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Gene therapy for neurological diseases is a rapidly expanding field in neurosciences. It has been demonstrated that some viral vectors from HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1), Ad (adenovirus) and AAV (adeno-associated virus) can transfer foreign genes into nondividing cell types (including neurons). In addition, physical/chemical methods are also used in direct in vivo gene transfer. The direct gene transfer techniques will open a new way to study neurophysiology, neuropathology and therapy for neurological diseases at molecular level. They will hopefully lead to surprising progress in gene therapy for neurological diseases.  相似文献   

In addition to its role as a survival factor, nerve growth factor (NGF) has been implicated in initiating apoptosis in restricted cell types both during development and after terminal cell differentiation. NGF binds to the TrkA tyrosine kinase and the p75 neurotrophin receptor, a member of the tumor necrosis factor cytokine family. To understand the mechanisms underlying survival versus death decisions, the TrkA receptor was introduced into oligodendrocyte cell cultures that undergo apoptosis in a p75-dependent manner. Here we report that activation of the TrkA NGF receptor in oligodendrocytes negates cell death by the p75 receptor. TrkA-mediated rescue from apoptosis correlated with mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. Concurrently, activation of TrkA in oligodendrocytes resulted in suppression of c-jun kinase activity initiated by p75, whereas induction of NFkappaB activity by p75 was unaffected. These results indicate that TrkA-mediated rescue involves not only activation of survival signals but also simultaneous suppression of a death signal by p75. The selective interplay between tyrosine kinase and cytokine receptors provides a novel mechanism that achieves alternative cellular responses by merging signals from different ligand-receptor systems.  相似文献   

For the application of gene therapy to bladder cancer, we examined four in vivo gene transfer methods without viral vectors. For lipofection cationic liposomes (Lipofectin) were instilled into murine bladders. The hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ)-liposomes possessing membrane fusion activity were also injected intraluminally. Using a particle gun, rabbit bladder mucosa was bombarded with DNA-coated gold microcarriers. Electrotransfection was examined in rabbit bladder by pulse direct currents (0.15-0.2 A, 50 msec, repeated 8 times) generated between needle electrodes after submucous injection of DNA solution. beta-galactosidase gene and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene were used as marker genes. Although lipofection was inefficient in normal urothelium, cancerous urothelium was transfected slightly. HVJ-liposomes more efficiently transfected superficial layers of urothelium with a peak of expression on day 5. The particle gun produced non-uniform but efficient transfection in deeper layers of the urothelium. By electrotransfection, submucous interstitial cells were transfected as well as urothelium. No major complications were observed after these four procedures. HVJ-liposomes are potentially useful for the treatment of carcinoma in situ and the latter two methods may be suitable for the adjuvant therapy of localized bladder tumors.  相似文献   

Among the nonviral techniques for gene transfer in vivo, the direct injection of plasmid DNA into muscle is simple, inexpensive, and safe. Applications of this method have been limited by the relatively low expression levels of the transferred gene. We investigated the applicability of in vivo electroporation for gene transfer into muscle, using plasmid DNA expressing interleukin-5 (IL-5) as the vector. The tibialis anterior muscles of mice were injected with the plasmid DNA, and then a pair of electrode needles were inserted into the DNA injection site to deliver electric pulses. Five days later, the serum IL-5 levels were assayed. Mice that did not receive electroporation had serum levels of 0.2 ng/ml. Electroporation enhanced the levels to over 20 ng/ml. Histochemical analysis of muscles injected with a lacZ expression plasmid showed that in vivo electroporation increased both the number of muscle fibers taking up plasmid DNA and the copy number of plasmids introduced into the cells. These results demonstrate that gene transfer into muscle by electroporation in vivo is more efficient than simple intramuscular DNA injection.  相似文献   

One of the major limitations to current gene therapy is the low-level and transient vector gene expression due to poorly defined mechanisms, possibly including promoter attenuation or extinction. Because the application of gene therapy vectors in vivo induces cytokine production through specific or nonspecific immune responses, we hypothesized that cytokine-mediated signals may alter vector gene expression. Our data indicate that the cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibit transgene expression from certain widely used viral promoters/enhancers (cytomegalovirus, Rous sarcoma virus, simian virus 40, Moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat) delivered by adenoviral, retroviral or plasmid vectors in vitro. A constitutive cellular promoter (beta-actin) is less sensitive to these cytokine effects. Inhibition is at the mRNA level and cytokines do not cause vector DNA degradation, inhibit total cellular protein synthesis, or kill infected/transfected cells. Administration of neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody results in enhanced transgene expression in vivo. Thus, standard gene therapy vectors in current use may be improved by altering cytokine-responsive regulatory elements. Determination of the mechanisms involved in cytokine-regulated vector gene expression may improve the understanding of the cellular disposition of vectors for gene transfer and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Gene transfer techniques have now achieved clinical realization in the wake of recent advances in recombinant DNA technology, together with increased understanding of the molecular biology and immunology of cancer. These novel treatments, and their applications and limitations merit intensive study.  相似文献   

