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为探讨银离子缓释的载体制备及载银抗菌剂的抑菌功能,采用浸渍提拉法制备银系无机抗菌材料,通过银离子的抗菌机理,调试银离子浓度对抗菌性能的影响.实验证明将TiO2与银、铜等离子复合发挥相互补充的抗菌作用,具有明显的抑菌功能. 相似文献
李会改 《成都纺织高等专科学校学报》2016,(3):203-205
银系抗菌纤维被广泛用于制备抗菌纺织品,市场前景巨大。论述了银系抗菌纤维的制备方法和缓释性能、抗菌性能、安全性能及其应用领域。 相似文献
抗菌纤维及纺织品应用前景巨大。概述了抗菌纤维的分类、测试方法及抗菌纺织品的应用,以期对后续抗菌产品的研究提供指导。 相似文献
楚久英 《成都纺织高等专科学校学报》2016,(4):194-196
银系抗菌纺织品因其广谱抗菌、抗菌性持久高效、不易产生抗药性、对人体皮肤无刺激等优点,正日益被关注,广泛应用于服装、家纺、医疗等领域。论述了银系抗菌纺织品的抗菌性能、安全性能、制备方法及测试方法,并指出银系抗菌纺织品目前存在的一些问题。 相似文献
根据抗菌剂种类的不同,对抗菌剂进行了分类概述,并分析了各种抗菌剂的优缺点;对各类抗菌剂的作用机理进行了重点阐述;论述了近年来抗菌材料的发展,指出了未来抗菌材料研究与发展方向。 相似文献
介绍了气体在多孔,致密和复合无机膜中的渗透机理及其计算模型。模型能与实验数据较好地吻合,可用于估算膜的结构参数和气体渗透系数以识别膜性能的优劣。 相似文献
壳聚糖抗菌性能优良 ,文中阐述了壳聚糖的抗菌机理及其常见的抗菌织物加工方法 ,指出传统方法在目前都有各自的不足 ;分析后认为直接纺纱织造法比较适合壳聚糖抗菌织物的开发 ,壳聚糖应该在纺织加工上得到更广泛的应用 . 相似文献
CHMA医用广谱抗菌耐洗涤织物的应用性能测试及临床应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
制备了CHMA医用广谱抗菌耐洗涤织物。实验表明,该抗菌织物具有抗菌谱广,抗菌作用强,作用时间短和耐洗涤等特点。 相似文献
CaHPO4无机抗菌陶瓷的制备 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以磷酸氢钙为载体,银锌离子为抗菌剂,在1100℃氧化气氛下烧结制得抗菌性能显著、耐候性稳定的抗菌陶瓷.分别研究银离子和混合离子(Ag^+和Zn^2+)抗菌陶瓷的抗菌性能及烧结对抗菌性能和耐候性的影响.实验表明:银离子抗菌材料具有较好的抗菌性能,但耐候性较差;加入锌离子不仅能提高材料的抗菌能力,还能改善材料的耐候性;烧结有利于改善材料的耐候性;SEM显示抗菌离子在基体上分布比较均匀. 相似文献
The liquid ion exchange method, solid salt melt method and dry-wet circulation method were used to prepare natural porous antimicrobial materials with natural minerals, such as zeolite, spilite, palygorskite and montmorillonite, respectively. Atomic absorption spectrum and X-ray diffraction analysis were carried out to investigate the effects of Ag^+ , Cu^2+ and Zn^2+ on antimicrobial abilities of natural porous minerals, and the effect of preparation method on ion exchange capacity of antimicrobial material, respectively. The results show that for the ion exchange capacity, clay mineral is higher than fibrous mineral, i.e. both zeolite and montmorillonite are higher; the antimicrobial ability of material with Ag^+ is the bests the exchange capacities of materials with Cu^2+ or Zn^2+ are all higher, but the antimicrobial ability of Cu^2+ is better than that of Zn^2+ . 相似文献
Dong Fa-qin Li Guo-wu Sun Zhi-gang Shen Gang Feng Qi-ming Dai Qun-wei 《中南工业大学学报(英文版)》2005,12(4):370-375
The liquid ion exchange method, solid salt melt method and dry-wet circulation method were used to prepare natural porous
antimicrobial materials with natural minerals, such as zeolite, spilite, palygorskite and montmorillonite, respectively. Atomic
absorption spectrum and X-ray diffraction analysis were carried out to investigate the effects of Ag+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ on antimicrobial abilities of natural porous minerals, and the effect of preparation method on ion exchange capacity of antimicrobial
material, respectively. The results show that for the ion exchange capacity, clay mineral is higher than fibrous mineral,
i. e. both zeolite and montmorillonite are higher; the antimicrobial ability of material with Ag+ is the best; the exchange capacities of materials with Cu2+ or Zn2+ are all higher, but the antimicrobial ability of Cu2+ is better than that of Zn2+.
