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Role and potentials of nuclear energy system in the energy options are discussed from the viewpoint of sustainable development with protecting from global warming by using the energy module structure of GRAPE model. The analysis with respect to carbon emission control and nuclear fissile transaction among regions indicates the need of coordinated further developments of energy conservation, renewable and nuclear energies, and rather drastic nuclear introduction in the presently developing world. The analysis also suggests the need of long-term planning and R&D efforts under the wisdom.  相似文献   

Small and Medium Reactors (SMRs) are attractive in developing countries because of their unique features such as: better suitability for smaller electric grids, lower investment cost, smaller components and equipment to facilitate modularization, etc. Furthermore, other factors induced by SMR implementation, such as technical transfer promotion, domestic infrastructure improvement, stabilization of energy cost, and environmental protection put SMRs into a more favorable position. From the nuclear plant suppliers, many SMR designs are available for a wide range of applications. A questionnaire study, which the IAEA conducted in 1996, confirmed that several countries are interested in SMRs and that some SMRs are already in the detailed design stage. A projection shows that the total nuclear capacity would increase in all regions that consist mainly of developing countries in the near future. For a timely and broad implementation of SMRs, information exchange and cooperation are indispensable between nuclear suppliers and buyers. The IAEA continues to play a role in encouraging and assisting development and practical application of SMRs for harmonization of energy demand and supply in developing countries.  相似文献   

The economic growth of recent Asia is rapid, and the GDP and the energy consumption growth rate are about 8–10% in China and India. The energy consumption forecast of Asia in this century was estimated based on the GDP growth rate by Goldman Sachs. As a result, about twice in India and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and about 1.5 times in China of SRES B (Special Report on Emission Scenarios) are forecasted. The simulation was done by Grape Code to analyze the impact of energy increase in Asia. As for the nuclear plant in Asia, it is expected 1500 GWe in 2050 and 2000 GWe in 2100, in the case of the environmental constrain. To achieve this nuclear utilization, there are two important aspects, technically and institutionally.
A. Development of the CANDLE core and/or the Breed and Burn core.

B. The establishment of the stable nuclear fuel supply system like “Asian nuclear fuel supply organization”.

Keywords: Energy; Nuclear; CO2 constrain; Nuclear fuel resource; LWR–FBR; CANDLE  相似文献   

Nuclear energy is back on the agenda worldwide. In order to prepare for the next decades and to set priorities in nuclear R&D and investment, it is important to assess the future nuclear fuel cycle. This allows to identify the triggers which influence the market penetration of future nuclear reactor technologies.To this purpose, fuel cycle scenarios for a future nuclear reactor park in Europe have been analysed applying an integrated dynamic process modelling technique. The assessment was undertaken using the DANESS code (Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Energy System Strategies, developed by Argonne National Laboratory (US)). This code allows to provide a complete picture of mass flows and economics of the various nuclear fuel cycle scenarios.The present assessment recognizes the integrated nuclear fuel cycle and concentrates on the evolution under consideration of increased uranium prices, increased costs for geological disposal, lifetime extension of the current reactor park, and various nuclear energy demand scenarios. The analyses show that the future European nuclear park will consist of a mix of Gen-III and Gen-IV reactors. The relative shares of the reactor types in the total mix depend on the applied boundary conditions such as the future nuclear energy demand, the reactor characteristics, and the assumed economical factors. Furthermore, the analyses highlight the triggers influencing the choices between different nuclear energy deployment scenarios, and enable an evaluation of future types and amounts of nuclear waste. In addition, a dynamic assessment is made with regard to employment of manpower for a future nuclear fleet in the different scenarios. Finally an estimate is provided of the radiological impact on the regional population due to the release of potentially hazardous radionuclides during the different steps in the nuclear fuel cycle.  相似文献   

从国家能源安全与能源可持续发展的角度论述了核能的优势地位和作用,及核能在满足能源和电力安全供应需求、缓解生态环境污染和降低温室气体排放等方面的作用。讲述了中国能源安全和可持续发展面临的挑战和严峻形势,指出发展核能是中国优化能源结构的客观要求,是我国未来能源及电力安全供应的重要保证。阐明了发展核能是实现中国能源与电力可持续发展的必然选择,核能利用符合循环经济的原则。研究分析了核电发展对中国未来生态环境保护的贡献,并对中国核能发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Energy security is vital for the steady growth of the world's welfare and economy and although many novel non-nuclear energy sources are being explored, much less attention is given to nuclear energy. In developing this source, safety, environment protection, and non-proliferation are essential considerations. I have proposed establishing deep underground nuclear parks where not only energy production, but also the processing and transportation of fuel can be carried out in a well protected small area; in the near future they might be operated under international supervision to ensure non-proliferation. The quantum physics on which modern technologies such as nanotechnology, and biotechnology are based, offer a sound foundation. The mathematical and physical technologies developed in the fields of nuclear engineering will provide the fundamental educational basis for such 21st century science and technology.  相似文献   