Despite advances in neurosurgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the prognosis of patients with malignant brain tumors remains grim. New approaches, particularly molecular strategies, have become the clinician's and scientist's hope for the future in brain tumor therapy. Several molecular approaches have been shown to have in vitro and in vivo activities. These approaches include the use of retroviral vectors, herpes simplex viruses, antisense vectors, and antisense oligonucleotides. Preclinical studies of the retroviral vector have already been extended to clinical trials, clearly demonstrating the clinical potential of these molecular therapies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of a self-reported periodontal disease measure for use in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. METHODS: Participating dentists responded to the question "Have you had periodontal disease with bone loss?" Radiographs obtained from 140 participants were evaluated for bone loss at 32 posterior sites and used as the standard. A site was positive if it had bone loss > 2 mm and/or complete loss of crestal lamina dura. To avoid falsely classifying participants as positive, three blinded examiners independently evaluated each participant's radiographs. An a priori decision rule was used to classify a participant positive if all examiners independently assessed the same two or more sites positive. RESULTS: The validity of the self-reported measure was good among dentists, with positive and negative predictive values of 0.76 and 0.74, respectively. Among nondentists, the self-reported measure showed discriminatory power by confirming associations with known risk factors such as age and smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Dentists have a good perception of their periodontal status, and there is reasonable consensus among dentists regarding the threshold for defining periodontal disease. Self-reported measures might have potential for use in studies of other populations with substantial cost reduction, and deserve further evaluation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the impact of murine recombinant IFN-gamma and anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody on the BALB/c mice experimental model of lupus. BALB/c female mice were immunized with a human anti-DNA antibody that carries the 16/6 idiotype. These mice were divided into several therapeutic groups according to different treatment strategies; injection with mouse recombinant IFN-gamma, anti-IFN-gamma mAb, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), irrelevant mouse IgG and control groups that were neither treated nor immunized with the human anti-DNA antibody. The administration of IFN-gamma, intensified the degree of clinical, histological and serological parameters in this model of BALB/c murine lupus. This immunomanipulation decreased the mice longevity. All the laboratory parameters reflected acceleration of the disease in the IFN-gamma treated group as an elevated sedimentation rate, decreased white blood cell count and the development of massive proteinuria. One month after the boost injection, all the mice that were immunized with the anti-DNA antibody, developed high titers of autoantibodies; however, following an additional month, their levels declined in the IFN-gamma treated group. These findings were in concordance with an increased glomerular deposition of immune complexes in the IFN-gamma treated mice. IFN-gamma upregulated the levels of IL-4 and increased the number of IL-4 and IL-6 secreting splenocytes. In conclusion IFN-gamma administration can aggravate the clinical and laboratory outcome of 16/6 id induced lupus in BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) has been shown to vary among different parts of the world. This could result from environmental or hereditary factors. Studies of other congenital diseases have shown that immigrants tend to retain the incidence of their country of origin while their children acquire the incidence of their new homeland, suggesting an environmental influence. This study aimed to assess the differences in the incidence of CH among immigrants from different parts of the world and to study the effects of immigration on its occurrence. METHODS: During the 9-year period between 1979 and 1987, 196 Jewish infants with primary CH were born in Israel; this constitutes an incidence of 1:3354 live births. We collected data from hospitals, endocrine pediatric clinics and the children's parents regarding the birth place of the parents and grandparents of those infants. These data were compared with the birth place of the parents and grandparents of all infants born in Israel during that period in order to learn about the incidence of CH among infants of different origins and to compare the incidence between children of parents born in Israel and those of immigrants of the same grandparental origin. RESULTS: CH incidence was lower among offspring of mothers and fathers of Israeli origin (1:4717 and 1:4255 live births respectively) and higher among those of African mothers (1:2950) and Asian fathers (1:2941). Parents of Asian or African origin, born in Israel have a lower incidence of CH-affected children compared with parents of the same origin born in their own continent. This trend is reversed for European and American parents, for whom being born in Israel is related to an increase in the CH incidence in their children. The difference in CH incidence between offspring of parents born in Israel and those of parents born in their original country was statistically significant (P < 0.05). In the different origin groups the gender of the parent did not influence significantly the incidence of CH. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental changes resulting from immigration can influence the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

