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Standard color-matching functions are designed to represent the mean color-matching response of the population of human observers with normal color vision. When using these functions, two questions arise. Are they an accurate representation of the population? And what is the uncertainty in color-match predictions? To address these questions in the dual context of human visual performance and cross-media reproduction, a color-matching experiment was undertaken in which twenty observers made matches between seven different colors presented in reflective and transmissive color reproduction media and a CRT display viewed through an optical apparatus that produced a simple split-field stimulus. In addition, a single observer repeated the experiment 20 times to estimate intra-observer variability. The results were used to evaluate the accuracy of three sets of color-matching functions, to quantify the magnitude of observer variability, and to compare intra- and inter-observer variability in color-matching. These results are compared with various techniques designed to predict the range of color mismatches. The magnitude of observer variability in this experiment also provides a quantitative estimate of the limit of cross-media color reproduction accuracy that need not be exceeded. On average, the differences between matches made by two different observers was approximately 2.5 CIELAB units. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 22, 174–188, 1997  相似文献   

Observer metamerism has long been known to be an issue of concern for color engineers. With the advent and mass proliferation of narrow‐band display devices, this article addresses the issue of observer metamerism and puts it in the context of first understanding the implication of interobserver variations in the color matching functions (CMFs) and additionally designing the ideal set of primary illuminant spectral power distributions (SPDs) such that observer metamerism is minimized. The article also suggests the use of the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) and the number of modes (peaks) in the primary SPDs as a means of assessing the susceptibility to observer‐to‐observer variations between various modern display technologies. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 34, 391–398, 2009  相似文献   

Recently,in our laboratories, a set of color‐matching functions (cmfs) has been formulated for small fields by using two groups of real observers: JAM, MM, CF and AY, JR, MR, JL, JA, FP. The measurements of these cmfs have been made using different experimental devices and methods and it has enabled us to propose a New Deviate Observer for small fields (JF‐DO). This new JF‐DO was derived from the average observer of our nine real observers, following the technique used by the CIE to establish the Standard Deviate Observer (CIE‐1989 SDO), which was established for fields of 10°, despite the CIE's assumption that it can be applied to smaller fields. In the present work, we report experimental results of the JF‐DO using metameric reflectances in comparison to the CIE‐1931 Standard Observer and to the CIE‐1989 SDO. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 363–370, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to generate categorical colour observer functions (individual colour matching functions) for any field size based on the CIE 2006 system of physiological observer functions. The method combines proposed categorical observer techniques of Sarkar et al with a physiologically-based individual observer model of Asano et al and a clustering technique to produce the optimal set of categorical observers. The number of required categorical observers varies depending on an application with as many as 50 required to predict individual observers' matches when a laser projector is viewed. However, 10 categorical observers are sufficient to represent colour-normal populations for personalized colour imaging. The proposed and recommended categorical observers represent a robust and inclusive technique to examine and quantify observer metamerism in any application of colorimetry.  相似文献   

The methods of simultaneous and successive, or memory, color matching have been compared for 10 color reference samples distributed in two groups each performed by 50 observers (25 men and 25 women). Our results, obtained with a total of two hundred Munsell color chips arrayed on ten gray cardboard panels, indicate that: (a) while by simultaneous matching the mean color differences obtained are, in most cases, lower than 1 CIELAB unit, those obtained by memory are generally higher; (b) the worst remembered colors are yellow, light green, blue, and pink, and the best remembered color is orange; (c) the influence of the delay time (15 s, 15 min, and 24 h) is significant for the remembered mean color (p < 0.03); (d) we find significant men-women differences for the remembered mean color (p < 0.05). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 23, 234–247, 1998  相似文献   

The weighted spectrophotometric color matching method with the optimum weighting to the spectrophotometric equations in each particular wavelength proportional to the viewing condition is applied for minimizing the color difference of instrumental color formulation of textile materials. The work is based on the one‐constant Kubelka–Munk theory. The sensitivity of a recipe to small perturbation of deviation between the reflectance of target and matched samples in the visible spectrum is determined as the metamerism potentiality of proposed recipe. Its correlation with metamerism index was also studied for some metameric pairs. Metamerism potentialities are also appraised under several light sources by using equilibrate matching strategy. The results show that the outputs of colorimetric color matching are exactly identical with the weighted spectrophotometic match under the same viewing condition. According to the numerical results for matching of 58 target samples, there is a good statistical correlation between metamerism indices and the metamerism potentialities of each recipe. Our results show that the quantitative value of the metamerism potentiality of each recipe can reasonably predict the metamerism indices of applied formulation. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 483–490, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20261  相似文献   

