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The effect of die design on the die drool phenomenon was investigated for metallocene based LLDPE. It has been found that die exit opening and the flared die design can significantly reduce the die drool phenomenon. Moreover, theoretical research has revealed that die drool onset can be explained by the negative/nonmonotonic pressure profile generated inside the die and/or at the die exit region. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

Die drool is an operational problem associated with polymer extrusion. The extrudate collects outside of the die, necessitating periodic disruptions for cleaning. There is a debate over the mechanism that produces die drool: stress induced fractionation or thermal degradation. This article examines the latter. In cohesive failure, a slip discontinuity develops in the velocity profile, where frictional heating occurs. This slip heating can contribute to resin degradation, resulting in lower molecular weight fragments in the die drool. This article examines resin degradation kinetics and its influence on die drool rates and on the resulting drool layer and bulk polymer concentration profiles.  相似文献   

聚合物挤出过程中壁面滑移现象研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对聚合物挤出加工中引起表面质量缺陷的壁面滑移现象及其产生机理进行了总结,并对滑移产生的机理作了以下几种解释:滑移发生在口模壁面的吸附一解吸,发生在口模与熔体间润滑层的缠结一解缠,滑移既可能是口模壁面的吸附一解吸,也可能是在滑移层的缠结一解缠或两种情况同时出现,与口模材料和聚合物熔体有关。阐述了壁面滑移区域、滑移速度的测定和计算方法,介绍了用在口模与聚合物熔体之间建立气垫膜层采用气体辅助挤出等完全滑移方式挤出以提高挤出速度的几种方法。  相似文献   

介绍单、双螺杆挤出机的特征,主要结构与工作原理,以及典型挤出口模。  相似文献   

分析了塑料异型材口模挤出中流变学问题的研究现状,并对今后的研究内容提出了建议。  相似文献   

综述了国内外数值研究聚合物挤出口模设计的进展。在壁面无滑移条件下,早期数值模拟了聚乙烯、硬质聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯、丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯、聚苯乙烯、橡胶等聚合物口模挤出过程,优化设计了棒材、管材、板材和异型材的挤出口模。近年来,数值研究壁面滑移条件和工艺条件对口模流道内熔体流场的影响,深入研究制品的离模膨胀行为。研究表明,改善壁面条件有助于减小聚合物制品的离模膨胀比,有利于提高制品品质。  相似文献   

The rheological characterization of highly filled suspensions consisting of a Newtonian matrix (hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene), mixed with two different sizes of aluminum powder (30% and above by volume) and two different sizes of glass beads (50% and above by volume), was performed using a parallel disk rheometer with emphasis on the wall slip phenomenon. The effects of the solid content, particle size, type of solid particle material, and temperature on slip velocity and slip layer thickness were investigated. Suspensions of small particles of aluminum (mean diameter of 5.03 μm) did not show slip at any concentration up to the maximum packing fraction. However, suspensions of the other particles exhibited slip at the wall, at concentrations close to their maximum packing fraction. In these suspensions, the slip velocity increased linearly with the shear stress, and at constant shear stress, the slip velocity increased with increasing temperature. The slip layer thickness increased proportionally with increasing size of the particles for the glass beads. Up to a certain value of (filler content/maximum packing fraction), ϕ/ϕm, the slip layer thickness divided by the particle diameter, δ/DP, was 0, but it suddenly increased and reached a value that was independent of ϕ/ϕm and the temperature. On average, the ratio of δ/DP was 0.071 for aluminum and 0.037 for glass beads. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 70: 515–522, 1998  相似文献   

基于先进气辅口模完全滑移挤出成型过程的特点,建立了描述其成型过程的三维等温黏弹性理论模型,并通过DEVSS/SUPG等稳态有限元技术,建立了与该模型相适应的高效稳态有限元数值算法。通过数值模拟,研究了气辅口模完全滑移挤出成型机理,并给出了不同材料流变性能与其离模膨胀形貌的规律性关系,还揭示了其影响机理。数值模拟结果与R.H.Liang的实验结论相吻合。  相似文献   

When it comes to the design of extrusion line components such as single‐screw extruders or extrusion dies, no one has yet succeeded in developing a well‐functioning concept for wall‐slipping materials. This article examines the fundamental influences of the wall slippage effect on flow behavior in the extrusion die and plastification unit. New and extended methods of calculation for describing this flow phenomenon are presented for both these extrusion line components, and the general possibilities for linking the two approaches are discussed.

