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顺应全球化向网络化深化的发展趋势,基于全球城市理论的分析框架,从全球多元格局变革和国家崛起战略需求的角度出发,分析上海建设全球城市的外部环境、影响变量、内在动力、风险挑战。在此基础上,研究提出上海迈向2040全球城市的战略目标、基本标志、目标体系,提出集中体现全球资源配置能力和全球综合服务功能的5大核心功能,即与中国综合经济实力和人民币国际地位相适应的全球金融中心、与中国经济贸易地位及经济转型升级相适应的全球贸易中心、具有全球影响力的科技创新中心、全球先进的信息网络枢纽、具有全球影响力及独特魅力的文化大都市。  相似文献   

State governments are becoming increasingly aware that fiscal policy is a method of affecting the aggregate level of economic activity in the state. This study analyzes the economic effects of the balanced budget multiplier within the regional context. Using a simple model of a regional economy, the study shows that factor migration and state-federal tax interactions eliminate the possibility of a balanced budget multiplier for the region. In addition, the impact of policy on employment and disposable personal income, primary indications of regional welfare, may be assymetrical. A series of simulations employing an econometric model of Alaska illustrates the likely magnitude of effects upon a region.  相似文献   

Millions of people in United States of America (U.S.) participate in hunting activities which benefit the U.S. economy and help promote conservation and environmental goals. The 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated RecreationSurvey reported that 13.7 million people aged 16 and above participated in recreational hunting activities, spending $33.7 billion on trips and equipment. This paper reports quantified economic contributions of hunting and its sub-activity expenditure for the thirteen states in the U.S. South by calculating total gross output, employment, total income, personal income and value-added. Input–output models were developed for each State, to determine the direct, indirect, and induced impacts of expenditure derived from hunting. Comparison at broad activity (hunting) and sub-activity (type of game etc.) levels revealed that there were differences in the individual states’ economies, and that levels of expenditure affected the total economic contribution of hunting activities. Generally, states with larger economies benefited from greater multiplier effects while the total economic contribution, when expressed as a percentage of the economy, was greater for states with smaller economies.  相似文献   

Economic base theorists have long debated whether the economic base multiplier occurs rapidly in the short-run or requires a longer period to filter down. This paper provides further statistical evidence that the base multiplier is a short-run phenomenon. Spectral analysis and a cross-correlation function were used to compare two weighted activity indexes representing the basic industries and the nonbasic industries. The activity employment index representing the basic sector was found to lead the weighted payroll activity index for the nonbasic sector by one quarter. The employment index revealed a high cross-correlation when it lead a personal income index by two quarters. The results are important when considering the number of state and federal agencies which utilize an economic base analysis.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the effect of liberalisation and transformation in Eastern Europe on international trade flows between specific West and East European countries belonging to the Rhine-Main-Danube area. The discussion is focused on volume and direction of trade effects using a simple, but evidently robust model of bilateral trade flows. The estimates are naturally subject to a great range of uncertainty with respect to the likely developments in each of the countries concerned. The numbers might end up wide of the mark in the long term, but we think they are useful nonetheless in helping to frame the issues and focus thinking on the potential impact. The overall trade volumes tend to expand primarily as a result of a rise in living standards and output levels, and increase the openess of the Eastern European countries. Because any increase in income will take time, the global trade import will be spread over a number of years. The collapse of COMECON trading arrangements and the increasing influence of market forces in the Eastern European countries is likely to lead to a reorientation of these countries trade away from each other and towards Western European markets.  相似文献   

As cities grow, both the productivity of their inhabitants and the income distribution among them is expected to change. While the empirical literature has widely shown how productivity (and income) changes with city size, the empirical evidence on the effects on income inequality remains very limited. The few papers that study the relationship between city size and city-level inequality focus on a single country and do not provide international comparative evidence. In this paper, we study the relationship between city size and income inequality at city level for a sample of 153 functional urban areas (FUAs) across 11 OECD countries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper aims to determine the impact of changes in the parameters measuring economies of scale in production on metropolitan growth. The degree of spatial concentration of sectoral economic activity and patterns of trade between two metropolitan areas are explained with a two-sector model borrowed from the international trade literature. It is shown that sectoral production will become more concentrated as the importance of intrasectoral economics of scale relative to intersectoral scale economics increases. An increase in the relative size of intrasectoral business agglomeration economics will not necessarily lead to complete specialisation by either metropolitan area.  相似文献   

