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In this paper results from large scale 4-point bending tests of pipe-segments are compared with numerical analyses using LINKpipe. The experiments were carried out as a part of the joint industry project Fracture Control - Offshore Pipelines. The comparisons between large scale testing of pipelines and numerical analyses also address the effect of biaxial loading on the strain capacity. The defect is positioned on the tension side of the pipe when applying the load. A parametric study on changing the nominal wall thickness of the pipe is carried out. Due to variation in the yield stress, a parametric study to see the effect of this variation was also performed. The results demonstrate that ductile crack growth and biaxial loading are important elements in fracture assessment procedures for pipelines.  相似文献   

In large components such as rotors defects due to manufacturing processes have to be taken into account and crack assessments based on findings of non-destructive evaluation are necessary. Approaches are used in remaining life estimations, for example:
• Time Dependent Failure Assessment Diagram (TDFAD),

• Two Criteria Diagram (2CD) and

• Nikbin–Smith–Webster-Model (NSW-Model).

The TDFAD approach is currently being developed within the R5 procedures as an alternative to conventional methods for predicting incubation and the early stages of Creep Crack growth. A key requirement of TDFAD approaches is the evaluation of a time dependent creep toughness, denoted Kc mat. The 2CD approach has been developed independently in Germany to assess Creep crack incubation in ferritic steels. This approach uses crack tip and ligament damage parameters, RK and Rσ, respectively. Furthermore the NSW-Model is employed for the estimation of creep crack initiation by using the creep fracture mechanics parameter C*. Calculations and used parameters were compared for a ferritic 1CrMoV-steel.  相似文献   

Application of stochastic filtering for lifetime prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces a stochastic filtering modeling approach for predicting the remaining lifetime of a component based on information on the stochastic degradation process and uncertain condition monitoring measurements. The model is illustrated by a case study, where the degradation is assumed to be a simplified fatigue crack growth process. The model accounts for uncertainties in both degradation process and condition measurements in a sound way. If completed with information on costs of monitoring, failure and replacement, such model could be used in optimizing both the condition monitoring intervals and, e.g. the replacement time for the component.  相似文献   


Testing and modelling of creep and creep/fatigue in welded components are essential tools for improving safe lifing methodologies. Key factors which determine a successful methodology for modelling failure in engineering components are good testing data and the development of appropriate and accurate correlating parameters to treat the results in a the unified and verifiable manner. This work considers the first two aspects and identifies important issues and improvements in the development and standardisation in creep and creep/fatigue crack growth testing or welds. Under the auspices of the Versailles Agreement on Materials and Standards (VAMAS) committee a Code of Practice on creep crack growth of components has been developed. The procedure identifies methods of testing for non-standard, welded feature test components in VAMAS TWA31 Technical Working Area on Creep and Creep/Fatigue Crack Growth of weldments containing residual stress. The overview highlights the important elements in these pre-standardisation collaborative efforts by presenting the methods of analyses and example of their application to standard fracture mechanics weld and feature type plate and pipe specimens.  相似文献   


This paper considers the prediction of creep crack growth (CCG) in different fracture mechanics geometries using finite element (FE) analysis based on a material independent simplified multiaxial failure strain model at the crack tip. The comparison is first made by modelling C(T) specimen tests under plane stress and plane strain conditions using creep properties of a C–Mn steel at 360°C. In addition, in order to examine CCG due to different geometries, a single edge notch specimen (SENT), centre cracked tension specimen (CCT) and three-point bending (3PB) specimen have been modelled and analysed. In all cases, it is found, depending on the geometry, that for this steel at low creep temperatures the applied load develops a high reference stress/yield stress (σrefy) ratio, which helps reduce constraint at the crack tip. The predictions are analysed under plane stress/plane strain loading conditions identifying the effects of geometry on cracking rates and the implications for predicting long term test or component failure times exceeding where the applied σrefy<<1.  相似文献   

