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The European sea bass, a member of the Moronidae family, is a food fish, considered one of the first models for the intensive breeding in salt water. It has nowadays an important and increasing presence in the international fishing markets. Sea basses are carnivorous, feeding on little fishes and invertebrates. Considering the important role of the tongue during the intraoral transport and the swallowing of food, scarce data are present in literature about its morphology. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphology of the tongue by means of scanning electron and light microscopy. Adult sea basses were obtained from the aquarium of the Sicilian Center of Experimental Ichthyiopathology of the University of Messina. The fishes were anaesthetized with MS 222 and the heads were then quickly removed and processed for the paraffin embedding and SEM processing. Three different tongue regions could be distinguished: an apex, a body, and a root. Scanning electron and light microscopy showed the presence of numerous canine-like teeth, surrounded by taste buds and numerous fungiform and conical papillae. The teeth were curved and their tips were posteriorly oriented. The results confirm, in teleosts too, the fundamental role of the tongue in the mechanics of food ingestion. Moreover, the presence of taste buds demonstrates the interaction of food processing and taste. These data could be a potential source to identify new and better methods of nutrition in the breeding of this fish.  相似文献   

The mammalian hormone, leptin, is mainly synthesized in adipose tissue along with other tissues. Leptin plays a role in numerous processes such as in the control of food intake, homeostasis, immune function and reproduction. In this study, we detected and localized leptin immunoreactivity to the muscle of early juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. A leptin immunopositive band with a molecular weight of ~16 kDa, corresponding to mammalian leptin, was identified in trunk skeletal muscle homogenate. Furthermore, leptin immunopositive cells were detected in the endomysium of skeletal muscular fibers. These cells showed immunostained cytoplasmic granules and roundish and oval nuclei. The most intense immunostaining was observed in the endomysial space among the superficial red muscular fibers of the trunk. These findings suggest that in early juvenile sea bass, leptin is mostly produced by skeletal muscles. Therefore, during the developmental stage lacking adipose tissue, skeletal muscles can be considered an important source of leptin. As already suggested in mammals, we can hypothesize the potential roles of leptin not only in energy expenditure for muscle contraction but also during muscle differentiation and growth. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:797–802, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

文章结合国内外海水温度的观测技术发展历史,从海基、天基、岸基3个角度对海温的观测方法进行梳理,在此基础上指出海温观测的发展趋势。通过将海基、天基、岸基紧密结合,利用卫星、浮标、船舶、岸基海洋站建立起立体、实时监测网,有效、连续获取大面积海温数据,产生高分辨力、高精度的海表温度数据,使海洋观测进入多层、立体、多角度、全方位、全天候的新时代,促进国家海洋环境监测技术的发展。  相似文献   

Leptin is a modulator of food intake and energy homeostasis both in mammals and in some species of nonmammals vertebrates. In this study, we reported for the first time, using an immunohistochemical and immunochemical approach, the presence and distribution of immunoreactivity to leptin-like protein in the gastroenteric tract of Dicentrarchus labrax (bass) and Carassius auratus (goldfish), two teleostean species with different feeding and different adaptative morphological organization of the gastroenteric tract. Bass stomach showed intense immunoreactivity to leptin-like protein in all regions, with immunoreactive cells located at the base of the mucosal plicae and at the apical margin of the gastric crypts. Immunoreactive fibers and neuronal cells were observed close to vascular structures in the pyloric region. In bass and goldfish intestine, rare immunoreactive cells were observed along the mucosal epithelium mostly at the base or the apex of intestinal folds in the proximal and medium intestine; numerous immunoreactive nerve fibers in the circular and longitudinal layers of the tunica muscolaris as well as in the myenteric plexus were observed. Western blot analysis recognized a ~15 kDa signal with a similar expression pattern for goldfish and sea bass. Our results could contribute to confirm the evolutive conservation of leptin-like proteins and their probably precocious functional diversification in fish.  相似文献   

