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陈炳泉 《光电工程》2007,34(12):42-45
介绍了一种利用圆环孔径和锥镜剪切散斑干涉技术检测缺陷的新方法,该方法是一种非接触式的检测方法.不受缺陷形状和位置的影响,能够准确地检测出缺陷的位置和大小。分析了圆环孔径锥镜剪切散斑干涉的基本原理,给出了散斑图全场滤波分析的平均光强解析式和实验结果。结果表明,该方法能在一张双曝光的散斑图上可同时记录物体在所有方向上的变形信息,并能连续地再现出来,散斑图的信息量丰富。在全场滤波分析时,适当选择滤波孔的位置,可得到清晰的缺陷的全场条纹图。在实时滤波分析观察时,将滤波孔连续地旋转,可观察到物体动态变形的全过程,散斑图的条纹在变化,而缺陷的位置不变,从而为缺陷检测或其它动态检测方面提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

Sjödahl M 《Applied optics》1995,34(25):5799-5808
High-accuracy, noncontact measurements of in-plane strain fields have been performed through the use of an electronic-speckle-photography system. The strain fields are extracted from the displacement of defocused laser speckle in a telecentric imaging system. Two different illumination configurations have been suggested, both of which use four illumination directions. Both configurations produce results of an accuracy according to Me/ΔL, where M is the demagnification of the telecentric imaging system, e is the random error in the speckle-displacement fields, and ΔL is the magnitude of the defocusing distance. The maximum defocusing distance possible was found to be restricted by the spatial resolution, especially at high magnifications. In experiments on a semicircularly and a rectangularly notched aluminum sheet, the principal strain field around the notch was measured with a random error in the strain field of less than 10 μstrain (μm/m).  相似文献   

Diazdelacruz JM 《Applied optics》2007,46(24):6105-6112
Speckle photography can be used to monitor deformations of solid surfaces. Its measuring characteristics, such as range or lateral resolution, depend heavily on the optical recording and illumination setup. I show how, by the addition of two suitably perforated masks, the effective optical aperture of the system may vary from point to point of the surface, accordingly adapting the range and resolution to local requirements. Furthermore, by illuminating narrow areas, speckle size can be chosen independently from the optical aperture, thus lifting an important constraint on the choice of the latter. The technique, which I believe to be new, is described within the framework of digital defocused speckle photography under normal collimated illumination. Mutually limiting relations between the range of measurement and the spatial frequency resolution turn up both locally and when the whole surface under study is considered. They are deduced and discussed in detail. Finally, experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Barbosa EA  Lino AC 《Applied optics》2007,46(14):2624-2631
Profilometry by electronic speckle pattern interferometry with multimode diode lasers is both theoretically and experimentally studied. The multiwavelength character of the laser emission provides speckled images covered with interference fringes corresponding to the surface relief in single-exposure processes. For fringe pattern evaluation, variations of the phase-stepping technique are investigated for phase mapping as a function of the number of laser modes. Expressions for two, three, and four modes in four and eight stepping are presented, and the performances of those techniques are compared in the experiments through the surface shaping of a flat bar. The surface analysis of a peach points out the possibility of applying the technique in the quality control of food production and agricultural research.  相似文献   

In astronomical imaging, the errors in the wave-front slope are a significant cause of aberrations in the detected image. We investigate how the slope can be estimated optimally using an intensity measurement of the propagated wave front. We show that the optimal location for detection of wave-front tilt is the focal plane, and we quantify the error in using defocused images, such as would be obtained from a curvature sensor, for estimating the wave-front tilt. The effect of using broadband light is also quantified.  相似文献   

An optical technique that is based on defocused digital speckle photography is proposed for the evaluation of phase objects. Phase objects are different kinds of transparent or semi-transparent media that allow light to be transmitted. A phase object inserted in a laser speckle field introduces speckle displacement, from which information about the object may be extracted. It is shown that one may use speckle displacements to determine both the phase gradients and the positions of phase objects. As an illustration the positions and focal lengths of two weak lenses have been derived from defocused laser speckle displacement.  相似文献   

