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以农业循环经济为抓手,制定和完善沼气工程补贴政策体系,有利于促进农村生态文明建设。文章从第三方治污企业的视角,建立企业效益决策模型来探讨沼气工程政策工具的作用机理,并以江西新余市罗坊镇沼气工程为案例,运用成本收益方法分析沼气工程生产过程中的经济及生态效益。通过对模型变量的不同赋值进行数据模拟,讨论不同价格、成本及补贴政策下企业的效益变化。根据数据模拟结果,提出5条政策建议:完善环境法律体系和建设标准;完善补贴体系,促进市场补偿机制发育;强化环保执法力度;由单一沼气转向多元和增值产品,实现综合收益;采用PPP模式,提高资金使用效益。  相似文献   

推进农村沼气建设的转型升级,促进沼气产业的可持续发展,对保障农产品质量安全和农业节能减排,具有重要的意义。通过分析制约我省沼气产业发展的主要问题,探讨新形势下农村沼气产业的新模式、新政策和新标准,明确农村沼气发展的新思路。将沼气产业作为天然气的消费缺口和部分补充,纳入天然气的中长期发展规划,提高沼气产业发展战略地位,是沼气产业的未来发展方向。完善前端建设补贴,制定后端产品补贴扶持政策,优化产业模式,强化科技创新,是农村沼气转型升级的关键,是沼气产业可持续发展的动力所在。  相似文献   

受欧债危机和新政的影响,欧盟可再生能源产业遭遇投资不足以及去补贴化的趋势,致使其发展速度放缓。探究其因,一是可再生能源发电补贴使欧盟成员国面临日益严重的财政困难;二是欧盟希望通过去补贴措施,增加可再生能源产业的市场竞争力;三是可再生能源已成为国内政治博弈的关注点。欧盟可再生能源产业政策的调整将对在欧投资决策以及制定我国的可再生能源政策产生影响,应予以高度重视。  相似文献   

德国《可再生能源法》是推动其可再生能源发展的重要法律文件。本文介绍了该法规的出台背景,着重量化分析了自2004年以来德国《可再生能源法》四次修改调整对沼气产业发展的影响,包括德国新增沼气发电站数量和总装机容量、能源作物种植面积的变化以及补贴措施。分析结果表明,《可再生能源法》的调整对沼气产业的发展影响显著,该法规EEG-2004和EEG-2009强烈刺激了沼气产业的快速发展,而EEG-2012和EEG-2014则修正了沼气产业的过快发展。《可再生能源法》对上网电价补贴的合理制定,实施效果评估机制的建立和逐步引导沼气产业市场化机制的设计保障了德国沼气产业的健康有序发展。本文同时还讨论了德国案例对我国沼气发展的启示,对我国发展沼气产业政策提出了包括后端补贴在内的建议。  相似文献   

通过对欧洲太阳能热水器产业政策及检测认证体系的考察和了解,代表团成员充分认识到,产品质量检测、认证与相应的产业发展激励政策联系在一起,正成为欧洲一些国家政府部门推动太阳能热水器产业发展的主要措施。欧洲太阳能热水器产业发展的经验对我国有如下几方面的启示。1要进一步加强政策的扶持和引导力度欧洲国家太阳能热水器产业发展的经验表明,以补贴为主的经济激励政策将很好地引导消费者,并有效地推动太阳能热水器市场的开发。我们提出的太阳能热水器产业“十五”期间发展目标是保有量从2000年底的2600万m2增加到6400万m2,年生产能力…  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,中国光伏产业经历了"过山车"式的发展过程,遭受了"双反"、"产能过剩"等多重压力,但在业界的共同努力下,最终化险为夷,总体呈向上发展态势。2015年,中国(大陆地区)多晶硅产量已达16.9×10~4t,硅片产量48GW,光伏电池产量43GW,组件产量45.8GW,均居世界首位,并且超越德国成为世界光伏累计装机第一大国。"十二五"期间,国家有关部门还出台了一系列的规划、产业扶持和规范管理政策,企业技术进步和行业标准建设也取得一定进展。然而,当前光伏产业仍面临产业政策衔接不够、补贴不到位、弃光现象严重和融资难等瓶颈。建议要加大政策制定的统一协调,加强补贴机制的完善修正,加快推进电力上网步伐,深化融资模式的改革创新,从根本上破除中国光伏产业发展瓶颈。  相似文献   

