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Austenite was stabilized in the martensitic stainless steel grade AISI 420 by means of quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processing. The effects of quenching temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. The specimens processed at low quench temperatures (regime I) had a microstructure consisting of tempered martensite and retained austenite. At high quench temperatures (regime II), fresh martensite was present too. The highest austenite fraction of about 0.35 was obtained at the quench temperature delineating regimes I and II. The amount of carbon in retained austenite increased as the quench temperature decreased. The carbon level of austenite was, however, much lower than the carbon concentrations expected from full partitioning assumption. This was mainly due to the extensive cementite formation in the partitioning step. Stabilization of austenite by Q&P processing was found not to be purely chemical. Austenite stabilization was also assisted by locking, because of local carbon enrichment, of potential martensite nucleation sites in the austenite/martensite boundaries and in austenite defects. The importance of the latter stabilization mechanism increased at higher martensite fractions. According to the tensile test results, the Q&P processed specimen with the highest austenite fraction was not associated with the best combination of strength and ductility. The mechanical stability of austenite was found to increase with its carbon concentration being the highest at the lowest quench temperature. The thermal stability, on the other hand, was almost inversely proportional to the retained austenite fraction, being low at intermediate quench temperatures where the retained austenite fraction was high.  相似文献   

Fracture toughness K IC was measured by double edge-notched tension (DENT) specimens with fatigue precracks on quenching and partitioning (Q&P)-treated high-strength (ultimate tensile strength [UTS] superior to 1200 MPa) sheet steels consisting of 4 to 10 vol pct of retained austenite. Crack extension force, G IC, evaluated from the measured K IC, is used to analyze the role of retained austenite in different fracture behavior. Meanwhile, G IC is deduced by a constructed model based on energy absorption by martensite transformation (MT) behavior of retained austenite in Q&P-treated steels. The tendency of the change of two results is in good agreement. The Q&P-treated steel, quenched at 573 K (300 °C), then partitioned at 573 K (300 °C), holding for 60 seconds, has a fracture toughness of 74.1 MPa·m1/2, which is 32 pct higher than quenching and tempering steel (55.9 MPa·m1/2), and 16 pct higher than quenching and austempering (QAT) steel (63.8 MPa·m1/2). MT is found to occur preferentially at the tips of extension cracks on less stable retained austenite, which further improves the toughness of Q&P steels; on the contrary, the MT that occurs at more stable retained austenite has a detrimental effect on toughness.  相似文献   

The quenching and partitioning (Q&P) treatment of steel aims to produce a higher fraction of retained austenite by carbon partitioning from supersaturated martensite. Q&P studies done so far, relies on the basic concept of suppression of carbide formation by the addition of Si and/or Al. In the present study Q&P treatment is performed on a steel containing 0.32 C, 1.78 Mn, 0.64 Si, 1.75 Al, and 1.20 Co (all wt pct). A combination of 0.64 Si and 1.75 Al is chosen to suppress the carbide precipitation and therefore, to achieve carbon partitioning after quenching. Addition of Co along with Al is expected to accelerate the bainite transformation during Q&P treatment by increasing the driving force for transformation. The final aim is to develop a multiphase microstructure containing bainite, martensite, and the retained austenite and to study the effect of processing parameters (especially, quenching temperature and homogenization time) on the fraction and stability of retained austenite. A higher fraction of retained austenite (~13 pct) has indeed been achieved by Q&P treatment, compared to that obtained after direct-quenching (2.7 pct) or isothermal bainitic transformation (9.7 pct). Carbon partitioning during martensitic and bainitic transformations increased the stability of retained austenite.  相似文献   


