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在实际工程应用中,复合材料与构件往往处于复杂的应力状态,开展近似真实载荷环境下的力学实验分析,能够更准确地认识实际应用中材料的真实承载能力和失效机理.基于非屈曲单向碳纤维织物复合材料层合板的细观结构特征,设计了双轴压缩试样,开展了材料单轴、双轴压缩试验研究,对比分析了单向织物复合材料在不同压缩载荷下的力学行为.研究结果表明:非屈曲单向织物复合材料的单轴压缩行为表现为线性、脆性断裂;破坏模式整体表现为剪切屈曲破坏,与单轴压缩相比,双轴压缩载荷作用下材料整体表现为线性、脆性断裂,但其应力-应变曲线表现出一定的非线性特征;双轴1∶1等比例压缩对材料抵抗变形能力有一定强化效应,材料压缩模量增加;双轴2∶1非等比例压缩的结果与之相反,材料压缩模量大幅降低;双轴压缩强度均低于其单轴压缩强度;破坏模式主要表现为分层、基体开裂和纤维断裂,其中以分层现象尤为明显.  相似文献   

为了研究循环荷载下橡胶掺量对混凝土断裂力学性能的影响,对5种不同橡胶掺量(0、5%、10%、15%、20%)的带缺口混凝土梁分别开展了单调和循环加载断裂试验。根据断裂试验获得的荷载-裂缝口张开位移(P-CMOD)曲线计算了橡胶混凝土的断裂能和耗散能,结合典型橡胶混凝土试件的破坏形态,综合分析了加载工况及橡胶颗粒掺量对混凝土断裂力学性能及能量耗散的影响规律。结果表明:随着橡胶掺量的增加,橡胶混凝土强度和弹性模量逐渐降低,而断裂能值逐渐增大。在循环加载工况下,混凝土耗散能随循环加载过程的持续逐渐累积过程与裂缝口张开位移的累积过程类似,损伤破坏过程呈现"三阶段"特征。总耗散能随橡胶掺量增加而增加,但始终不超过其断裂能。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Experimental studies on the formation of horizontal cracks in vertical columns of saturated sand contained in circular cylinders have been reported in two recent papers[1,2]. In ref. [1] the cylinder was subjected to an axial impact. In ref. [2] a steady flow of water was driven upward through the sand column sitting on a perforated rigid diaphragm. In both cases, care was taken in preparing the sand sample by feeding wetted uniform sand continuously into a column to avoid inten…  相似文献   

The initial small inhomogeneity of saturated sand could be amplified during the sedimentation process after liquefaction, and cracks could be observed in the sand column. Layers of fine sand could also be found at the exact place where cracks developed and disappeared. The phenomena and the whole process were experimentally shown by X-rays images. To account for the phenomena, a linearized stability analysis of the sedimentation of saturated sand was conducted; however, it did not produce a satisfactory result. A three-phase flow model describing the transportation of fine sand is presented in this paper. It is shown that such a kind of erosion/deposition model was qualitatively in good agreement with the experimental observation.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission tests were performed using a split Hopkinson pressure bar system(SHPB) on 50-mm-diameter bars of granite, limestone, sandstone and skarn. The results show that the amplitude distribution of hits is not well centralized around 50 d B, and that some hits with large amplitudes, usually larger than 70 d B, occur in the early stages of each test, which is different from the findings from static and low-loading-rate tests. Furthermore, the dominant frequency range of the recorded acoustic emission waveforms is between 300 k Hz and 500 k Hz, and frequency components higher than 500 k Hz are not significant. The hit with the largest values of amplitude, counts, signal strength, and absolute energy in each test, displays a waveform with similar frequency characteristics and greater correlation with the waveform obtained from the elastic input bar of the split Hopkinson pressure bar system compared with the waveforms of the other hits. This indicates that the hit with the largest values of amplitude, counts, signal strength, and absolute energy is generated by elastic wave propagation instead of fracture within the rock specimen.  相似文献   