Diagram of the flow curve (τ = shear stress, = shear rate) of wall‐slipping plastics for constant pressure.  相似文献   

使用HAAKE挤出流变仪研究了聚丙烯发泡塑料挤出胀大行为,考察了毛细管数、螺杆转速和温度等参数与PP发泡塑料挤出胀大的关系,同时指出气泡的存在对发泡制品挤出胀大有较大影响,分析了气泡体积的大小等对PP发泡塑料的挤出胀大的影响。  相似文献   

在壁面滑移的边界条件下,利用流体有限元分析软件Polyflow,采用Giesekus本构方程,对L型塑料异型材进行了三维等温共挤出数值模拟。分析了滑移系数对共挤出胀大和粘性包围、口模出口面的剪切速率场及共挤出口模压力降的影响。研究表明,随着滑移系数的增大,共挤出胀大和粘性包围、口模出口面的最大剪切速率及口模压力降也逐渐增大,且滑移系数介于105和108之间时增速最大;滑移系数越小,共挤出制品质量越好。  相似文献   

基于流变学和流体动力学理论,经合理假设,建立了描述异型材气辅口模挤出成型过程的三维等温黏弹性理论模型,并通过DEVSS/SUPG、最小元法Mini—Element和罚函数法等稳态有限元技术,建立了与该模型相适应的快速收敛的稳态有限元数值算法,并以此通过有限元数值模拟,系统研究了聚合物异型材气辅口模挤出成型过程的机理。研究结果表明:在异型材的挤出成型过程中,随着滑移系数的增大,离模膨胀也增大。聚合物异型材气辅挤出成型能基本消除挤出成型中的离模膨胀和翘曲变形。同时,解决了由于离模膨胀和翘曲变形引起的挤出口模难于设计的技术难题。  相似文献   

Slip flow in ducts occurs in many practical fluid transport situations. The method of eigenfunction expansion and collocation is used to solve the velocity distribution for slip flow in ducts of polygonal, elliptic and cuspidal cross sections. The friction factor‐ Reynolds number products are tabulated.  相似文献   

应用FLUENT软件对微孔塑料连续挤出成型过程中的快速降压口模内的熔体流动进行数值模拟,经过简化及边界处理,分别研究了微孔塑料在不同CO2浓度、不同流量和不同温度条件下微孔塑料连续挤出过程中快速降压口模中的压力和速度分布情况。结果表明:压力降随熔体温度和CO2浓度的升高而降低,随熔体流量的升高而增大。导管中的速度也几乎均匀分布,在毛细管人口处中心线速度突然增大。熔体流量和CO2浓度的变化对口模压降和口模速度的影响比较大,而温度的变化对其影响要小得多。  相似文献   

A theoretical study for analyzing the uniformity of flow from sheeting extrusion dies is presented. In this study it is assume that a slip condition exists at the wall of the die, the magnitude of slip velocity is proportional to the shear stress at the wall, the flow is isothermal and steady state, and a power law model is valid for viscosity. Two extrusion dies, T-dies and coat-hanger dies, are examined. The flow uniformity at the exit of the die is calculated and compared with that for a nonslip analysis. The discrepancies between the slip and nonslip models imply that the wall slip condition induces a significant nonuniform flow distribution. Traditional design criticism based on the nonslip model are invalid for flow with the wall slip condition, and it is necessary to increase the length of the die land to even the flow distribution at the exit of the die.  相似文献   

Gas-assisted sheet extrusion is a promising and environment-friendly method used in polymer processing. Insufficient gas intake due to the adherence of the polymer melt to the inlet gap is a disadvantage of the method. Therefore, in this study an improved die assembly with parallel gas intake was designed. As the melt is prone to falling at the die exit during the horizontal extrusion process, different thickness settings are used for the up and down gas layers (0.25 and 0.75 mm, respectively) to avoid this. For the improved die assembly, the gas inlet pressure may be varied systematically to study the mechanism of stable sheet extrusion. When the gas inlet pressure is 0.1 MPa, the melt can be extruded smoothly, and the extruded sheet surface is transparent and flat. However, when the optimum pressure is exceeded, the extruded sheet becomes twisted or even broken.  相似文献   

介绍了研制的超宽幅橡胶片材挤出机头以及相关挤出机的主要技术参数。重点介绍了保障该重大装备制造成功的基础理论研究工作。首套超宽幅胶片挤出生产线试车情况显示,其核心部分——机头在保证片材质量的同时,可生产出厚度为2~20mm,幅宽达2800mm的橡胶片材,同时也验证理论分析方法和模拟结果的正确性。  相似文献   

聚丙烯腈-二甲基亚砜溶液挤出胀大的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
使用毛细管流变仪对聚丙烯腈(PAN)的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)溶液的挤出胀大进行了研究。研究发现,孔口胀大比(B)随表观剪切速率(γ)、溶液浓度的增大而增大;随毛细管长径比(L/D)增大、温度(T)升高、滤布层数(N)增多而减小;L/D增大或γ增大时,孔口胀大比活化能(EB)下降,C%增大,EB也增加。  相似文献   

橡胶在挤出口型流动中的壁面滑移现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壁面滑移的产生、发展和转型,与胶料的温度、流动速率、压力有关。它一般发生在挤出口型出口处附近。壁面滑移速度宜用毛细管流变仪测定。产生此现象的临界切应力为0.1 ̄0.4MPa。对该领域的研究进展进行了简单述评。  相似文献   

胥永林 《塑料制造》2013,(10):52-54
在冷挤压模具制造企业的实践工作中,通过对冷挤压模具的制造工艺技术反复研讨,对冷挤压模具材料的工艺深入分析,得出了冷挤压模具的材料选用和工艺处理方法,大大提高了冷挤压模具的使用寿命。  相似文献   

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