In the present paper we applied confocal microscopy and fluorescence technologies for studying the distribution and the oxidative activity of sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) mitochondria during development, by in vivo incubating eggs and embryos with cell‐permeant MitoTracker probes. We calculated, by a mathematical model, the intensity values, the variations of intensity, and the variation index of incorporated fluorochromes. Data demonstrate that mitochondrial mass does not change during development, whereas mitochondrial respiration increases. In addition, starting from 16 blastomeres stage, some regions of the embryo contain organelles more active in oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

The yolk sac (YS) is the main source of embryonic nutrition during the period when the placenta has not yet formed. It is also responsible for hematopoiesis because the blood cells develop from it as part of the primitive embryonic circulation. The objective of this study was to characterize the transitional area between the YS and primitive gut using the techniques of light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry to detect populations of pluripotent cells by labeling with Oct4 antibody. In all investigated embryos, serial sections were made to permit the identification of this small, restricted area. We identified the YS connection with the primitive intestine and found that it is composed of many blood islands, which correspond to the vessels covered by vitelline and mesenchymal cells. We identified large numbers of hemangioblasts inside the vessels. The mesenchymal layer was thin and composed of elongated cells, and the vitelline endodermal membrane was composed of large, mono‐ or binucleated cells. The epithelium of the primitive intestine comprised stratified columnar cells and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. The transitional area between the YS and the primitive intestine was very thin and composed of cells with irregular shapes, which formed a delicate lumen containing hemangioblasts. In the mesenchyme of the transitional area, there were a considerable number of small vessels containing hemangioblasts. Using Oct4 as a primary antibody, we identified positive cells in the metanephros, primordial gonad, and hepatic parenchyma as well as in YS cells, suggesting that these regions contain populations of pluripotent cells. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:756–766, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is the destruction of unwanted cells through an intracellularly mediated process. Perforation formation in the lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis) provides an excellent model for studying developmentally regulated PCD. Ca2+ fluxes have previously been identified as important signals for PCD in plants and mammals. The fundamental goal of this project was to determine the influence of Ca2+ on the rate of cell death and perforation formation during leaf development in the lace plant. This was investigated using the application of various known calcium modulators including lanthanum III chloride (LaCl3), ruthenium red and calcium ionophore A23187. Detached lace plant leaves at an early stage of development were treated with these modulators in both short- and long-term exposure assays and analysed using live cell imaging. Results from this study indicate that calcium plays a vital role in developmentally regulated PCD in the lace plant as application of the modulators significantly altered the rate of cell death and perforation formation during leaf development. In conclusion, this study exemplifies the suitability of the lace plant for live cell imaging and detached leaf experiments to study cell death and provides insight into the importance of Ca2+ in developmentally regulated PCD in planta.  相似文献   

There are no studies on stem cells (SCs) and development and differentiation (DD) of the human adrenal glands. The SCs in DD of the adrenal glands were herein investigated histochemically and immunohistochemically in 18 human embryonic adrenal glands at gestational week (GW) 7–40. At 7 GW, the adrenal glands were present, and at 7 GW, numerous embryonic SCs (ESCs) are seen to create the adrenal cortex. The ESCs were composed exclusively of small cells with hyperchromatic nuclei without nucleoli. The ESCs were positive for neural cell adhesion molecule, KIT, neuron‐specific enolase, platelet‐derived growth factor receptor‐α, synaptophysin, and MET. They were negative for other SC antigens, including chromogranin, ErbB2, and bcl‐2. They were also negative for lineage antigens, including cytokeratin (CK)7, CK8, CK18, and CK19, carcinoembryonic antigen, carbohydrate antigen 19‐9, epithelial membrane antigen, HepPar1, mucin core apoprotein (MUC)1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6, and cluster differentiation (CD)3, CD45, CD20, CD34, and CD31. The Ki‐67 labeling index (LI) was high (Ki‐67 LI = around 20%). α‐Fetoprotein was positive in the ESCs and adrenal cells. The ESC was first seen in the periphery of the adrenal cortex at 7–10 GW. The ESC migrates into the inner part of the adrenal cortex. Huge islands of ESC were present near the adrenal, and they appeared to provide the ESC of the adrenal. At 16 GW, adrenal medulla appeared, and the adrenal ESCs were present in the periphery or the cortex, in the cortical parenchyma, corticomedullary junctions, and in the medulla. The adrenal essential architecture was established around 20 GW; however, there were still ESCs. At term, there are a few ESCs. These data suggest that the adrenal glands were created by ESCs. Microsc. Res. Tech., 78:59–64, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