采用分离式Hopkinson压杆实验装置,对混凝土材料在冲击荷载下的动态单轴压应力极限值及裂纹分形维数值进行了研究.依据盒维数计算原理,设计了基于Matlab的数字图像盒维数计算程式,建立了一种数字图像盒维数简易算法.实验结果表明,冲击荷载条件下,混凝土表面裂纹具有很好的分形特性,分维是表征混凝土破坏程度的一个定量参数,并用分形维数对混凝土试块的单轴动态抗压强度极限值和应变率进行定量描述,拟合了试块动态单轴压应力极限值与其对应的分形维数的定量关系.为探索混凝土表面裂纹图形的分形特征与其承受的动荷载之间的内在规律,提供了一条新的研究思路.  相似文献   

采用真三轴设备对100mm×100mm×100mm的立方体混凝土试块进行静态加载。首先,保持三个轴向的应力相同,施加应力到设计值p。然后,在保持最小主应力(Z轴)恒定并且X轴应变速率与Y轴应变速率之比也恒定的条件下,单调地增加Y轴应变。通过这种复杂加载试验,研究了混凝土的强度和体积特征。结果表明:在应力-应变混合路径加载的真三轴试验下,混凝土的抗压强度随着最小主应力的增大而增大,随着加载应变速率比的增大而线性递减,都大于单轴抗压强度,最高可达单轴抗压强度的3.4倍;混凝土试块在只经历静水压的加载历史时,初始剪切模量不受影响,不同组剪应力-剪应变关系曲线初始段都存在重合现象。峰值体积应变随着最小主应力和应变速率比的增大而增大,体积先减小后增大,出现扩容现象;当最小主应力为10MPa时,混凝土的峰值强度和峰值体积压应变几乎同时出现,并随着最小主应力的增大,两者出现的时间间隔增大,峰值体应变滞后。  相似文献   

为研究地下混凝土防护结构在冲击作用下的可靠性.基于国内外已有理论及试验研究成果,得到圆锥形弹头弹体侵彻混凝土靶体形成的弹坑区和空腔区的深度计算公式,建立地下浅埋混凝土靶体侵彻深度的极限状态函数,利用已有的随机变量统计数据以及敏度分析结果,采用一次二阶矩法,对结构的失效概率进行了计算,并对影响结构失效概率的主要因素进行了分析.分析表明:在给定冲击作用下,钢筋混凝土板的失效概率随冲击速度的增加和板厚度的减小而线性降低,混凝土强度等级对结构可靠性影响不大.  相似文献   

应用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立50m跨度的单层联方球面网壳及其相应的弦支网壳的有限元模型并进行数值模拟分析,得到联方单层球面网壳及其相应弦支网壳的冲击力、位移及杆件应力随着冲击速度和冲击体重量变化的时程曲线变化规律.通过分析表明联方网壳及其弦支结构的冲击过程相类似,可以分为冲击阶段、稳定相持阶段和衰减阶段3个阶段;网壳杆件突然断裂会导致冲击力发生突然的变化;弦支结构相对于联方单层网壳而言,在相同的冲击速度和冲击重量的作用下,弦支结构可显著减小网壳的最大位移,增加网壳的抗冲击能力;弦支结构索力的增加可适当减小冲击产生的位移,但减小效果有限;径向杆件和环向杆件的冲击应力距离冲击点越远,冲击应力峰值及残余应力也越小.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties are essentially different when rock material is subjected to loading or unloading conditions. In this study, loading and unloading tests with various confining pressures are conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of marble material samples taken from the deep diversion tunnels of Jinping II Hydropower Station. The stress-strain relationship, failure characteristics and strength criterion are compared and analyzed based on the experiment results. The results show: in the loading and unloading test, peak strength, lateral strain, axial strain and plastic deformation increase significantly as the confining pressure increases. Lateral strain increased significantly and obvious lateral dilatancy can be observed to the change of confining pressure; The fracture mode is mainly the single shear fracture for the triaxial compression test and post-peak test, angle between the failure surface and the ends of the rock material becomes smaller as the confining pressure increases. Hoek-Brown strength criterion reflects the strength characteristics of marble material under two different unloading conditions, and has some supplementary effects to the rock material of mechanical field.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on 20 different types of materials to analyze the impact contact wear and to establish the wear mechanism map. The wear mechanism has been categorized into three prominent regions(delamination wear, quasi-nano wear and lamination-like wear) and is governed by two hardness thresholds(H_(dq) and H_(ql)). When the material hardness HcpH_(dq), the delamination wear is the dominant wear mechanism; when H_(cp)H_(ql), the mechanism is lamination-like wear; however, when H_(cp) is between Hdq and H_(ql), the mechanism is determined to be quasi-nano wear. H_(dq) is determined to be the threshold hardness between delamination wear and quasi-nano wear that reflects the cracks being produced in the subsurface layer, whereas, H_(ql) is termed threshold hardness between quasi-nano wear and lamination-like wear with formation of nanostructure within the surface layer.  相似文献   