Quenching and partitioning (Q&P) and a novel combined process of hot straining (HS) and Q&P (HSQ&P) treatments have been applied to a TRIP-assisted steel in a Gleeble®3S50 thermomechanical simulator. The heat treatments involved intercritical annealing at 800 °C and a two-step Q&P heat treatment with a partitioning time of 100 seconds at 400 °C. The “optimum” quench temperature of 318 °C was selected according to the constrained carbon equilibrium (CCE) criterion. The effects of high-temperature deformation (isothermal and non-isothermal) on the carbon enrichment of austenite, carbide formation, and the strain-induced transformation to ferrite (SIT) mechanism were investigated. Carbon partitioning from supersaturated martensite into austenite and carbide precipitation were confirmed by means of atom probe tomography (APT) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Austenite carbon enrichment was clearly observed in all specimens, and in the HSQ&P samples, it was significantly greater than in Q&P, suggesting an additional carbon partitioning to austenite from ferrite formed by the deformation-induced austenite-to-ferrite transformation (DIFT) phenomenon. By APT, the carbon accumulation at austenite/martensite interfaces was observed, with higher values for HSQ&P deformed isothermally (≈ 11 at. pct), when compared with non-isothermal HSQ&P (≈ 9.45 at. pct) and Q&P (≈ 7.6 at. pct). Moreover, a local Mn enrichment was observed in a ferrite/austenite interface, indicating ferrite growth under local equilibrium with negligible partitioning (LENP).


Based on 22MnB5 hot stamping steel, three model alloys containing 0.5, 0.8, and 1.5 wt pct Si were produced, heat treated by quenching and partitioning (Q&P), and characterized. Aided by DICTRA calculations, the thermal Q&P cycles were designed to fit into industrial hot stamping by keeping partitioning times ≤ 30 seconds. As expected, Si increased the amount of retained austenite (RA) stabilized after final cooling. However, for the intermediate Si alloy the heat treatment exerted a particularly pronounced influence with an RA content three times as high for the one-step process compared to the two-step process. It appeared that 0.8 wt pct Si sufficed to suppress direct cementite formation from within martensite laths but did not sufficiently stabilize carbon-soaked RA at higher temperatures. Tensile and bending tests showed strongly diverging effects of austenite on ductility. Total elongation improved consistently with increasing RA content independently from its carbon content. In contrast, the bending angle was not impacted by high-carbon RA but deteriorated almost linearly with the amount of low-carbon RA.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - This paper reports a Galerkin finite-element analysis of carbon partitioning from martensite into austenite during the quenching and partitioning...  相似文献   

The microstructure and mechanical properties of intercritically annealed medium Mn steel are dependent on the selection of the intercritical annealing (IA) temperature. While the yield strength (YS) decreases with increasing IA temperature, the ultimate tensile strength increases with increasing IA temperature. Strain aging phenomena, both static and dynamic, are also often observed. The present contribution shows that, by combining IA with the quench and partitioning processing of the intercritical austenite, it is possible to obtain non-aging mechanical properties which combine a high YS with an ultra-high tensile strength. These properties are particularly suitable for automotive parts related to passenger safety.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processing of third-generation advanced high strength steels generates multiphase microstructures containing...  相似文献   

Du  Hao  Gong  Yu  Li  Zhu  Lu  Xianwen  Jin  Xuejun 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2021,52(6):2123-2130

In this study, the competing mechanisms of carbon partitioning and concurrent pseudospinodal decomposition of supersaturated martensite, forming superlattice-ordered α″-Fe16C2, are elucidated in a quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel containing high silicon based on various microstructural characterizations. Our results demonstrate that the fluctuation of carbon content caused by high-density dislocations and transformation residual stress in martensite may stimulate the pseudospinodal decomposition. Furthermore, the sluggish diffusion kinetics of silicon and nickel inhibits further transformation from α″-Fe16C2 to carbide precipitation. The experimental results provide new insights into the pseudospinodal decomposition and carbon redistribution mechanism during the carbon partitioning process.


