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柑橘是我国重要的出口农产品,日本是我国柑橘出口的主要市场之一.简要分析了"肯定列表制度"对柑橘的药残标准,提出了我国柑橘生产和加工企业应对"肯定列表制度"的策略和建议.  相似文献   

对2006年5月29日起实施的日本<食品残留农业化学品肯定列表制度>的内容,制定过程和原则方法做了简明解说.对了解食品标准内容与制定程序和方法有一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

介绍了我国出口日本农产品现状和"日本肯定列表制度"的内容,对比分析了"日本肯定列表制度"农药残留新标准与日本原标准和我国国家标准的差异,总结了对我国农产品出口的不利影响.  相似文献   

食品中有毒有害物质近年来备受各方关注,各种食品安全事件此起彼伏,如苏丹红事件、淡水鱼中检出孔雀石绿、咸水鱼中检出硝基呋喃以及近期发生的多宝鱼事件等,这些事件的频繁发生引起了各国政府的极大关注。本文从对日本肯定列表制度的解析,了解其制定过程,思考该制度出台的科学性和合理性,为我国制定食品中有毒有害物质体系框架提供全新的管理理念和模式。  相似文献   

国伟  杨玲  项宇 《食品科技》2007,32(5):3-6
2006年5月29日日本正式实施了"肯定列表制度",由于其严格的农兽药残留限量标准导致我国出口日本的多批食品和农产品由于残留超标而出口受阻.从"肯定列表制度"实施背景、具体内容和对我国出口的影响进行了简要分析,并就具体的应对措施作了进一步探讨.  相似文献   

日本实施"肯定列表制度",对输日畜产品中农业化学品残留做出苛刻限制,我国输日畜产品面临巨大挑战。本文分析了"肯定列表制度"对我国输日畜产品的影响,并提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

日本政府将在2006年5月29日起实施《日本食品中农业化学品残留肯定列表制度》。现对该制度的修改动因、修改过程、修改前后内容的变化以及对中国农产品出口的影响作一介绍,并提出了建议和基层相关企业宜采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

为了继承和发展松原老(陈)醋的传统生产工艺,介绍了松原老(陈)醋的生产流程,并详细描述了其原料配比、原料处理方法、糖化及酒精发酵工艺、醋酸发酸工艺、熏醅、储存陈酿和淋醋等生产工艺,同时指出了其生产工艺中的特点.  相似文献   

文中概述了按照有机食品加工的基本要求 ,采用已获得有机食品颁证的有机无农药颗粒大豆、有机无农药小麦及天然海盐、净化水 ,运用传统酿造工艺及现代先进技术 ,成功生产出目前国内唯一酿造安全调味品—有机 (生态 )酱油并获得国际有机食品认证机构认证  相似文献   

随着国外技术性贸易措施的不断演化,我国出口企业面临符合成本不断增加的困境。日本是我国蔬菜的主要出口国,本文以日本实施的肯定列表制度为例,从深入分析蔬菜出口企业承担符合成本的决定因素入手,分析了蔬菜出口企业增加的符合成本的构成,阐述了国外技术性贸易措施的演化导致我国蔬菜出口企业竞争力下降的根本原因,以日本肯定列表制度的实施导致我国出口企业符合成本增加的分析框架具有普适性。  相似文献   

比较了4种大分子杂质沉淀方法和4种小分子杂质去除方法对食醋有机酸HPLC分析结果的影响。结果表明,亚铁氰化钾-硫酸锌法可有效地沉淀食醋样品中的生物大分子物质,Sep-PakC18固相萃取小柱可有效的去除样品中色素等小分子杂质。该方法简单、操作方便,成功地排除了食醋中蛋白、色素等复杂成分对有机酸HPLC分析的干扰。   相似文献   

酱油、醋生产企业取得食品生产许可证是重要的、迫切的,有一定的程序。结合笔的现场审查体会,对企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件的现场审查提出建议。  相似文献   