We studied the individual variability of asymmetric metameric colour matching between computer displays and object colour stimuli in conditions typical for the surface colour industries. Using two different computational techniques, we assessed the contribution of observer metamerism to this variability. In the studied conditions of spatially separated computer display and surface colour stimuli, this contribution was found to be insignificant for all colours but neutrals. In the chromaticness plane, the range of matches made by different observers practically coincides with the range of matches made by an individual observer. Consequently, we conclude that in the task of matching spatially separated display and surface colours, the range of matches made by a group of observers cannot be determined from variations in their colour‐matching functions, and thus the paradigm of the Standard Deviate Observer is shown to be inapplicable to the studied conditions. We suggest that individual variability in these conditions is governed by mechanisms of chromatic discrimination, and can be modeled by advanced colour difference formulae with suitably adjusted parametric coefficients. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 33, 346–359, 2008  相似文献   

A systematic method of analyzing the colorimetric behavior of a set of observers is proposed. The differences between each observer and a standard one are analyzed with different procedures in two color‐representation systems. It is apparent that these differences strongly depend on the color‐representation system in which they are analyzed. Results obtained in this work indicate that comparison between two observers should be carried out by applying an optimized operator. This operator minimizes the differences between the color‐representation systems associated with the observers that are compared. The proposed method should be applied when color‐matching properties of a set of observers, or when color matching obtained with different colorimetric instruments, are compared. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 15–24, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.  相似文献   

王娟 《中国涂料》2009,24(10):60-63
重点介绍了金属闪光漆的配色方法,并运用涂料知识和色彩学原理分析每个步骤,总结配色规律和技巧,旨在将配色过程归纳成简单的流程,让汽车涂料配色有径可寻,满足工业化生产快速规范的要求。  相似文献   

Color‐matching functions (cmfs) produced by monochromatic primaries change in an orderly way when the wavelengths of the primaries are changed. When only one of the three wavelengths is varied, the corresponding cmf changes in scale but not in shape. That is, changing one primary changes all three cmfs, but if only the red primary is changed, for example, then the red cmf changes only in scale. A set of primaries will exist such that each cmf has a maximum value of 1, and that peak occurs at the primary wavelength, by a prior theorem. Those are Thornton's prime colors, and if they are the initial primaries, then changing one primary wavelength can only increase the scale of its cmf. Precise prime color sets have been calculated: (603, 538, 446) for the CIE 2° observer, and (600, 536, 445) for the CIE 10° observer. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 22–24, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20283  相似文献   

Color‐matchingfunctions may be considered dimension reduction functions that project a spectral reflectance function into the desired space of colors. Using a gray metameric pair with maximal spectral difference we compare the abilities of various human and other observers with regard to the transition wavelengths for that metameric pair. Transition wavelengths are shown to be a convenient tool for comparing and classifying observers regardless of the number of dimension reduction functions. Four human observers were identified as differing in a comparable manner from the CIE 2° standard observer. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 183–186, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20004  相似文献   

In our metameric experiment, the colour of a filtered incandescent lamp was matched with the additive mixture of three LEDs in a Lummer–Brodhun‐type visual photometer. Two sets of primaries were used, one had their dominant wavelengths at 467, 533, and 600 nm; the other set had dominant wavelengths at 478, 552, and 635 nm. These values correspond approximately to the characteristic wavelengths of the Prime and Non‐Prime Colour spectral regions defined by W. A. Thornton. 1 Both the light of the incandescent lamp and that of the LED clusters were seen monocularly in a centrally divided bipartite field at a visual angle of 2°. The luminance of the matching fields was in the order of 20 cd/m2 to provide sufficient gamut for the LED mixture. Ten young observers with normal colour vision participated in the experiment. The emission spectra of the viewing fields were measured with an array‐type spectroradiometer, and two sets of colour‐matching functions were used to calculate the chromaticity of the matching stimuli: the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer and the Judd–Vos modification of the colour‐matching functions. We found that the Judd–Vos modification of the CIE 1931 standard observer represents more accurately the real observers in the evaluation of our results. No systematic differences between the use of the two sets of LEDs were detected in contradiction to Thornton's findings. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 360–364, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20044  相似文献   