The cytostatic action of Propionibacterium granulosum was studied in a mouse sarcoma in vivo. Kinetic analysis of tumor cells 28 days after tumor implantation and systemic immunotherapy showed that the cell cycle time was identical in both treated and untreated tumors. P. granulosum treatment resulted in a marked prolongation of the S phase and shortening of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. A pronounced drop in the number of labeled interphases and the reduction of the growth fraction were observed in tumors obtained from mice given injection of P. granulosum. Cloning efficiency of tumor cells from P. granulosum treated animals was quantitatively similar to that of control animals and only differences in the size of lung colonies were observed.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is a multifunctional cytokine that mediates survival and differentiation of neurons as well as many other cell types. In this study, CNTF and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) reduced the apparent number of primary serotonergic neurons in E14 raphe culture by 90% as determined by immunocytochemistry for serotonin (5HT). The reduction in 5HT cell number was not due to neuronal loss as removal of CNTF after 4 days in culture resulted in a partial restitution of the serotonergic phenotype. In the RN46A serotonergic cell line which is induced to become serotonergic by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the addition of CNTF suppressed tryptophan hydroxylase and 5HT synthesis and increased choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) expression by 6-fold and ChAT activity by 20- to 30-fold over 12 days. As with the primary neurons, removal and replacement of CNTF with BDNF after 4 days resulted in a partial restitution of 5HT expression. Moreover, other members of the CNTF-cytokine family that use gp130 and/or LIF receptor beta as their signal transducing receptors-LIF, oncostatin M, interleukin 6, and interleukin 11-had similar effects on increasing ChAT activity and reducing 5HT expression in RN46A cells. Analysis of 5HT levels showed no significant difference in the amount of serotonin between wild-type and CNTFR alpha knockout mice at birth, suggesting that the potential to switch phenotype mediated through CNTFR alpha is a latent property of neuroepithelial precursors in the raphe nucleus.  相似文献   

The identification of tumor-associated Ags recognized by CD8+ CTL and prevention of tumor outgrowth by adoptive transfer of these CTL demonstrates that CD8+ T cells play a major role in antitumor immunity. We have generated B16.F10 melanoma cells that express the glycoprotein epitope amino acid 33-41 (GP33) of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) to examine antitumor CD8+ T cell response in C57BL/6 mice immune to LCMV and in mice transgenic for the LCMV GP33-specific P14 TCR (P14 TCR mice). We find that B16.F10GP33 tumor cells grew in syngeneic C57BL/6 mice without inducing T cell tolerance. LCMV infection or adoptive transfer of LCMV-specific effector T cells delayed but did not prevent growth of preestablished tumors in these mice. However, B16.F10GP33 tumor cells were rejected in mice immune to LCMV and in mice treated with LCMV-specific effector T cells on the same day as the tumor. Surprisingly, B16.F10GP33 tumor cells grew in P14 TCR transgenic mice despite an abundance of tumor-associated Ag-specific CD8+ T cells. In these mice, freshly isolated tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes exhibited an activated phenotype and displayed high GP33-specific cytolytic activity when assessed ex vivo. Thus, B16.F10GP33 melanoma cells are able to initiate, but not to sustain, a GP33-specific CTL response sufficient to clear the tumor enduringly.  相似文献   

