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热处理对Ti-6Al-4V ELI合金厚板组织与性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了热处理对Ti-6Al-4V超低间隙(ELI)合金厚板组织与性能的影响。结果表明,Ti-6Al-4V ELI合金经α+β区热处理后得到双态组织,强度、塑性都较高;经β区热处理后得到片层组织,细片层组织强度较高。片层粗化后,强度降低。当片层尺寸小于某一临界值(-5μm)时,延伸率随着片层的粗化升高,当片层继续粗化时,延伸率反而下降。  相似文献   

Investment-cast titanium components are becoming increasingly common in the aerospace industry due to the ability to produce large, complex, one-piece components that were previously fabricated by mechanically fastening multiple pieces together. The fabricated components are labor-intensive and the fastener holes are stress concentrators and prime sites for fatigue crack initiation. The castings are typically hot-isostatically-pressed (HIP) to close internal porosity, but have a coarse, fully lamellar structure that has low resistance to fatigue crack initiation. The as-cast + HIP material exhibited 1- to 1.5-mm prior β grains containing a fully lamellar α + β microstructure consistent with slow cooling from above the β transus. Friction stir processing (FSP) was used to locally modify the microstructure on the surface of an investment-cast Ti-6Al-4V plate. Friction stir processing converted the as-cast microstructure to fine (1- to 2-μm) equiaxed α grains. Using micropillars created with a dual-beam focused ion beam device, it was found that the fine-grained equiaxed structure has about a 12 pct higher compressive yield stress. In wrought products, higher strength conditions are more resistant to fatigue crack initiation, while the coarse lamellar microstructure in the base material has better fatigue crack growth resistance. In combination, these two microstructures can increase the fatigue life of titanium alloy castings by increasing the number of cycles prior to crack initiation while retaining the same low-crack growth rates of the colony microstructure in the remainder of the component. In the current study, high-cycle fatigue testing of investment-cast Ti-6Al-4V was performed on four-point bend specimens. Early results show that FSP can increase fatigue strength dramatically. This article is based on a presentation given in the symposium entitled “Materials Behavior: Far from Equilibrium” as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, which occurred December 15–16, 2006 in Mumbai, India.  相似文献   

研究了Ti-6Al-4V ELI合金板材的显微组织与力学性能。结果表明:双态组织,强度、塑性都比较高;而对于片层组织,随着片层的粗化,强度降低,延伸率先升高后降低,面缩呈下降趋势。片层粗化,抵抗裂纹穿越、迫使裂纹拐弯能力增大,提高了断裂韧性。  相似文献   

对真空冶炼铸造Ti-6Al-4V钛合金(简称ZTC4)表面α污染层的组织、氧氢含量及纳米硬度趋势进行了研究,分析了α污染层对铸造钛合金拉伸性能的影响。结果表明,α污染层为粗大的片状结构,最大深度为0.28 mm;与心部区域相比,氧元素含量增加了1.64倍,氢元素减少了1倍,0硬度值增加了0.94倍,α污染层对ZTC4的拉伸性能影响显著,与不含α污染层试样相比,屈服强度、抗拉强度、延伸率和断面收缩分别降低了14.2%、12.5%、20%和35%,这是由于氧等原子固溶在试样表面形成脆而硬的α污染层,在拉伸载荷作用下α层不易变形形成多源断裂,在材料最薄弱区域形成宏观断裂源并向基体快速扩展,最后形成脆性解理断裂。  相似文献   

制定了3种Ti-6Al-4V合金大规格方坯锻造工艺,通过Simufact仿真软件对工艺参数进行优化,在万吨液压机上进行全流程控制锻造,制备出规格为245 mm×480 mm×3 700 mm的大规格方坯。对方坯的力学性能和显微组织进行表征,分析锻造工艺对大规格方坯组织与性能的影响。结果表明,3种工艺锻制的Ti-6Al-4V合金大规格方坯显微组织均为等轴组织,初生α相含量约占80%。工艺A和工艺B制得的方坯组织细小,均匀性好,超声波杂波水平低。工艺C锻制的方坯晶粒粗大,组织不均匀,心部存在长条及大块状α相。工艺A、B锻制的方坯有较好的强度和塑性匹配,工艺C锻制的方坯强度虽较高,但塑性相对较低。从组织均匀性、力学性能及杂波水平综合考虑,工艺A为最优锻造方案。  相似文献   


