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As cities have become both site and object of capital accumulation in a neoliberal political economy, the challenges to community practice aimed at creating, preserving, and improving affordable housing and neighborhoods have grown. Financial markets and actors are increasingly central to the workings of capitalism, transforming the meaning and significance of mortgage capital in local communities and redrawing the relationship between housing and urban inequality. This article addresses the integration of housing and financial markets through the case of “predatory equity,” a wave of aggressive private equity investment in New York City's affordable rental sector during the mid‐2000s real estate boom. I consider the potential for community organizations to develop innovative, effective, and progressive practices to contest the impact of predatory equity on affordable housing. Highlighting how organizations employed discursive and empirical tactics as well as tactics that reworked the sites, spaces, and structures of finance, this research speaks to the political possibility of contemporary community practice.  相似文献   

纽约市社区规划的现状述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡伟 《城市规划》2001,1(2):52-54,63
美国的社区规划注重公众参与 ,强调基层社区居民的具体利益 ,在规划的制定、实施过程中往往存在政府与具体社区的对立 ,甚至不同社区的敌对。以纽约市为例 ,对其社区规划的组织、内容、发展过程进行了介绍 ,并阐述了目前突出的几个争议性问题。吸取国外规划的经验和教训 ,对我国的社区发展规划的制定有重要的指导和借鉴意义  相似文献   

通过对几个关键词的诠释,本文描绘美国最都市化的城市——纽约在近来建筑活动中的轨迹。  相似文献   

本文介绍了哥伦比亚大学建筑、规划与保护研究生院利用数字时代各种计算机图型技术,探索建筑的数字化设计方法的情况。通过介绍几个典型的“无纸设计工作室”(paperlessstudio), 进一步阐释了哥大“无纸”(paperless)设计的教学方式;最后指出,尽管在可建造性方面数字化设计仍然有一段很长的路要走,但哥大建筑学院的实验性探索对建筑领域造成的大规模冲击,无疑是极具价值的。  相似文献   

<正>在这里,自然收回了一块曾经非常重要的城市基础设施用地,设计旨在将这条工业运输线转变成后工业时代的休闲空间,"创造"高线之美。"植—筑"的设计策略通过改变步行道与植被的常规布局方式,将有机栽培与建筑  相似文献   

This paper reviews the problem of housing abandonment and discusses local government responses to this issue. New York City is used as a case study because of its large number of abandoned buildings and its varied policies. A framework was developed to examine neighborhood change in terms of three dimensions: physical, social, and perceptual conditions. This approach will allow for studies to evaluate the impacts of public policies on housing abandonment and its people, thus enabling the selection of relevant and proven interventions. Such research may also facilitate local government efforts to develop policies toward preventing housing abandonment before it occurs.  相似文献   

Henri Lefebvre's right to the city concept is increasingly used to challenge the development prerogatives associated with neoliberal development. These challenges are more common as gentrification becomes a global urban strategy. This article is an empirical investigation that examines competing claims to community legitimacy and authenticity in a conflict over gentrification in a Philadelphia neighborhood. This conflict emerged in Fishtown when long‐time established residents went head to head with upper‐income gentrifiers over the location of a casino in the neighborhood. Place‐based identities and the temporal connection individuals had to Fishtown contributed to the differences in perspectives on the costs and benefits of the casino and on the legitimacy of long‐time residents versus newcomers to be representative voices on behalf of Fishtown. The findings illuminate problems in applying the right to the city to neighborhood struggles when communities are divided over what constitutes a benefit to the community. The right to the city may not be a universal claim, particularly within a neoliberal urban context.  相似文献   

邓奕  毛其智 《城市规划》2004,28(5):61-67
由文献考证发现,北京城市社区的历史可追溯到明清。明代社区的基本单位称“铺”;清代社区的基本单位称“牛录”。铺与牛录的依附实体是胡同,胡同的历史即是社区的历史,胡同的文化即是社区的文化。  相似文献   

司马蕾 《世界建筑》2011,(12):97-99
在总督岛的项目中,建筑是综合规划的有机组成部分。通过其形象、功能和使用的材料,建筑不是脱离岛或公园而存在的,相反,建筑是贯穿整个设计的动感、景观和能源策略的基础组成部分之一。  相似文献   

当前我国城市新中心区规划建设的隐忧   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
蒋峻涛 《城市规划》2005,29(11):72-74
辨析了城市中心区与CBD之间的概念差异,针对近年来存在的城市新中心区规划建设过热问题进行了深入剖析,指出突破原有空间结构的束缚、财政困境下的城市经营以及竞争中弱者的扭曲心态是背后存在的主要原因,在此基础上,对影响城市新中心区发展的商务和商业功能的未来发展趋势作出了基本判断,呼吁通过积极推动城市更新和加强市场需求预测来缓解“过热”状况。  相似文献   

Kawi餐厅位于美国纽约哈德逊广场,为DesignAgency与餐饮品牌Momofuku持续合作中的又一个全新项目。Kawi这个名字来源于韩语单词“Gawi”或剪刀,而剪刀正是韩国食品制备中经常使用的工具。该餐厅的灵感源于其行政总厨丰富的餐饮知识、在韩国从事烹饪工作的经验以及她与Momofuku品牌总厨兼创始人Da vid Chang的密切合作。  相似文献   