Foundation item: Project (40072020) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; project (2001AA322070) supported by the
National High Technology Research and Development Program of China 相似文献
并联机器人的理论及应用研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
并联机构刚度大,承载能力强,精度高,运动惯性小,备受人们关注。对并联机器人的理论、应用研究及国内外发展现状进行了详尽综述,指出并联机器人理论及应用研究领域有待深入开展的研究工作方向。 相似文献
板件圆点冲压连接技术及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过与铆接、螺纹连接、点焊等普通连接技术对比,介绍了一种新型的板件圆点冲压连接技术的特点及工作原理,较详细地分析了材料变形过程的成型机理和连接点的性能、质量,展望了该技术的应用前景。 相似文献
纳米TiO2光催化原理及其在环保领域的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
尹飞 《天津城市建设学院学报》2002,8(4):277-282
纳米TiO2是目前最受人们关注的光催化剂之一,系统介绍了纳米TiO2光催化剂的光催化机理及其在污水处理,空气净化,杀菌,表面自洁材料等环保领域的应用前景。 相似文献
Structure, properties and application to water-soluble coatings of complex antimicrobial agent Ag-carboxymethyl chitosan-thiabendazole 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The structure, properties and application to water-soluble coatings of a new complex antimicrobial agent Ag-carboxylmethyl citosan-thiabendazole (Ag-CMCTS-TBZ) prepared from different materiel ratios were reported. The silver ions were preferably coordinated with the free-NH2 groups and the -OH groups of secondary alcohol and carboxyl in CMCTS. TBZ preferably bonded to carboxyl group in CMCTS by electrostatic force and hydrogen bonding. Increase in silver ions content in the complex agent improved to some limited extent the antibacterial activity, but enhanced coloring and cost of the complex agent. Increase in TBZ content resulted in increase of antifungal activity, but decrease of water solubility of the complex agent. The antimicrobial MICs of the complex agent to Esherichia coil, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Mucor sp. were 20 -80, 15 -60, 20 - 55, 40 - 250, and 400 - 1700 mg/kg, respectively. Addition of 0.1% of this complex agent to acrylic emulsion paint made the paint without substantial change in color, luster, viscosity, odor or pH value, but with an excellent and chronically persisting broad-spectra antimicrobial activity. 相似文献
The inorganic antimicrobial material was inhibited to the microbes with the added metal ion,Zn.The primary wet product carrying 5%-10% zinc ion was generated under the following conditions:temperature was 95 ℃,solution zinc concentration was 1.2-2.0 mol/L,and the ratio of Zn solution to zeolite weight was 5:1.The final stable product was manufactured after baking in an oven for 1-3 h at the temperature of 500-900 ℃.The baked material was tested for its disinfection effectiveness and coloring effect when mixed with paint coating.Based on the final batch of tests,the zinc content of this anti-microbial product was further optimized. 相似文献
硼酸盐添加剂的抗磨机理研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过在环块式磨损试验机和点接触摩擦磨损试验机上对加入硼酸盐添加刘的润滑油进行了边界润滑下摩擦学参数的测量和分析,并用俄歇电子能谱(AES)对磨痕表面进行了元素成分及其相对原子浓度比的分析,证实了硼酸盐添加剂具有较小的减摩作用和良好的抗磨性能;发现磨痕表面元素的相对原子浓度比随着摩擦条件的变化而变化。研究认为,硼酸盐添加剂的抗磨性能主要是由于硼酸盐粒子吸附和/或沉积在金属表面上的微球润滑层和易在表面生成化学反应膜所引起。 相似文献
A great deal of questions in natural science andengineering can be transformed into solution questionsof non-linear equations.How to find all solutions ofnon-linear equations fleetly and effectively is the ques-tion mathematics workers and project experts… 相似文献
介绍了溶胶和凝胶的基本概念、特性;溶胶-凝胶合成法中的反应起始物、主要化学问题、影响溶胶-凝胶形成的因素以及产品的热处理工艺;溶胶-凝胶合成法的优点、存在的问题及近期应用进展. 相似文献