One of the attractive properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is control of microstructure through heat treatment to vary the mechanical properties. In this study, three different microstructures, Lamellar, Widmanstätten, and Martensitic morphologies, were created through heat treatment at a post-β transus temperature followed by cooling at different rates. With faster cooling rates, the microstructures evolved finer lamellae, smaller colony sizes, and thinner grain boundary layers. High-temperature dynamic compression was conducted on these specimens at a strain rate of 1000 s−1 and temperatures in the range of 23 °C to 1045 °C. Flow stresses decreased linearly with colony size and grain boundary layer thickness, but increased with inverse square root of lamellar thickness. This strong correlation of flow stress to several microstructural feature sizes indicated multiple modes of deformation. All three microstructures showed identical thermal softening. The softening rate was intensified at elevated temperatures due to hcp → bcc allotropic phase transformation. Gangireddy modification to Johnson–Cook model could account for this augmented softening and the modified J–C model predicted the three microstructures to follow a similar thermal softening coefficient m = 0.8. The kinetics of phase transformation appear to be very rapid irrespective of the microstructural differences in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy.


Ti-6Al-4V合金绝热剪切带的演化   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
利用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)技术,对双态组织和片层组织Ti-6Al-4V合金帽形试样进行动态加载实验,通过控制加载时间(50,60和80μs)来研究绝热剪切带随时间的演化过程.微观分析结果表明:两种组织中绝热剪切带的宽度有一个发展过程,随着入射波加载时间的延长,绝热剪切带逐渐变宽;当加载时间为60μs时,两种组织钛合金中的绝热剪切带演化过程相同,均是在剪切应力下微观组织的拉长、细化和碎化;当加载时间为80μs时,双态组织中绝热剪切带的演化过程仍然是带内晶粒的进一步细化,而片层组织中的绝热剪切带中可能发生了动态再结晶.绝热剪切带演化过程的不同导致了绝热剪切带宽度的差异.  相似文献   

In the current study, ultrafine equiaxed grains with a size of 150 to 800 nm were successfully produced in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy through thermomechanical processing of a martensitic starting microstructure. This was achieved through a novel mechanism of grain refinement consisting of several concurrent processes. This involves the development of substructure in the lath interiors at an early stage of deformation, which progressed into small high-angle segments with increasing strain. Consequently, the microstructure was gradually transformed to an equiaxed ultrafine grained structure, mostly surrounded by high-angle grain boundaries, through continuous dynamic recrystallization. Simultaneously, the supersaturated martensite was decomposed during deformation, leading to the progressive formation of beta phase, mainly nucleated on the intervariant lath boundaries.  相似文献   

Wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a novel manufacturing technique in which large metal components can be fabricated layer by layer. In this study, the macrostructure, microstructure, and mechanical properties of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy after WAAM deposition have been investigated. The macrostructure of the arc-deposited Ti-6Al-4V was characterized by epitaxial growth of large columnar prior-β grains up through the deposited layers, while the microstructure consisted of fine Widmanstätten α in the upper deposited layers and a banded coarsened Widmanstätten lamella α in the lower layers. This structure developed due to the repeated rapid heating and cooling thermal cycling that occurs during the WAAM process. The average yield and ultimate tensile strengths of the as-deposited material were found to be slightly lower than those for a forged Ti-6Al-4V bar (MIL-T 9047); however, the ductility was similar and, importantly, the mean fatigue life was significantly higher. A small number of WAAM specimens exhibited early fatigue failure, which can be attributed to the rare occurrence of gas pores formed during deposition.  相似文献   

