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An experiment is reported examining the relation of implicit grammar learning and series completion tasks to a standard measure of psychometric intelligence, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R; D. Wechsler, 1981). The results replicate and extend an earlier study by A. S. Reber, F. F. Walkenfeld, and R. Hernstadt (1991) and provide the following support for the differences between explicit and implicit tasks: (a) The implicit task was less strongly related to Full Scale IQ, and (b) the implicit task appeared to be independent of age. The implicit and explicit tasks exhibited a quite different pattern of relations to the factors known to underlie WAIS-R performance. Although both tasks showed significant links with a Perceptual Organization factor, only the series completion task showed a significant link with the Attention factor.  相似文献   

The peptide somatostatin (SS) is widely distributed in the mammalian brain where it modulates neuronal activity through interactions with specific membrane-bound receptor subtypes (ssts). Five different ssts were characterized so far (sst1-5) and their selective agonists were developed on the basis of their binding specificity. SS and ssts are transiently expressed in the developing brain, suggesting a functional role of somatostatinergic systems in neuronal maturation. In the present study, we investigated the effects of chronic exposure to either the SS synthetic analogue, SS-14 or octreotide (a long-acting sst2-preferring analogue) on the maturation of SS-immunoreactivity (-ir) in the primary visual cortex of the rat. SS-ir maturation was investigated both by an evaluation of the number of SS-immunoreactive cells and by radioimmunoassay (RIA) to measure the levels of SS in the postnatal visual cortex. In the visual cortex of normal rats, the number of SS-positive cells markedly increased during the second postnatal week and then significantly decreased until the adult value was reached at the third week. Early and repeated intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of either SS-14 or octreotide prevented the increase in the number of SS-positive cells, with adult values reached at the end of the first postnatal week. Similarly, administration of either SS-14 or octreotide significantly decreased the SS content of the visual cortex, measured at the end of the second postnatal week. These results show that high local concentrations of either SS-14 or octreotide interfere with SS expression in developing cortical neurons in a restricted postnatal period.  相似文献   

