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锌镍电池新进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了锌镍电池近期的发展 ,主要研究包括锌电极、镍电极、电解液、隔膜及相关技术。锌电极 :添加Ca (OH) 2 和金属氧化物 (PbO、Bi2 O3 、CdO、Ga2 O3 和Tl2 O3 ) ;渗入Pb2 + 或Ta、Cd。镍电极 :含有Ni(OH) 2 、Ca(OH) 2 和Zn(OH2 ) ;由球状氢氧化镍与粉状氢氧化镍混合而成 ;Ni(OH) 2 颗粒含有Zn ,并用Cd覆盖在镀镍纤维基底上填充活性物质。电解液 :添加硼酸盐、磷酸盐 ;加入Li+ 和SiO2 -2 。隔膜 :无纺尼龙布 ,无纺聚乙烯纤维膜 ,无纺尼龙布和微孔聚丙烯。相关技术 :增添催化复合装置 ;采用碱性固态电解质。近年来 ,锌镍电池的性能有了明显的提高 ,并进入了生产和实用阶段。这种电池可望用于手提式仪器及电动汽车动力电源  相似文献   

庞可可  王为 《电源技术》2012,36(12):1945-1948
诸如MEMS,微电子系统,甚至于系统芯片等微型化固态装置的应用日益广泛,这类装置通常需要具有低输出功率、高输出电压的微型电源为其供电。基于薄膜热电材料制造的微型温差电池即是一种典型的可以满足上述要求的微型电源。综观已报道的微型温差电池结构,按热传导的方向可分为两类:横向结构和纵向结构。对于横向结构,热量沿着热电腿表面传导,而纵向结构的热量则是沿热电腿的厚度方向传导。综述了此两种结构微型温差电池的最新进展。  相似文献   

The property of GaInN-AlGaN heterostructures and GaInN multiple quantum well (MQW) gain GaInN laser diodes with low internal loss are described. GaInN blue-violet laser diodes have been developed as a light source for optical disk recording. However, the threshold current density of these diodes has been difficult to reduce and remains high at around 3-4 kA/cm/sup 2/. This is thought to be due to the large transparency current density Jt and the large optical internal loss /spl alpha//sub i/. Recently, the internal loss was successfully reduced to 13.6 cm/sup -1/ by optimizing the design of the near active region and achieved stable continuous operation under 50-mW continuous wave at 70/spl deg/C. Other laser characteristics such as far-field patterns and laser noise have also been improved for optical disk use.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the theoretical underpinnings of both the forward and inverse problems of electrocardiography. Space limitations prohibit describing all of the research work done in these areas, and the author apologizes in advance for any omissions on this account or due to oversight. The article should enable one to gain a better qualitative and quantitative understanding of the heart's electrical activity  相似文献   

Symbolic computational systems introduce some unique features in computational engineering. There have been several papers published on the solution of differential equations under given boundary conditions by symbolic systems. The finite element formalism has received prime attention in the course of development of symbolic computation in engineering. The main idea has been to develop a symbolic FEM package to reduce the burden of manual algebra, eliminate errors introduced by numerical quadrature, and improve the efficiency of element generation. This work discusses a symbolic solution to electromagnetic linear antenna problems. The solution is a method of moments that transforms Pocklington's integral equation to a matrix equation. The symbolic system is used to produce (1) analytical integration, (2) the parametric expression for the input impedance and (3) computational code for forward and reverse problem of the input impedance.  相似文献   

We review the recent progress of nitride-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and discuss the dislocation issue and luminous efficiency. First, candela-class blue LEDs have been developed. InGaN layer was used for nitride LEDs instead of GaN active layer. The quantum-well-structure InGaN active layer dramatically improved the external quantum efficiency. There are a number of threading dislocations in epitaxial layer of nitride-based LEDs. InGaN-LEDs, however, have quite high external quantum efficiency. With regard to this, it is thought that the fluctuation of indium mole fraction is strongly related to the high external quantum efficiency. We also discuss the method to improve the external quantum efficiency of nitride-based LEDs  相似文献   

王观成 《电池工业》2007,12(6):415-418
阐述了军用电池的地位与作用;综述了我国今后要发展的几种军用通信电池,特别是高性能一次锂电池、金属氢化物-镍蓄电池和锂离子蓄电池近几年来在技术上取得的进展与重大突破,并指出了这些发展中的新型电池今后改进与提高工作的重点。  相似文献   

防覆冰涂料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了覆冰对电网的影响,综述了防覆冰涂料技术的研究现状,分析了各种防覆冰涂料的防冰原理及优缺点;并指出了超疏水仿荷叶涂料及其结合光热型涂料是防覆冰涂料技术的研究方向,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

将无人机集成到国家空域系统中,以实现和有人飞机安全共享空域是无人机发展的一个关键问题。在这个过程中,无人机感知与规避系统扮演了一个至关重要的角色。首先介绍无人机感知与规避系统的研究意义;其次根据感知器件的工作方式从协同式和非协同式2个角度介绍了感知与规避系统的组成和分类;再次从入侵目标检测算法和航迹规划算法2个方面介绍感知与规避系统中目前需要解决的关键技术;最后将对现有的无人机感知与规避技术中存在的挑战进行总结,并分析无人机感知与规避系统未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   


Recent progress of FET-type ferroelectric memories is reviewed. It is described that insersion of a buffer layer between the ferroelectric film and Si substrate is essential in preventing interdiffusion of the constituent elements. It is also shown, however, that existence of the buffer layer degrades the data retention characteristic severely. Necessary conditions to solve the short retention time problem are discussed, paying particular attention to comparison of MFIS (metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor) and MFMIS structures. Finally, a novel ferroelectric-gate FET is proposed, in which the depolarization field is expected not to be generated in the ferroelectric film.  相似文献   

