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正一、国防计量的发展历程国防计量是军事计量和国防军工计量的统称,是随着武器装备技术的发展而逐渐发展起来的。1955年开始的"两弹一星"工程开启了国防尖端技术系统的计量工作,20世纪60年代初,国家引进了一批当时比较先进的计量设备,补充了大量科技人员。1964年经中央军委决定,国防科学技术委员会(以下简称"国防科委")成立了标准计量局,负责全面规划计量工作,协调国防科技的计量管理。1982年成立国防科工委,将国  相似文献   

在进行国防计量认可复查评审中,我们发现不少企事业单位在计量工作中存在着一些问题,特此提出以供探讨。1合理地建立企业最高计量标准,确保标准装置的准确度据笔者参与企业国防计量认可复查评审情况来看,有部分企业几年前建立的最高计量标准至今尚未使用,或者是因其它条件  相似文献   

从计量标准及计量人员管理模式等方面,分析了区域国防军工计量管理工作的现状,提出了"十一五"国防军工计量管理工作的新模式和构想,并就今后加强计量管理及计量监督检查工作、提高国防军工计量保障能力提出了一些新思路.  相似文献   

介绍中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所三级计量技术机构通过国防计量认可复查工作,加强了计量管理工作,提高了人员素质,促进计算机管理,提高了计量确认能力.  相似文献   

薛战军  张静  卞学红 《工业计量》2012,(Z1):107-109,179
文章主要描述了国防企事业单位计量部门管理现状和信息化建设的目标、国防计量信息管理系统开发设计应该遵循的原则和应该具有基本模块功能。计量信息管理系统建设有助于国防企事业单位实现核心价值和提高计量管理水平,为国防武器装备研制提供可靠的计量保障。  相似文献   

本文从武器装备计量保障的实际出发,提出了国防计量保障的基本概念,论述了国防计量保障的基本特点,提出了新时期计量保障的技术要求。  相似文献   

2008年6月3日至6日,国家国防科技工业局组织国防一级计量技术机构技术专家分别奔赴四川和陕西地区,调研国防计量标准装置地震后的技术状态,并开展了部分标准装置的现场恢复检定工作,为下一步全面恢复灾区国防计量能力、保证科研生产所需测量设备的量值准确做好技术准备。  相似文献   

根据国防计量法规和ISO9000系列的支持标准-ISO10012的要求,提出计量保证与监督工作目标及其运行系统的概念,并简要阐述了型号计量保证与监督工作目标及其运行系统。  相似文献   

国防工业,特别是国防尖端武器的研制生产,是一个复杂而庞大的系统工程,涉及很多的科技领域和工业部门。要使整个系统协调一致,统一动作,计量显得尤为重要。计量是确保各个环节,按照预定的定量关系,精确地将整个系统有机地结合在一起,并达到最佳技术状态的重要条件.中央军委副主席聂荣臻同志指示:早在50年代,搞国防尖端技术的开门六件事,计量工作就是其中之一。80年代又指出;“科技要发展,计量须先行”、“国防计量更是重要”,他对计量工作在国防建设中的作。用和地位给予了充分的肯定。重视这项基础建设就会带来效益,相…  相似文献   

朱乾涛  王棋  李飞 《工业计量》2009,19(6):44-45,48
国防计量是国防科技工业和武器装备发展的重要技术基础,在新时期国防计量有新的需求。文章主要介绍了国防计量的发展历程,论述新时期下国防计量的作用。  相似文献   

本文是作者再次对标准和标准化的概念进行讨论。首先讨论的是标准化的目的、主体和对象。作者认为标准化的目的是控制、有序化和统一化;标准化的主体是人/机构;标准化对象可以是具体的或抽象的事物,也可以是它们的组合;任何事物都可以抽象地表达为实体(entity)。第二,作者讨论了标准和标准化的本质以及它们的作用;认为从内容角度看,标准是匹配问题解决方案,也是为标准化对象规定需要满足的要求;从实施角度看,标准是规则;标准化则是制定、实施、传播标准的过程;标准的作用是能够创建并组织现实世界,并能够为相关方建立互相交流和共同理解的基础;标准化的作用是对创新方案进行选择和简化,阻止现实世界过度无序化发展,形成复杂化和简化之间的平衡。第三,作者讨论了标准的记录形式、自愿/强制属性和时空范围,认为标准的记录形式有文件、样品、图形符号、物理表达等多种形式;标准具有选择的自愿性和实施的强制性;标准在时空范围内是有限的。文章的结尾给出了理解标准化概念的框架。  相似文献   