To better understand variations in spectra of brain tumors, 122 in vivo proton spectra of brain tumors in 82 patients were analyzed. The changes in relative metabolite concentrations compared with those in normal spectra and the presence of any new metabolite were assessed. To evaluate the clinical usefulness of in vivo hydrogen-1 magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy in brain tumors, the authors looked for specific spectral changes on the basis of tumor grade. All tumor spectra showed differences from normal reference spectra. The differential diagnosis of the spectra was limited because intraindividual differences between spectra of one tumor at different locations were often larger than differences between spectra of tumors with different histologic characteristics. However, the variations in metabolite concentrations, and especially the presence or absence of aliphatic signals, were proved to be indicators of the histologic grade of tumor. The observed spectral patterns conformed to a four-compartment model, described herein, which is proposed to improve the interpretation of brain spectra.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Late juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a lysosomal neurodegenerative disorder caused by the accumulation of lipopigment in neurons. Our purpose was to characterize the MR imaging and spectroscopic findings in three children with late infantile NCL. METHODS: Three children with late infantile NCL and three age-matched control subjects were examined by MR imaging and by localized MR spectroscopy using echo times of 135 and 5. Normalized peak integral values were calculated for N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline, creatine, myo-inositol, and glutamate/glutamine. RESULTS: MR imaging revealed volume loss of the CNS, most prominently in the cerebellum. The T2-weighted images showed a hypointense thalamus and hyperintense periventricular white matter. Proton MR spectra revealed progressive changes, with a reduction of NAA and an increase of myo-inositol and glutamate/glutamine. In long-standing late infantile NCL, myo-inositol became the most prominent resonance. Lactate was not detectable. CONCLUSION: MR imaging in combination with proton MR spectroscopy can facilitate the diagnosis of late infantile NCL and help to differentiate NCL from other neurometabolic disorders, such as mitochondrial or peroxisomal encephalopathies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to determine whether MR studies in the neonatal period are predictive of the neuroradiologic sequelae and clinical outcome in premature and term infants with perinatal brain injury. METHODS: Thirty subjects (15 premature and 15 term infants) with abnormalities revealed by initial MR studies were reexamined approximately 1 year after birth with both MR imaging and a neurologic assessment. All initial MR studies were performed between 35 and 45 weeks corrected age in premature infants and within 28 days of life in term infants. The initial MR studies were evaluated for deep gray matter involvement, hemispheric parenchymal change, intracranial hemorrhage, and periventricular signal and/or morphologic changes. These MR findings were compared with the follow-up MR findings and with the neurologic outcome. RESULTS: The development of cerebral palsy in premature infants was related to the following initial MR findings: subependymal hemorrhage associated with parenchymal destruction, periventricular signal alteration with irregularity of the ventricular wall, and widespread cerebral infarction. These MR findings were predictive of the subtypes of cerebral palsy. In term asphyxiated infants, T2 signal alterations of the deep gray matter rather than T1 shortening and diffuse involvement of the hemispheres were predictive of an unfavorable outcome. Both in term and premature infants, focal hemispheric parenchymal lesions alone (including infarction and intracerebral, subdural, intraventricular, and subarachnoid hemorrhage) did not produce poor outcomes. CONCLUSION: MR studies performed at or near term in either premature or term infants with perinatal brain damage are effective in predicting both late neuroradiologic and clinical outcome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy combined with MR imaging and hemodynamic MR imaging in the evaluation of brain tumors in children and young adults. METHODS: Fifteen patients with brain tumors and 10 healthy children underwent MR imaging and MR spectroscopy on a 1.5-T system. Ten patients with tumors had both MR spectroscopy and hemodynamic MR imaging. MR spectroscopy data sets with 1 cm3 to 3.4 cm3 resolution were acquired within 8.5 minutes by using a point-resolved spectroscopic, chemical-shift imaging technique in two dimensions with volume preselection. MR imaging was performed using fast spin-echo techniques. Hemodynamic MR imaging data were acquired every 2.5 seconds at one anatomic level using a spoiled gradient-echo sequence during intravenous bolus administration of contrast material. RESULTS: Assessment with multivoxel MR spectroscopy and hemodynamic MR imaging added about 30 minutes to the total MR examination time. Normal tissue exhibited spectral peaks from biologically significant compounds such as N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline-containing compounds (Cho), and total creatine (tCr). Twelve biopsy-proved tumors exhibited prominent Cho, reduced NAA, variable tCr, and/or lactate or lipids, and two showed increased hemodynamic parameters. Three of the tumors treated with radiation did not reveal prominent levels of Cho. Tissue necrosis had no Cho, NAA, or tCr, and reduced hemodynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings by MR spectroscopy combined with MR imaging and hemodynamic MR imaging suggest that regions of active tumor may be differentiated from areas of normal tissue and areas of necrosis. These findings may enable metabolic and hemodynamic characterization of childhood brain tumors as well as suggest their response to therapy.  相似文献   

The current state-of-the-art imaging technique in multiple sclerosis (MS) is magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. With improved imaging technology, MR spectroscopy offers the capacity to identify those chemical changes associated with MS and promises to enhance our ability to understand this disease. Physiologic function in the central nervous system can be measured using evoked potentials. This article analyzes the correlation between these two techniques.  相似文献   