There are many external influences that may control the path that nuclear power deployment follows. In the next 50 years several events may unfold. Fear of the consequences of the greenhouse effect may produce a carbon tax that would make nuclear power economically superior very quickly. This, in turn, would increase the rate at which uranium reserves diminish due to the increased rate of nuclear power deployment. However, breakthroughs in the extraction of uranium from the sea or deployment of fast breeder reactors would greatly extend the uranium reserves and, as well, utilize the thorium cycle.On the other hand, carbon sequestering technology breakthroughs could keep fossil fuels dominant for the remainder of the century. Nuclear power may only then continue, as today, in a lesser role or even diminish. Fusion power or new developments in solar power could completely displace nuclear power as we know it today.Even more difficult to predict is when the demand for mobile fuel for transportation will develop such that hydrogen and hydrogen rich fuel cells will be in common use. When this happens, nuclear power may be the energy source of choice to produce this fuel from water or methane. In a similar vein, the demand for potable and irrigation water may be another driver for the advent of increased deployment of nuclear power.With all these possibilities of events that could happen it appears impossible to predict with any certainty which path nuclear power deployment may take. However, it is necessary to define a strategy that is flexible enough to insure that when a technology is needed, it is ready to be deployed.For the next few decades there will be an evolutionary improvement in the performance of uranium oxide and mixed uranium oxide-plutonium oxide (MOX) LWR fuels. These improvements will be market driven to keep the cost of fuel and the resulting cost of nuclear power electricity as competitive as possible. The development of fuels for accelerator transmutation and for reactor transmutation with inert matrix fuels is in its infancy. A great deal of research has been initiated in a number of countries, which has been summarized in recent conferences. In Europe the work on these fuels is directed at the same problem as their utilization of MOX; namely to reduce the inventory of separated plutonium, minor actinides, and Long Lived Fission Products (LLFP). In the United States there is no reprocessing and thus no inventory of separated civilian plutonium. However, in the United States there is a resistance to a permanent spent fuel repository and thus accelerator transmutation presents a possible alternative. If nuclear power does have a long-term future, then the introduction of the fast reactor is inevitable. Included in the mission of the fast reactors would be the elimination of the inventory of separated plutonium while generating useful energy. The work that is ongoing now on the development of fuel concepts for assemblies that contain actinides and LLFP would be useful for fast reactor transmutation.There is still a great deal of work required to bring the fast breeder reactor option to maturity. Fortunately there is perhaps a fifty-year period to accomplish this work before fast breeders are necessary. With regard to fast reactor fuel development, future work should be considered in three stages. First, all the information obtained over the past forty years of fast reactor fuel development should be completely documented in a manner that future generations can readily retrieve and utilize the information. Fast reactor development came to such an abrupt halt world-wide that a great deal of information is in danger of being lost because most of the researchers and facilities are rapidly disappearing. Secondly, for all of the existing fast reactor fuels, and this includes, oxides, carbides, nitrides, and metallic fuels, the evolutionary work was far from being completed. Although mixed oxide fuels were probably the furthest advanced, there were many concepts for improved claddings and advanced fabrication methods that were never fully explored. Finally, with such an extended period before fast reactors are needed there is ample time for truly innovative fuels to be developed that are capable of performing over a wide range of conditions and coolants.  相似文献   

21世纪的核医学探测器   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了一些即将在21世纪发挥重大作用的新的核医学探测材料和技术,包括LSO闪烁晶体、雪崩光二极管(APD)、多通道光电倍增管(MC-PMT)、半导体探测器等等。  相似文献   

我国乏燃料离堆贮存需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国核电的大力发展,产生了大量的乏燃料。若不能妥善进行处理,会给核电发展带来不利影响。我国后处理技术的发展现状暂时无法有效缓解乏燃料大量累积造成的困境。本文按照我国的核电发展规划,结合现有的乏燃料贮存能力,计算得出了乏燃料的年产生量、累积量,以及离堆贮存需求。建议我国尽快开展压水堆乏燃料离堆贮存设施的研究工作,确保核电的安全发展。  相似文献   

The enamel of teeth from 57 children, who died in the mid to late 1800s, were analysed to investigate strontium (Sr) concentrations in historic teeth. Teeth were analysed using proton induced X-ray emission at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). Where available, multiple teeth were analysed for each individual including permanent (molars and premolars) and deciduous teeth (molars). Preliminary results show that Sr does not appear to be affected by the postmortem environment. Sr levels in permanent molars strongly correlate with levels in the premolars but not with the deciduous molars. Concerns are raised over the large variation seen in Sr levels and the effect it would have on the interpretation of Sr levels in studies with small sample sizes.  相似文献   

高能重离子碰撞中能量密度和粒子密度数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别用无穷级数展开方法和数值积分计算中的高斯-拉盖尔求积法对高能重离子碰撞中能量密度和粒子密度数值进行计算,并对结果及级数展开中的高次项和一次项的大小进行了比较。结果表明:高斯-拉盖尔方法可以作为一种实用的算法应用在高能重离子碰撞的计算中。  相似文献   

柴之芳 《核技术》2001,24(9):764-769
讨论了21世纪环境研究的若干前沿领域,包括:(1)经济性分析和危险性评估;(2)环境监测和生态学;(3)化学品和环境;(4)能源体系和环境;(5)工业生态;(6)人口和健康。随后探讨了该分析技术在在这些前沿环境研究中的重大机会和挑战,提出应当做好以下工作:(1)充分利用和开发核分析技术的固有特点;(2)加强核分析技术在环境污染物的定量和科学的危险性评估方面的作用;(3)发挥核分析技术在环境分析质量保证体系中的作用;(4)开拓核分析技术在环境污染化学种态及其效应研究中的能力;(5)建立可用于研究新型生物分子标志物及其环境毒理的核分析技术;(6)重视核分析技术在新型污染物的鉴别及其溯源中的应用。  相似文献   

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