受大海潮汐的影响,海水会倒灌到雨水排海管网系统中,造成地下水质及相关设备的破坏。文中所开发设计的防海水倒灌用大型单向止回阀,采用新颖的设计理念:利用自然力自动开合阀门,即关闭阀门时利用阀体自重及海潮作用;而开启阀门时,则利用排水管道水位与海水的液位差实现。有效地解决了海水倒灌的问题,节省了人力、物力和能源,达到人类利用自然,又与自然和谐相处。本文阐述了防止海水倒灌用大型单向止回阀的结构设计、技术方案和工作原理,并根据三年多的实际应用,总结了尚需提高的方面。  相似文献   

The presence of hard jaws (trophi), with species-specific shape and size, is a taxonomic feature of Rotifera, a group of microscopic metazoans. Since trophi are used to discriminate among species, it is important to know whether these structures change in taxonomically important ways during postembryonic development. Using both SEM and optical images, we analyzed more than 100 individuals of a single clonal lineage of a monogonont rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, in order to describe body and trophi development after hatching. Body size, expressed as lorica width and length, was isometrically related to age of the animals only during preadult stages. Trophi size, expressed as length of the different parts, was unrelated to either age or body size. Therefore, trophi elements do not grow after hatching in B. plicatilis. Despite the dimensional invariance with age, some differences in trophi size among individuals of the same clone were recorded. No difference in left-right asymmetry of the trophi was shown; the asymmetric elements of the trophi named rami consistently had the right ramus longer than the left. This constancy is in contrast to the reported trophi asymmetries in bdelloid rotifers, in which left-right asymmetries are not constant within clonal lineages. In conclusion, we suggest that also trophi size, constant within the analyzed clone, may be used as an additional taxonomic feature to help in the discrimination of taxa within the B. plicatilis complex of cryptic species.  相似文献   

Paneth cells in the following species were observed under an electron microscope: human, rhesus monkey, hare, guinea pig, rat, nude rat, mouse, golden hamster, and insect feeder bat. Secretory granules containing homogeneous electron-dense materials were observed in the Paneth cells of humans, monkeys, hares, guinea pigs, and bats; mouse Paneth-cell granules were bipartite (central core and peripheral halo), and the Paneth cells in rats and golden hamsters had secretory granules showing various electron densities. In humans, monkeys, and bats, immature granules near the Golgi apparatus sometimes showed bipartite substructure. The number and size of secretory granules were also diverse among various animal species. Some lysosome-like bodies were commonly observed in peri- or supranuclear regions, though the size and shape of the bodies differed from cell to cell. In apical cytoplasm, small clear vesicles (100–200 nm diameter) were more-or-less observed in all species examined, and it was especially note that rat Paneth cells contained many clear vesicles. Small dense-cored vesicles (150–200 nm diameter) were rare. It is unlikely that the various ultrastructural features of Paneth cells correlate with the phylogenetical classification.  相似文献   