During the past years, several papers have been published that question the use of the CIE colour‐matching functions in the case of metameric samples. Visually matching samples produced on CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors are metameric to most colour stimuli created by illuminating reflecting materials. As CRT monitors are often used in colour design applications, it seemed important to check how well CIE colorimetry will predict such colour matches. To investigate this problem, we set up an experiment in which painted samples were matched with samples produced on a CRT monitor. The colour of incandescent lamp irradiated Munsell samples were visually matched to the mixture of the RGB primaries of a CRT monitor. Both the reflected colour stimuli of the Munsell samples and the emitted stimuli of the monitor were measured spectroradiometrically. Our results imply that there is an observer‐dependent variability among the matches, but we could not find a major difference between the tristimulus data of the hard copy and soft copy presentations that would indicate errors in the CIE colour‐matching functions. The measurement accuracy, quantization errors of the monitor, and the achieved accuracy of the colour matches are treated in this study. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 26, 436–441, 2001  相似文献   

The colorimetric difference between pairs of observers is simulated by a proper filtering of the stimulating radiation, and their comparison is made on properly defined Common Reference Frames in the tristimulus space. As examples, two comparisons are proposed: (1) Comparison between the Vos modification of the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer and the CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Observer: in this case, it is supposed that the difference between these two color‐vision systems is due to the macula lutea only, which with a spectral selective absorbance alters the power spectral distribution of the color stimuli. The optical density of the macular pigment is well reproduced. (2) Comparison between the Vos modification of the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer and the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric Observer: in this case, the difference between these two observers could be simulated by different calibration of the photodetectors. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 24, 177–184, 1999  相似文献   

We present an analytical method to analyze, from a theoretical point of view, the influence of color‐matching functions on the perception of luminance thresholds. We show that the thresholds depend on the spectral responsivities of each observer. We also analyze the influence of luminance level on the thresholds: a strong inter‐observer variability is found at low or moderate luminance levels (0.02 < Y < 1 ft?L) whereas at high intensities (1 < Y < 7 ft?L) the thresholds are observer‐independent. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 468–474, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20259  相似文献   

The Binet–Cauchy theorem, an expansion of the determinant of the product of two nonsquare matrices, is quite useful in deriving theorems about ordering relations in color science. The theorem is first described in a special case that proved suitable to color. Then an application of the theorem is described that finds the conditions among reflectance factors in a color atlas such that their chromaticity ordering is illuminant invariant. Finally, an application is described that finds local pathologies in the color gamuts of subtractive and complex‐subtractive colorant systems. These applications should be useful for the design of color atlases. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 27, 310–315, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10080  相似文献   

An analytical method to determine how color‐matching functions influence the perception of chromaticity differences is proposed. We show that, as a consequence of the observer metamerism, a metameric color‐match perceived by one observer may appear to be a significant mismatch to a different observer. It is also shown that, on average, the differences between the color‐matchings made by two different observers can be estimated to be in the order of 2 CIELAB units. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 34, 194–200, 2009  相似文献   

Color‐matching functions (CMFs) were derived with the Maxwell method for 10 subjects using two field conditions: (1) horizontally bisected circular 10° and (2) vertically bisected rectangular 102° (wide) × 50° (high). The primary set was composed of 453–533–601 nm components with a mean full‐width at half maximum of 18.3 nm; the reference field was illuminated with daylight fluorescent lamplight. Field size had a significant effect on the shape of the resulting CMFs. Under the large‐field conditions subjects were less sensitive to shorter wavelengths as characterized with the b? function and had higher sensitivities to the longer wavelengths as characterized with the r? function. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 31, 18–29, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20170  相似文献   

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