In this work two grades of Isotactic polybutene-1 with a different degree of isotacticity have been investigated; fracture tests have been performed at various temperatures and testing speeds on DCB and SENB samples. Optical methods have been used to record crack advancement.Results of the tests have been interpreted using the fracture mechanics framework; a time–temperature superposition scheme has been adopted to describe crack propagation behaviour over several decades of time-scale. An analytical model has been applied to predict the lifetime of pressurised pipes from experimental fracture data. There is good agreement between model predictions and experimental data obtained from full-scale tests on real pipes.  相似文献   

The existing design rules give quite general guidelines to the fatigue assessment of different types of welded joints. The goal of this investigation was to give designers some tools, which would allow more precise assessment of the effect of dimensional variations on the fatigue strength. Therefore the fatigue behaviour of 12 common types of welded joints has been studied parametrically. Two-dimensional (2D) finite element models of the joint were made and evaluated using plane strain linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) calculations. The as-welded condition was assumed with the result that no crack initiation period was considered and stress ranges were fully effective. A maximum tangential stress criterion with the Paris’ crack growth law was used to predict the growth rate and direction of root and toe cracks under mixed mode KI-KII conditions. The effects of weld size and joint dimension ratios on the fatigue strength were systematically studied. In addition to tensile loading, bending and combined tension/bending moment loading in both directions are examined for positive and negative mean stress.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical and numerical study of time dependent crack growth at elevated temperatures. A triaxiality dependent damage model is used to represent the multiaxial creep ductility of the material and an analytical model to predict steady state crack growth in terms of the fracture parameter C, designated the NSW-MOD model, is presented. This model is an enhancement of the earlier NSW model for creep crack growth as it accounts for the dependence of stress and strain on angular position around the crack tip. Elastic-creep and elastic-plastic-creep finite element analyses are performed for a cracked compact tension specimen and the crack propagation rate in the specimen is predicted. It is found that in general the NSW-MOD model gives an accurate estimate of the crack growth rate when compared to the finite element predictions and experimental data for a carbon-manganese steel. However, crack growth rates predicted from the finite element analysis at low values of C may be higher than those predicted by either the NSW or NSW-MOD model. This enhanced level of crack growth may be associated with the non-steady state conditions experienced at the crack tip.  相似文献   

High-Cr ferritic heat-resistant steels are commonly used for boiler components in ultra-super critical thermal power plants operated at about 600 °C. In the welded joints of these steels, Type-IV cracks initiate in the fine-grained HAZ during long-term use at high temperatures, causing their creep strength to decrease. To assist the standardization of the testing and evaluation method for creep crack growth (CCG) in the welded components, we conducted round robin tests (RRT) using 9Cr-0.5Mo-1.8 W-V-Nb steel (ASME Grade 92 steel) welded joint as part of the VAMAS TWA31 collaboration. The CCG tests were carried out using the CT specimen and the circumferentially-notched round bar specimen for both the base metal and welded joint of Gr.92 steel. Testing was performed at four different laboratories. The effects of specimen configuration, temperature, load, and stress triaxiality conditions on the crack growth rate and fracture life were investigated.  相似文献   

A low cost numerical tool for the calculation of mode I stress intensity factors K in embedded and surface irregular cracks is presented in this paper. The proposed tool is an extension of the O-integral algorithm due to Oore and Burns for the assessment of embedded plane cracks using the weight function methodology. The performance of the O-integral is assessed first by comparing its K results to exact solutions for embedded elliptical and rectangular cracks. From the analysis of this data it is found that the error in the K results systematically depends on the crack aspect ratio and the local crack front curvature. Based on this evidence a corrective function is derived in order to remediate the limitations of the O-integral. Solutions due to Newman and Raju are used to account for the effects of free surfaces and finite thickness. The accuracy of the proposed procedure is assessed by solving a number of examples and by comparing the obtained results to those available in the literature.  相似文献   