高原  宋聚生  刘堃 《当代建筑》2021,(11):81-86
我国作为世界上少数存在隔代抚养现象的国家,住区内老年人和儿童共同参与的代际活动十分普遍.随着老龄化加剧和"二孩政策"的放开,如何利用居住区中的户外活动空间为老年人和儿童提供促进代际融合的服务,是文章探讨的主要问题.本文以深圳莲花北村住区为例,对代际活动进行调研和分类,分析不同类型代际活动的空间环境需求,从住区街道空间、活动场地和服务设施三个方面提出促进代际融合的居住区户外活动空间环境营造策略.  相似文献   

王毅  史逸 《世界建筑》2010,(1):96-100
本文从邻里结构、混合功能以及生态技术策略3方面介绍了曹妃甸生态城B3社区的设计理念和方法。通过一个实践工程,阐释了一个宜居、多样、绿色的新形态社区愿景。  相似文献   

2000年6月,纽约时报与房地产开发商森林城市拉特纳集团共同宣布将在纽约第八大道40街与41街之间的地块建造一座大厦,将在其中容纳整个纽约时报集团和其他世界顶级的企业租户。伦佐·皮亚诺及其开发合作伙伴森林城市拉特纳集团在竞赛中胜出入选。这座52层高的钢与玻璃结构建筑不仅为纽约时报公司带来增值,也凸显了其公开透明的企业文化。建筑的基本形式十分简单朴素,与曼哈顿的网格街道布局有几分相似。它体态修长,并且没有使用镜面玻璃或彩色  相似文献   

由于市场的需求,住宅小区一个个应运而生,业主不再只是关注居所满足基本的生活需要,而是有了更高的要求,如对建筑造型、环境品质、小区整体形象的个性化等。北京天恒乐活城在这样的背景下产生,设计方面追求高品质,在规划设计、住宅户型设计、建筑造型设计、建筑节能技术应用等方面都贯彻了"乐活",健康可持续的概念。小区建成后,景观环境、户型设计、单体立面设计等都与小区主题严密的贴合,给业主创造了一个具有乐活精神的家园,经使用后小区好评如潮。详细介绍天恒乐活城的设计成果,着重其对小区个性化设计的探索。  相似文献   

凡来  张大玉 《城市规划》2022,46(5):27-37
以北京市五环内街区作为研究对象,通过相关性分析、空间自相关分析对街区活力及其影响因素在空间上的相似性和依赖性进行分析,利用多尺度地理加权回归模型,进一步分析街区活力的空间分异特征。相比传统的多元线性回归模型和地理加权回归模型,多尺度地理加权回归不仅能有效分析街区活力在空间上的异质性,更能自动调节不同影响因素的回归带宽,进而更真实地反映影响街区活力的影响因素在空间上的变化。结果表明,北京市街区活力整体上呈现明显的“马太效应”,且各影响因素在不同街区呈现出明显的影响力大小差异性分布情况。  相似文献   

李敢 《城市规划》2017,(12):90-96
在快速工业化和城镇化过程中,"社区总体营造"理论和实践曾助力我国台湾地区克服了乡村社区下行发展的困境。在今天的浙江莫干山村,一个曾经有过"民国莫干乡村改进"历史的地方,也正在开展着一种类似于我国台湾社区总体营造的乡村建设实践。其间利弊得失,对于今天大陆如何维系和提升乡村活力或将有着多维启示,包括政府、市场、社会力量如何相互交织发挥作用,以及在此期间,自下而上和自上而下力量又将呈现怎样的利益博弈,又如何定位乡村活力激发的主体及其利益属性。  相似文献   

随着城市化的迅速发展,土地资源紧张,人口压力剧增.为了在有限的土地上承载更多城市的人生活,向天空寻求资源已经成为解决未来社会发展无法回避的问题.在高层建筑的规划和建设中,对高层建筑与社会、城市关系的研究与对建造技术的探索同样重要.本文通过辨析高层建筑与城市的关系,对其中存在的种种误区进行反思,并结合近年重庆部分高层建筑的规划和设计实践,阐述了竖向整合城市功能、营造立体宜居竖向社区的理念和途径.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Port‐of‐entry immigrant neighborhoods have long been a feature of the American city. Dense cross‐border networks are reshaping port‐of‐entry immigrant neighborhoods and creating “transnational communities” where forces of global economic restructuring and practices of everyday life combine into a distinctive form of urbanization. Yet immigration has also created tensions and conflicts. Lack of affordable housing, inadequate access to quality schools, substandard employment, and unmet basic needs are among the problems facing large segments of society. Their resolution has been rendered more problematic by questions concerning the immigration status of many residents. The lack of recourse for undocumented immigrants to the state has meant that the task of resolving these social problems has been displaced onto civil society. This article considers the role of nonprofit, community organizations and social movement organizations—part of an emergent migrant civil society—in responding to a variety of social and economic concerns affecting residents of Albany Park. The community area of Albany Park on Chicago's north side has for decades served as a first destination for immigrants. In 2000 the foreign‐born population in Albany Park climbed to 52%, making it one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Chicago. Through an examination of neighborhood social struggles we consider the ways in which transnational flows of people, commerce, culture, and social practices come to ground in neighborhoods like Albany Park. Then we present two case studies of social activism by segments of migrant civil society. The first examines the antigentrification movement launched by the Balanced Development Coalition, while the second considers workers' rights activism in support of day laborers. Finally, we reflect on the implications of the Albany Park cases for the study of migrant civil society more broadly.  相似文献   

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