A novel dynamic mathematical model based on spatially distributed approach has been developed and validated in this paper. This model gives good agreement in predicting the system COP and other parameters. The validated model has been used to enhance the prediction of the micro variations of superheat and sub-cooling. The novel spatial distributed model for the condenser and evaporator in refrigeration system, calculates the two-phase region in gas and liquid field separately since the gas and liquid in the two-phase region have different velocities. Previous researchers have used a pre-defined function of the void fraction in their spatially distributed model, based on experimental results. This approach results in the separate solution of the mass and energy equations, and less calculation is required. However, it is recognized that the mass and energy equations should be coupled during solving for more accurate solution. Based on the energy and mass balance, the spatial distribution model constructed here solves the velocity, pressure, refrigerant temperature, and wall temperature functions in heat exchangers simultaneously. A novel iteration method is developed and reduces the intensive calculations required. Furthermore, the condenser and evaporator models have shown a parametric distribution along the heat exchanger surface, therefore, the spatial distribution parameters in the two heat exchangers can be visualised numerically with a two-phase moving interface clearly shown.  相似文献   

The active thermal potentiostatting system proposed by Martinovskii and Tsirlin is directly generalized to a more practical case, in which one intermediate chamber, besides a thermal potentiostatting chamber, and two irreversible refrigeration cycles are included and the influence of the thermal resistance between the working fluid and the reservoirs, the heat leakages from the environment to the intermediate chamber and from the intermediate chamber to the potentiostatting chamber are taken into account. Expressions for the main parameters of the system are derived. By using the optimal control theory, the minimum total power input of the system with non-zero cooling rates is calculated and the temperatures of the working fluid in the isothermal processes of the refrigeration cycles are optimized. The optimal allocation of the heat-transfer areas of the heat-exchangers in the refrigeration cycles is discussed in detail. The results obtained here are more general and useful than the relevant results in literature and can provide some valuable guidance for the optimal design and operation of real active thermal potentiostatting systems.  相似文献   

The technology of selective laser melting (SLM) is booming in all engineering applications today and tends to expand production of statically and dynamically loaded parts, not only for the prototypes but also for direct metal end–use parts. However, apart from design and type of loading, there still is a number of real material and technological parameters that contribute to the final quality of the produced parts and affect or improve the surface integrity and life of the parts. This paper expands the results and conclusions made in some previous works and presents all data from the tests expressed in their technological relations. The main conclusion is that a suitable machining process did not affect the surface integrity and fatigue of the tested samples, and the key role in assessments were the material structure, its homogeneity and defects.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was presented to describe the particle trajectory, velocity and temperature properties in the low power plasma spraying torch (3.6 kW)in which powder particles were directly injected into the region between the cathode and anode. The results show that the characteristics of the particles by low power plasma spraying are similar to that by traditional APS( Atmosphere plasma spraying) in 40 kW. The velocities of the particles increase with the increase of inlet gas flow rate, current and percentage of nitrogen and hydrogen, while the temperature of the powder increase with the decrease of the gas flow rate and with the increase of current and percentage of nitrogen and hydrogen.  相似文献   