The Fas antigen is a transmembrane receptor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) receptor family that, when activated by Fas ligand or agonistic antibodies, induces death by apoptosis. Although the presence of Fas antigen in ovarian tissues has been demonstrated, little is known about whether Fas antigen is functional in the ovary. This report shows that murine granulosa cells are initially resistant to antibody-induced Fas-mediated apoptosis, but will undergo apoptosis when cotreated with TNF and interferon-gamma (IFN) or cycloheximide (CX). Granulosa cells were obtained from follicles of 23-day-old mice 2 days after injection of PMSG. Twenty-four hours after plating, cells were pretreated with either 0 or 200 U/ml IFN, which has been shown to induce Fas antigen expression and is required for Fas-mediated killing in many cell types. At 48 h, cells were treated with 2 microg/ml control IgG, 2 microg/ml anti-Fas antigen antibody (Fas mAb), 10 ng/ml TNF, or Fas mAb and TNF. Cytotoxicity (percent killing) relative to control IgG was determined at 72 h by counting granulosa cells after trypsinization. In the absence of IFN, no cytotoxicity was observed. In the presence of IFN, neither TNF or Fas mAb alone was cytotoxic, but the combination of Fas mAb and TNF resulted in 25% killing (P < 0.05). Fas antigen messenger RNA (mRNA) was detectable in cultures not treated with cytokines and was increased 5-fold by TNF, 2-fold by IFN, and 17-fold by the combination of IFN and TNF. To test whether the presence of a labile inhibitor(s) of Fas-mediated killing in granulosa cells is the cause of resistance to Fas mAb, the protein synthesis inhibitor CX was used. Experiments were performed as described above, except that cells were treated with 0.5 microg/ml CX in conjunction with other treatments at 48 h. Fas mAb treatment in the presence of CX induced 25% cell death without IFN pretreatment and 38% with IFN (P < 0.05). TNF treatment in the presence of CX had no effect alone, but potentiated the effects of Fas mAb, resulting in 56% killing in the absence of IFN and 86% killing in the presence of IFN (P < 0.05). Cells stained positively for DNA fragmentation and annexin V binding, features characteristic of apoptosis. Because initial experiments showed that treatment with TNF alone increased Fas mRNA levels, the effect of pretreating cells for 24 h with TNF before treatment with Fas mAb was tested. Pretreatment with TNF or IFN alone did not promote Fas mAb-mediated killing, but combined pretreatment with TNF and IFN resulted in 25% killing in response to Fas mAb. Treatment of cells with the combination of IFN and TNF induced a 19-fold increase in Fas antigen mRNA levels. Corresponding increases in Fas antigen protein expression on the surface of cells in response to cytokine treatments were detected by immunocytochemistry. Human TNF did not duplicate the effects of mouse TNF in inducing Fas antigen mRNA expression and Fas mAb-induced killing. As human TNF interacts exclusively with the type I, but not the type II, TNF receptor in the mouse, potentiating effects of mouse TNF on the Fas pathway are probably mediated via the type II TNF receptor. The effects of cytokine treatments on levels of mRNA for FAP-1, an inhibitor of Fas-mediated apoptosis, were determined. FAP-1 mRNA was detectable in untreated granulosa cells, and levels were not altered by treatment with TNF and/or IFN. In summary, the Fas-mediated pathway of apoptosis is functional in mouse granulosa cells that are stimulated with IFN and TNF. These cytokines may function at least partially by increasing Fas antigen expression. Granulosa cells appear to have inhibitors of the Fas antigen pathway, as treatment with CX potentiates Fas-mediated death. TNF promotes Fas-mediated killing in the presence and absence of CX. Therefore, TNF is not likely to act simply by increasing Fas antigen expression or decreasing protein inhibitors of the Fas pathway, because TNF remains effec  相似文献   

Retroviral gene transfer to liver without prior injury has not yet been accomplished. We hypothesized that recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor would stimulate proliferation of hepatocytes and allow for efficient in vivo gene transfer with high titer murine Moloney retroviral vectors. This report shows that 48 h after intravenous injection of keratinocyte growth factor, hepatocyte proliferation increased approximately 40-fold compared to non-stimulated livers. When keratinocyte growth factor treatment was followed by intravenous injection of high titer (1 x 10(8) colony forming units/ml) retrovirus coding for the Escherichia Coli beta-galactosidase gene, there was a 600-fold increase in beta-galactosidase expression, with 2% of hepatocytes transduced. Thus, by exploiting the mitogenic properties of keratinocyte growth factor, retrovirus-mediated gene transfer to liver may be accomplished in vivo without the use of partial hepatectomy or pretreatment with other toxins to induce hepatocyte cell division.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of cefamandole and cephalothin were carried out in 32 cancer patients. After rapid intravenous injection of 1 gm cefamandole or cephalothin, the peak mean serum concentrations in 11 patients achieved at 0.25 hr were 103.4 mcg/ml and 56.7 mcg/ml, respectively. Except at 6 hr, the serum concentration of cefamandole was higher (p less than 0.05) at all times. The terminal half-lives (t 1/2) were similar, being 1.2 hr for cefamandole and 1.0 hr for cephalothin. Cefamandole, 1 gm intramuscularly, induced a peak mean serum concentration of 26.6 mcg/ml at 1 hr, with a slow decay. Intermittent cefamandole (2 gm intravenously every 6 hr) induced very high mean serum concentrations (7 patients), but at 4 hr the concentrations were similar to those after 1 gm intravenously. Per cent of urinary excretion was similar for both drugs regardless of dose and mode of administration. Continuous-infusion cefamandole or cephalothin (2 gm loading followed by 2 gm every 6 hr) in 14 patients showed consistently higher serum concentrations for cefamandole (p less than 0.05) over a 5-day period. There was no evidence of drug accumulation in the multiple-dose studies. Both the single- and multiple-dose schedules were well tolerated.  相似文献   

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