基于燃料电池技术的新能源发展论述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵群  张翔  李辉 《机械》2007,34(7):1-5
现代工业的发展,需要更清洁的能源.燃料电池是一种等温并直接将储存在燃料和氧化剂中的化学能高效、环境友好地转化为电能的新型发电装置,燃料电池不受热机效率的限制、能量转换效率高;无污染、无噪音,是继火电、水电、核电之后的第四种连续发电方式.介绍了燃料电池的工作原理,分类及特点,综述了世界燃料电池技术研究现状,分析了燃料电池技术的最新发展动向及应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:分析不同肠道准备方法对行CT小肠造影(CTenterography,CTE)患者的应用效果。方法:回顾性分析2020年2月~2021年1月我院收治的小肠病变患者122例临床资料,根据其肠道准备方法进行分组,观察不同肠道准备方法行CTE后的效果;A组43例扫描前16h进食半流质食物,给予番泻叶6g进行导泻,检测前12h禁食,检测前1h每隔15min口服甘露醇;B组40例与A组相同方法进行肠道准备,但将甘露醇更换为饮用水;C组39例检查前6h禁食,检查前1h每隔15min尽量口服饮用水。3组患者口服对比剂10min后进行CTE检查。结果:三组患者造影剂使用量经单因素方差分析显示(P<0.05);其中A、B组明显高于C组(P<0.05)。A、B小肠各肠腔充盈情况得分明显高于C组;A组又明显高于B组(P<0.05)。122例患者中共检出135处病变,根据最终临床诊断结果显示:A组出现10例误诊,B组共出现22例、C组共出现23例;A组诊断准确率明显高于B、C组;B、C组比较(P>0.05)。结论:分次口服甘露醇有助于CTE检查时小肠病变的显示与检出。  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), which is used for the enumeration of bacteria in various ecosystems including the human intestinal tract, has several limitations. One of the major problems encountered is the uneven distribution of bacterial cells on the slide surface, which increases the coefficient of variation between repetitions and thereby increase the time required for enumeration. In order to improve the spatial distribution, we designed a centrifugation device, which allows the direct centrifugation of bacterial cells onto the slide surface. Another problem is the loss of bacterial cells during the hybridization procedure. This leads to an underestimation of the true cell numbers in the sample. To overcome this problem we tested the use of silanized or chrome gelatine coated slides. Our study indicates that the use of the centrifugation device in conjunction with chrome gelatine coated slides highly improves the quality of enumeration data obtained by manual and automated microscopic counting and shortens the time of analysis.  相似文献   

充足的证据表明G蛋白作为真核细胞的重要分子开关参与细胞的增殖调控以及部分代谢调控过程。而近来在大肠杆菌中新发现的Era蛋白(E.coli ras-like protein)则是与已知的三聚体G蛋白和小分子G蛋白不同的一种新的GTP结合蛋白。进一步的研究发现该类GTP结合蛋白不仅存在于原核的大肠杆菌中,而且在高等植物、人类细胞中均含有该蛋白的同源蛋白。大肠杆菌的Era蛋白主要位于细胞膜的内侧,细胞质中也有一定的分布;一些证据表明,真核细胞ERA(ERG)蛋白来源于原核细胞,定位于线粒体或者叶绿体。近来的研究证据表明ERA或者ERG蛋白有可能担负着与其它两类G蛋白同样重要的分子开关功能。已有的研究表明Era蛋白参与调节原核生物的细胞分裂、细胞周期以及部分细胞代谢过程;在哺乳动物细胞中,同源蛋白ERA可能与细胞周期的G1期调控以及细胞凋亡有关;真核植物中相关研究报道尚少,推测该蛋白可能与种子的正常发育有关。本文主要介绍原核Era蛋白和真核ERA蛋白的结构特点以及功能研究进展。  相似文献   

Despite the great variety in chicken photoreceptors, existing morphogenetic studies only deal with two types: rods and cones. We have therefore examined by scanning electron microscopy the first appearance and maturation of different retinal photoreceptors in 36 chicken embryos (Gallus domesticus), aged 5-19 days prehatching. On day 5 of incubation, chicken retinae were only composed of proliferating ventricular cells devoid of photoreceptors. On day 8, outer mitotic cells were separated from inner differentiating photoreceptors, by the transient layer of Chievitz. Ball-like protrusions appeared at the ventricular surface, representing the first signs of photoreceptor inner segment formation. From day 10 onward, double cones, single cones, and rods could be clearly distinguished, and occasional cilia were detected at their tip. On day 12, inner segments had increased in length and diameter, and frequently carried a cilium representing the beginning of outer segment formation. On day 14, most photoreceptors displayed a distinct outer segment. On day 19, photoreceptors had essentially assumed adult morphology. Based on the shape of their outer segments, two subtypes of cones and three subtypes of double cones could be distinguished. Throughout development, we observed microvilli close to maturing photoreceptors, either originating from their lateral sides, from their tip, or from Müller cells. Microvillus density peaked between day 12 and 14, indicating an important role in photoreceptor morphogenesis. Unilateral occlusion of the eyes of posthatching chicken reduced the proportion of double cones to single cones in the retina, indicating dependence of retinal morphogenesis upon functional activity of visual cells.  相似文献   