中国生物质固体成型燃料标准体系的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国生物质固体成型燃料技术已基本成熟,但尚未制定相关标准,这对该产业发展是不利的。通过对美国ASTM、欧盟CEN/TC固体生物质燃料标准及燃烧设备标准的分析,并结合我国生物质固体成型燃料产业发展的实际需求,从产业链的角度出发,提出了我国的生物质固体成型燃料标准体系。该体系分为基础标准、通用标准和专用标准3个层次,同时,按轻重缓急的原则提出相关建议。该标准体系的提出有利于规范我国生物质固体成型燃料市场,为产业发展创造良好的市场环境。  相似文献   

近年来,我国节能环保产业的发展呈现日益增长的趋势,在国民经济发展中的作用也越发突显,为推进该产业的发展,部分地区出台了相应的扶持政策,但仍存在一定的问题。文章概述我国节能环保产业的发展现状、整理部分地区的节能环保产业政策情况及存在的主要问题,并就推动产业发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

本文梳理了中美光伏发电、风电及生物质能等新能源产业发展、政策支持的历程,并对新能源行业的贸易摩擦进行了简要分析。研究发现,中美新能源行业都处于产业生命周期的快速发展期,而在发展规模、速度和市场份额和生产成本方面,中国相比美国具有一定的优势;在岗位提供上,新能源行业给中国提供了更多的就业岗位;在发展效率上,美国比中国具有较高的效率;在进出口方面,中国出口到美国和从美国进口的规模都呈现出下降的趋势;在产业政策方面,中美两国共同的特征是,在产业发展的初期,使用财政政策和税收优惠等政策大力扶持,而后逐渐降低政策扶持力度和补贴幅度。  相似文献   

通过梳理国内外相关产业政策,比较分析这些产业政策的异同,结合中国风电产业面临的瓶颈和困难,从电价政策、财税政策、补贴方式、相关法律等方面提出了促进风电产业健康发展的策略。  相似文献   

Existing policies of household biogas projects focus mainly on supports on construction, but less consider management and maintenance, resulting in high scrap rate and waste of resources. Alternative policies must be explored to balance construction and operation. Taking the costs and benefits from a typical rural household biogas project, this paper assesses the economic performance at three different subsidy levels, i.e., no subsidy, existing standard and positive externality based standard. Furthermore three subsidy alternatives, one-time, annual and combined option are applied to the externality based standard. The results show that household biogas digesters have unsatisfactory economic performance without any subsidy and even in current subsidy policies. Environmental benefits of the digester were estimated as 2732 Chinese Yuan, significantly larger than existing subsidy standard. To keep continuous work during the 20-year lifespans of digesters, the income disparity of farmers among regions must be considered for policy application. With the increasing of labor costs, the ratio of initial subsidies must be reduced. These results provide policy implications to the future development of biogas projects in terms of both their construction and follow-up management, reuse of the abandoned digesters as well as the exploitation of other emerging renewable energy projects.  相似文献   

中国风电发展经济政策回顾与分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王玫  赵晓丽 《中国能源》2011,33(10):10-14
本文阐述了中国风电发展过程的电价政策、补贴政策、财政税收政策等经济政策的激励作用,同时分析了现有政策体制中存在的阻碍中国风电进一步发展的障碍,包括电价政策缺乏灵活性;电价补贴机制不健全,缺乏投资补贴措施;交易体制不完善对风电大范围消纳造成阻碍;以及辅助服务经济补偿框架不够完善,电源企业参与调峰的积极性不强等。提出了促进中国风电进一步稳定发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于外部性收益的畜禽养殖场沼气工程补贴模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国北方某沼气工程为例,按照业主自筹全部资金、2009年国家建设补贴标准和工程实际投资3种建设投资方式,对其现有经济性进行了分析,并提出了以外部性收益为依据对沼气工程进行补贴的两种模式。结果表明,外部性收益与沼气工程运行效果和沼气产量有直接关系,依据外部性收益对沼气工程进行补贴,可以显著提高沼气工程的经济效益,推动规模化养殖场沼气工程正常运行和发展。综合沼气工程投资者和社会利益考虑,业主自筹全部建设资金,按照工程实际运行的外部性收益给予补贴,既可保障工程的正常运营,又符合整体经济性。  相似文献   

A review of the biogas industry in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article presents an overview of the development and future perspectives of the Chinese biogas industry. The development of the industry has the potential to improve the rural environment and produce significant amounts of sustainable energy for China. Barriers to the development are the relatively weak environmental policies, imperfect financial policies and lack of long-term follow-up services. The rapid economic development of China has also seen a development in the scales of biogas plants constructed. Although the technology has been improved, this review has identified problems in the construction and operation of Chinese biogas plants, particularly in the efficiency of household systems. All levels of China's government acknowledge this and recent biogas projects have more focus on quality and less on the quantity. The intention is to gradually introduce stricter environmental policies, to provide better service systems, improve the financial policies that support the construction and follow-up service of biogas projects, promote the use of standardized engineering equipment and materials and standards for plant construction and production. This will promote the development of biogas projects at various scales further, and reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

