化与老龄化的协调发展 提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

王林 《时代建筑》2010,(4):20-25
文章记述了对哈佛大学设计研究生院穆斯塔法维教授的专访。笔者针对当代城市发展特别是中国快速城市化所面临的重大挑战进行提问,穆斯塔法维教授从理论和方法等各个角度进行了回答。  相似文献   

中国城镇化理论研究回顾与述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姜爱林 《规划师》2002,18(8):65-70
简要介绍城镇化理论研究轨迹及其主要成果,对近几年来城镇化理论研究的重点与热点问题进行分析论述,最后勾勒当前城镇化理论研究存在的种种不足及未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

农民进城与浙江农村城市化的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴伟年 《规划师》2002,18(6):78-80
改革开放以来,浙江省经济快速发展,但全省的城市化发展速度却与经济发展不相适应,这与脱离了农业生产的农村人口,由于种种原因不能及时转化为城镇人口有很大关系。作者对农民迁移及制约因素等进行了实地调查,并提出了加快农村城市化的对策。  相似文献   

林耿  柯亚文 《规划师》2008,24(9):65-71
在城市化动力机制研究中,行政区划调整是一个不可忽视的关键因素。采用主因子分析方法,就广东省的广州、佛山、惠州、汕头等城市在行政区划调整后的城镇化水平进行测度和评价,可知一种以行政区划为主导和原发点、对城镇化进程有着重大影响的城镇化新机制正在形成。城镇化新机制的生成开始于地理空间边界和政治权力边界变化诱导下的政治管制力量的变化,而最终决定于城市系统的结构状态及其发育水平。  相似文献   

中国城镇化进程规模空前,因影响深远而举世瞩目。中国城镇化现已进入快速发展阶段,区域速度差异、城镇规模差异、二元结构差异等矛盾问题日渐显现,系统分析城镇化发展特征、理清其发展问题并明晰发展路径显得尤为必要。在深入分析中国城镇化发展空间特征的基础上,研究指出城镇化进程中存在的主要矛盾和挑战,然后从政策支持、市场调节、行政组织和规划管理四个方面进行中国城镇化发展的路径思考。  相似文献   

We examined the efficacy of habitat creation for shorebirds on reclaimed land in Osaka Port. The Wild Bird Park was laid out on a reclaimed land in Osaka Port in 1983. A modern history of the area as a habitat for shorebirds can be divided into four stages. First, many shorebirds visited the tidal flat of 30 ha that emerged on the south part of the Sakishima, which had been reclaimed from the sea in 1941, but was abandoned between 1950 and 1958 [Notes on Osaka Bay Waders. Private Publishing (in Japanese with English abstract)]. Second, the tidal flat disappeared because of the start of the reclamation of the north part of Sakishima in 1958, and a salt marsh of 85 ha emerged in the north part between 1974 and 1982. Third, the salt marsh disappeared due to the construction and the Wild Bird Park was opened on a part of the salt marsh in 1983. The park had a planted area of 6.5 ha and a sandy area of 12.8 ha, which included two ponds and a lagoon. Fourth, one of the ponds was restored to a tidal flat in 1995 after consultation among the manager, NPO, and scientist as a result of the monitoring. The area of tidal flat increased from 0.2 to 2.6 ha, and the number of shorebirds increased from 205 (the average of 1991–1995) to 1042 (1996). The abundance and species richness of shorebirds is equivalent to those at the first stage (1950s). The species composition of benthic animals had also changed; the dominant group was Chironomid larvae during the second and third stages and Polychaetes during the fourth stage, and the species richness was greatest at the fourth stage. However, the tidal flat of the park had fewer brachyurans and mollusks than natural tidal flats in Japan. This might result in a lower abundance of large sandpipers at the fourth stage compared with that at the first and second stages.  相似文献   

基于电子商务的县域就地城镇化与农村发展新模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从电子商务的内涵和县域电子商务的发展概况谈起,分析了电子商务对我国城镇化格局的影响,探讨了在互联网时代电子商务普及的影响下,人才和经济体在各级城市中获得的机会将更加平等化,我国大城市的中心性地位受到挑战,县域及其所管辖的农村地区迎来了前所未有的机遇,农村地区可以实现由工业化带动到信息化带动的跃迁式发展的城镇化新形势。文章进一步指出在这种新形势下,电子商务所驱动的县域就地城镇化和农村发展是当前新型城镇化的一种新思路,并深入分析了县域就地城镇化的内涵和路径以及基于电子商务的农村发展的三种新模式,分别是延伸式(赶街模式)、介入式(聚土地模式)和内生式(沙集模式),为我国信息化时代背景下的新型城镇化发展提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

新城市主义与中国城市化进程中的住区规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦臻  郑宙青 《华中建筑》2005,23(Z1):10-14
新城市主义起源于20世纪80年代的美国.该文试图分析其产生的社会背景和理论方法,以及新城市主义对中国城市化建设的指导意义,并以浙江金华市金东新区居住新区设计为例,介绍了新城市主义方法在中国城镇居住区规划中的具体实践.  相似文献   

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