Compared to the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel produced by full austenization annealing, the Q&P steel produced by the intercritical annealing shows a similar ultimate tensile stress but a larger tensile ductility. This property is attributable to the higher volume fraction and the better mechanical stability of the retained austenite after the intercritical annealing. Moreover, intercritical annealing produces more ferrite and fewer martensite phases in the microstructure, making an additional contribution to a higher work hardening rate and therefore a better tensile ductility.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Application of quenching and partitioning process in hot stamping has proven to be an effective method to improve the plasticity of advanced...  相似文献   

淬火-配分(Quenching and Partitioning,简称QP)工艺是针对马氏体钢提出的热处理新工艺。利用QP工艺处理40Si2Ni2钢,并通过扫描电镜观察其微观组织特征。结果表明,与传统淬火+回火工艺得到的组织不同,QP组织为低碳(回火态)和高碳马氏体(淬火态)共存,其中高碳马氏体呈现为有规则几何形状、边界清晰、无析出物析出的块状组织,淬火温度(QT)对高碳马氏体(淬火态)量有影响。  相似文献   

Extensive research efforts are underway globally to develop new steel microstructure concepts for high-strength sheet products, driven largely by the need for lightweight automotive structures in support of designs to enhance occupant safety and energy efficiency. One promising approach, involving the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process, was introduced in the predecessor to this paper series, Austenite Formation and Decomposition, 2003.[1] Development of the Q&P process has continued through to the present, and the current status is highlighted in this article, along with some alternative approaches that are also receiving attention. Special emphasis is placed on the synthesis and interpretation of the fundamental phase transformation responses, perspectives related to alloying and processing, and the resulting microstructure and properties. Key mechanistic issues are discussed, including carbide formation and suppression, migration of the martensite/austenite interface, carbon partitioning, and partitioning kinetics.  相似文献   

朱帅  康永林  邝霜  姜英花 《钢铁》2014,49(6):69-73
 Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning, 淬火配分)工艺在CCE条件下,通过采用[Ms]和[Mf]点之间的最佳淬火温度和低于[Ms]点的配分温度,避免配分阶段的贝氏体形成最终可以得到最高含量的残余奥氏体组织。但试验中得到不足体积分数8%的残余奥氏体含量限制了钢塑性的提高。通过提出淬火-贝氏体区配分工艺,并应用在(0.21~0.29)C-(1.5~2.0)Si-(1.5~2.1)Mn成分钢,得到了体积分数12%左右的残余奥氏体含量和25%左右的伸长率,同时强度保持在1 000~1 100 MPa,强塑积最高达到36.6 GPa·%。不同的淬火温度和配分温度试验结果表明,工艺变化对强度影响较低,伸长率和强塑积随着配分温度的提高而提高,其中270 ℃的淬火温度试样的提高幅度高于245 ℃淬火试样,采用Q&PB工艺得到了无碳贝氏体+马氏体+残余奥氏体的三相组织。淬火和贝氏体区配分得到了优异的强度和塑性的结合,为新一代汽车用钢的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

利用万能试验机和分离式霍普金森压杆装置(SHPB)对Mn-Si-Cr系Q&P钢分别进行了准静态和动态压缩试验。在应变速率为0.001、0.01、0.1 s-1和900、1 500、2 200、3 000 s-1情况下分别得到了准静态和动态压缩真应力-真应变曲线,并利用扫描电子显微镜进行压缩后的显微组织和断口分析,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)对压缩变形试样进行物相分析。结果表明,准静态和动态压缩变形条件下,试验钢的真应力-真应变曲线均可大致分为弹性变形和塑性变形2个阶段,且没有明显的屈服平台。准静态压缩条件下应变速率强化效果不明显但应变强化效应较显著。动态压缩条件下应变强化效应不明显,但展现出一定的应变速率强化效应。准静态变形后,试样中心区域板条组织倾向沿近水平方向(垂直于压缩方向)定向排布。动态变形后,约有1/3试样发生了断裂,未发生断裂的试样中心出现45°方向剪切带,其附近板条组织发生了“屈曲”。准静态变形后残余奥氏体含量下降明显,而动态压缩试样中,残余奥氏体含量只有略微下降,且块状M/A岛内部出现扭曲变形与开裂,这可能是导致部分试样断裂的诱因。动态压缩破坏试样断口整体呈现45°剪切断裂,一端发生微孔聚集性断裂,另外一端发生剪切断裂。  相似文献   

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