As a fuel, rural biogas is a promising renewable energy source. Policy support is a key initial impetus for industry development. This study explores household biogas development in rural China based on policy support found in literature. Relevant policies, which mainly include directive and guiding policies, economic inspiring policies, research policies, market policies, and other constructive policies, are gradually issued. Moreover, the National People's Congress has enacted five relevant laws, including the Agricultural Law, Renewable Energy Law, Animal Husbandry Law, Energy Conservation Law, and the Act on the Development of Circular Economy. The Energy Law is currently under revision. Relational rules and regulations have also been formed in response to the national policies and laws, which have already produced significant effects. The development of rural household biogas in China is growing steadily, and the technology standard projects have been established. The number of household biogas digesters and biogas annual output in 2010 was double of that in 2005. The offered financial incentive increased from 47 million dollars in 2002 to 760 million dollars in 2011. Policy supports play an important role in rural biogas development. And thus, additional national policy supports are necessary in the fields of scientific research, technological development, and biogas use model.  相似文献   

D.K. Luo  Y.J. DaiL.Y. Xia 《Energy》2011,36(1):360-368
Coalbed methane (CBM) is a kind of unconventional natural gas. China has abundant CBM resource and its CBM industry is expected to prosper in the future. However, China’s currently imperfect CBM industry policy still needs to be further improved to support the sustainable development of CBM industry. To provide recommendations for policy makers, economic evaluation is conducted to find out the overall economic viability of China’s CBM resource and the factors with most impact on the economic viability of CBM resource. The results show that there is still about 42% of China’s CBM resource uneconomic to develop under current industry policy and that the three factors with most impact on the economic viability of CBM resource are CBM price, production rate and operating costs. And then, policy scenario analysis is conducted to test the validity of major policies and find out the impact of different policies under different scenarios on the profitability of CBM recourse. The results demonstrate that value-added tax (VAT) reimbursement policy, financial subsidy policy and corporate income tax exemption policy are effective to improve the economic viability of CBM recourse. According to these results, some pointed recommendations on CBM industry policy are put forward.  相似文献   

We analyse optimal environmental policies in a market that is vertically differentiated in terms of the energy efficiency of products. Considering energy taxes, subsidies to firms for investment in more eco-friendly products, and product standards, we are particularly interested in how distributional goals in addition to environmental goals shape the choice of policy instruments. We find that an industry-friendly government levies an energy tax to supplement a lax product standard, but shies away from subsidies to firms. By contrast, a consumer-friendly government relies heavily on a strict product standard and additionally implements a moderate subsidy to firms, but avoids energy taxes.  相似文献   

丁浩  代汝峰 《中外能源》2013,18(5):33-36
我国非常规油气资源储量丰富,运用财税激励政策促进我国非常规油气产业的发展,对于改变我国能源结构、保证我国能源安全具有重要意义.我国为促进非常规油气产业发展,已出台了多项财政政策,以及资源税、矿产资源补偿费、石油特别收益金、流转税等各项财税政策,但目前还未形成系统的财税优惠政策体系.关键问题是资源储量不清,缺乏核心技术,尚未进行大规模的开发,因此还没有积累足够的实践经验来形成系统的财税优惠政策体系;财税优惠目标尚未明确,缺乏系统的税收法律促进体系,对非常规油气的扶持力度不能凸显其在我国未来油气产业体系中的地位,现有财税优惠措施具有明显的临时性、探索性和不稳定性,整体性、规范性和透明度较差;优惠政策欠缺,扶持力度不足,财税支持手段形式单一,无法形成系统的优惠政策体系.建议国家应改进财政支出政策,加大对非常规油气产业的扶持力度和扶持面,运用多种财政工具提高产业融资能力;明确财税优惠政策的整体取向,针对不同种类的非常规油气制定差别化的财税优惠政策;提升对非常规油气开采技术创新的税收激励.  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了储能产业国内外的发展现状,然后详细解读了国际上主要发达国家的储能产业政策,分析其对储能技术和产业发展的具体作用,最后给出了我国储能产业发展的对策分析和政策建议,包括法律法规规划、监督管理审查机制、财税激励政策、技术研发、人才培养等。  相似文献   

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