上海城市规划建设若干问题思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入 1990年代 ,上海城市发生了巨大的变化 ,正在尽快向国际经济、金融、贸易中心和航运中心迈进 ,为逐步建成现代化国际大都市而努力。这篇文章主要就上海城市的功能塑造 ,上海城市空间布局的调整 ,高水准的城市基础设施建设、现代化生活、文化设施的发展 ,以及若干与建设现代化国际大都市有关的重大问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970s, urban policy makers have responded to the pressures of fiscal crisis and unemployment by reducing expenditures and subsidizing business for the purpose of stimulating economic growth. The behaviour of urban governments largely corresponded with the argument of Paul Peterson that cities were forced to pursue economic growth at the expense of redistribution. Nevertheless, the response to economic forces, while generally in a market‐oriented direction, was not uniform within western cities. In particular, the Amsterdam municipality remains notable for its egalitarian policies when compared with London or New York. Housing policy has been a major instrument in maintaining the quality of life for the city's lower‐income population. Because subsidized housing units, as well as recipients of individual housing benefits, are scattered throughout the city, housing policy has sharply restricted spatial inequality of households by income. Moreover, the very large public subsidy involved in housing construction, by keeping rent levels low and thereby raising disposable income, has contributed substantially to popular welfare, mitigating class differentiation and thereby weakening resistance to residential integration of different income groups. This paper examines policies for physical and economic development in Amsterdam and their effect on social and spatial inequality. The conclusion briefly compares Amsterdam's trajectory with that of London and New York, then finally attempts to explain the continuing differences.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the collective benefits for the metropolitan city of Milan arising from the project to restore the Navigli, the ancient urban canals flowing underground for a large part.In this paper two of the most important impacts of this urban transformation, mostly of intangible nature, are considered. On the one hand, the improvement of urban and environmental quality has been estimated through the hedonic price methodology, considering expected price changes both in the residential as well as in the commercial real estate markets; on the other hand, a multiplier effect on infrastructure investment, generating an increase in final income, has been calculated using Input–Output Tables. Empirical results confirm the collective net advantage of the urban transformation.  相似文献   

罗小龙  韦雪霁  张京祥 《规划师》2011,27(2):38-41,52
通过回顾中国国际化城市的总体历程可知:从定位看,国际化城市大致可分为国际化大都市、区域性国际城市和专业特色国际城市三类;从空间分布看,国际化城市大多为沿海、沿江、沿边开放城市,以及内陆省会开放城市和经济体制改革试点城市;从人口,经济特征看,国际化城市呈现出人口、经济和产业结构与国际化定位匹配的特征.我国一方面应编制国家...  相似文献   

The 1991 profile of Toronto in Cities presented a picture of a municipal and metropolitan government with a strong reputation for solving urban problems (Lemon, 1991). Two decades later, Toronto is a polarized and divided city that seems unable to address its urban problems. It suffers from a dysfunctional urban politics, crumbling infrastructure, traffic gridlock and inadequate investment in transit, growing income disparities, and a lack of affordable housing. We find three main changes are responsible for Toronto’s difficulties including economic globalization, political restructuring (e.g., amalgamation), and the ascendance of neoliberalism as the governing philosophy at the provincial and federal levels. Toronto’s crisis metaphor has emerged as it has achieved global city status. Toronto therefore presents a particularly fascinating case to explore a global city under pressure.  相似文献   

Beirut   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nasser Yassin 《Cities》2012,29(1):64-73
Beirut gained prominence as a Levantine city and as Lebanon’s primate city in the mid-19th century. The growth of Beirut has been affected by the interplay of local and global forces and events. Such ‘glocal’ factors, including the changes in the global economic system through trade and capital flows, regional geo-political events and wars, and the dynamics of the Lebanese political economy, contributed substantially to the city’s transformation. Since 1840, Beirut has passed through five phases of transformation with each phase being affected by specific ‘glocal’ dynamics while at the same time each phase produced specific spatial and social orders.  相似文献   