通过电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析了Ti-6Al-4V合金表面微弧氧化膜层的微观形貌、相组成和化学成分,采用拉伸试验机及红外光谱仪(FTIR)测试了膜层的结合强度以及5~20μm波段内的红外发射率。结果表明,随着(NaPO_3)_6电解液中FeSO_4浓度的升高,膜层的厚度、粗糙度及结合强度增加,红外发射率呈先增加后减小的趋势,其中,Fe SO4浓度为6 g/L时膜层的红外发射率达到最大值0. 86。结合XRD与XPS测试结果,推断元素Fe与P分别以非晶态的Fe_2O_3、H_2PO_4~-、P_2O_7~(4-)存在。Fe掺杂与非晶态的无序结构特征有利于局域能级的生成和增强原子间的极性振动,进而提高膜层的红外发射率。  相似文献   

Mechanical behaviors at 538 °C, including tensile and creep properties, were investigated for both the Ti-6Al-4V alloy and the Ti-6Al-4V composite reinforced with 10 wt pct TiC particulates fabricated by cold and hot isostatic pressing (CHIP). It was shown that the yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the composite were greater than those of the matrix alloy at the strain rates ranging from approximately 10−5 to 10−3 s−1. However, the elongation of the composite material was substantially lower than that of the matrix alloy. The creep resistance of the composite was superior to that of the matrix alloy. The data of minimum creep strain rate vs applied stress for the composite can be fit to a power-law equation, and the stress exponent values of 5 and 8 were obtained for applied stress ranges of 103 to 232 MPa and 232 to 379 MPa, respectively. The damage mechanisms were different for the matrix alloy and the composite, as demonstrated by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of fracture surfaces and the optical microscopy examination of the regions adjacent to the fracture surface. The tensile-tested matrix alloy showed dimpled fracture, while the creep-tested matrix alloy exhibited preferentially interlath and intercolony cracking. The failure of the tensile-tested and creep-tested composite material was controlled by the cleavage failure of the particulates, which was followed by the ductile fracture of the matrix.  相似文献   

In this research, the effect of various surface treatments including laser processing, grit blasting and anodizing on chemical structure, surface topography, and bioactivity of Ti-6Al-4V was investigated. Six groups of samples were prepared by a combination of two alternative laser processes, grit blasting and anodizing. Selected samples were first evaluated using microanalysis techniques and contact roughness testing and were then exposed to in vitro environment. Scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the corresponding final surface morphologies. Weight measurement and atomic absorption tests were employed for determination of bioactivity limits of different surface conditions. Based on the data obtained in this study, low-energy laser processing generally yields a better biological response. The maximum bioactivity was attained in those samples exposed to a three step treatment including low-energy laser treatment followed by grit blasting and anodizing.  相似文献   

本文研究了明Ti-6Al-4V合金在510℃下不同时间时效后组织及硬度变化。结果发现该合金在940℃固溶、510℃时效时,先从亚稳定β相中析出近等轴状的α相;延长时效时间,α相向片状生长,形成α集团,在集团内片状α的取向趋于一致,而集团间的取向不一致,这导致合金的硬度增加;继续增加时效时间,发生马氏体的分解,片状α相向等轴状转变,合金硬度降低。538℃时效时,硬度比510℃时高。采用多弧离子镀在Ti-6Al-4V合金表面形成了一层很薄且致密的(Ti,Al)N层,镀层可提高合金的显微硬度。  相似文献   