Ruiz PD  Huntley JM  Wildman RD 《Applied optics》2005,44(19):3945-3953
We show, for the first time to our knowledge, how wavelength-scanning interferometry can be used to measure depth-resolved displacement fields through semitransparent scattering surfaces. Temporal sequences of speckle interferograms are recorded while the wavelength of the laser is tuned at a constant rate. Fourier transformation of the resultant three-dimensional (3-D) intensity distribution along the time axis reconstructs the scattering potential within the medium, and changes in the 3-D phase distribution measured between two separate scans provide the out-of-plane component of the 3-D displacement field. The principle of the technique is explained in detail and illustrated with a proof-of-principle experiment involving two independently tilted semitransparent scattering surfaces. Results are validated by standard two-beam electronic speckle pattern interferometry.  相似文献   

Wang WC  Hwang CH  Lin SY 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4502-4509
Three different image-processing methods based on the time-averaged technique were compared by the electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) technique for vibration measurement. The three methods are the video-signal-addition method, the video-signal-subtraction method, and the amplitude-fluctuation method. Also, errors introduced by using the zero-order Bessel function directly into the analysis of the fringe pattern were investigated. The video-signal-addition method has been the most generally used ESPI technique for vibration measurement. However, without additional image and/or signal-processing procedures, the fringe pattern obtained directly by the video-signal-addition method is rather difficult to observe. The reason for poor visibility of the experimentally obtained fringe pattern with this method is explained. To increase the fringe pattern's visibility without additional image and/or signal processes, we tried two video-signal-subtraction methods. One of the two methods is the video-signal-subtraction method that has normally been used in the static applications. The other method, called the amplitude-fluctuation method, and its associated theory are reported here.  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of electronic speckle photography to measurement of through-the-thickness displacements in composites. Purpose is to assess the accuracy of this technique in presence of the strong gradients and rotations at the layer interfaces of these materials. The software for data acquisition and processing was in-home developed. Experimental results quantifying the thickness distribution of in-plane and transverse displacements in laminated beams are reported for some kinds of beams with metallic, polymeric and carbon fibre layers, to assess the influence of different constituent materials and optical properties. The experimental results are compared with the predictions of a theoretical model previously developed by the author, substantiated by the exact elasticity solution. In all the examined cases, electronic speckle photography appeared suited to accurately measure displacements with a magnitude of technical interest.  相似文献   

Moore AJ  Hand DP  Barton JS  Jones JD 《Applied optics》1999,38(7):1159-1162
To the best of our knowledge, transient deformations have been measured in real time with microsecond temporal resolution for the first time with speckle pattern interferometry. The short exposure period and high framing rate of a high-speed camera at as many as 40, 500 frames per second allow low-power continuous-wave laser illumination and fiber-optic beam delivery to be used. We have applied the technique to measure both harmonic vibration and transient deformation.  相似文献   

Pedrini G  Tiziani HJ 《Applied optics》1994,33(34):7857-7863
We describe a double-pulse electronic-speckle-interferometry system. Two separate speckle patterns of an object being tested are recorded within a few microseconds with a CCD camera. Their two images are stored in a frame grabber. The fringes obtained from subtraction are quantitatively analyzed by the spatial-carrier phase-shift method. Using three directions of illumination and one direction of observation, one can record at the same time all the information necessary for the reconstruction of the three-dimensional deformation vector. Applications of this system for measuring the rotating objects are discussed for the case for which a derotator needs to be used. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Phase-shifting algorithms for electronic speckle pattern interferometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kao CC  Yeh GB  Lee SS  Lee CK  Yang CS  Wu KC 《Applied optics》2002,41(1):46-54
A set of innovative phase-shifting algorithms developed to facilitate metrology based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are presented. The theory of a phase-shifting algorithm, called a (5,1) algorithm, that takes five phase-shifted intensity maps before a specimen is deformed and one intensity map after a specimen is deformed is presented first. Because a high-speed camera can be used to record the dynamic image of the specimen, this newly developed algorithm has the potential to retain the phase-shifting capability for ESPI in dynamic measurements. Also shown is an algorithm called a (1,5) algorithm that takes five phase-shifted intensity maps after the specimen is deformed. In addition, a direct-correlation algorithm was integrated with these newly developed (5,1) or (1,5) algorithms to form DC-(5,1) and DC-(1,5) algorithms, which are shown to improve significantly the quality of the phase maps. The theoretical and experimental aspects of these two newly developed techniques, which can extend ESPI to areas such as high-speed dynamic measurements, are examined in detail.  相似文献   