Surface oxidation and ensuing damage substantially decrease the service life of High Temperature Polymer Matrix Composite (HTPMC) structures. Oxidative degradation behavior of composites is strongly dependent on the coupling between chemical and mechanical responses of the material. In a composite lamina, the onset of damage and subsequent coupled acceleration of both damage and oxidation are controlled by the transverse failure strength of the oxidized regions. The direct measurement of this strength from experimentation is challenging and cumbersome. A model-based methodology for estimating the mean transverse failure strength of the oxidized regions of a unidirectional composite is described in this paper. As the strength of the oxidized region is expected to show a high-degree of spatial variability, the estimated mean is shown to be relatively insensitive to the effect of strength variance. The developed methodology is illustrated with isothermal aging data available for a typical high-temperature composite system.  相似文献   

 Estimation of the frequency and spatial dependent boundary traction vector from measured vibration responses in a vibrating structure is addressed. This problem, also referred to as the inverse problem, may in some circumstances be ill-conditioned. Here a technique to overcome the ill-conditioning is proposed. A subset of a set of available eigenmodes is chosen such that the problem becomes well-conditioned enough. It is shown that the ill-conditioning originates from the fact that not all eigenmodes are orthogonal over the surface where the traction vector is sought. Consequently, by choosing a set of eigenmodes orthogonal over the surface of interest, the problem becomes well-conditioned. The calculated traction vector is shown to converge to the true one in the sense of a L2-norm on the boundary of the body. The proposed technique is verified, using numerical simulation of measured responses, with good agreement. Received: 10 January 2002 / Accepted: 24 October 2002 This work was performed under contract from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV). The funding provided is gratefully acknowledged. The author would like to thank all staff at the Structural Dynamics research group, Department of Structures and Materials, Aeronautics Division, Swedish Defence Research Agency.  相似文献   

This paper presents a direct traction boundary integral equation method (DTBIEM) for two-dimensional crack problems of materials. The traction boundary integral equation was collocated on both the external boundary and either side of the crack surfaces. The displacements and tractions were used as unknowns on the external boundary, while the relative crack opening displacement (RCOD) was chosen as unknowns on either side of crack surfaces to keep the single-domain merit. Only one side of the crack surfaces was concerned and needed to be discretized, thus the proposed method resulted in a smaller system of algebraic equations compared with the dual boundary element method (DBEM). A new set of crack-tip shape functions was constructed to represent the strain field singularity exactly, and the SIFs were evaluated by the extrapolation of the RCOD. Numerical examples for both straight and curved cracks are given to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the presented method.  相似文献   

For the compact tension (CT) specimen with a mismatched weld in creep properties, an equivalent homogeneity model is presented based on the limit load analysis. In use of the proposed equivalent material model and existing limit load solutions, the modified experimental C integral estimation equations for the CT specimens with weld centre crack, fusion line crack and asymmetric crack were derived. Finite element (FE) analysis for C integral of CT specimens with a mismatched weld was performed by using the ABAQUS software. Results show that, compared with the ηo factor for homogeneous CT specimens, a soft under-mismatched weld will increase the non-dimensional factor ηw while a hard over-mismatched weld will decrease the ηw value. It indicates that the current C estimation equation in ASTM E1457 may underestimate C for creep soft weld but overestimate it for creep-hard weld. The discrepancies between the C from ASTM E1457 and FE analysis are sensitive to the crack location in weld, to the mismatch ratio and to the weld width. Whether for under-mismatched weld (M < 1) or for over-mismatched weld considered herein, the predicted C parameters from the presented formulae are very close to FE results and thus can be used to interpret the creep crack growth behaviour of welded specimens.  相似文献   

This study presents a large experimental investigation in the transition temperature region on a modified A508 steel. Tests were carried out on single-edge-notch-bend specimens with three different crack depth over specimen width ratios to capture the strong constraint effect on fracture toughness. Three test temperatures were considered, covering a range of 85 °C. All specimens failed by cleavage fracture prior to ductile tearing. A recently proposed probabilistic model for the cumulative failure by cleavage was applied to the comprehensive sets of experimental data. This modified weakest link model incorporates a length scale, which together with a threshold stress reduce the scatter in predicted toughness distributions as well as introduces a fracture toughness threshold value. Model parameters were estimated by a robust procedure, which is crucial in applications of probabilistic models to real structures. The conformity between predicted and experimental toughness distributions, respectively, were notable at all the test temperatures.  相似文献   