Proposals to provide public subsidy to sports stadiums are being debated in many locales. This paper examines a number of types of benefits asserted by proponents of subsidies: direct municipal revenues from stadium events; multiplier benefits increasing income and sales in the area; the attraction of unrelated business activity; and, intangible benefits. The business attraction argument is subjected to empirical test with regression analysis. In only a small fraction of the cases examined does manufacturing activity in an SMSA correlate significantly with the presence of a new or renovated stadium. We conclude that measurable economic benefits to area residents are not large enough to justify stadium subsidies and that the debate must turn to immeasurable intangible benefits like fan identification and civic pride.  相似文献   

This paper employs a spatial Durbin growth model to estimate the impact of trade openness on regional per capita income in Brazil using a data set of 469 Brazilian micro‐regions over the period 2004–2007. We calculate the direct, indirect and cumulative impact on per capita income of trade openness and human capital in these micro‐regions. Results indicate that greater trade openness in a region promotes economic development locally, while exerting negative influence on per capita income of the neighbouring regions. Our findings also show that human capital has a positive – direct and indirect – impact on the economic development of Brazilian micro‐regions.  相似文献   

In recent years, several non‐tariff trade provisions have been regarded as means of holding back transboundary environmental damages. Affected countries have then increasingly come up with trade policies to compensate for or to enforce the adoption of environmental policies elsewhere. These non‐tariff trade constraints are claimed to threaten the freedom of trading across nations, as well as the harmonization sought towards the distribution of income and policy measures. Therefore the ‘greening’ of world trade issues essentially ranges over whether there ought or ought not to be a trade‐off between trade and environmental policies. The impacts of free trade and environmental policies on major economic variables (such as trade flows, balances of trade, resource allocation, output, consumption and welfare) are thus studied here, and so is the EKC hypothesis, when such variables are played against the resulting emission levels. The policy response is seen as a political game, played here by two representative parties named North and South. Whether their policy choices, simulated by four scenarios, are right or wrong depends on their policy goals, split into economic and environmental ones.  相似文献   

Traditional neo‐Classical economic theories of change in the older, inner city housing stock are primarily based on assumptions of a filtering down’ of housing quality and occupant households. As an alternative, this paper develops an approach that relies on societal and metropolitan transformations to explain the changing role of older, inner city neighbourhoods. It uses Statistics Canada's Household Income, Facilities and Equipment files for the years 1976 and 1986 in order to identify proportionate change in the characteristics of households occupying housing built before 1940 against those found throughout Census Metropolitan Areas. Most changes invalidate filtering down assumptions. Increases in incomes, the proportion of younger households, education levels, high status employment, all contribute to bring socio‐economic characteristics within older housing closer to the CMA norm. The paper considers the role protective zoning has played in inducing this form of upgrading. Attention is also given to the equivocal impacts of housing and neighbourhood improvement programmes aimed at lower income residents.  相似文献   

Local economic development analysis typically emphasizes the metropolitan area, rather than municipalities, because it is the basic economic space, but it is not a strong unit of local government. Brief reference is made here to parallel research published elsewhere on a coordinated metropolitan development model and then focus shifts to a municipal model that evaluates the position, prospects, and potential of a given piece of space within the local economy. Three basic municipal economic roles—on occasion alternatives, complementary, or sequential—are itentified: (1) a site for export production contrasting goods and services), (2) a center for metropolitan trade and services (for business or households), and (3) as a preferred place of residence (for high or low income households). The central city of Cleveland is compared to its metropoltan area, using readily available Census data for the 32 largest metropolitan areas and their central cities. Other Census data on the age distribution of housing and residential relocation between central cities and suburbs (disaggregated by occupation, education, and income) are examined as additional examples of the kind of data that can and will be integrated into this three-path muncipal model. The ultimate objective is to link that metropolitan (economic) model and this municipal (policy) model into a broad decision-making framework for local economic development policy and planning.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes to planning practices in different types of Russian cities that inherited varying levels of administrative status and economic diversification during the Soviet period. Considered the hallmark of the previous regime, planning faces a tenuous fate because of its perceived incompatibility with a democratic, market-based society. For many cities, urban development plans created during the Soviet period do not represent or accommodate the needs of post-Soviet society. Local planners, whose main responsibility previously was to execute these now-defunct plans, are redefining their role within city administration in order to remain relevant. The responses to these fundamental issues at the local level vary by city-type because of post-Soviet realities distinctly impacting each type of city.  相似文献   

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