The effect of activated charcoal containing wood vinegar liquid (Nekka-Rich) on Cryptosporidium parvum was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. First, the adsorption of C. parvum by the activated charcoal component of Nekka-Rich was examined. When mixed, C. parvum oocysts were effectively adsorbed by activated charcoal. Next, the effect of the wood vinegar liquid component of Nekka-Rich was assessed. Wood vinegar liquid had an antiprotozoan activity against C. parvum oocysts. Finally, the anticryptosporidial effect of Nekka-Rich was evaluated in calves experimentally infected with C. parvum. Six neonatal calves at 7 d of age were orally infected with 1 × 105 oocysts of C. parvum. When diarrhea was observed (on d 3 after the experimental infection), 3 calves received a milk replacer containing 10 g of Nekka-Rich at 8-h intervals for 4 consecutive days, and 3 control calves were given a milk replacer without Nekka-Rich at 8-h intervals for 4 consecutive days. Calves fed milk with Nekka-Rich showed recovery from diarrhea 1 d after the start of treatment. Significantly less fecal excretion of C. parvum oocysts was observed 1 d after treatment in calves fed Nekka-Rich. On d 2 from the beginning of treatment with Nekka-Rich (on d 5 after the experimental infection), oocysts were not isolated from fecal samples. On the other hand, nontreated control calves developed severe diarrhea, and fecal excretion of oocysts was consistently observed. Calves in both groups were killed for collection of samples, which were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed adherence of C. parvum oocysts to the intestinal epithelial surface of nontreated control calves, whereas a lack of C. parvum adhesion was observed in calves fed Nekka-Rich. These results suggest that Nekka-Rich would be useful for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis in neonatal calves.  相似文献   

本文对危害分析与关键点控制(HACCP)系统进行简单介绍,并对其在固态法食醋生产中的应用加以阐述,分析了危害物质的成因,确定关键点,确立了关键控制点的临介范围以及该系统的各管理要素,其目的是提高产品质量,并保持产品质量的稳定性。  相似文献   

Visible and near infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy was investigated to determine the acetic, tartaric and lactic acids of plum vinegar based on a newly proposed combination of successive projections algorithm-least squares-support vector machine (SPA-LS-SVM). SPA, compared with regression coefficients (RC), was applied to select effective wavelengths (EWs) with least collinearity and redundancies. Five concentration levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20%) of plum vinegar were studied. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and partial least squares (PLS) models were developed for comparison. The results indicated that SPA-LS-SVM achieved the optimal performance for three acids comparing with full-spectrum PLS, SPA-MLR, SPA-PLS, RC-PLS and RC-LS-SVM. The root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 0.3581, 0.0714 and 0.0201 for acetic, tartaric and lactic acids, respectively. The overall results indicated that Vis/NIR spectroscopy incorporated to SPA-LS-SVM could be applied as an alternative fast and accurate method for the determination of organic acids of plum vinegars.  相似文献   

Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are fastidious micro-organisms to isolate and cultivate despite of the great number of growth media available. Moreover, conventional techniques used to study AAB populations are time consuming and not completely reliable. In this study, we tested the usefulness of the polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electophoresis (PCR-DGGE) as a rapid and cost effective method for the screening of AAB in traditional balsamic vinegar (TBV). DGGE analysis was applied to 19 AAB strains isolated by agar plating from three different samples of TBV. DGGE was also used for the analysis of PCR products obtained from DNA extracted directly from the TBV samples. A tentative species identification was achieved comparing the PCR-DGGE patterns of the isolated strains and the TBV samples to those of 15 AAB reference strains. The results support that DGGE is functional to monitor vinegar's AAB population.  相似文献   

杨辉 《印染助剂》2006,23(10):40-42
如何保证质量管理体系的有效运行和持续改进,是企业获得认证后一个不能回避的课题,本文就影响企业质量管理体系主要因素、存在的问题及应采取的对策进行了初步分析,提出了切实措施.  相似文献   

研究使用超松驰(SOR)方法求解正实线性方程组时的收敛性,证明了在适当的选取松驰因子SOR方法是收敛的,进一步丰富了SOR理论,同时给出了SOR方法在对称正交条件下收敛的充要条件的又一新证明。  相似文献   

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