Structures with negative Poisson's ratio(NPR) have been widely used in engineering application due to its unusual properties. In this paper, crashworthiness of a novel cylindrical auxetic structure under axial impact loading is investigated by the numerical methods. The software LS-DYNA is adopted to analyze the effects of the geometry parameters on the force, energy absorption(EA) and specific energy absorption(SEA). It is found that an overlarge number of layers and cells will make NPR structure extend outward from the mid; NPR structures with small number of layers and cells will make some layers of structures rotate in final crushing state. If the thickness of the long-inclined bean(L-beam) is larger than that of short-inclined beam(S-beam), there will be a smoother transition from the lower to a higher value in crushing force. Conversely, the force will maintain a relatively steady value, which determined by the sum of the thickness of L-and S-beams. In addition, there is also a critical inner circle radius which distinguishes different deformation modes. Once the critical inner circle radius is smaller than the critical value,NPR structures tend to deform unsteadily.  相似文献   

为吸收爆炸时产生的爆炸能量以及减少建筑物所受到的爆炸荷载,提出一种连接防爆幕墙和建筑物的内嵌泡沫铝新型耗能节点.通过冲击试验对这种节点的耗能性能进行试验研究,探究了泡沫铝填充、折板厚度等参数对此节点构件耗能性能的影响.试验结果表明:冲击过程中泡沫铝填充的耗能节点试件,其受压阶段包括弹性、塑性和致密化阶段,可通过钢折板塑性变形以及泡沫铝受压密实过程实现冲击能量的吸收与消耗,而无泡沫铝填充的节点试件仅依靠折板塑性变形转动耗能.在试验结果基础上,利用LS-DYNA有限元软件建立了耗能节点构件的精细化有限元模型,并对冲击试验结果进行了验证,得到了吻合程度较好的力-位移曲线.试验和有限元分析表明,内嵌泡沫铝新型节点构件耗能性能优良,泡沫铝填充可以明显改善此类耗能节点的耗能性能.  相似文献   

To understand the high strain rate deformation mechanism and determine the grain size,strain rate and porosity dependent yield strength of nanocrystalline materials,a new mechanical model based on the deformation mechanism of nanocrystalline materials under high strain rate loading was developed.As a first step of the research,the yield behavior of the nanocrystalline materials under high strain rate loading was mainly concerned in the model and uniform deformation was assumed for simplification.Nanocrystalline materials were treated as composites consisting of grain interior phase and grain boundary phase,and grain interior and grain boundary deformation mechanisms under high strain rate loading were analyzed,then Voigt model was applied to coupling grain boundary constitutive relation with mechanical model for grain interior phase to describe the overall yield mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials.The predictions by the developed model on the yield strength of nanocrysatlline materials at high strain rates show good agreements with various experimental data.Further discussion was presented for calculation results and relative experimental observations.  相似文献   