Transient events in optically transparent media occur in many engineering applications. Using pulsed TV holography to capture a laser speckle field propagated through an optical disturbance makes it possible to obtain both the position and the phase gradients of the disturbance. The technique depends on the fact that speckles transmitted through an optical disturbance will be displaced by an amount that depends on the relation of the defocus to the object. First the speckle field is captured holographically, without and with disturbance present. Then the recorded fields are numerically refocused in a computer to a number of different focal planes. With a cross-correlation technique a number of speckle displacement fields are obtained, and from them the data about the disturbance are obtained. So far the technique has been shown to work for thin objects.  相似文献   

Accuracy in electronic speckle photography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sjödahl M 《Applied optics》1997,36(13):2875-2885
Electronic speckle photography is an accurate, easy-to-use, video-based technique for the analysis of two- and three-dimensional deformation fields and in-plane strain fields, based on numerical cross correlation. Through the use of statistical optics, simulated speckle patterns, and experiments the accuracy in electronic speckle photography was found to depend on correlation, speckle size, window size, and correlation filter. The estimated correlation was found to be the combined effect of three mutually competing factors because of classical speckle correlation, subimage overlap, and displacement gradients. In many applications white-light speckle patterns provide a more accurate estimate of the displacement field than do laser speckle patterns.  相似文献   

In this paper, a video-based speckle interferometric method using a continuous reference updating technique is presented. Unlike conventional ESPI techniques, this methodsynchronizes the optical interferometric detection system with the acoustic stressing of the test object, and includes continuous renewal of the reference image. It is shown that the susceptibility of the method to environmental noise caused by vibration, temperature gradients, or thermal currents is substantially lower than that of conventional techniques. The application of this technique to the detection of defects in adhesively bonded structures is demonstrated.  相似文献   

An optical setup that can be switched to produce in-plane and out-of-plane sensitivity interferometers was designed for three-dimensional deformation measuring by electronic speckle pattern interferometry. Divergent illumination is considered in the evaluation of sensitivity vectors to measure both in-plane and out-of-plane displacement components. The combination of these interferometers presents the advantage of greater sensitivity in directions u, v, and w than a typical interferometer with three illumination beams provides. The system and its basic operation are described, and results with an elastic target that is exposed to a mechanical load are reported.  相似文献   

We present the simultaneous measurement of three-dimensional deformations by electronic speckle pattern interferometry using five object beams and three colors. Each color, corresponding to an orthogonal direction of displacement, is separated through dichroic filtering before being recorded by a separate CCD camera. Carrier fringes are introduced by tilting the beam path in one arm of each of the three interferometers. The measured deformation modulates these carrier fringes and is extracted using the Fourier-transform method to achieve high displacement sensitivity. The field of view is on the order of a millimeter, making the system suitable for study of microstructural deformations. We compare experimental results with calculated values to validate out-of-plane and in-plane deformation measurements and demonstrate sensitivity on the order of 10 nm.  相似文献   

Servin M  Davila A  Quiroga JA 《Applied optics》2002,41(22):4541-4547
In recent years the availability of high-speed digital video cameras has motivated the study of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) in the time domain. To this end a properly sampled temporal sequence of N-fringe patterns is used to analyze the temporal experiment. Samples of temporal speckle images must fulfill the Nyquist criteria over the time axis. When the transient phenomena under study are too fast, the required sampling frequency over time may not be fulfilled. In that case one needs to extend the measuring range of the algorithm used to extract the modulating phase. We analyze how to use short laser pulses or short video acquisition times with fairly long temporal separation among them to estimate the modulating phase of a dynamic ESPI experiment. The only requirement is that the modulating phase being estimated be properly sampled in the spatial domain.  相似文献   

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