单贺飞 《包装工程》2022,43(18):341-349
目的 探索江门世遗文化的传承、发展和转化的新思路,践行国家在《粤港澳大湾区发展规划》纲要中要求江门承担与港澳地区文化创意合作与开发任务的分工。方法 与澳门高校紧密合作,开展专业培训课程,以开平碉楼为例,从人文视角开展设计研究,梳理开平碉楼的文化脉络,把世遗文化的元素和其背后的文化融入文创产品中,提升文创产品的附加值,推动当地文创产业结构的变革。结果 两地高校构建了稳定的科研团队,开设长期有效的设计培训课程,与景区建立了研究协作关系,帮助景区构建了一套产销研的商业模式。结论 以跨区域高校合作为平台,以文创产品为抓手,依托江澳两地的资源优势,可以构建江门世遗文化全新的品牌形象,最终推动开平世遗文化的活化。  相似文献   

Surface welding with duplex stainless steel was performed to enhance the wear and corrosion properties of grey cast iron, which is used as material for applications as pump components in maritime and chemical environments. The method used for surface welding and the corresponding process parameters determine the chemical composition and microstructure, which both determine the corrosion and wear properties of the surface layer. High heat input leads to high chemical dilution and thus, reduced corrosion resistance. Slow cooling rates, which are recommended for welding of grey cast iron components, facilitate the formation of carbides in the fusion zone of the chromium‐rich duplex stainless steel surface layer. On the one hand, carbides lead to increased hardness and thus, improved wear resistance of the surface layers. On the other hand, carbides and high chemical dilution rates reduce the corrosion resistance and therefore should be avoided. Under high cooling rates, the risk of cracking in the heat affected zone of the grey cast iron increases due to martensitic phase transformations. The paper describes the correlation of process parameters, microstructure and chemical composition with a focus on carbon diffusion and carbide formation, ever considering the effect on the wear behaviour in an oscillation tribometer and under erosion‐corrosion conditions.  相似文献   

The evolution of approaches to the solution of machine dynamics and strength problems on the basis of determining static and dynamic nominal and local stresses of the operating load is discussed. It is shown how the material strength and plasticity characteristics, the cyclic strength characteristics in the high-cycle and low-cycle fatigue regions, the high-temperature long-term strength and creep characteristics, and the linear and nonlinear characteristics of fracture mechanics were sequentially used as the basic criterial parameters of the deformability and strength of structural materials. Particular emphasis was given to the results of studies on machine safety and catastrophe mechanics. Integrated approaches to the solution of strength and safety problems of potentially dangerous facilities (nuclear power stations, spacecraft complexes, aircraft, chemical plants, etc.) by analysis of all stages of their life cycle, including design, manufacture, testing, and operation, are discussed.  相似文献   

根据吉布斯自由能最小原理,计算了在500℃-1400℃范围内碱(K)、氯、硫的平衡组分和挥发率,并结合水泥窑炉的温度分布,对碱、氯、硫的循环富集特性进行了探讨。结果表明:氯的挥发性很强,在800℃以上几乎达到100%,挥发率急变的温度区域为650℃-800℃;硫和碱大约在1300℃左右全部挥发,氯促进硫和碱的挥发,在氯含量较低时,硫和碱挥发率在1000℃-1200℃之间变化较大,而在氯含量较高情况下,在650℃-800℃也是急剧变化。对应于水泥生产实际,循环富集比较严重的区域有二个:一是窑尾烟室及上升烟道区,二是次末级和最末级预热器。其中前者与碱和硫关系较大,而后者与氯关系较大。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an investigation into the free cooling efficiency in a heavyweight and lightweight low energy building using a mechanical ventilation system with two latent heat thermal energy storages (LHTESs), one for cooling the fresh supply air and the other for cooling the re-circulated indoor air. Both LHTESs contain sphere encapsulated PCM (paraffin RT20). Using a developed and experimentally verified numerical model of the LHTES, the temperature response functions, based on the heat storage size, the air flow rates and the PCM's thermal properties, are established in the form of a Fourier series and empirical equations and used in the TRNSYS building thermal response model. Several mechanical ventilation, night cooling and free cooling operation modes were analysed and compared. It was found that the free cooling technique enables a reduction in the size of the mechanical ventilation system, provides more favourable temperatures and therefore enables better thermal comfort conditions, and in our studied case also fresh air for the occupants.  相似文献   

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