为研究开口冷弯厚壁型钢构件在轴向滞回荷载作用下的抗震性能,首先选取了3根壁厚t6 mm的冷弯内卷边槽钢进行轴向滞回试验,然后建立相关的ANSYS有限元模型进行模拟计算,在与试验结果对比的基础上,选取了不同的腹板宽厚比(h/t=25~90)、绕弱轴长细比(λy=30~90)的构件进行参数化分析计算。研究结果表明:宽厚比、长细比是影响冷弯型钢抗震性能的两个主要因素,宽厚比(h/t)越大抗震性能越差,长细比(λy)越大抗震性能同样也越差,设计时应尽量避免选择长细比和宽厚比均较大的构件。  相似文献   

为探究不同冲击荷载条件下花岗岩的动力学特性,采用分离式霍普金森压杆分别对花岗岩试样进行单次和重复冲击荷载试验,并对试样的应力-应变响应、应变率曲线特征、能量耗散特性以及破坏形态进行综合分析.结果表明:单次冲击下,试样动态抗压强度与比能量呈现对数函数关系,试样破坏程度随着比能量的增加而逐渐增大;随着入射波峰值应力的增加,应力-应变曲线峰后段的回弹现象逐渐减弱,应变率曲线呈现出愈加明显的“双峰”特征,其第2波峰逐渐高于第1波峰.重复冲击作用下,当试样未破坏时,应力-应变曲线基本经历弹性加载、损伤演化和峰后回弹3个阶段,当试样经历最后一次冲击时,应力-应变曲线峰后段形状与试样的破坏程度有关.此外,试样破坏时的累积比能量越大,其破坏越严重,应变率曲线由“单峰”逐渐向“双峰”过渡.  相似文献   

针对压实粘性土体应变率敏感性,利用聚碳酸脂分离式Hopkinson压杆试验装置,对其动态力学性能进行了研究.结果表明:压实粘性土的动态强度、峰值强度增长因子和比能量吸收以及过应力与应变率呈近似指数关系,而动态峰值应变与峰值应变增长因子随应变率的增加而近似线性增加,这些均说明动态峰值强度和峰值应变均体现了显著的应变率相关性.同时进一步分析过应力与应变率(包括准静态)的关系表明:当应变率低于参考应变率时,动态强度受应变率的影响相对较小,而当应变率高于参考应变率时,动态强度受应变率的影响较大.  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONFortheiradvantagesofstrength to weightandstiff ness to weight,compositematerialshavebeenusedwidelyinthefieldsofaeronauticalandastronauticalengineering .Flatcouponspecimensareoftenusedtomeasuretheme chanicalpropertiesofcompositelaminates .Beca…  相似文献   

Multiple filling of gobs will lead to a layered structure of the backfill. To explore the influence of layering structure on the mechanical properties and failure modes of backfill, different backfill specimens were prepared with a cement/sand ratio of 1:4, a slurry concentration of 75%, and backfilling times of 1, 2, 3 and 4, separately. Triaxial cyclic loading and unloading experiments were carried out. The results show that with an increase in backfilling time, the peak strength of backfill decreases as a polynomial function and the peak strain increases as an exponential function. The cyclic load enhances the linear characteristic of backfill deformation. The loading and unloading deformation moduli have a linear negative correlation with the backfilling time. The unloading deformation modulus is always slightly higher than the loading deformation modulus. The failure modes of stratified backfill are mainly characterized by conjugate shear failure at the upper layer and tensile failure across the layer plane, and there is usually no damage in the lower layer away from the loading area.  相似文献   

刀盘是TBM的关键部件,刀盘的性能对TBM掘进性能影响很大。刀盘在掘进时承受的重载冲击扭矩和推力将导致剧烈振动,引起刀盘寿命下降甚至破坏以致影响掘进效率。基于ADAMS多体系统动力学仿真平台,建立了复杂因素影响下"辽西北"引水工程TBM主机系统的动力学模型,探讨了刀盘转速、刀盘拓扑形式和小齿轮速度波动与不同步等因素对刀盘振动性能的影响规律。仿真结果表明:为了减小刀盘振动,在设计TBM主机时应采取"铜钱"型拓扑形式,在控制TBM时应尽量避免驱动齿轮转速波动和不同步,在较低的刀盘转速下进行掘进。  相似文献   

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