钇对Ti-43Al-9V合金组织性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用OM,XRD,SEM和TEM等测试方法,分析了稀土元素(Y)对Ti—43Al—9V合金显微组织以及力学形能的影响。实验结果表明,Ti—43Al—9V—0.3Y合金由γ相、α2相、B2相和YAl2相组成;添加稀土可以细化Ti—43Al—9V合金的晶粒尺寸,并促进细小的α2/γ层片形成以及细化粗大的α2/γ/B2层片。对TiAl合金力学性能测试表明,适量添加稀土Y(0.3%,原子分数)可明显改善合金的室温强度和塑性,但过量添加将会造成材料性能降低;断口分析表明过量添加稀土导致沿晶断裂比例增加将损害TiAl合金的性能。  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V powders have been hot-isostatically-pressed (“HIPped”) using a range of hot-isostatic-pressing (“HIPping”) conditions, and the effects on microstructure and mechanical properties have been assessed. The properties were measured on test samples machined from HIPped powder billets and on samples that contained the as-HIPped surface. The fatigue limit of samples that contained the as-HIPped surface was improved by using a new HIPping procedure. The machined samples that had been HIPped at 1203 K (930 °C) exhibited a better balance of properties than those HIPped at 1153 K (880 °C) or 1293 K (1020 °C). The fine microstructure, formed from the martensitic structure of the atomized powder, coarsens with the increase of temperature or time during HIPping. These changes have been correlated with the corresponding changes in properties and with the fracture surfaces. The significance of these observations, especially the fatigue properties of samples that contain the as-HIPped surface, is discussed in terms of the properties of net-shape HIPped components.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using high-strain rate (1.475 to 3.942 s?1) hot-torsion testing with a Gleeble® thermomechanical simulator was demonstrated for simulating microstructures consistent with friction stir processing (FSP) of Ti-6Al-4V. The tests were performed on α/β-processed base material at temperatures both above and below the β-transus. Various phenomena including the refinement of α- and β-grains, deformation-induced heating, and deformation instabilities were observed. These tests reproduced the range of microstructures that are observed under FSP processing conditions. The testing methodology can be used for generating constitutive material property equations relevant to computational FSP/friction stir welding models.  相似文献   

The Ti-6Al-4V (Ti-64) alloys modified with two levels of boron (1B and 1.7B (wt pct)) representing hypoeutectic and hypereutectic compositions, produced via a prealloyed powder metallurgy approach, were subjected to various standard heat treatments of Ti-64 to study the microstructural evolution and its influence on tensile properties. Boron-modified Ti-64 (Ti-64B) alloys exhibited differences in microstructural response to heat treatment compared to that of Ti-64 due to variations in constituent phase fractions and the influence of TiB on the beta-to-alpha phase transformation kinetics. The tensile elastic modulus of Ti-64B alloys increased nearly linearly with the boron content (or TiB volume fraction) and the increase could be satisfactorily predicted with an isostrain rule of mixtures (ROMs) and the Halpin–Tsai model. The Ti-64-1B possessed a good combination of tensile strength (1200 to1370 MPa) and ductility (10 to 13 pct), while Ti-64-1.7B exhibited high strength (1300 to 1695 MPa) and modest ductility (2 to 3.5 pct). Coarse primary TiB particles present in Ti-64-1.7B were found to initiate premature failure. Strength modeling revealed that load sharing by the micron-sized TiB whiskers provides the major contribution for the increase in yield strength.  相似文献   

应用高温拉伸实验研究了氢对Ti-6Al-4V合金超塑变形行为的影响,借助于OM、SEM、TEM和XRD等分析手段,分析了氢对钛合金组织演变的影响.结果表明:氢可促进合金中β相数量的增加,氢质量分数达到0.2%时合金出现马氏体组织,并随着氢含量的增加而逐渐粗化;适量的氢可以改善钛合金超塑变形行为,如降低流动应力和超塑变形温度、提高应变速率敏感指数m值;Ti-6Al-4V合金加入质量分数0.1%的氢,其峰值流动应力降低53%,变形温度降低约60℃,且由于氢的加入,使得超塑变形后的位错密度减少,说明氢促进了位错的运动.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic properties of titanium-nitrogen-oxygen inclusions within Ti-6A1-4V (Ti64) blocks were measured and related to inclusion chemistry. Sound velocities were measured on Ti-N-O alloy samples that had been prepared by powder metallurgy and ingot-melting techniques. The contributions to sound velocity from oxygen and nitrogen contents were determined. Then, Ti64 blocks were hot isostatic pressing (HIP) bonded to contain inclusions of the Ti-N-O alloys. The signal-to-noise ratios of reflections from uncracked inclusions were found to be an increasing function of inclusion interstitial content and were related to changes in sound velocity with inclusion chemistry. Measurements were made of the reflectance of titanium-nitrogen inclusions in titanium and Ti64.  相似文献   

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