In many cases the lifetime of technical structures and components is depending on the behaviour of cracks. Due to the complex geometry and loading situation in real-world structures cracks are often subjected to a superposition of normal, in-plane and out-of-plane loading. In this paper a new criterion for 3D crack growth under multiaxial loading, that means superposition of the fracture modes Mode I, II and III, is described. The criterion allows the prediction of three-dimensional crack surfaces advancing from arbitrary 3D crack fronts with the help of the two deflection angles 0 and 0. The underlying theory for the development of this new criterion is described in detail.  相似文献   

Many times, reliability studies rely on false premises such as independent and identically distributed time between failures assumption (renewal process). This can lead to erroneous model selection for the time to failure of a particular component or system, which can in turn lead to wrong conclusions and decisions. A strong statistical focus, a lack of a systematic approach and sometimes inadequate theoretical background seem to have made it difficult for maintenance analysts to adopt the necessary stage of data testing before the selection of a suitable model. In this paper, a framework for model selection to represent the failure process for a component or system is presented, based on a review of available trend tests. The paper focuses only on single-time-variable models and is primarily directed to analysts responsible for reliability analyses in an industrial maintenance environment. The model selection framework is directed towards the discrimination between the use of statistical distributions to represent the time to failure (“renewal approach”); and the use of stochastic point processes (“repairable systems approach”), when there may be the presence of system ageing or reliability growth. An illustrative example based on failure data from a fleet of backhoes is included.  相似文献   

Old grades of creep resistant materials such as P11 and P22 have been studied in depth and data and prediction models are available for design and fitness for service assessment of creep rupture, creep crack growth, thermo-mechanical fatigue, etc. However, as the 9%Cr material is relatively new, there is relatively limited data available and understanding with respect to quantifying the effect of variables on life prediction of components fabricated from P91 is more difficult. Since grade P91 steel was introduced in the 1980s as enhanced ferritic steel, it has been used extensively in high temperature headers and steam piping systems in power generating plant. However, evidence from pre-mature weld failures in P91 steel suggests that design standards and guidelines may be non-conservative for P91 welded pressure vessels and piping. Incidences of cracking in P91 welds have been reported in times significantly less than 100,000 h leading to safety and reliability concerns worldwide. This paper provides a review and reanalysis of published information using properties quoted in codes of practice and from recent research data regarding the creep crack growth of P91 steel, and uses existing models to predict its behaviour. Particular areas where existing data are limited in the literature are highlighted. Creep crack growth life is predicted based on short-term uniaxial creep crack growth (CCG) data. Design and assessment challenges that remain in treating P91 weld failures are then addressed in light of the analysis.  相似文献   

A cumulative fatigue damage model is presented to estimate fatigue life for high‐strength steels in high‐cycle and very‐high‐cycle fatigue regimes with fish‐eye mode failure, and a simple formula is obtained. The model takes into account the inclusion size, fine granular area (FGA) size, and tensile strength of materials. Then, the ‘equivalent crack growth rate’ of FGA is proposed. The model is used to estimate the fatigue life and equivalent crack growth rate for a bearing steel (GCr15) of present investigation and four high‐strength steels in the literature. The equivalent crack growth rate of FGA is calculated to be of the order of magnitude of 10?14–10?11 m/cycle. The estimated results accord well with the present experimental results and prior predictions and experimental results in the literature. Moreover, the effect of inclusion size on fatigue life is discussed. It is indicated that the inclusion size has an important influence on the fatigue life, and the effect is related to the relative size of inclusion for FGA. For the inclusion size close to the FGA size, the former has a substantial effect on the fatigue life. While for the relatively large value of FGA size to inclusion size, it has little effect on the fatigue life.  相似文献   

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