Liver cell volume and intracellular ion concentrations are maintained within a narrow physiologic range by regulated changes in membrane ion permeability. These studies of homozygous HTC hepatoma cells, a model liver cell line, evaluate the relationship between cell volume and membrane ion permeability, and assess the possibility that cell swelling allows the efflux of the intracellular osmolite taurine through the opening of a conductive pathway. Cell swelling induced by exposure to hypotonic solutions (203 mOsm) caused a rapid increase in cell volume, followed by recovery toward basal values. Volume recovery was inhibited by Cl- depletion or by exposure to the putative Cl- channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropyl-amino) benzoic acid (NPPB) (25 micromol/L). Swelling increased the efflux rates of 36Cl (181% +/- 15%, P < .01) and 125I (310% +/- 21%, P < .01). In whole cell patch clamp recordings, cell swelling induced by 1) exposure to hypotonic solution or 2) intracellular perfusion with hypertonic sucrose-containing solutions activated an anion-selective current which was outwardly rectified and showed time-dependent inactivation at depolarizing potentials. The current density at -80 mV increased proportionally with increases in the transmembrane osmotic gradient from basal values of -1 pA/pF to maximal values of 70 pA/pF with 100 mmol/L sucrose in the pipette. Basal taurine permeability was low, but cell swelling increased the efflux of [1,2-3H]taurine to 1,587% +/- 172% of basal levels (P < .05). Intracellular perfusion with hypertonic solutions activated currents carried by anionic taurine, with an estimated taurine/Cl- permeability ratio of .88 +/- .17 for whole cell currents. These studies demonstrate that the HTC membrane anion permeability is closely coupled to changes in cell volume, and that the recovery from swelling depends upon activation of anion-selective conductance pathways permeable to both Cl- and taurine.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the value of gadolinium in routine head MR imaging of HIV-infected patients. METHODS: One hundred and three consecutive human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients referred for head MR imaging were scanned without and with intravenous gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA) contrast. RESULTS: The precontrast scans of 82 patients were either normal, or had atrophy or diffuse white matter changes only. Sixteen of these 82 demonstrated enhancing abnormalities: eight meningeal/ependymal enhancement and eight focal enhancing lesions. Twenty-one of the 103 scans had focal or mass lesions on the precontrast images; in eight of these scans, new information was obtained with Gd-DTPA. Of the 24 patients in both groups where new information was obtained with Gd-DTPA, the information contributed to a change in the clinical care of nine patients. CONCLUSION: Gadolinium-enhanced MR is useful in the management of selected patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection, for example those with symptoms suggesting meningeal involvement, focal brain lesions, or if the unenhanced MR does not explain all the patient's symptoms.  相似文献   

Sonography was performed in 41 patients with symptoms referable to the rotator cuff. Sonography was performed immediately after MR imaging, so that the information obtained by MR imaging could be applied to sonographic diagnosis. Twenty patients were diagnosed from T2-weighted images as having complete tears of the rotator cuff. Sonography showed full-thickness anechoic areas in 12 of the 20 patients, heterogeneous hyperechoic areas in seven, and no abnormal findings in the other one. Thirteen patients were diagnosed as having incomplete tears with MR imaging. Sonography showed heterogeneous hyperechoic areas in 12, but no abnormal findings in one of the 13. Hyperechoic areas in the rotator cuff were shown in four of eight patients who had been diagnosed from T2-weighted images as not having tears. We consider full-thickness anechoic areas to be specific findings of complete tears, although some patients with rotator cuff tears did not show this finding.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine whether the measurement of intrauterine human decidua-associated protein (hDP) 200 might be of clinical value in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy versus early missed abortion. Uterine fluid levels of hDP 200 were measured in two groups of patients: 20 women with ectopic pregnancy, diagnosed by laparoscopy, and 20 women diagnosed (after curettage) as having a missed abortion. No significant difference in hDP 200 levels was observed comparing patients with ectopic pregnancy (mean 114.0+/-58.2 mU/ml) and patients with early missed abortion (mean 222.0+/-116.0 mU/ml), although a trend towards lower levels of uterine fluid hDP 200 was noted in the group of patients presenting with tubal pregnancy. Thus, according to our data, intrauterine hDP 200 is not sufficiently discriminative to be of clinical value in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) was evaluated for the detection of doxorubicin (DXR) cardiomyopathy in seven patients with malignant lymphoma receiving DXR doses ranging from 70 to 530 mg (DXR group), and 20 normal subjects without hypertension, diabetes mellitus or electrocardiographic abnormalities (control group). The ratio of the heart to mediastinal counts (H/M) and the washout rate (WR) in MIBG SPECT images were compared between the two groups. Correlation of total doses of DXR with H/M and the relationship of H/M to WR were investigated. The H/M of the DXR group was lower than that of the control group (3.00 +/- 0.97 vs 4.90 +/- 1.08, p < 0.001). The WR of the DXR group was higher than that of the control group (30.9 +/- 10.5% vs 16.5 +/- 9.1%, p < 0.001). Total DXR doses were inversely correlated with H/M (r = -0.86), H/M correlated inversely with the WR (r = -0.83) only in the DXR group. Pathological findings of one patient, who died of DXR cardiomyopathy, showed atrophic and fibrotic nerve fibers in the apical inferior segment of the left ventricle where MIBG uptake was reduced markedly. DXR cardiomyopathy can be detected with MIBG SPECT as cardiac sympathetic nervous dysinnervation. The pathological findings correspond to the MIBG SPECT findings.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the female pelvis with a local coil (multiple phased array coils) has been reported. With this method, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is improved so that high-resolution images can be obtained. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging has been reported to be useful in diagnosing uterine neoplasms. However, dynamic MR imaging is done in only limited imaging planes. When multisection dynamic MR imaging with fast gradient-echo sequences is combined with the use of a local coil, high-resolution images can be obtained throughout the entire uterus during a single breath-hold. This pictorial essay illustrates the appearance of the normal uterus and malignant uterine neoplasms on high-resolution multisection dynamic MR images obtained with a Helmholtz-type surface coil.  相似文献   