The song system of birds provides a model system to study basic mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and development underlying learned behavior. Song learning and production involve discrete sets of interconnected nuclei in the avian brain. One of these nuclei, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (LMAN), is the output of the so-called anterior forebrain pathway known to be essential for learning and maintenance of song, both processes depending on auditory feedback. In zebra finches, only males sing and this sexually dimorphic behavior is mirrored by sexual dimorphism in neuronal structure that develops during ontogeny. Female zebra finches are not able to sing and nuclei of the song system are strongly reduced in size or even lacking, when compared to male brains. Only LMAN can be delineated as easily in females as in males. Since female zebra finches, despite being unable to sing, recognize song just as males do and form a memory for song (model acquisition) early in life, LMAN is a putative candidate for song acquisition in both sexes. Therefore, development of LMAN was studied at the cellular and ultrastructural level in both male and female zebra finches. Regressive development of dendritic spines, enlargement of neuronal cell body and nuclei size, as well as changes at the nucleolar level are events all occurring exclusively in males, when song learning progresses. The decline in synapse number and the augmentation in synaptic contact length at synapses in LMAN in males are indicative for synaptic plasticity, whereas in females synapse number and synaptic contact length remain unchanged.  相似文献   

The regeneration of the posterior portion of the body after fission was studied in the holothurian Cladolabes schmeltzii using electron microscopy methods. Following fission, the aquapharyngeal complex, gonad and anterior portion of the first descending part of the intestine remain in the anterior fragment of the body. The entire regeneration process is divided into five stages. In the first three stages, the digestive system and damaged ends of the longitudinal muscle bands regenerate. The intestine is formed through the rearrangement and growth of the remaining portion of the first descending part of the intestine. The gut anlage grows down the mesentery and joins the regenerating cloaca. The cloaca is formed from two sources: its posterior portion appears as a result of immersion of the epidermis, while the anterior portion develops from the terminal segment of the growing intestine. Regeneration of muscles progresses in the typical manner for echinoderms: through immersion and myogenic transformation of the coelomic epithelium. Respiratory trees appear in animals when the growth of the external part of the body has begun (fourth stage). They are formed as an outgrowth of the dorsal wall of the anterior portion of the cloaca. It was concluded that regeneration of the posterior portion of the body in the holothurian C. schmeltzii following fission is realized through morphallactic rearrangements of the remaining parts of organs. The main mechanism through which the digestive, respiratory, and contractile systems are formed is epithelial morphogenesis. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:540–552, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed apoptosis as an only programmed cell death (PCD) during renal morphogenesis before alternative type of PCD, necroptosis were introduced. Evidences of non‐apoptotic PCD during renal development were scarce and needed to be accumulated. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether non‐apoptotic PCD is involved in and observe ultrastructural features of apoptotic cells or non‐apoptotic PCD during metanephros development. For this purpose, light and transmission electron microscopy were used. The most significant finding to come out of this study was that necroptosis was observed during developing metanephros by electron microscopy. The results also provided another fact that apoptosis and necroptosis constituted the PCD during embryonic development of kidney in mouse. Compared to necroptosis, apoptosis was more predominantly evident throughout whole development period and in every compartment of metanephros except for proximal tubule. However, necroptosis was only exhibited in developing nephrons also except for proximal tubule. In addition, outcomes of PCD were related to morphogenetic features of metanephric development. Efferocytosis for apoptotic cell or bodies took place in each type cell and whole period of developing metanephros. Besides efferocytosis blood flow and urine flux were available to remove the corpses of PCD, especially PCD from developing nephrons. Our findings suggested that both apoptosis and necroptosis play important roles during nephrogenesis and observed three ways to clear the PCD cell: efferocytosis, blood flow, and urine flux. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:467–475, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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