针对求解多极值点目标函数的电磁场逆问题,提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索算法.为提高算法的全局寻优能力和减少寻优计算的时间,改进算法在结构上提出了不同状态的新转移规则:步长向量选取原则和不同循环起始点选择的新规则.避免了重复或无意义中间点的产生,使算法能够有效地跳出局部极值点,迅速收敛到全局最优点.给出的典型数学函数验证了算法的快速性和有效性,电磁场逆问题算例TEAM Workshop问题22的结果表明算法的优越性和工程应用价值.  相似文献   

宗军  刘兴江 《电源技术》2012,36(9):1397-1400
石墨烯因其独特的电性能、化学性能、机械性能、热性能等而备受人们的关注,在各种化学电源中有着极大的应用潜力。简单介绍了石墨烯的制备方法,评述了近年来石墨烯在各种化学电源中的应用研究,并对石墨烯的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘加丽  曹爽  臧子浩  陶西园  王先友 《电池》2022,52(2):120-125
锂离子电池的能量密度提升空间有限,且受资源限制,因此开发其他电池体系成为研究热点。F-的电负性高、半径小、质量轻,作为电子载体能够提供高能量密度,因此,基于F-穿梭的氟离子电池受到人们的重视。综述近几年氟离子电池电解质和电极材料的研究进展,介绍固态氟离子电池和液态氟离子电池两类体系。从提高电解质离子电导率、改善电极/电解质界面结构、抑制电极材料溶解损失和调控电极材料结构与组成等方面,对高性能氟离子电池的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

钴基氧化物热电材料研究现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李瑜煜  张仁元 《电源技术》2006,30(8):689-692
综述了钴基氧化物热电材料国内外研究新进展,着重介绍NaxCo2O4热电材料的晶体结构、热电性能及制备方法;并对Ca-Co-O系列的CaCo2O4、Ca2Co2O5、Ca3Co2O6、Ca3Co4O9和Ca9Co12O28共5种不同结构的热电材料及Bi2Sr3Co2Oy、稀土系钴基氧化物RCoO3等氧化物热电材料作了介绍。还总结了为提高热电性能而进行的掺杂研究。最后展望了氧化物热电材料的发展前景。  相似文献   

The procedure for pattern fabrication by photolithography is described, highlighting the need for resists that are sensitive to 436-nm and 248-nm light for submicrometer lithography. Recent developments in 436-nm resists are summarized. A two-layer resist process using silicon-containing resists and resists for Kr/F excimer lasers are discussed. The latter method, which uses 248-nm radiation, has great potential but requires considerable development before it becomes a practical method  相似文献   

王观成 《电池》2003,33(2):108-109
综述了我国近几年来军用通信电池,特别是镉镍蓄电池、金属氢化物镍蓄电池、高性能一次锂电池和锂离子蓄电池的最新进展与技术上所取得的重大突破。  相似文献   

Recent progress in CMOS integrated successive approximation (SAR) analog‐to‐digital converters (ADCs) is remarkable in terms of architecture and performance. Because of the inherent non‐necessity of active circuit elements such as operational amplifiers, the SAR architecture is suitable for fine CMOS processes. By using a time‐interleaved architecture, it achieves a very high speed conversion rate of 90 G‐sample/s with an 8‐bit resolution. Also, for applications with very low power consumption, such as wireless sensor nodes, it achieves 84 nW at 10‐bit, 200 k‐sample/s. A high signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) can also be achieved by using several techniques such as an SAR architecture that combines oversampling and noise shaping. This survey paper explains the progress made recently in SAR‐ADC circuit techniques and the achieved performances. © 2016 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

染料敏化太阳电池碳对电极研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为染料敏化太阳电池(DSCs)对电极Pt催化层的取代材料,低成本、来源广泛的碳材料展现出一定的应用前景。碳对电极组装的DSCs的转换效率已达到9.15%,其值接近Pt对电极DSCs的最高转换效率。主要对碳材料在对电极中的应用类型、涂层工艺以及组装后DSCs的光电性能、稳定性等进行阐述,同时对其存在的问题和发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   


This paper describes amorphous Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films deposited by cosputtering Pb(Zr0.5 Ti0.5)O3 and PbO targets. By optimizing the amount of the excess Pb and the deposition temperature, PZT thin films with a single perovskite phase were obtained successfully on Ir substrates and Pt substrates at 520°C. 250-nm-thick PZT films crystallized by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 600°C for 20 s exhibited excellent ferroelectric properties: a coercive voltage of 1.0 V, a remanent polarization density of about 40 μC/cm2, and a polarization switching endurance over 1x109 cycles. Although a heat treatment in a reductive ambient causes degradation of ferroelectric properties of PZT thin films, their degraded ferroelectric properties can be easily recovered from by a 1-min RTA in an oxygen at 400°C.  相似文献   

电磁轨道发射装置中,绝缘部件承担着电气绝缘和支撑固定的作用,在重复发射实验中绝缘部件的破坏现象频发。在高重复频率连续发射时,绝缘性能的变化将直接影响发射系统的效率和寿命,是亟待解决的关键问题之一。本文通过回顾电磁轨道发射装置中绝缘问题的研究历程,介绍了绝缘研究现状和存在的问题,讨论了电磁发射中绝缘破坏的主要因素和影响,对其产生规律和失效机制进行了分析,并介绍了相关问题的改善方法。最后,归纳得到绝缘材料的评价标准,并展望了电磁轨道发射装置中绝缘问题的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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