Small-voxel (3.0-8.0 cm3), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging-guided proton MR spectroscopy was performed in 54 patients (aged 6 days to 19 years) with intracranial masses (n = 16), neurodegenerative disorders (n = 34), and other neurologic diseases (n = 4) and in 23 age-matched control subjects without brain disease. A combined short TE (18 msec) stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) and long TE (135 and/or 270 msec) spin-echo point-resolved spatially localized spectroscopy (PRESS) protocol, using designed radio-frequency pulses, was performed at 1.5 T. STEAM spectra revealed short T2 and/or strongly coupled metabolites; prominent resonances were obtained from N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline-containing compounds (Cho), and total creatine (tCr). Lactate was well resolved with the long TE PRESS sequence. Intracranial tumors were readily differentiated from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collections. All tumors showed low NAA, high Cho, and reduced tCr levels. Neurodegenerative disorders showed low or absent NAA levels and enhanced mobile lipid, glutamate and glutamine, and inositol levels, consistent with neuronal loss, gliosis, demyelination, and amino acid neurotoxicity. Preliminary experience indicates that proton MR spectroscopy can contribute in the evaluation of central nervous system abnormalities of infants and children.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings of a littoral cell angioma of the spleen. This benign vascular neoplasm of the spleen has been described, but to our knowledge there has been no case published in the literature that describes its imaging features.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of stent-grafts for the percutaneous closure of arteriovenous fistulas that develop after cardiac catheterization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1994 to November 1997, 14 arteriovenous fistulas in 13 patients (eight men, five women; age range, 46-65 years; mean age, 53.5 years) were treated. Eleven fistulas were situated between the deep femoral artery and the common femoral vein, and three fistulas were between the superficial femoral artery and the common femoral vein. All fistulas were closed with stent-grafts positioned in the artery at the level of the fistula. RESULTS: The percutaneous treatment of arteriovenous fistulas was successful in all cases. The findings at angiography performed after the procedure demonstrated the closure of the fistulas and the correct positioning of the prostheses; veins were no longer visible. One complication occurred--a partial thrombosis of the common femoral vein at the puncture site after manual compression. CONCLUSION: On the basis of the preliminary data, the authors believe that the percutaneous closure of arteriovenous fistulas with stent-grafts is a safe and effective alternative to conventional surgery.  相似文献   

Extraskeletal osteosarcomas are rare tumors, and the telangiectatic variety is the least common histological variety in this group. This report describes the clinical and MR imaging findings in two cases arising in the pretibial soft tissues. Both tumors demonstrated marked inhomogeneity with T2-weighted spin echo and STIR sequences. One of the tumors revealed numerous fluid levels within the lesion. A review of the MRI features of these tumors is provided. Osteosarcoma with telangiectatic features should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue mass with fluid-fluid levels in patients 40 years of age or older.  相似文献   

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